I Just Want To Slack off In Cultivation-Chapter 1717 PEI Ling, Please Restrain Your True Nature For The Time Being ...

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Ancestral master "Fu Qiong" waved his hand and a simple thatched cottage appeared. It was empty except for a half-worn futon in the middle of the cottage.

With a flick of the Grandmaster Xing hen's sleeve, white bones appeared out of thin air. In the blink of an eye, the bricklaying of a small white building was completed. The interior of the building was exquisitely decorated in the color of white bones. The embroidered curtain hung low, concealing the graceful figure.

The chariot hung in the air, swaying slightly. Grandmaster Ying ning lay in the chariot. Gradually, the chariot became more and more blurry, like a flower in the mirror or the moon in the water. It couldn't be seen clearly, but the squeaking sound was clear and endless. f𝔯e𝘦𝒘e𝑏𝙣𝑜𝚟𝚎l. co𝑚

The other eight great sects also took out all kinds of magical treasures. For a time, the light of treasures shone everywhere in LAN ke city, and Qi activity rumbled.

&Quot; death " and " calamity " stood still. A huge amount of Yin Qi gushed out from behind them and two huge Thrones rose up. In an instant, they were already on the thrones and hung upside down in the sky. Their figures gradually disappeared into the gloominess of the yin Qi, leaving only a blurry trace.

Bi, Yuan, and snake Xiu had also found a spacious area in the city, staying there.

In the blood carriage, in a spacious hall that did not match the outside world, the throne on the throne was exquisitely carved.

His master, Yao qingying, was still digesting the Xun mu inheritance. Although she was still at the crossing calamity stage, he felt that she was already above the ordinary Mahayana stage!

If this matter had happened in the past, he would have felt very embarrassed.

At the thought of this, PEI Ling instantly transmitted a message to him,"Master, this is a great chess game."

The entire Lanke city had been sealed off by him using the [ underworld fog ]. Other Mahayana realm cultivators could not even observe the outside of the city, much less communicate with the outside world.

Furthermore, if any voice from the outside world were to enter, it would be blocked by the [ underworld fog ]. However, he could now directly hear the voice of Mount Qing Yao from here!

PEI Ling nodded slightly, and then looked towards the eternal night desert.

At this moment, most of the tiny chains had been broken.

Those broken tiny chains were all caused by his last dozen or so inner demon tribulations ... Fortunately, the nine huge chains that were suppressed by the fate energy of the nine sects were extremely strong.

In general, although the seal was damaged, it could not be completely broken for the time being.

It was after he had broken through to the Mahayana stage that the system had given him a Dao companion, and now it had found a true immortal ...

This time, it was a similar situation.

Of course, he didn't faint this time. His body was only slightly numb, and he immediately recovered.

The true immortal's will had once told him that it was the will of chaos ...

The part of the true immortal's will that was clear-headed should be in its 'stainless' state, while the Mad demons that had pursued him in the past were controlled by the 'chaotic' state.

Thus, once a true immortal broke through the seal, their main consciousness should be in its "stainless" state, which would gain the upper hand.

However, if the main consciousness of a true immortal was in the state of chaos, it would be very troublesome. The entire Panhu realm could be turned upside down ...

&Quot; correspondingly, the part of the will in the 'chaotic state' is definitely getting weaker and weaker.

"It's best if she can succeed ..."

Judging from the damage to the eternal night seal, whoever tried to repair the seal would die!

Furthermore, he had already prepared all the evidence for the culprit who had destroyed the true immortal's seal ...

However, he was unable to say goodbye to him before he ascended.

However, when he ascended to the upper realm, the two of them would be able to meet at any time, so there was nothing to worry about.

He had already left a temporary farewell letter to each of his women ...

"The so-called great fortune is only relative. When the time comes, we will definitely encounter many dangers."

"I'll follow my nature for now. It won't be too late to do whatever I want after I get on the creation wood!"