I Become Karna With a Million Times Crit System In Mahabharata.
(This story take place in different timeline and universe)This is the story about boy named Karan getting recarnatated in the time of Mahabhrata as a Karna. Biggest war at that time.What will happen if he become karna in it?What will happened if as a boon he ask System?What will happen if he get to meet those characters? Is he able to chnage their destiny or it will turn worse?Let's find out what will happen when he born into age of God's. Do he able to achieve what he wanted to or something else's.What if this world is as not as simple as he thought, Let's find out.
- C.191 189. Wayward System
- C.190 188. The Curiosity To Know The Unknown
- C.189 187. Eklavaya’s Guru
- C.188 186. Honour Of Guru’s
- C.187 185.Nine-Tail Beast
- C.186 184. Beast
- C.185 183. Kunti’s Facade
- C.184 182. Duality Of Emotions
- C.183 181. The Missing Parshu
- C.182 180. Confused Sage’s
- C.181 179. Karna’s stunts
- C.180 178. Unhappy Karna
- C.179 177. Without Ounce Of Worry
- C.178 176. Hypocrisy Of Politics
- C.177 175. Power Of Choas
- C.176 174. Shock
- C.175 173. Narada’s Fear
- C.174 172. PTSD
- C.173 171. Laugh Or Cry
- C.172 170. Grief
- C.171 169. Steller Warp
- C.170 168. The Pure Raw Power Of Infinite Strength VS The Immense Power Of Infinte Knowledge
- C.169 167. Two Kids
- C.168 166. Child Like Curiosity
- C.167 165. Spirits Of Damned
- C.166 164. Nightmare
- C.165 163. Ganga, The Goddess Of Purity
- C.164 162. Rudra, The Most Frightening One
- C.163 161. Bhishma Not Devavratha
- C.162 160. Not Snake But Sperpant
- C.161 159. Death Premonition
- C.160 158. Heaven Binding Nether Blood Chains
- C.159 157. Drona’s Lust For Reveng
- C.158 156. Array Of Slaughter
- C.157 155. The One Who Time Travel
- C.156 154. The Battle Rush
- C.155 153. Mothers Concern
- C.154 152. Fight Started
- C.153 151. Hurdle Of War
- C.152 150. Narada Muni
- C.151 149. The New Trouble
- C.150 148. System Panel II
- C.149 147. 2 + 2 = 5
- C.148 146. Not An Coincidence
- C.147 145. Other Side Story
- C.146 144. Epiphany
- C.145 143. Infamous Oath
- C.144 142. Humiliation Of Drona
- C.143 141. Undeserved Credit
- C.142 140. Being Reasonable
- C.141 139. New Guru Entry
- C.140 138. Kaliya The Serpent
- C.139 137. Jealous Twins
- C.138 136. The Multiple Ways
- C.137 135. New Unknown Bloom Of Feelings
- C.136 134. Shivanya
- C.135 133. Trimurti
- C.134 132. Ranting In Front Of Mother
- C.133 131. Error 404
- C.132 130. Star-Child Soul Body
- C.131 129. Foodie Fox
- C.130 128. Past Boon
- C.129 128. Kingdom Of Kosala, Ayodha
- C.128 127. Terrified Dhritarashtra
- C.127 126. Double Critical Strike
- C.126 125. Fantasy And Reality
- C.125 124. Need A Bow
- C.124 123. Stupid Fox
- C.123 122. Pig Disguise As Fox
- C.120 119. Ignored Little Girl
- C.122 121. Gifts
- C.121 120. Vaibhav’s Motto
- 120 119. Ignored Little Girl
- C.119 118. Hypothesis
- C.118 117. It’s For Peace
- C.117 116. More The Marrier
- C.116 115. Banter Between Friends
- C.115 114. Everyone Is Villain
- C.114 113. Asura Feild
- C.113 112. Terrified Kaliya
- C.112 111. Super Affinity
- C.111 110. 100 Headed-Serpent
- C.110 109. Asura King
- C.109 108. Paranoid Karna
- C.108 107. Mother Knows Best
- C.107 106. Mother Knows
- C.106 105. Real Friendship
- C.105 Don’t Buy
- C.12 . Chhaya’s Fall
- C.11 . Chhaya’s Oath And Emotions
- C.10 . Birth Of The Goddess Of Shadow
- C.9 . Betrayal
- C.8 . Curse Of Surya
- C.7 . Heavenly Visions
- C.6 . Paranoid King Of God’s
- C.5 . Mother’s Love
- C.4 . Abandoned By His Mother
- C.3 . I Asked System As A Boon
- C.2 . I Asked System As A Boon
- C.1 . The Mighty Chariot Warrior (Prologue)