I Really Didn't Mean To Be The Saviour Of The World-Chapter 427: 287: Confused By The Situation 2

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Chapter 427: 287: Confused By The Situation 2

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Translator: 549690339 | 7 *—

The three were so shocked that they were dumbstruck.


“You said?”

Charles Butler: “Mr. Clark, don’t joke.” ƒrēenovelkiss.com

Harrison Clark laughed without speaking.

The other three gradually thought of Harrison’s achievements, and with his wisdom, making such a judgment seemed reasonable.

However, if someone else said this, they might be sent to a mental hospital on the spot.

Harrison laughed, his laughter growing brighter. “You don’t really think I’m naturally this generous, do you? If I hadn’t analyzed and rigorously deduced that humanity is already in extreme danger, why would I be so magnanimous?” “Why not let my country dominate alone, then harvest the world, and enjoy the easy life? I could live comfortably for the rest of my life. I could become the world’s richest man in a few years. Then I could learn from your rich, throw spicy parties every night, and live a luxurious life unimaginable to ancient emperors. But I don’t, why? Am I stupid? Do I really have no selfish motives?” After a long time, Harrison stood up. “Alright, let’s call it a day. Thank you all for your help.”

Charles stood up abruptly, “Mr. Clark, I need to confirm again, are you serious?”

Harrison countered, “What would be the point of lying to you?” He left.

Sometimes, talking ambiguously can be more intimidating than being straightforward.

Hinting at these things to these people was just another seed he planted.

He didn’t expect to change things overnight. A little progress at a time was enough.

He was deliberate in choosing who to communicate with.

Charles represented capital with a bit of integrity, while Raulsen and Ethan Evans were scholars who, although conscious, were influenced by infiltrated thinking.

The combination of these two types of people directly determined the upper structure here.

As they left Beverly Hills in Paul’s car, a black sedan was parked on the side of the road.

A middle-aged man stood there, slightly restrained.

Harrison asked Paul to stop the car, got out, and greeted the man, “Hi.” The Investigator nodded slightly, “Hello, Mr. Clark. You can leave at any time, of course, we also welcome you to come back at any time.”

Harrison snapped his fingers, “See, this kind of communication is very enjoyable. Tell your boss I look forward to working together.”

The Investigator nodded, “I’m sure it will be happy. Oh, and there’s one more thing.”


“Please inform your friends in your country to release the people.” Harrison: Emmm…

He really didn’t know about this. He hadn’t been very social these days and no one had told him.

“Alright, I’ll look into it.”

He called seven or eight people in his home country. Finally, Chris Owen told him to ask Avril Green, and he got the news from her.

As he was framed for a crime here, the actions in his home country were swift too. Nearly twenty people from the other side, including journalists, exchange scholars, businessmen, and tourists, were controlled on the spot.

These people indeed had some handles on them, much more credible than the charges Harrison was framed for.

Of course, compared to Harrison who had to hide in slums, these twenty people were still better off, well-fed and cared for in hotels.

Times have indeed changed, this is called parallel measures.

After hanging up the phone, Harrison shrugged, “I believe in the fairness of my country’s laws. Their restrictions have nothing to do with me, so I can’t release them. They should cooperate with my country’s investigation. The muddled will stay muddled, and the clear will stay clear. If there’s really no problem, they will naturally be released. If there is indeed a ghost, then I mean not to release them, and they should accept legal sanctions.”

The Investigator frowned, “Mr. Clark, this isn’t appropriate, is it?”

Harrison shrugged. “What about it? Want more? Have any more weapons? Should I perform another trick for you?”

“No! Not at all!”

Strength and weakness can seem complicated at times, but they can also be simple.

Harrison Clark eventually boarded the direct flight from Carlisle to Oxfordshire without any hassle.

He had been delayed here for ten days, but the harvest was still quite rich.

Dr. Ethan Evans had already shown a strong inclination to join, and would probably arrive within six months at the latest.

Another medical expert, Lamont-Nigel Ramsey, was a renowned expert in congenital genetic disorders and cancer pathology in Europe and America, and was bound to win the Nobel Prize in Medicine within a decade.

This man had just retired from his position as dean of the medical school, and his intention was even stronger than Dr. Ethan Evans’. He almost packed up and followed Harrison ight away, but Harrison managed to hold him back for the time being.

The breakthrough project he had previously planned was somewhat lacking in the medical field.

He was worried that once they arrived, there might not be suitable work for them immediately, and it would be a waste of their precious lives.

These were the more tangible gains, while the hidden ones were even greater.

He planted two seeds that could quietly break through the barriers of consciousness.

These two seeds could either die inside or take root and germinate, speeding up the resolution of opposing geopolitical patterns in civilization, ushering in a new global landscape of relative fairness early, and having significant potential effects on technology, economy, and humanities.

In the process of civilization, when technology becomes as important as politics and military, many seemingly unsolvable problems will naturally dissipate.

Regardless of the system, in the end, they will all converge and focus on the same essence—people-oriented.

The essence of Harrison Clark’s actions is to constantly explore, try, and correct mistakes, and find the most efficient way to move forward.

Now, after experiencing multiple timelines and different eras, he has gained a new understanding of social systems personally.

No matter what pattern, a unified goal and rational competition are the best choices.

This is not a simple project, and he intends to use his technological monopoly to try to break the deadlock during his lifetime, with a certain chance of success.

Such things could never happen in normal history, as no one could steal ideas from a thousand years later like he did.

Upon arriving in Oxfordshire, Harrison walked out of the airport and got into the Bentley that Ward Owen had been waiting in outside.

“Master, you’re finally back, I missed you so much!”

The dead fat man has grown bolder lately, daring not to sit in the front but in the back row with Harrison, even trying to pounce on him for a hug.

Harrison held back the fat guy’s rolling face with a backhand, his palm sinking into it, “Act normal.”

The dead fat man shrank back onto his seat, sitting upright and not daring to make a fuss anymore, only saying, “Master, you don’t know what it was like here a few days ago. We were all in a panic. My dad almost contacted some people in Mexico to try to help you.”

Harrison’s eyelids twitched, “Thank him for me and tell him I appreciate the concern.”

Ward Owen shook his head, “Well, that was before. After he talked to Rainer, he came back looking calm and mysterious, only telling me that ‘what the Buddha said cannot be uttered.’”

Harrison chuckled, “Is that so? That’s good then.”

“Seeing my dad so grounded, 1 also settled down a lot. But Lucia was even more fierce, flying to London that day and going straight to her grandfather’s study. She almost caused a huge mess.”


He felt a little complicated.

He chose to start with the alien threat theory in Europe and America for a reason, not merely on a whim.

But he never anticipated Avril Green’s impulsive move at home.

There were too many details in his mind that had been overlooked, such as Avril’s feelings and the fact that her family background would support actions taken under extreme anxiety, which might have severe consequences.

“Sigh.” Harrison let out a sigh and looked out the window.

Some people seem destined to miss each other in this life.

It’s not about who’s let who down, Harrison has never done anything deliberately, but things just happened unknowingly.

He could understand everything and could never blame Avril.

If people’s emotions could really be controlled, wars in history could be reduced by at least 70%.

Seeing Harrison deep in thought and looking remorseful and guilty, the fat guy vaguely understanding something in his heart.

The fat guy decided to change the subject, “Oh right, Master, I have some bad news for you. In the past few days, both you and Meng were not around, and you had an accident. No one could contact you, so the company was headless, and everyone was panicking..”