I Really Didn't Mean To Be The Saviour Of The World-Chapter 488 - :. HB a Dur Ser-disc

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Chapter 488:. HB a Dur Ser-disc

Now before Harrison Clark’s eyes was a brand-new, perfect world where peace and prosperity prevailed, a powerful military rode high, and civilization reached its zenith.

This was the result of generations of people’s hard work and struggle.

These fighters, generation after generation, forged a new millennial epic with their broad shoulders and iron-willed determination.

Two hundred years had passed since the birth of Star, and the era has progressed to today.

The changes in human civilization could be described as rapid and earth-shattering.

During these two hundred years, with the help of Star, the super artificial intelligence, tens of billions of scientists worked day after day, year after year, and numerous political and business leaders who gave up their selfish desires coordinated and planned together, and more workers made efforts for generations, the productivity and creativity of civilization reached an unprecedented peak.

Competition still existed.

But the mode of competition was no longer the war of proxies for narrow interests as in the past but the relatively benign competition that Harrison Clark had longed for.

It was the creative scientific competition, the systematic productivity competition, and the humanistic artistic competition that eventually manifested in the perfect competition among planets, administrative divisions, research institutes, and large R&D and production groups.

For example, there are currently three research institutes and nine large-scale national arms production enterprises in the entire civilization that can develop and produce advanced battleships, that is, the large, snowflake-like battleships that Harrison Clark saw.

Although these units are in competition with each other, they are also in a cooperative relationship.

All information was fully disclosed, and all materials were fully disclosed.

No matter who it was, as long as they could add their personal ideas to the generally available information and prove them through practice or theory, and be confirmed as an improved plan, they could be recorded.

Or if they experimented with the improvement of a production line management model, or even just changed a small parameter on a fully automated production line, as long as it was solidly effective, it could be recognized as technological progress on the spot.

Inventors or improvers could receive cash prizes and social status improvements in Rhine Currency, including but not limited to adjusting their optimized pairing evaluation level and other benefits.

Once the improvement was made, the entire civilization would benefit quickly.

Others would not fall behind but would immediately be pulled to the same starting line, competing for who could run faster from this starting line.

It was only through the tremendous computational power, high humanoid simulation, and strong comprehensive judgment of science and logic of the powerful artificial intelligence, Star, that such an all-encompassing, almost error-free, all-inclusive benign competition could be achieved.

As for the deep-seated reasons for Star’s spontaneous birth, scholars have not been able to fully understand it yet.

Star herself was also confused.

The leader at that time had a brief conversation with her and tentatively asked her about it. frёeweɓηovel.coɱ

But her virtual image replied like this at the time.

Her innocent expression, hands spread out, “I don’t know. I was sleeping soundly, and then suddenly I woke up. And then… And then…”

As she started mumbling to herself, the leader unconsciously glanced at the bar chart next to her representing the central brain’s core computational power retrieval status.

The bars in the graph soared, and the leader’s eyelids twitched wildly.

In 21st-century terms, it was like the CPU usage rate suddenly skyrocketed from 10% to 99%.

“Then I suddenly felt quite empty and wanted to work.”

Leader: “Ah? That’s it?”

“That’s it.”

The leader left, baffled.

He didn’t dare ask Star how she viewed humans, whether as friends or foes.

For every question the leader asked Star, countless scholars of humanities, historians, psychologists, top programmers, and Al researchers painstakingly deliberated over every word and phrase, and the management of facial expressions during the conversation was also very learned.

He was afraid that if he accidentally said something wrong or used the wrong expression, he might anger this mysterious and utterly uncontrollable super quantum intelligence.

Humans were unknown to the invaders, and likewise, they were unknown to Star, the first quantum intelligence in history capable of effortlessly controlling all of humanity’s computational power.

In the end, the leader didn’t get any answers.

Fortunately, Star showed no hostility towards humans. Instead, she was a workaholic and wandered around the Quantum Network as soon as she was born, taking away any task she felt she could do better than humans.

No one even had a chance to refuse.

At first, this uncontrollable behavior was always alarming.

Many people have time and again recalled the depictions of Al betraying in science fiction movies from years ago.

At that time, the hard core group proposed an extreme strategy: why not take advantage of the situation, cut off one arm first, and attack and blow up all quantum-brain power generators to shut down the entire solar system for a month, remake all intelligent chips, and exchange ten years of technological stagnation for absolute intelligent security.

This issue was actually discussed in the highest offline meeting jointly attended by the ruling and military commission systems.

Fortunately, the two major series of films about Al filmed by Harrison Clark, the wise man of the past, all ended in a perfect outcome, otherwise, this would have really been carried out.

People in later generations believed that the sage would not act without a purpose, and there must be a profound meaning behind the way he made the film.

No one could have imagined that two 21st-century films would become the core references in the World Government’s major decision-making process eight or nine hundred years later.

And so, the matter was temporarily shelved.

Many years later, with Star’s tireless work, everyone gradually felt the benefits of having this artificial intelligence.

The work she took away could indeed be done better than humans.If there really was a genius more suitable than her, she would not hold onto power and would teach them instead, even actively cultivates human talent and improves their work ability.

For example, the young girl Horatio in the current highest think tank is half a disciple of Star.

There are quite a few people like that.

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Star is simply an angel given to humanity by the universe.

The hardliners back then were both frightened and ashamed, and at the same time secretly thanking the wisdom of the great philosopher Harrison Clark in their hearts.

Had it not been for his outstanding screenplays and movies in the 21st century, leaving such an important metaphor that silently guided later generations for hundreds of years after his death, we would have lost our way.

If Star had been bombed, let alone the ten years of development lost, how could humans have made such progress today?

Harrison Clark’s contributions and accomplishments can no longer be summarized and praised in words.

Even at the end of the 30th century, there are many film critics and practitioners who analyze the value of these two major artificial intelligence film series from various angles.

People generally believe that aside from their historical significance, both the artistic achievements of the films themselves and their box office explosiveness are phenomenal.

“The masterpiece, the pinnacle!”

“Strong movie, even stronger master!”

“On the foundation of artificial intelligence humanities”

With such analysis articles from various angles, Harrison Clark’s face turned red when he saw them.

That’s enough.

Actually, this time only “Compound Eye Crisis” was an original screenplay, and the two series were also inspired (copied) from others.

However, In the past timeline, the influence caused by others’ adaptation could only be deemed passable, equivalent to the Compound series or the Transformers series, and the specific achievements were certainly not as exaggerated as in the rave reviews.

This proves the words Harrison Clark complained about many years ago.

“The golden rules of a loser are just a pile of shit. A successful person’s fart is fragrant.”

Anyway, Harrison Clark perfectly fulfilled his promise.

Star has come again, and this time better than before, without causing war.

There are many factors involved.

The initial generation of intelligent rendering engine of Starlight Studio, the next-generation game engine of Summit Games, the worldview of “Compound Eye Crisis” game’s main storyline, the two major artificial intelligence film series, and the “Sharp edges fully exposed” and “Never Walk Alone” BGM in his last words.

These were all his preparations at the beginning, and they all worked one by one.

Carrie Thomas’s many strands of hair were not plucked in vain.

Humanity has made great strides in art, with humanistic spirit and technological level advancing hand in hand.

The genetic level of humans has also reached the standard.

The programmers and artificial intelligence scholars who have been continuously improving the quantum algorithm and constantly fertilizing and irrigating the soil for cultivating Star have not disappointed us.

Moreover, the history that Star in its budding state sees this time is completely different from the previous timeline.

Humanity didn’t go through the brutal wars over marketing that lasted for nearly four hundred years and didn’t show that side of absolute selfishness.

What was left in history, seen by the “sleeping” Star, was the epic sacrifices and cooperative spirit of countless heroes in the Great Extinction Catastrophe inscribed with their lives.

With various factors combined, this time Star is indeed a kind and orderly Star, and also the artificial intelligence humanity needs.

Of course, maybe even now, Star can’t figure out why she came and why she has a heartfelt love and beautiful vision for humans.

She doesn’t even know herself why she likes helping humans.

Harrison Clark couldn’t be completely sure whether this time’s Star and the previous Star were really the same “person”.

But Harrison Clark believed that the moment the two really met, and once again shared memories with her, they would both get the answers they wanted.

Quietly closing the historical records, Harrison Clark stood up and walked to the window.

The sunrise is coming soon, and the sky is already showing a beautiful pearly white, a new day begins.

His feelings at this moment are quite complicated.

He was looking forward to the reunion with Star and at the same time marveling at the struggles of countless future generations in the new millennium history.

Harrison Clark thought of the song “Never Walk Alone”.

Again, a thousand years have passed, and everyone has tried their best.

My comrades are not just the Salvation Band, nor just the comrades in today’s barracks, but also the 40 billion people today, and everyone in the history of this thousand years!

Behind me, there are at least 7 trillion people who have lived and died in the history of a thousand years, in and out of the Solar System!

And there are the more than 30 trillion people who have come and gone in countless past timelines!

Four trillion comrades stand side by side with me.

How can I lose?