I Was a Sword When I Reincarnated-Chapter 1079

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1079: Raydoss's Next Move

We began interrogating Derrick at the Adventurers Guild… though we quickly ran into trouble. Satia’s assistance was required to get anything out of Derrick, and asking her for help was a last resort.

Regardless of how Kranzel wants to treat her in the future, they can’t afford to keep relying on foreign royalty for matters like this. Maybe it would be fine if a neutral guildmaster requested her aid, but the same circumstances don’t apply to the acting lord.

Nobles need to avoid anything that would put their own nation at a disadvantage, so it’s only natural to not want to indebt yourself to foreign entities.

Meanwhile, Derrick refused to crack under pain. He gave Fran a resentful stare as she held him up by the collar.


「Oi. Spit it out already.」

Fran blasted Derrick with a wave of intimidation and killing intent powerful enough to kill the average man. He was left choking and coughing, yet he still refused to give in. I have to admire the man’s perseverance even if he’s an enemy.

She then slammed Derrick to the floor and pointed my blade at him, though she wore a troubled expression. Fran probably can’t think of any other way to get him to talk. Did we need Satia’s help after all?

「Is there some kind of potion for making people talk?」

「You mean like a confession potion? Not in this town, since they are considered dangerous drugs. We need to apply for permission and get approved before we can gain access.」

In that case, wouldn’t it be faster to transport him to the capital?

During Fran’s discussion with the lord, Urushi slowly approached Derrick. He stood right in front, before opening his mouth threateningly. No, this was no mere threat.


「…! Grh!」

Urushi breathed out a cloud of gray smoke from his mouth. Derrick quickly shut his mouth and eyes, turning his face away.

「Woof woof!」


However, he could not help but cough when Urushi punched his stomach with his front paw. That made him inhale much of the smoke.

「Arf arf.」


Derrick’s cheeks turned red and his mouth opened halfway, as if he was in a feverish dream. Urushi poured gray smoke on him again and again.

『Are you trying to imitate Satia’s method of using multiple poisons to cloud his judgment?』


Wow, it seems he understood Satia’s strategy completely after only seeing it once, and was able to perform the same thing by himself. Such amazing learning speed!

『Good boy, Urushi!』


『Fran, let’s try asking Derrick some questions.』

「Nn. Was it your friends that showed up in Bulbora?」


Great, Urushi’s poison is working perfectly. Derrick just answered Fran’s question truthfully.

Though we didn’t get much new info, this corroborates the info Fran gave the guild.

The guildmaster showed the most interest in the question about Raydoss’s spies. We asked how they planned to inform Kranzel of the incident after luring Phyllius into attacking the village.

「So they were going to send adventurers connected to Raydoss into this town as false witnesses.」

It seems the adventurers of Dars had a spy sent by Raydoss among their ranks. This spy was originally an adventurer hired as an escort for the Morley Trading Company, used by Raydoss as a front for its activities. However, their true identity was one of Raydoss’s secret agents.

Fran probably forgot all about her, but I still remember Khanna, who was apparently a daughter of the Morley Company’s chairman. We had met her on our way to the kingdom of Belioth.

At that time, Fran only thought of Raydoss as a minor nuisance. She’d never overlook such a thing now though.

「For now, let’s search out anyone related to the Morley Company. Also, I suppose we should detain any adventurers rushing in with a report about Metelmam.」

We tried to interrogate Derrick further, but he went silent for a moment. It seems he was incredibly worn out and on the verge of losing consciousness. Judging from the fact that recovery magic wasn’t healing him much, I guess he had severe mental fatigue.

Nevertheless, he seemed to have recovered his strength a bit. After opening his mouth again, he began speaking, albeit slowly.

We found a great deal of new info that we didn’t hear earlier. Among them was some really bad news.

「A second wave is on its way to southwest Kranzel, targeting Bulbora.」

It seems Raydoss had planned a two-stage approach against Bulbora.

This first wave included the fleet with the Water Dragon Battleship. If they succeed in taking the city, then they celebrate. If not, they merely need to send the second wave that was on standby in Seedran. All according to plan.

Though many of Raydoss’s soldiers had a tendency to underestimate Kranzel and its adventurers, the top brass were different, acting with the utmost vigilance.

Moreover, this second wave consisted of more than just their navy.

The Kingdom of Shallus to the south of Bulbora has apparently already been taken over by Raydoss, and they will also be invading Kranzel with a large army.

Bulbora may have managed to fend off the Water Dragon Battleship in the first wave, but the second wave would pit them against two such vessels. The goal of the plan was to lure all of Kranzel’s southwestern forces into Bulbora, as the invading army from Shallus ravages Kraznel’s southern half.


『We heard about them in Ulmutt. A small country causing a lot of trouble.』

(Oh, okay.)

『You don’t remember them at all, do you?』

Fran seems to have forgotten, but they kept annoying the adventurers with their persistent solicitation. Thinking back, they were probably already under Raydoss’s control at the time.

Either way, Fran wouldn’t sit idly after hearing that Bulbora was in danger.

「I’m going.」

「Alone? This isn’t anything like scouting out a village. Even someone with an alias like you is…」

「Don’t worry.」

「…You’re sure you can win?」


「…Fine, then let’s make it a request. Please protect the town.」

Wow, that’s great! I’m sure Fran will go regardless if it’s a request or not, but it’s always better to get proper credit!

(Nn! But first…)


(This guy will definitely get away if we don’t do something.)

Fran pulled me out and stepped right in front of Derrick. To her, Raydoss spies were probably on the same level as goblins and bandits. Her eyes were pointed at the man’s limbs.

What a tragedy. If you ask me, I think being forced into slavery is a bit kinder than losing all your limbs… Well, slavery must have an entirely different meaning in her eyes.

Moreover, Satia added some insurance as Derrick was transferred into the jail.

「Come forth, Heart Demon.」


「Neutralize this man and keep him under surveillance.」


Satia had summoned a small, imp-like demon. The heart demon slowly faded away, disappearing as it was absorbed into Derrick.

「That was a Heart Demon associated with Sloth. While it may not be able to completely neutralize someone as strong as Derrick, it can sap the energy from his mind and body.」

In short, he would feel lazy and unwilling to do anything. Having lost his limbs and being placed under a demon’s surveillance, I doubt he can get away in this state. If anything, I’m more worried about Raydoss sending someone to silence him.

「Fran-dono, don’t push yourself, okay? We can always retake the town if necessary.」

「I know.」

She may be nodding right now, but she’ll definitely get reckless when push comes to shove. Besides, our battles after returning to Kranzel made me realize that Fran wasn’t that suited for defensive battles.

It’s impossible to get serious when we’re surrounded by so many people we need to protect. She must feel the same way, since she consulted me after leaving the guild.


『What’s wrong?』

(Let’s crush everyone from Raydoss before they can reach Bulbora.)

『You mean, heading out to intercept them beforehand?』

It may sound reckless, but launching a surprise attack at a location where Fran can go all out utilizes her strengths better. Above all, we can give Raydoss the payback they deserve.

(This time, we get the first strike.)

『True… Alright! Let’s do it!』