I Was a Sword When I Reincarnated-Chapter 1040

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1040: Back to Nocta

After parting with Trismegistus and the others, we headed back to Nocta. Our plan was to rest up in this city before moving out.

「Fran! You’re safe!」

「Fran, you’ve finally returned!」

Sophie and Mea, who had returned ahead of us, greeted us in Nocta. Thank goodness, Sophie seems to be doing better than expected.

Sophie’s escort Nelsh was following closely behind her. I could feel his strong determination to stay at her side, since he got left behind during the battle with the giant antidemon.

Though unconscious the last time we saw him, Ashwrath also gave us a wave while leaning on the gate. His injuries didn’t seem serious either.

「Nn! There were no antidemons, so it was easy.」

「Like I thought. We didn’t see any antidemons on our way back either. Is this a result from weakening the Abyss Eater?」

「Nn. We won’t see any antidemons for a couple days. Or maybe only few in a number?」

Fran explained to the two what Trismegistus said. Well, she didn’t remember the more complicated parts, but she got the main idea down.

「Those who can’t fight must leave……? There’s no way that’s going to happen.」

「Hmmm. This certainly appears to be a difficult conundrum.」

Sophie responded with anger, and Mea responded with confusion. Since Sophie was one of the people who drifted onto the continent, she knew well just how hard it was to leave.

Mea seemed to be considering how everyone would survive outside of Gordicia from a practical point of view. Though a tomboy, she was still a princess. She understood how difficult accepting refugees was.

「I might be able to accept a small number of beastmen based on my authority, but I will need to consult with my country if they number in the thousands.」

「The Beast King would probably say “Gahaha, take them all in.”」

「Fran, is that an imitation of my foolish father? Though it indeed sounds like something he would say, that man still sits on the throne as king. Even he cannot accept them so easily.」

Though the Beast King appeared to be a really laid back guy, he still ran the country as a proper king. Such important decisions could not be made with the entire nation’s support.

Besides, excluding the adventurers, knights, and soldiers, a majority of the people in Gordicia were felons and their descendants. Any country accepting them out of the good of their hearts is taking huge risks.

「However, a complete rejection of refugees will also be difficult due to the words of the gods. The first issue at hand will be persuading the nations abusing the Gordician Duty as a convenient excuse. After that, perhaps we can eventually find a place for everyone who wants to leave as pioneers?」

In this world, living as a pioneer involved incredibly hard labor. Well, not like it was an easy job on Earth either, but the danger level was on a completely different level.

They must live in the frontier regions untouched by human hands, which are often dangerous zones inhabited by countless monsters and beasts.

The ones cultivating these lands are usually criminal slaves or even nobles sentenced to hard labor as a punishment.

In other words, not much different from living in Gordicia. On the contrary even, it might even be worse compared to their previous lives in Gordicia’s many cities.

「But that’s too awful……!」


「Don’t be. It’s not your fault, Mea. Is there no other way?」

「Hmm…… Unfortunately, nothing immediately comes to mind. Perhaps we could find another solution after considering the issue a bit longer.」

「Nn! I’ll think about it too.」


We were talking about something really important, but I couldn’t help but laugh. Their friendship was so beautiful. I’m so happy Fran and Mea found another friend.

That’s when someone else approached us.



It was Velmeria, the dragonkin girl with light blue hair. We last saw her in tatters, but she seemed to have recovered quite well.

This was my first time seeing her without her ponytail, and the white dress she wore made her look like a proper noble lady. I guess she’s technically the daughter of a noble and a priestess, so “noble lady” is technically correct.

「I heard that you and Urushi saved my life. Thank you.」

「I’m glad you’re okay.」

「……I am, though I ended up being pretty useless during the fight.」

She fell in battle without any chance for resistance, and then got manipulated by the enemy. In the end, Urushi had to take her and run. Velmeria considered herself a warrior, so she must have found this unbearably frustrating. She clenched her fists with her shoulders sagged.

「But you’re still alive.」

「……Yes, I am. And thanks to you, I’ve also reunited with my mother.」

Frederick and Tilanaria stood a short distance away. We only saw her half-crazed face while she was being manipulated, but the current Tilanaria wore a gentle expression.

Although the color of her hair was radically different, her facial features were pretty similar to Velmeria’s.

「What are you doing next?」

Fran suddenly asked Velmeria the question. Come to think of it, Velmeria was the perfect example of someone who couldn’t leave the continent, right?

She’s a wanted criminal in and around the Kingdom of Kranzel, as well as a half-dragonkin. There’s no way she could obey Trismegistus’ order to leave the continent.

Apparently she’s already heard the details from someone else, but she seemed to be completely unworried.

「I am a warrior, and Mother still has the position of priestess. We’ll figure something out. As for Frederick…… we can probably figure something out for him too.」

Frederick was in the exact opposite position from Velmeria. Dragonkin law prevents him from staying on the continent.

Still, Velmeria didn’t seem pessimistic in the slightest. Maybe things really will be fine.

An hour passed after Fran’s reunion with her friends.

We left the complicated reports to Izario and the others, while Fran went to Mulsani’s Ladirua Trading Company to check on Nadia’s condition.

「Fran. Sorry for worrying you so much.」
