I Became the Tyrant of a Defense Game-Chapter 570 -

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Chapter 570: Chapter 570

"Prepare for sortie immediately?"

At the airship dock in Crossroad.

Kellibey asked me with a look of disbelief.

"Are you serious? Gold and Silver are still not fully trained. They're like newborn airships that have only been tested a few times!"

Gold and Silver are the names of the two escort ships of Geronimo. They are new ships that haven't even gone through their launching ceremony yet.

'...Since they are airships that fly in the sky, should it be called a launch ceremony or more accurately, an ascent ceremony?'

Anyway, these two ships, hastily constructed by combining the dwarves' technology and the Lake Kingdom's construction magic, are not yet fully equipped with weapons.

That's why I came here, to urgently request that weapons be loaded first.

"The worst flying monster in history is coming, Kellibey."

I blurted out urgently.

"Since we've received support from twelve airships, Crossroad must bring out all its airships as well."


"There haven't been any accidents during the test flights, right? Or what, do you think the ships made by the dwarves will suddenly reveal an unprecedented flaw?"

"There's no way that would happen, you idiot! Our ships are perfect!"

With a shout, Kellibey stubbornly shook his head.

"But, it is the duty of a shipbuilder to pursue safety above all."


"Airships are completely different from ordinary ships. Ships float because the waves support them. It's the buoyancy borrowed from the sea that fights against gravity on behalf of the ship, allowing it to float."

Kellibey passionately argued while knocking on the hull next to him.

"But what about airships? They can only fly by opposing gravity through lift generated artificially by mechanical devices."


"And these mechanical devices, as much as it sounds absurd for a mechanic like me to say, are so flimsy and fragile compared to the sea's buoyancy or the earth's gravity. That's why we must be all the more thorough."

Kellibey stubbornly shook his head.

"Until the tests are completely finished, we can't move these ships from here. No! I won't allow it!"


I calmly tried to persuade him.

"If those ships don't sortie now, we might not even be able to proceed with those tests."


"There has never been a time when the front lines were not in crisis, but this time, Crossroad might actually fall. What's the use of the ships floating safely after everyone is dead?"

The safety issues of the escort ships, which might or might not arise, versus the imminent threat of the monster.

It goes without saying which is more severe.

Kellibey clenched his mouth shut. I kept pouring out.

"We don't need to take risky flights. Just floating in the rear to maintain the fleet's formation would suffice. That can be considered a part of the flight test, right? We need every ship we can get right now."


"Kellibey. I don't want to make this battle the last one in this world. Please help us sortie."

Kellibey sighed deeply, stroked his face several times, and eventually gave in reluctantly.

"Fine. But I'll personally board Gold. And Silver..."

"I'll take it, Father."

Turning around, a dwarf king wearing a crown - Kellison, approached with his subordinates. Kellibey voiced his surprise upon seeing his son.


"Since I was the one responsible for constructing these two ships. Besides, there's no need to fuss, our technology is perfect. It'll be safe, so don't worry."

Kellison smiled at me with his blond hair swaying, unlike his bald father.

"We'll load the weapons, Your Highness. Just give us 30 minutes. It's just attaching modules, so it'll be quick."

"Thank you, Kellison."

The dwarves swarmed into the airships. I apologized to Kellibey.

"I'm sorry for the unreasonable request, Kellibey."

"No, it's not the time to be leisurely when a monster is coming..."

Kellibey stared blankly at his son. Kellison was personally carrying and attaching the turret modules to the airships.

"...I'll also go and touch up a few last things."

Leaving those words behind, Kellibey ran towards Kellison.

I turned away after watching the father and son silently cooperate in repairing the airships.

The faces of all the workers at the dock were visibly anxious.

The atmosphere of war was now enveloping Crossroad itself.


All sixteen airships were filled with fuel, and maintenance was completed.

As the crew boarded the ships, the captains gathered in one place.

"Before we sortie, it seems necessary to unify the command system."

McMillan, the commander of the Imperial Air Force, said while puffing on his pipe.

"We haven't trained together, and we've just assembled. We need a clearer command structure more than ever."

Suddenly, Kellibey, who had been standing with a sullen expression, stepped forward.

"I'll be the commander of the air fleet, me!"

Wondering why he suddenly said that, there was a reason.

"I can't allow Geronimo to go under Alcatraz and hurt my pride!"


McMillan smiled wryly. His split chin became prominent, and his smile looked smug, but his voice was serious.

"There was a message left by His Majesty, the Emperor of our Everblack Empire. Respect the World Guardian Front and willingly follow."


"I've heard that you have deep insights into airship construction, Kellibey, and that you even know how to pilot one."

McMillan came across as surprisingly amenable, which seemed to catch Kellibey off guard. McMillan continued courteously without losing his manners.

"You must also have a lot of experience in fleet command. If you wish, I will gladly follow your command."


"This is the World Guardian Front, and you, Kellibey, are the overall responsible for the airships here."

Everyone looked at Kellibey.

Kellibey, not knowing what to do,

"Damn, I didn't expect this kind of response..."

He grumbled, stroking his beard, and then raised both hands.

"...I've never commanded the entire fleet before. I'm just a blacksmith and a pilot."

Kellibey gestured towards McMillan.

"It seems you're the expert here. If you can handle seven ships, you can handle sixteen. McMillan, please take command."

"If everyone agrees, I will take command, though I may be lacking."

Everyone silently agreed.

In the modern era where the very existence of airships is fading, Everblack was the only place operating a fleet of seven airships. It would be most efficient for McMillan to take command.

I murmured softly towards McMillan, who smoothly handled the situation and naturally took the baton of command.

"An imperial soldier with flexibility, that's rare."

"Ha-ha. Having seen that, I have to develop some flexibility, don't I?"

McMillan, looking towards the southern sky and trembling slightly at the lips, then looked back at me and gave a crisp salute.

"From this moment, the combined airship fleet, including Alcatraz, is under the command of the World Guardian Front, until the invasion of the monster is completely terminated."

The commander of the World Guardian Front's airship fleet, McMillan, winked at me.

"Please give your orders, Your Highness."

"The orders are the same as before, Sir McMillan. Delay the advance of the enemy. Buy time and gather information about them. And."

I had already briefed McMillan separately about the enemy, including the principles of action. McMillan was well aware.

Still, I emphasized my next words even more.

"Above all, cherish your lives. If the situation turns unfavorable, retreat without delay."

"Your command is received."

McMillan bowed respectfully and turned to shout.

"Alright, let's sortie-!"

The captains boarded their ships, and soon after, with a roar, the airships ascended one by one into the sky.

The airships, emitting different colors of magical light, resisted gravity and soared into the southern sky, eventually forming a formation and shooting off towards the distance.


I turned away from watching them.

While the airship fleet buys us time, I must find it.

The strategy to defeat the enemy.


The World Guardian Front's airship fleet formed a straight line and headed south.

In the center were the seven airships of the Everblack Empire.

On the left wing were five airships from allied countries, and on the right wing, four airships belonging to Crossroad.

Since there was no time for joint training, the sixteen-ship fleet briefly synchronized their breathing while flying south.

Forming formations, designating directions for firepower projection...

Despite it being their first time coordinating, everyone was able to move together without difficulty.

Not to mention the seven from Everblack, the crew members of the other ships were also elites chosen from their respective countries.

In terms of fighting in the sky, they were Aces.

They had more than enough sense to handle airships. Basic coordinated movements were not difficult either.

As they headed south for several hours, the fleet began to spot the approaching giant monster from afar.


A majestic roar tore through the clouds and echoed in the sky.

The faces of the captains and crew members aboard each airship paled. Kellibey, who was piloting the escort ship Gold, also broke out in a cold sweat.

Is such a thing even allowed to exist in this world?

In the center of the red sunset sky, with a halo above its head and infinity-shaped wings spread out behind... the giant fly was calmly moving northward.

Hundreds of legs, unlike before, were calmly gathered together, as if in meditation, presenting a static image.

From the monster's serene appearance, an indescribable solemnity could be felt.

Everyone was frozen when the communication came in. It was from Alcatraz.

"Ladies and gentlemen, good evening. This is Fleet Commander McMillan."

McMillan's voice was as relaxed as usual, but faintly trembled.

"I have never fought a monster before. To be more honest, I haven't really fought humans properly either."

Everyone listened intently to his unexpected story.

"I joined the airship maintenance crew because flying was my dream, so I was just an unremarkable officer responsible for the maintenance of Everblack's airships."


"Though I ended up in this significant position by some twist of fate... still, His Majesty the Emperor believed I had enough insight into fleet tactics. And above all, I know this."

Kellibey's grip on the control handle tightened upon McMillan's next words.

"We are soldiers. And soldiers exist to protect the citizens."

The monster and the fleet quickly closed the distance.

At the same time, the legs of the giant fly, which had been still as a statue, slowly began to move.

"If that monster passes over Crossroad and heads north, countless innocent people around the world will die. Even a layman like me can understand that."

McMillan spoke with conviction.

"Let's stop it here. Fleet, align!"



The airships simultaneously slowed down and came to a halt, turning 90 degrees in the air to face the giant fly with their right sides.

"Ready the cannons!"

Click, clack!

Armors on the sides of the sixteen airships simultaneously opened, hatches swung back, and cannons unfolded.

It was a magnificent sight in itself. The captains felt a shiver run down their spines.

No matter how formidable the enemy, they felt a confidence that they would not lose.

"Feather One, Feather Two! Ready to fire!"

"Kite One, Kite Two! Ready to fire!"

"Ariane Bear, awaiting orders!"

"Geronimo, ready anytime!"

Eventually, all the ships reported they were ready to fire.

"Alcatraz, ready to fire."

McMillan spoke again through the communication.

"A short while ago, His Highness Ash gave us tactics to counter that monster... and said something."

The giant fly's grotesquely long and thick legs unfolded from meditation and slowly extended forward.

Watching this, McMillan spoke calmly.

"This battle will go down in history."

A fleet of airships, unprecedented in modern times.

And likewise, a flying monster of unprecedented scale.

"Since we're going to make history, let's write a legend."

Immediately after, McMillan shouted with utmost seriousness.


Bang! Prrrrrrr...!

The sixteen airships commenced firing in unison.

And towards those airships,


Countless flies poured out from the giant fly's body, darkening the sky as they swarmed towards them.

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