I Was a Sword When I Reincarnated-Chapter 1017

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1017: Dwarves and Demonkin

Adol, who had already activated Divine Sword Release, struck at the giant antidemon.

The divine sword’s power was as impressive as always, even with Adol’s reduced level. A blade of pure compressed divine energy extended from Alpha, allowing Adol to easily sever the giant antidemon’s legs.

An overwhelming slash, as if rending space itself. Moreover, this was only the first strike.

The following onslaught tore both of the goliath’s legs into a million pieces, slamming his huge body down to the ground again.

It was as if his legs had been deleted from existence. I almost couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

However, even those lost legs began regenerating immediately. I felt like I was watching the growth of a plant in fast forward, starting as a sapling and expanding into a towering tree with tremendous speed.

The only saving grace was that his regeneration wasn’t instant. I’d say it took about 30 seconds for those giant legs to regain their original shape.

Adol grit his teeth upon seeing this.

「I must admit you are the strongest of antidemons. In that case, I merely have to erase you from this world!」

Erase the antidemon completely before he could regenerate……? That would certainly be enough to kill him, but is it possible, even with a divine sword?

On top of his size and power, he’s getting supplied unlimited mana from the Abyss Eater. He must be top class in terms of regeneration speed and barriers.

「Can you do it?」

「……My blade is the strongest divine sword, the symbol of Silard’s prestige! Defeating an enemy of this caliber will be a simple matter, as long as I use my trump card!」

It sounded as if he was trying to convince himself. Though not a lie, I don’t think he truly meant those words. It’s more like he had no choice remaining. He had to pump himself up.

However, Adol did not get a chance to use his trump card.

A large group suddenly appeared right next to the giant antidemon. An army of more than 1000, popping up out of nowhere.

At their center was a short female dwarf with an intimidating aura, and a demonkin woman clad in a ominous necromancy-aspected mana.

「Fuhahahaha! The Snorabbit army has arrived!」

「Ahahahaha! You are now in the presence of the Demon Lord! Bow down before me!」

It was the two queens leading the dwarves and demonkin armies.

Just like before, Jayne must have used her ability to cloak her entire army. Their stealth was so potent that even we couldn’t sense them in the middle of a battle. Moreover, this was the Demon Lord and her most trusted guard.

I have to say, that ability is incredible nasty. Making enemies with them might be more dangerous than any individual, regardless of how strong they are.

But should she really be exposing such a potent ability to foreign nations like Silard and Snorabbit? I wouldn’t be surprised if some nations were willing to preemptively strike the demonkin to get rid of such a big threat.

I guess Orfalve and the dwarves were fine, but the Holy Nation was clearly untrustworthy…… Maybe the two nations were distant enough to deter invasion? Or did they have even more tricks up their sleeve aside from the army cloaking ability?

Adol canceled his plan upon seeing the two queens’ armies, lightly clicking his tongue in frustration. It seems he wouldn’t go as far as to risk getting them caught up in the strike.

「Do it!」

「「「 Roger! 」」」

As we watched, the dwarves began their assault, strengthened by the support magic of the demonkin. Their target was the right leg, which was still in the process of regeneration.



Despite their rather strange shouts, their movements were perfectly synchronized.

Dozens of dwarves delivered a strike infused with immense mana at the exact same time.

Each slash had enough force to fell a great tree, and they were delivered all at once. Not even the giant antidemon’s barrier could withstand such an impact.

The explosion-like slam blew off the goliath’s armored carapace. He immediately began regenerating, but the next round was already ready and waiting.

The dwarves had taken a five-row formation, continuously dishing out max power attacks with the first row, before swapping with the rows behind them.

However, the giant antidemon wasn’t going to take this sitting down. He slammed his massive arm to flatten the dwarves. A mighty crash with the force of a falling skyscraper.

Fran almost shouted upon noticing this, but the dwarves knew what they were doing.

「Shield squad!」

「「「 Roger! 」」」

In response to their queen’s order, the dwarves that had been on the sidelines stepped forward. They took the greatshields from their backs and held them high above their heads. Then, they shouted at the same time.

「「「 Holy Shield Art - Power Shield! 」」」

It was a spectacular sight. By clustering together and activating their shield arts simultaneously, they had created one super-sized magical shield. This caught the goliath’s hand head on, and repelled it.

Apparently, those shields were powerful magical tools with the ability to enhance shield arts. Even so, I never could have imagined they were capable of repelling the goliath like that. They even calculated the perfect angle to push him.

The giant antidemon had lost his balance after getting knocked backwards. Perhaps planning for such an outcome, the demonkin launched their barrage at Jayne’s command.

The giant antidemon collapsed once again, this time on his back. I think his body was just too huge to control reliably. The titan-type antidemons had the same issue.

The dwarf-demonkin allied forces really showed us what powerful armies were capable of. But for some reason, the two queens didn’t seem very happy.

「This will not work.」

「Yeah. We’re gonna be the ones losing if we don’t try something else.」

Even after such a breathtaking display, the two exchanged discouraging comments.

「We can’t win?」

「Indeed, not at this rate. Black Lightning Princess, you can see it too, yes? Despite applying such an absurd regeneration ability, it does nothing to drain his mana levels. In fact, they are even growing as we speak.」

「Chipping away like this is pointless. If we’re gonna win this, we have to do it with a bang.」

「We can manage to hold him back for now, but we are only exhausting ourselves.」

「This is the first time seeing such a nasty creature in all my years.」

So both of them reached that conclusion. I was thinking something similar. In the end, everything was as Adol said. The only way to defeat this monstrosity was to annihilate him so thoroughly that regeneration was no longer possible.