I Have 108 Older Sisters-Chapter 1073 - 1,072, the attack began

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Chapter 1073: Chapter 1,072, the attack began

Translator: 549690339

After Morse’s staff officer saw the satellite photos, he immediately became much more excited.

“The few thousand people in this mountain are definitely the main force of the enemy. They haven’t retreated in time. This is a good opportunity! If we can get rid of them here, we won’t have to go to Kenema city to fight them to the death.

“Three to four thousand people. This is almost the entire army of Kaina City, right? ‘Q According to the previous intelligence, the total military strength of Kaina City didn ‘t exceed ten thousand people. They still have to split a part of the mine to defend the west of Kaina city. Kaina city only has a maximum of five thousand people…

“There might be some errors in the data, but without a doubt, this is the main force of the enemy! General, this is a rare opportunity!

“I don’t understand. Why would the enemy’s main force come here? This place in the wilderness doesn’t have any strategic value. Could it be that they think this kind of mountainous area is more convenient to set up a defensive position?”

“Perhaps it’s for the sneak attack last night. After all, to deal with our elite troops, it’s normal to send out a few thousand main forces. ”

“But according to the news from those sentries, they didn’t find any traces of the enemy’s large -scale military operation. ”

“What could they have found? If their sentries had been effective, they wouldn’t have been ambushed by the enemy and wiped out. I guess they were just a few deserters looking for excuses for their criminal acts!

(‘But why did the enemy’s main force stay in this mountainous area? They could have just returned to Kanimar.

“I think they originally wanted to retreat, but they didn’t expect us to come so quickly, so they didn’t have time to leave.

“No, I think they originally wanted to set up an ambush for us here. From the satellite photos, they even set up a simple position. This should have been prepared for us to have reinforcements chasing after us.”

“So they have an ambush? No wonder the formation outside was so easy to advance.”

“So what if they have an ambush? Such a simple ambush and formation was discovered by our satellites. It Won’t be effective at all. ”

“That’s right. From the battle situation just now, with the cooperation of the artillery, our army can completely destroy their formation. Their ambush is a joke in front of the artillery.”

“But they have three to four thousand people! ”

“We have more people, so our numbers are not a problem. Our combat strength is also stronger than theirs. We can definitely fight this battle. ” Morse stared at the satellite image and fell into deep thought.

There were no other troops around Kannima. Just the ambush that he found in the mountains was not a threat to his army.

This battle could indeed be fought.

Morse immediately made a decision. “Fight! Try to annihilate them as well! ”

One of the staff officers suggested, “Should we split a portion of the Army to surround their escape route?”

Another person immediately objected. “If we continue to circle around, we’ll go around to Kannima. When that happens, we’ll be surrounded by the troops that Kannima left behind. That would be even more troublesome for us. “Then I’m afraid it’ll be very difficult to annihilate the enemy.”

“The possibility of annihilating them isn’t high. Even if the enemy is defeated, they can still run into the surrounding mountains. We Can’t chase after the scattered soldiers. We can only try our best to kill as many of them as possible.

“We can push all the troops forward and bite down on them. That way, it’ll be even more difficult for them to retreat completely. “Then there’s this place… their vehicles and supplies are all concentrated at this location. “We can quickly break through this place and let an army destroy their vehicles. This way, they won’t even have the means to retreat to Kanimar.

“That’s a good idea… Let’s do it.”

Once Morse made up his mind, his staff officers began to convey his orders to the army.

The 5,000-man Army of whale city was not all directly under Morse’s command. In a decisive battle like this, Morse could not possibly use all his soldiers to risk his life.

Apart from the armored forces, there were only about 1,000 soldiers under Morse’s direct command. The remaining 3,000 soldiers were all from the small warlords and pirates around whale city.

The main reason why everyone was able to fight side by side was because of the bounty given by Oasis, and also because of Morse’s reputation.

With such a battle goal, of course, they could not risk their lives too much, and they could not carry out missions that were too dangerous.

Of course, when they had the advantage, it would not be a problem for them to fight a smooth battle.

For example, if there were armored vehicles that followed them into the mountains and provided artillery support from behind, the morale of these pirates seemed to be much higher.

The first batch of pirate troops began to move into the mountains. They followed the main road in the mountains and began to advance in a scattered line, gradually approaching the nameless village.

Behind them were all kinds of military vehicles, ready to support them with machine guns at any time.

Behind them was a long convoy of transport vehicles. Most of the soldiers were sitting in the vehicles and heading deep into the mountains, waiting to arrive at the final battlefield.

At the back was an armored convoy. Morse did not plan to use the armored vehicles as an assault force.

The mountainous terrain was not good for fast driving, and it was not suitable for armored vehicles to carry out an assault. Even if his armored vehicles were very powerful, it was still very dangerous to encounter rpgs in this terrain.

Oasis had actually investigated the previous battle between Abu and the Great Hippo. Although they did not find the great hippo, they had learned from some other information about the battle that took place in the camp of Kanimar.

It was said that Abu’s rpgs were extremely numerous, as if they were free.

Once the armored troops were sent to the frontline, they would definitely face a sea of rpgs attacks. Morse certainly would not let his limited armored forces bear this kind of danger.

Morse personally led the armored troops to follow at the back. He even mixed military vehicles and armored vehicles together to protect the armored vehicles.

There were still more than a thousand troops left outside the mountain. It could be considered as guarding their escape route, in case the enemy suddenly circled the mountain pass and surrounded them.

This arrangement was considered very appropriate for Morse. In his previous combat career, he had never treated the enemy with such caution.

The troops at the front slowly advanced to the vicinity of the nameless village. However, there were no enemies in the nameless village, so the troops at the front still had to continue advancing.

The advancing speed was not fast, and they did not cause too many casualties to the enemy.

On the contrary, some soldiers stepped on landmines in the enemy’s retreating position. This immediately caused everyone to be on tenterhooks, and the speed of the attack became even slower..