I Really Didn't Mean To Be The Saviour Of The World-Chapter 526 - 344: The World is Sick l

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Chapter 526: Chapter 344: The World is Sick l

The Lost Warriors were stunned.

They silently looked at their Galaxy Battle Armor.

At this point, the Galaxy Battle Armor of the Lost Warriors had been suppressed to a level equivalent to the Drogon Armament.

Seeing how others wore the same equipment, and then comparing it to themselves, they felt ashamed.

A total embarrassment.

Meanwhile, as the aftershocks from Harrison Clark’s battle continued to spread, the aerial traffic network immediately entered an emergency evasion mode.

Flying vehicles and ships passing by quickly changed their routes.

Aircraft and ships in the sky also activated their shields and quickly retreated.

This sky had become their battlefield.

Three minutes later, a shadow fell heavily from the sky, smashing into the ground and into the crater.

Another shadow, with sparks flickering, slowly descended from the sky.

Both the Lost Warriors and Amelia Johnson’s team craned their necks to watch.

Because the distance was too far and they couldn’t obtain the information on the military armor, everybody had to rely on their naked eyes to judge the outcome.

The second shadow to land wavered a little, almost losing its balance.

The armor on its body fell off automatically due to the high damage rate.

“Medical team, hurry up, this idiot is barely alive, protect his head at once. His body… don’t bother, it’s melted, it needs to regrow.”

He spoke, and his voice was transmitted to everyone present.

It was Harrison Clark’s voice.

He had won.

The Lost Warriors were first silent, then shocked.

Unbelievable, he had actually won.

Not just the people present, but also the scholars of the War God Research Institute who were watching from afar and the others who joined the communication were dumbfounded.

Competing at 36.7% awakening degree against 37%, and leaving the opponent with only a breath left?

And the one who lost was Needham Brown?

Harrison Clark didn’t care about others, he sat down on the ground, right on top of some red-hot smoking armor debris, and quickly jumped up to change his position and rest.

He was panting heavily, wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, but his hands were full of blood.

That was close.

He had nearly shattered Needham’s head.

As for himself, he was indeed injured.

His injuries didn’t seem severe, but they were actually quite dangerous.

Harrison Clark’s battle armor had been damaged by over 95%, far exceeding the automatic protection threshold. The shield energy value had dropped to zero and the armor’s physical protection had completely failed.

If he got hit by Needham again, he would have been a goner.

Over there, Needham’s personal soldiers rushed up quickly.

As expected, Needham’s Armor was shattered, his eyes closed tightly, and he was unconscious.

The medical professional soldiers carefully lifted the armor bit by bit to help him up.

However, when the medical staff reached in, they came up empty-handed.

Needham’s body had melted away, turning into a pool of blood.

His head, with eyes tightly closed, had already lost all consciousness.

Harrison Clark walked up while receiving simple treatment, looked down at Needham’s head, and sighed.

“I told you before, just the head would do.”

Seeing that others were still wasting time carefully, Harrison Clark simply took it himself to save time.

With a hiss…

They pulled him out.

Beside them, a fully functional medical robot opened a compartment and the head was placed inside.

With a snap.

Secured in place.

Covered the lid.

Gene information scan completed.

Under the transparent compartment cover, countless nanoscale protein pipelines swirled out like hair strands, probing into the wounds on Needham’s face, the top of his head, and the severed neck.

Harrison Clark was about to walk away when Needham suddenly opened his eyes, and his brainwave communication came in, “Wait till I recover, and we’U fight again!”

Harrison Clark calculated that with the current medical conditions and Needham’s Resurrection Factor, it would take him about half a month to recover.

In half a month, his own awakening level would be 36.85%, still not very confident, and Needham would still be at risk of dying for real.

“Not interested, you’re too weak.”

Harrison Clark shrugged.

“At that time, I will challenge you with an awakening degree 0.4% higher than yours, and you won’t have a choice. Even if you hide at the ends of the earth, I will find you.”

Harrison Clark paused, “What the hell is your problem? Are you not satisfied until you die by my hands?”

Needham Brown: “It’s also possible that you’ll die by mine.”

Harrison Clark: “You motherf…”In the previous timeline, with the help of his companions, he had used a particle-interference bomb to blast enemy ships and kill a Compound-Eyed Observer.

For his last step in the previous timeline, humans had exhausted their last drop of blood until only he remained.

But looking at the current trend, if he were to die in the next battle against Needham Brown, the humans might not necessarily win against the Spherical Battleship, let alone a possible massive fleet.

The world’s technology progressed at an extremely high level, and people’s awakening rate was unprecedented. It seemed like a colorful and perfect utopia on the surface, but people’s hearts were scattered, twisted, lacking rationality, and not resilient enough.

People’s hearts were like fragile castles in the air.

The leaders of the World Government talked about responsibility, but they didn’t dare to take on the heavy burden of leadership themselves, and even attempted to cultivate a leader to help them bear the responsibility through opportunistic means.

This was absurd from the very beginning.

If you really have a sense of responsibility, just step up and take responsibility!

Even if you make mistakes, no one will blame you, because choosing you to be a leader is a collective responsibility of humanity.

Life and death are predestined; wealth and nobility are determined by fate.

It is only natural for weak civilizations to lose to strong ones.

But if you don’t try, how will you know if a bicycle can turn into a motorcycle?

So, Harrison Clark thought that the world was actually sick.

Seriously ill.

But he had no right to be angry or accusatory towards others.

Because he had realized that he himself was the cause of all the wickedness and the source of all the evil thoughts in the cocoon room.

But I’ve tried so hard.

Why is it still like this?

Did I do something wrong?

I always want to do my best.

But why is it that every time, there are various shortcomings?

I once wanted to fight against the shadow that looms over humanity.

I never imagined that, through my efforts, I would become a new shadow.

Who can tell me what is the right way to do things?

Ahead, the medical robots quickly ascended to the sky and flew to a distant place, arriving at the Earth Medical Center in about five minutes, where Needham Brown would receive the best care.

Harrison Clark stood still for a long time, slowly turning his back as the basic armor on the other Lost Warriors fell off one by one.

The sourc𝗲 of this content is frёeωebɳovel.com.

They looked at him with eyes full of admiration.

However, Harrison Clark simply waved his hand unenthusiastically, “That’s it for today. Everyone, disperse.”

After saying that, he didn’t wait for anyone else to speak, and walked away alone, leaving the theater and finding a high mountain. He lay casually on a large rock, resting his head on his hands, silently looking up at the starry sky.



“What is the War God Research Institute’s evaluation of Needham Brown?”

“Almost all of them are above SS level.”

Harrison Clark, “Heh, how funny. They probably think that I’ll become a leader soon.”

Star, “The outlook is quite optimistic.”

Harrison Clark laughed again.


Do you really understand how difficult it is to become the leader of an entire civilization?

I’ve been so cautious and trembling like walking on thin ice, yet I still made mistakes!

So, who can be infallible?

There’s no such thing as a perfect leader in this world, it’s just a matter of whether one has the opportunity to make up for the mistakes after they happen.

At this moment, Harrison Clark didn’t know that the tens of thousands of Lost Warriors and the other 2.2 million Lost Ones did not leave, but remained seated in place.

No one knew when it started, but other Lost Ones had also heard about what happened here and rushed over from afar. They saw the aftermath of the battle between the two, the desolate landscape, and the lingering smell of gunpowder in the air.

Then, whether they were warriors or not, they all started to review the first- person perspective of the battle between Harrison Clark and Needham Brown and watch it.

A few hours later, the vast plain was filled with 800 million people.

In the distance, the sky was getting brighter, and the sun was about to emerge.

Everyone was thinking about some seemingly simple but profound truths in their hearts.

It was the Lost Warriors who felt the most strongly about this.

Most of these people had lost their fighting spirit due to being stuck at a certain point in their awakening progress. But now, Harrison Clark had told them with ironclad facts that talent was not absolute, and that even with a lower awakening rate, they could still show abilities beyond their own limits through hard training.

Battles are life and death, and victory and defeat are decided in an instant.

A child armed with a wooden sword, if willing to risk their life to attack, can stab to death a muscular man.

So, we were wrong.

If we are just hiding in the Lost City because we can’t increase our genetic awakening progress, how can we live up to the sacrifices made by those who turned themselves into armor and fought with their lives during the Great Extinction Catastrophe?

How can I live up to myself?

Our current awakening rate is much higher than that of our predecessors!

That was the warriors’ thoughts.

As for other researchers and workers, their thoughts were quite similar.

All along, they only needed a reason to break out of the deadlock.

Today, with a 36.7% completion rate, Harrison Clark completely defeated Needham Brown, who had a 37% completion rate, giving these people a reason to break out of their rut.

As the sun rose, Amelia Johnson, who had been pondering throughout the night in the theater, came out wearing a large performance art armor.

“Everyone, I have something to say.”

Almost 800 million people looked up at her.

She took a deep breath, and the armor on her back radiated a brilliant glow, forming a statue of Harrison Clark, the sage, in the air.

She said slowly, “Both Sage Harrison Clark and Captain Harrison Clark wanted to tell us one thing – whether it is an individual or a civilization, we must face the vastness of the universe and the long years with the right attitude.”

“There must be people better than us in the world, and civilizations stronger than us in the universe. But the weak are not born to die. The weak should, of course, resist, and if they want to live a dignified life, they must learn four words – surpass the superior!”

“To surpass the superior, we should not expect someone else to lead us; that is the lazy and cowardly behavior. Everyone should maximize their own abilities, even if they are useless; be a useless person with killing power.”

“But we also need to recognize our own state of being and not feel inferior or depraved because we can’t reach unrealistic goals. If you can do one thing, you should do it.”