I Really Didn't Mean To Be The Saviour Of The World-Chapter 453 - 300: The Return of the King 4

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Chapter 453: Chapter 300: The Return of the King 4

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However, their voices and styles were slightly different.

Carrie Thomas’s transitions were stronger, and within a single syllable, she could play with ascending and descending keys as effortlessly as a butterfly flitting through flowers.

Avril Green’s specialty, on the other hand, lay in her explosive bass notes-a stark contrast to her outward appearance. Her voice could be soft and emotional, and just as suddenly erupt into tsunami-like bursts of power, creating a dramatic contrast.

Of course, Carrie Thomas could essentially imitate Avril Green’s skills and characteristics perfectly. However, since they were singing together, it was only natural for them to play to their individual strengths.

To harmonize with Carrie Thomas, Avril Green had to be in peak condition, while Carrie Thomas could effortlessly contribute her part.

As Julia Lambert had worried, the weak link after their first recording session was the drumming.

While the others had no issue with it, he was extremely dissatisfied with himself.

Although he was an amateur, as the deputy of an internationally renowned entertainment giant, his taste was not to be underestimated.

“It’s no good, I need to practice more. Let’s try it again later! I’ll go back and practice tonight, and during the day when I have time too! I don’t believe I can’t do it!”

Everyone announced the end of the session and went their separate ways.

Julia Lambert headed straight to the headquarters of Summit Ventures, simultaneously arranging for a percussion instructor employed by the company to take position.

He planned to practice relentlessly in the company’s recording studio.

On the third night, after an accumulated sixteen hours of practice, Julia Lambert barely crossed the amateur threshold with this song.

He was still reluctant to stop, but Harrison Clark and Carrie Thomas both halted his training.

Both of them essentially had the same message.

Came Thomas bluntly stated, “You’ve reached the limit of your performance skills, and further practice won’t bring any improvements. We should just start now.”

Her unspoken words were left unsaid. She had only taken a week off from Mason Academy, and any more delays would cause her to be absent longer than planned, which was not ideal.

Harrison Clark, on the other hand, said, “It’s the thought that counts, not the skill level.”

Actually, Harrison Clark’s time was even tighter than Carrie Thomas’s.

It was already May 25th.

Due to the time difference between China and the United States, and his constant travel between the two countries, his sleep schedule had changed, with slight variations in his dreams’ timing.

However, based on his numerous experiences, he knew that he would soon “enter the dream” tonight.

He personally preferred to have a taste of the completed track before returning to the past.

In this way, when he listens to it again after a thousand years, there would certainly be deeper feelings.

At 10 p.m. on the third night, the recording was finally completed.

The Salvation Band announced their temporary dissolution on the spot.

Harrison Clark didn’t rush back to sleep; instead, he drove Carrie Thomas to the airport for her direct flight to Los Angeles.

By the time he arrived at the entrance of Chesterton Apartment, it was already 1 a.m.

As soon as he got out of his car in the underground parking garage, he heard a deep male voice from behind.

“Harrison Clark.”

He turned around abruptly, and a shadowy figure with a rushing wind charged towards him.


Everything happened in a flash, but the attacker’s movements appeared to slow down dramatically in his eyes, as though time had been set to a slow-motion mode.

Coming at him with a punch was a young, square-faced man, with sword-like eyebrows and starry eyes, towering in stature.

The man’s punching technique was tempered through countless trials, ruthless and efficient, with a hint of military rigor.

If it were an ordinary person, they would surely have been hit full force in the face, either killed or badly injured.

But in front of Harrison Clark, it was far from enough.

Instantly entering combat mode, his body tensed in a flash, and a terrifying murderous intent soared into the sky.

His heart thumped violently as thick blood surged like a raging torrent, feeding vast energy to every part of his body.

At the same time, Harrison Clark had already completed his basic fighting moves with deceptive speed.

Right hand clenched into a fist, left hand blocked.

Bending his knees, swinging his arm, and throwing a straight punch aimed directly at the attacker’s face.


However, his punch didn’t land on the attacker’s face but stopped just three millimeters from it.The unusual noise was the sound of his fist suddenly piercing through the air with full force, the shockwave caused by the sleeve of his clothes rolling through the air.

Unknowingly, his left hand had already reached out and grasped the opponent’s neck.

The man who swung his fist at Harrison Clark’s face was first met by a strong gust of wind, distorting his features.

The gust swiftly dissipated, and his movement was halted where he stood.

He swallowed, his face feeling cool from the wind.

A bead of sweat the size of a soybean was slowly trickling down his forehead.

In the instant just now, he almost thought he was going to die.

Harrison Clark retracted his hand, lowered his head to look at his tattered sleeve, and then raised his head to look at the man before him, his expression suspicious.

“You…you’re good. Just a joke, didn’t expect such a big reaction from you.”

The man raised his slightly trembling hand.

Harrison Clark shook his hand lightly, “Quite a scary joke. Who are you? I feel like I know your face.”

He genuinely thought the man in front of him looked familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere before, possibly more than once.

The man should also feel fortunate that Harrison Clark reacted fast enough, otherwise, he would have been in real danger just now.

“Lucius Green, Avril Green is my sister. Nice to meet you.”

The man introduced himself.

Harrison Clark was astonished, “No wonder you look familiar, you do resemble

Avril Green. Nice to meet you, why are you looking for me?”

Harrison Clark was not telling the truth.

The siblings’ appearances were quite different, Avril Green was gentle, while Lucius Green was more masculine, with even greater differences in their temperament.

Harrison Clark reacted immediately and retracted his hand because Lucius

Green looked more like another person in his memory.

Suddenly, Harrison Clark’s pupils constricted.

He remembered now.

In a timeline a thousand years later, the man who had been Nora Camp’s superior and the close confidant of Julia Lambert in the most recent timeline, the Venus Commander, Mr. Green!

Another surname matched, spanning a thousand years.

He was taken aback in his heart.

In several timelines, Mr. Green had always been one of the high-ranking military and government leaders. freeweɓnøvel.com

But Harrison Clark had thought that this was due to his exceptional talents and had never considered Mr. Green’s lineage.

Now he knew.

Behind Avril Green’s family, there had indeed been a lot of talent, their family maintained its wealth and prosperity for a full thousand years, it was truly remarkable.

Harrison Clark’s feelings were quite complicated, this situation differed from the absolute fairness he desired, and he did not know if this was good or bad.

But he soon gave up on pondering this thought.

Looking at Avril Green’s character alone, one could see that the Greens had a mature system of educational upbringing for their descendants, and if all the descendants of this family were as outstanding, why not be prosperous?

It is also a kind of injustice for an excellent family to fail to pass down its lineage.

Hearing Harrison Clark’s question, Lucius Green hesitated for a few seconds and said, “Nothing really, I was just curious and wanted to get to know you.” Harrison Clark nodded, “Now we know each other, so what’s next?”

Lucius Green was stunned, “Well, there’s nothing else, goodbye, we’ll have a chance to eat together later.”

With that, he turned and ran, soon disappearing from sight.

Harrison Clark stood in place, took out his cell phone, thought for a few seconds, but ultimately did not call Avril Green.

He thought to himself, this person was mysterious, but he probably represented someone who came to test him, only to be so shocked by his powerful punch that he could barely speak.

Go upstairs, wash up.

Get into bed, go to sleep.

Before going to sleep, he pondered in silence.

What would happen this time?

Would he return as a king, or would his efforts be in vain?

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