I Fabricated the Techniques, but my disciple really mastered them?-Chapter 59 - Xu Yan Goes to the Imperial Palace to Temper His State of Mind i

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Chapter 59: Chapter 59 Xu Yan Goes to the Imperial Palace to Temper His State of Mind i

Translator: 549690339

The county magistrate of Yunshan nodded, “We can do that, mobilize all the believers to look for the treasure medicine, but we also need to keep some for ourselves. The treasure medicine might be useful for practicing martial arts.”

The old man in the linen robe also frequently nodded in agreement.

Shi’er continued, “In addition, the expert wants to meet the celestial mother.”

“Then let’s convey the message to the celestial mother and let her make the decision.”

The man in the linen robe clapped his hands decisively.

“Also, we must not disclose the message of the expert in Yunshan County, otherwise the people of the Prefecture City, the imperial city, will all rush to disturb the expert!”

The Yunshan county magistrate gravely ordered.

All the masters of the celestial mother’s church nodded one after another.

Opportunity is at hand, it depends on who can grasp it.

They even refrained from telling people like Kou Ruozhi from the prefecture city.

Yunshan County was not big, Li Xuan wandered around for half an hour before returning home.

Outside the courtyard gate, a figure bowed with a box in hand.

“Yunshan County Magistrate?”

Li Xuan spoke with surprise.

These guys usually avoid him like rats in front of a cat, why did they come to him this time?

“Not at all! Senior, you may call me Little Shan.”

The county magistrate of Yunshan nodded and bowed, showing great humility.

“I’ve heard that you’ve accepted a disciple. I came to congratulate you for this, and to give you this small token of my respect. I hope you won’t reject it!”

The Yunshan County Magistrate raised the box in his hand.

“I appreciate it, I appreciate it!”

Li Xuan took the box.

“Now, since I’ve accepted the gift, if there’s nothing else…”

“I’ll take my leave!”

The Yunshan county magistrate bowed and backed out.

Li Xuan nodded. He seemed to be a sensible guy.

He went into the courtyard, opened the box to find a ginseng root inside.

“This is not an ordinary thousand-year ginseng, the celestial mother’s church has quite a few such treasure medicines. Now, my disciple won’t lack the treasure medicine for cultivation.”

Li Xuan was very pleased with this.

Just as he was putting down the ginseng, another visitor arrived.

Li Xuan sat still in his chair, letting Meng Chong open the door.

It was the old man in the linen robe, also here to deliver medicinal herbs.

Li Xuan didn’t stand on ceremony and directly accepted it.

“It seems the endless mountain range is not as simple as it seems, having all these precious medicinal herbs.”

Li Xuan mused.

The suspicion in his heart was further confirmed.

Of course, it’s still too early to say for sure.

All the masters from the celestial mother’s church came one after another to offer their gifts, and Li Xuan accepted them all graciously.

He would graciously accept their gifts, but if they dared to cause havoc using his name, they couldn’t blame him for not being polite!

These medicinal herbs, could be considered as the life-purchasing money of these masters of the celestial mother’s church.

Meng Chong was in the courtyard trying to comprehend the cultivation technique of the Golden Bell Shield. There was no progress for the time being, but Li Xuan was not in a hurry.

In the evening, Shi’er came to the door carrying a chicken.

However, he was very sensible, not looking for Li Xuan but giving the chicken to Meng Chong, he laughed and said: “Master Meng, here’s the chicken you wanted!”


Meng Chong took the chicken, turned around and went to kill it for making chicken soup.

Shi’er bowed to Li Xuan, who was sitting on the chair, and left.

“Interesting, he is a clever fellow.”

Li Xuan looked up as Shi’er carefully closed the courtyard door behind him and nodded silently. 𝓯𝙧𝙚𝙚𝒘𝙚𝙗𝙣𝙤𝙫𝙚𝒍.𝓬𝙤𝙢

Having someone to run errands was not bad.

He would watch him a bit more.

If he was clever enough and adept at handling matters, he could consider keeping him as his servant.

It couldn’t be that he had to have his disciple do everything, after all, the main occupation of a disciple was to cultivate.

If his disciple didn’t devote himself to cultivation, how could he improve his strength?

The imperial city of Qi Country.

The shock brought by Xu Yan was still yet to subside.

However, many officials’ second generation, leading their guards and servants, left the capital and went to various mountains to find masters.

The royal family mobilized all intelligence resources and hidden agents for this purpose.

The Crown Prince was preparing to find the masters himself.

In this turmoil, he suffered the most.

The princehood position was about to slip away from his grasp.

The ministers who used to support him evaded him as if he were the plague.

If there’s anyone in the capital who feels most aggrieved, it would be Emperor Qi, no doubt.

He felt too aggrieved. Despite being a dignified Icing, he couldn’t show any dissatisfaction towards a subordinate.

What was even worse, that little child Xu Yan was totally bullying him!

Day by day, he trotted into the palace, especially to stroll in the harem.

In the harem, besides him, Emperor Qi, and his underage son, which other man could go in?

However, Xu Yan went in during the day and even at night!

If Xu Yan was going to bed with the concubines and princesses, Emperor Qi could still bear it. At least there was a way to win over Xu Yan. Sending concubines and princesses was a trifle.


Xu Yan entered the harem under the excuse of honing his mind!

According to him, at this age, he’s most attracted to women. If he can remain calm in the face of beauty, his mind will definitely be steadier when it comes to martial arts!

He wouldn’t be disturbed by the material world and could better understand the cultivation technique!

There’s an abundance of beauty in the world, but nowhere more than in the harem!

All kinds of beauty exist there, so that’s why he ran to the harem!

If it were only that, it would be alright. But Xu Yan entered the harem without concealing it from anyone.

How did others see it?

If it’s said that Xu Yan entered the palace to hone his mind, not to sleep with his concubines, not to sleep with the princess, who the hell would believe it?

The ministers looked at him strangely!

As if the crown on his head was not a crown, but a green hat of a cuckold!

If he were truly cuckolded, it would be fine. But he wasn’t. The feeling of being misunderstood is so damn frustrating!

Emperor Qi was all choked up.

But Xu Yan felt that Emperor Qi was pretty nice. He entered the harem to hone his mind, and not only did Emperor Qi not get angry, he even had the concubines dance to help him hone his mind!


Emperor Qi, such a decent person. Why would he think of raiding my house? Could it be the Prefecture Magistrate acting fool?

When Xu Yan came out of the harem, his mind was calm. He felt that his mindset of having “no women in his heart” had improved significantly.

His mind remained firm with martial arts and was not disturbed by external factors.


Master said that having ‘no women in the heart’ makes cultivation divine. This metaphor of a state of mind is truly mysterious.

“At this age, I’m most prone to get swayed by women. If I can do this, not to be confused by women, have clarity in my mind, my understanding of the cultivation technique will not be disturbed by external factors.

“I can devote my entire attention to understanding the cultivation technique.”

The more Xu Yan thought about it, the more he felt that Master’s statement “heart without women, cultivation is divine” was extremely profound.

Moreover, at this age, he was most likely to be swayed by women. Women, for him, were the biggest external disturbance. If he could overcome this, no external factor could disturb his state of mind.

Xu Yan believed he had succeeded.

Beautiful women in Emperor Qi’s harem, he wasn’t moved by them!

“The cultivation technique of the Innate Realm, I seem to have some comprehension of it…” freew(e)bnovel

Xu Yan was pleased, he came out of the harem, moving around in the palace. It was just after court, and ministers were going outside.

Everyone gave him strange looks upon seeing Xu Yan.

He came out of the harem again?

Seeing Guo Rongshan, the ministers in the group secretly wondered, did the Grand Minister ever enter the harem too?

It sounds thrilling!

When could they get a chance to go to the harem for a glimpse of the group of beauties?

Xu Yan nodded to Emperor Qi as a form of greeting. He was thinking about the Innate Realm’s cultivation technique and didn’t notice the strange expressions on the ministers’ faces, so he just left the palace directly.

Emperor Qi saw him off with a smile. When Xu Yan left, Emperor Qi took a deep breath, his face turned serious, beckoned Guo Yunkai to come over.

He issued a decree: “Minister Guo, ministers showed no decorum after court, it’s a violation of court etiquette. Give all of them twenty big beatings, to serve as a warning to others!”

Guo Yunkai was stunned and nodded quietly: “Your servant obeys your decree!”

My darned nephew, he shouldn’t have entered the harem so openly. The Emperor still has pride, you know.

Only he could execute this kind of punishment on the ministers.

That day, the ministers collectively received a beating outside the palace.. Each one of them had a glum face, cursing the dog emperor in their hearts!

This 𝗰hapter is updated by https://𝓯𝙧𝓮𝓮𝔀𝓮𝙗𝓷𝓸𝙫𝓮𝙡.𝒄𝓸𝒎

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