I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot [BL]-Chapter 1057: 16.103 First Red Star - The difference of a Mortal to an Immortal.

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Chapter 1057: 16.103 First Red Star - The difference of a Mortal to an Immortal.

After reciting their vows, each of the six couples received a beam of light from the sky. The audience, including the couples, knelt down while the Messengers of God, Tuya and Keylan Light, remained standing. Although they were also divine beings, they didn't have their own realm and were instead considered partners to the higher Gods.

The couple hears the resounding voices of the Beast God and the Elemental Light God. Only those who have passed the trials are able to hear them. Therefore, once they find their mate, everyone in the city participates in the trials.

The Beast God had spoken, "Children, thee hadst proveth yond thy loveth is true and we hadst seen t ourselves. Congratulations! May thy loveth be et'rnal?"

Translation: [Children, you had proven that your love is true and we had seen it ourselves. Congratulations! May your love be eternal.]

The Elemental Light God had spoken, "The trials are just a tester to knoweth wheth'r thy loveth f'r each oth'r is real 'r not. Only at which hour thee knoweth each oth'r's past and bethought yet still willing to stayeth by each oth'r's side yond our blessing wouldst beest helpful f'r thee. Loveth can square 'gainst all odds yet t eke can destroyeth anyone. Rememb'r believeth in the loveth thee couples possess'd. Congratulations! thee hadst proven yond thy loveth is real."

Translation: [The Trials is just a test to know whether your love for each other is real or not. Only when you know each other's past and thought yet still willing to stay by each other's side that our blessing would be helpful to you, love can fight against all odds yet it also can destroy anyone. Remember to believe in the love you, couples, possess. Congratulations! You have proven that your love is real.]

"Thee may anon accepteth our blessings!" The two Gods said.

Translation: [You may now accept our blessings!]

As the pillar of light grew brighter, a special mark appeared on each of the couples. Conri Lycaon and Carnelian Dawn both had an Azalea flower on their left and right hands, which is their original crest. Esther Dawn and Mayonaka Yoru had a night and star imprint that used to be on their backs, but now it's on their chests. Finally, Asher Light and Amber Dawn received an amber-colored sun on their cheeks. These unique marks signify the bond between each couple and have now been restored.

The elemental abilities of Asher Light and Amber Dawn had greatly increased. While Asher glowed brightly in white, Amber glowed brightly in black. They seemed like a perfect match, like Yin and Yang. The other three Aborigine couples also received rare light elements from the Elemental Light God. These elements were much stronger than the previous light elements and could not only heal and purify but also regenerate limbs. This was truly miraculous in this world.

Following the ceremony, a city-wide dinner feast was prepared using the majority of the meat collected during the first trial. The celebration was meant to congratulate and bless the newlywed couples. The party continued for a long time, but eventually, the couples left to spend time together in their own worlds.

Before the banquet had ended, the Great Elder Tuya had made a special announcement, "I would like everyone to remember one thing. Tonight, regardless of what you see or witness, do not approach and cause noise. You can watch but cannot get involved. Keep in mind that the esteemed guests tonight are existence we can never offend. Do not go out tonight. This is a revelation from the Beast God!"

Despite being shocked and confused by the Great Elder's words, everyone accepted them and kept them in their hearts. Little did they know that they were about to witness something unforgettable. As the night wore on and the party came to an end, many party-goers were too drunk or full to move and had to be carried home. Eventually, most people had made it home and gone to sleep, but one final couple made a dramatic entrance.

Shen Siwang and Mo Baojun opted for a private ceremony in the middle of the night, devoid of any audience. As divine beings, they saw no need to have spectators present for their ceremony. Hence, they chose to hold it at a time when most mortals were asleep. Clad in ancient crimson robes made of Phoenix feathers, their attire radiated under the moonlight, while the stars bore witness to their union.

The veiled face of Mo Baojun remained hidden, but his long silver hair flowed behind him like a river of stars. With each step, he created a path of ice for the couple to walk on, while the light elemental fairy manifested a bright pathway for these Esteemed Beings to traverse. They never touched the ground, instead walking on a thin film of ice that covered their path. As Gods of Sovereignty, even their slightest movement could impact or destroy the world.

The evening sky was graced by a splendid sight of a gold dragon and ice phoenix, leaving behind trails of gold and white. Onlookers gazed in awe from their windows, fascinated by the magical display. Asher Light and his companions also witnessed the spectacle from the roof of Elder Tuya's house, despite being prohibited from leaving the premises like other city residents at the moment.

Conri Lycaon commented, "Is this gold dragon a bit similar to the black dragon Lord Fenrir had shown in the academy before?"

"It's not only that. Don't you think that smiling man looks a bit like Lord Fenrir?" Mayonaka Yoru said. All of them had seen how Fenrir Skoll looked as Ye Xiajie when he opened a portal for them.

Asher Light said, "But their demeanor is completely different, this person's aura is holy and full of light. He even possessed a stronger light aura than Instructor Keylan Light and even Lord Mikaela."

"Are they Gods from beyond like Lord Fenrir?" asked Amber Dawn?

Carnelian Dawn said, "They possessed a similar aura to both Lord Fenrir and Headmaster Cassius. Especially the person with the veil, his aura is very similar to Headmaster Cassius."

The youngest Dawn sibling, Athan Vladimir, had met with the Headmaster numerous times in the past. Athan desired to awaken his ability to dominate beings, and the instructors had explained that only the Progenitor of Blood could grant him this ability. Therefore, Athan requested an audience with the Headmaster.

Meeting the Headmaster face-to-face was a different experience than seeing him on stage. The Headmaster's icy and cold aura was not as apparent from afar, but up close, Athan could barely look into his silver eyes, which seemed to see through Athan's deepest secrets. When the Headmaster asked Athan to protect Amber Dawn, Athan never questioned the task and followed through with it. It now dawned on Athan that the Headmaster may have assigned him to protect Amber because they were related by blood.

Carnelian Dawn said, "Maybe Lord Cassius is also like Lord Fenrir, they were beings not of our world."

Suddenly, the children heard a familiar voice butting in their conversation rudely as always. It was Randall Ruid whom they never expected to see in this world.

Randall Ruid said, "Correct. You got it right kid~ Lord Cassius is Lord Fenrir's missing wife. We came to this world to pick him up."

"Don't be noisy. It's a Mateship Ceremony for the Supreme Sovereigns." Luther D'Arcy reprimanded.

The students started to see their instructors there. This is another world different from the original, how can they be here like this when they didn't even see them pass through that same portal they used to get here?

"Instructor Randall! Lord Luther! How can you guys be here!?" The children were shocked. 𝑏𝑒𝘥𝑛𝑜𝑣𝑒𝘭.𝘯𝑒𝑡

Luther D'Arcy said, "We're on orders. The Lord ordered them to accompany Sovereign Ruler Shen and Sovereign Ruler Mo in this world where they also completed their Mateship Ceremony. This kind of ceremony is much more useful for Gods than to mortals after all."

"Sovereign? Ruler? Not Gods?" asked Asher Light.

Randall Ruid snorted and said, "Even Gods have a hierarchy. The Gods that own the worlds can only be considered Domain Gods or Martial Gods. They are above Demigods. They are Gods capable of leaving their own plane to go into another world. The Beast God and Elemental Light God are Martial Gods."

"The Deities are below Demigods, they are what you consider as World Saints, Hero, and Demon Kings. As for Demigods you already meet Keylan Light, he is one bit he already became a lesser Martial God, he can't own a world because his power was given to him by Mikaela the Heavenly Laws of your world and your Domain Lord. He can't leave your world without him."

"Above those are God Kings, Mythical, Celestial, Immortals, and Sovereigns. Sovereigns are those who own a whole system that controls universes, worlds, and existence itself. They can decide the end of the world with a single thought and no one can stop them if they truly feel like it." Luther D'Arcy said. "I don't need to explain the details as it's a position you can't achieve no matter what. Maybe the strength of the Martial God can be achieved with hard work but the rank above those can only be achieved by the approval of the Special Entities like the Light, Life, Death, Void, and Chaos."

Mayonaka Yoru somehow understands the explanation but since he isn't a God himself there is no clear difference between Keylan Light and Mikaela's level in his eyes. The only clear difference in strength he knew is between Lord Fenrir and the other Gods.

"Then are you saying that like Lord Fenrir, these two Esteemed Beings are on the same level as them?" asked Mayonaka Yoru.

Randall Ruid said, "Of course! Sovereign Ruler Shen is Lord Fenrir's brother after all. While his wife is Lord Cassius' Uncle."


"Most Higher ranked Gods are from the same similar Bloodline. Especially for Gods whose origin is a God, they were the most powerful." Luther D'Arcy said.

Conri Lycaon said, "Are you saying Lord Fenrir is a born God just like that couple just now?"

"Yeh, we too are born as Gods as well. But we are weaker than those who were born from the Ancient Eon like Lord Fenrir and them." Randall Ruid said.

In the end, people regarded him as a mysterious being. Those born as gods were unlike anyone else - they could avoid death unless they were careless, and their lives were mostly infinite. Asher Light now comprehended why someone might destroy a world in anger, only to effortlessly repair it with a simple gesture.

It's understandable that Lord Fenrir only gave them a fleeting glance. Compared to him, their lifespan was short. They felt lucky to have received help from such a powerful being. It wouldn't be surprising if Lord Fenrir decided to just watch as their world ended, as it wouldn't affect him.

There are two beings - one is immortal and the other is mortal. Their timelines have always been different and they can only cross paths momentarily. The immortal is seen as a mysterious being by others, as they are born as gods and have the ability to escape death if they are careful. Their lives are mostly limitless. Asher Light now understands why someone might destroy a world in anger, only to effortlessly repair it with a simple gesture.