I Was a Sword When I Reincarnated (WN)-Chapter 719

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Chapter 719

719: A Portion of Sibylla's Power

《Analysis complete on individual named Sibylla.》

『Oh! Announcer-san! Seriously?!』


I suddenly heard Announcer-san's voice. How reliable it is!

It seems like Announcer-san's sharp eyes of observation had discovered something.

《Based on our observations and measurements, I believe that the individual named Sibylla possesses an estimated 27 different resistance skills.》

『27? A whole 27 resistance skills? Really?』

《Affirmative. All of them are at a high level, and combined with pain nullification, instant regeneration, etc. This is the true defensive nature of the individual named Sibylla's abilities.》

To think that the first possibility I eliminated was actually the correct one.

In other words, it's not a single super strong damage reduction skill, but just a myriad of resistance skills?

How is that possible? I know how to get resistance skills. Everyone in this world should understand how.

It is very simple. All you have to do is to take attacks you want to gain resistance to for a long time. But practically speaking, no one possesses a huge number of resistance skills. Even among high-level adventurers, I have never seen anyone who had several of them at a high level.

The reason was obvious. The road to getting resistance skills is paved with suffering.

If you want to increase the level of your resistance, the attacks you'd have to go against will have to increase as well. It will never get easier no matter how long you go at it.

How much time and anguish would it take to reach Sibylla's level?

For decades on end, you'd have to be subjected to all kinds of torture day in and day out. I think it would be impossible unless you live a life like that? No, it should still be impossible. As the level of resistance skill gets higher and higher, it would be more and more difficult to find someone who could match that resistance with their attacks.

『Well, what's more important is the way to break it.』

As Fran and Sibylla begin the clash again, I exchanged information with Announcer-san.

《Resistance to the divine attribute and blunt damage appears to be lower than the others.》

『If she has that many resistance skills, would it be a good idea to attack her a lot to make her run out of magic?』

《Negative. It is hypothesized that the magic consumption is too low. There is also the presence of a magical tool inside her body.》

『A magical tool?』

《Details are unknown. It appears the magical tool is sealed inside her body and allows her to draw out its enormous magical power. As a result, she is believed to have enough magic to use several powerful skills in succession.》

『You mean similar to how Fran is able to draw out my magical power?』

《Affirmative. If the fight continues, there is a 59% chance that our magic will run out first.》

That's a bit of a bad bet……

『What do you think we should do?』

《Currently, there are four options that can be implemented immediately.》


That's my Announcer-san!

《The first one is to attack by releasing all abilities. By making full use of the Potential Release, Sword God Transformation, Divine Manipulation, and Wizard skills, there is an 88% chance that she can be slain, even taking the resistance skills into account.》

『No, that's a bit much…… I especially don't want to use Potential Release.』

Even if we could win here, we would go into the semi-finals in shambles. And there is the risk of losing our lives. Is the cradle of time going to help? Not necessarily. If activates on Sibylla first, it won't be on Fran. There's too much to lose.

《The second method is to use teleportation to transport Sibylla far away and leave her behind. The rules have been revised since last year: if a contestant stays outside the barrier for more than 3 minutes, they are considered to have abandoned the match.》

Last year, Fran's use of teleportation to get outside the barrier was the reason for the rule change. Indeed, it could be quite difficult to come back in less than three minutes if we dump her far away from town.

『But that's kinda……』

Fran would not be happy with such a win. And neither would the audience. Even if we win, they will boo us out for sure. If that is the case, it would be better to go head-to-head and lose.

The trouble with this 3-minute rule is that it wouldn't be possible to win by filling the barrier with water or turning it into a vacuum. I doubt we could suffocate Sibylla in a mere 3 minutes, though the same would go for Fran and other contestants too.

If we tried, we would be the ones disqualified for leaving the barrier.

There is a strong possibility that even Mordred's lava stored in our dimensional storage would not work against Sibylla's extraordinary level of resistance.

《The third method is to use self-evolution points to find another method. With the abilities of the opponent unknown, it is not guaranteed, but there is a possibility if we use the 52 points we currently have.》

『Such as?』

《Attributes we have not yet used for attacks. For example, by putting points into moonlight magic, necromancy magic, etc., we may find an element that Sibylla has low or nonexistent resistances to.》

Well, that makes sense, but there's no guarantee that it'll work…… Since we don't know the skill composition of our opponent, we can't be sure that we can win by strengthening a particular skill.

However, it is the most reasonable option.

『What is the last option?』

《The fourth option is to use the blessing of the Chaos Goddess.》

『Eh? Wasn't that some weird ability that makes you resistant to chaos or something……?』

《The power of chaos has been detected from within Sibylla. I can certify that at least one of the sources of her strength is the power of chaos.》

『Really? You mean, she's related to a dungeon? Or does she have some kind of blessing from the Chaos Goddess?』

《Details are unknown, but if we can convert the blessing's influence over chaos into an attack, we should be able to greatly reduce her power.》

『Is that possible?』

《Affirmative. A blessing is not a definitive power, but rather a well of possibilities. It can have various effects depending on the will of the bearer. First, you must focus your awareness on the blessing.》

I tried to focus on the blessing of the Chaos Goddess that was supposed to be inside me. But I can't seem to get a feel for it.


《Go deeper. Focus your awareness of the root of the individual named Master.》


I enter my deepest self.

It's a little scary.

Because there are so many things sleeping deep inside me. Fenrir and the evil god. The memories of the time when they ran amok in the beast country came back to haunt me.

I know that was the effect of the Mad Oni skill, but I don't know what will happen if I carelessly touch the things that were sealed away.

《Don't worry. I'm here.》


As if guided by Announcer-san's voice, I focus my attention.

『Is this……?』


My consciousness touched something warm. I see, it seemed to be similar to the power that the Chaos Goddess was emitting. This must be her blessing.

I draw out its power consciously.

『Such, amazing power!』

《Assisting with control. The individual named Master will use this power for the individual named Fran's benefit. Please focus on what kind of power you are forming with it.》

『What kind of power to form……?』

《Turn this blessing's influence over chaos into an offensive power, the power to slay chaos.》

I let the power coming from the blessing of the Chaos Goddess flow outward. The power would go out of control by itself, but I forcefully stop it, and use it to coat my blade.


『Sorry to keep you waiting, Fran.』

Fran's expressed her bewilderment at the sudden increase of the divine attribute, but a confident smile soon appeared on her face.

She must have understood that I had awakened to a new power. Sibylla's face, on the other hand, looked somewhat stern.

「Ha-ha-ha! What the hell? You've suddenly become more intimidating!」

She must have sensed that I was a danger to her, with her keen intuition as usual. For the first time since the beginning of this battle, Sibylla voluntarily moved away from us.

However, she was angered at herself for reflexively stepping backwards. Immediately she glared at Fran with an expression more serious than ever.

『Use this power to tear her apart.』

「Nn. I'll cut you down!」

「Ha-ha-ha-ha! Just see if you can!」

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