I Don't Want to Get Hurt, So I'll Max Out My Defense-Chapter 377: 378 Distribution

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Chapter 377: 378 Distribution fгee𝑤ebɳoveɭ.cøm

The Qilin Divine Beast in its true form is a snow-white Fire Qilin, appearing very majestic. Visually, these three Qilin Divine Beasts looked as though they were carved from the same mold.

Except for Ergouzi, the death dog remained largely unchanged from when they first met, still embodying the image of a goofy, grinning Erlang, both amusing and jarring to behold.

“May I ask which City Lord you are, esteemed senior? I have yet to inquire your honorable name and surname.”

Saint Child Huo Yun asked, a question of great concern to all the notables of the Fire Qilin Cave trip.

“Mei Changqing.”

The young man uttered several words lightly, causing Saint Child Huo Yun’s heart to violently twitch.

This name is known by everyone in the Immortal Spirit Continent, as the top expert on the ranking list of the heavens—being considered one of the strongest on the Mainland wouldn’t be an exaggeration.

The expressions of several Protectors also changed abruptly. As veteran experts, they were more aware of the intricacies of the heaven’s ranking than the younger generation.

Although the list has a serious commercial aspect, they had long heard of the fame of Mei Changqing. This is a cultivator at the peak of the Mahayana Realm, who even participated in the last struggle for Immortal Spirit Qi.

His fame didn’t stem from the list, but from the battles he won. Had it not been for the interference from the Eastern Sea, he might very well have obtained a strand of Immortal Spirit Qi during the last skirmish, stepping into the Half-step Human Immortal Realm and becoming an existence on the same level as the three leaders of the Eastern Sea.

To encounter such an expert, known only by rumors and unexpectedly guarding the border, was a startling reality.

Recalling how they had just been posturing before such a being sent involuntary chills down their spines.

The heart held some resentment towards Fire Qilin Cave for not sharing such critical information beforehand. Wasn’t this leading them into a trap?

“Turns out to be the number one on the heavenly list, Senior Mei, I am enlightened!”

“Our conduct may have been somewhat improper, please do not take offense.”

“We of Fire Qilin Cave came here only to alleviate the burden on the border soldiers and to kill more from Flesh Mountain; the rest is but mere vanity.”

Saint Child Huo Yun steadied his mind, speaking slowly.

“Saint Child’s concern for the safety of the border is commendable. Someone, serve the tea!”

Yang Guang put on an expression of deep concern for humanity, automatically ignoring the earlier hiccup.

“This tea is derived from Enlightenment Tea Leaves, serving to clear the mind and improve vision, I hope you won’t find it lacking.”

Yang Guang said with a beaming smile.

Several Saint Heirs took a sip, their expressions instantly turning sour. What Enlightenment Tea Leaves? It was merely plain water, and not even a single common tea leaf was seen in the cup.

Yang Guang was also a crafty and sly fellow, operating in schemes and machinations.

But for now, not much else was said.

“The tea water is very good, indeed a fine tea. It’s just that we are preoccupied with the safety of the border and cannot appreciate its flavor. Let’s talk about the serious matter at hand, for time is pressing, and we are eager to join the battle and slay our enemies!”

The Saint Heir from the second palanquin, Saint Child Huo Yuan, spoke up.

“Quite right, I share the same sentiment. Here, we are all equals; there is no need to treat me as someone special from Fire Qilin Cave. Feel free to command me at any time.”

Saint Child Huo Yun, from the third palanquin, also spoke, his posture very modest compared to before, as different as night and day.

Li Xiaobai felt rather speechless inside. These sacred sons were truly cunning, changing their faces faster than the weather. Having witnessed Mei Changqing’s power, they instantly forgot how they had been jeering and mocking just moments ago.

“The Fire Qilin Cave, being an established force, has disciples who are willing to lower their stance and be so approachable. I must say, I admire that!”

“However, the sacred sons’ itinerary for this trip to the Central Province must have been planned in advance. There’s no need to beat around the bush. Let’s speak plainly, and if any issues arise in the process, we can then discuss them.”

Yang Guang nodded and mumbled a few incoherent pleasantries, then quickly got to the point. The letter he had received the previous day had already stated that four sacred sons would be assigned to reside in four different battlefields to help the cities strangle Flesh Mountain.

“Our ancestor has instructed that we enter the cities in the same order as we arrived. I will enter the first battlefield, Saint Child Huo Yuan will enter the second battlefield, and so on,” Yang Guang said, clearly stressing the importance of the matter, which could not be taken lightly.

All of them were well aware that the four battlefields were ranked by strength—the chance of victory was greater for those entering the stronger battlefields.

“But the order of arrival was decided by you, Brother Huo Yuan. It seems somewhat inappropriate to assign positions based on that,” Yang Guang pointed out, a note of disapproval in his voice.

Huo Yuan said coolly, among the four sacred sons, only his cultivation level was on par with that of Huo Yun.

He didn’t regard the other two Qilin Divine Beasts as a concern, and Huo Yun felt the same.

“Woof, not bad, Lord Ergouzi thinks the distribution should be based on talent. As the most talented sacred son of Fire Qilin Cave, Lord Ergouzi demands to take charge of the first battlefield!” Ergouzi declared, understanding the benefits at stake; it wasn’t foolish. The first battlefield had the most to offer, and that prize needed to be tightly clenched in its own paws.

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Not to mention, just Mei Changqing alone was incredibly strong. If they could gain his support, this trial would be as good as won.

“Fire Qilin, Huo Yuan, are you disregarding our ancestor’s words now? The ancestor said to assign the battlefields according to the order of arrival. Regardless of the process, the result is that I, Huo Yun, arrived first at the Holy City, and entered this City Lord’s Mansion; thus, it is only right that I take residence in the first battlefield!”

“If you disagree, feel free to take the matter up with our ancestor!” Huo Yun’s eyes glittered coldly as he scanned the group, speaking sternly. The Qilins fell silent, including Ergouzi. They all had a profound understanding of the ancestor’s terror—if they disobeyed him, even if they won the trial, they would likely end up slaughtered.

“Hehe, it seems we have a consensus. Then let’s distribute according to what the Fire Qilin Cave’s ancestor said,” Yang Guang chuckled, enjoying the spectacle. The once high and mighty Fire Qilin Cave had lost face today, with their desperation showing in the ugliest of manners.

“So be it.”

Huo Yun cast a contemptuous glance at the other sacred sons, the mockery clear in his eyes—the victor of the trial could only be him.

“However, the first battlefield is extremely dangerous. Yang Chen and Ling Feng are disciples of Devil Cloud Cave, with respectable cultivation levels. Why don’t you two also accompany Saint Child Huo Yun? Consider it contributing to our border efforts. How about it?”

“Your camp in the third battlefield will be under my care,” Yang Guang continued.

“The Disciple is willing to go.”

Yang Chen and Ling Feng were moved, realizing it was a good opportunity to get close to the sacred son, and without a second thought, they agreed to go.

“Haha, it turns out the two of you are disciples of Devil Cloud Cave. Fire Qilin Cave has been allied with Devil Cloud Cave for generations. It’s fated that we join forces in the first battlefield,” Huo Yun said with a slight smile, seeing Yang Chen and Ling Feng as a friendly gesture and investment from Yang Guang, assuming he would win the trial and wanting to curry favor.

He had seen this kind of thing many times over the years.