I Was a Sword When I Reincarnated-Chapter 1097

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1097: Road to the Mansion

Immediately after taking the job from Esmeralda, Fran headed to the mansion of one of the nobles on the list. We were accompanied by about 30 soldiers, Count Bailleys, and the maid. Well, she had already changed into the same gear as the other soldiers, so I guess we can’t call her a maid anymore.

Apparently, she was one of their top agents. She went by the name “Blue”, but that’s clearly some kind of code name or alias.

Fran was already wearing the mask and raring to go. Esmeralda said that no one would be able to remember her face, but it seems the actual effect is to prevent her from leaving an impression on others. Anyone trying to think about her would only remember that she was a female beastkin.

Esmeralda apparently found this high-level magical tool in a dungeon. She lent it out to us very casually, despite its readily apparent value.

The old lady herself wasn’t here though, instead on standby at the castle. She was probably also taking command of all the other teams.

I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Count Bailleys was assigned to the same team as Fran. He was probably chosen to support us because of the two’s relationship. However, we also found this arrangement convenient.

We had been wanting to tell him about what happened to Velmeria and Tilanaria. Holding such a conversation was too difficult in the castle due to the number of eyes.

And now we have our chance!

Well, not like talking to Count Bailleys was that difficult.

「Hey, are you working as a knight right now? Or just a soldier?」

「Huh? Oh, I see. I am indeed a knight in the royal guard, but I’m acting as a soldier for this mission to keep a low profile. The royal guard can be assigned various tasks aside from guarding the king, so this is quite common.」

「I see.」

So he’s like the king’s errand boy? I guess such a position only suits someone capable of doing pretty much anything. But that question was merely a lead in. Now that he told us about himself, it’s Fran’s turn.

「I went to the continent of Gordicia.」

「Oh! Really?」

Count Bailleys looked very interested in the subject. However, I also noticed Blue glancing over at us for an instant.

Like I thought, they have some idea of Velmeria’s location. Still, Blue didn’t say anything out loud.

「I met Tilanaria too.」

「Uh-huh. Hmm, however, we are currently in the middle of a mission. Perhaps we should avoid talking about personal business right now.」

It seems he was worried Fran might mention Velmeria at this rate. Well, I guess Fran probably would.

But don’t worry, I’m telling her exactly what to say.

「Tilanaria went through a lot, but she’s living happily right now.」

「I see.」

「Nn. She’s with the other dragonkin, including her brother.」

「…! I see!」

Thank goodness, Fran’s incredibly monotone acting got through. Frederick was a subordinate of the Count, as well as the one in charge of Velmeria’s education. The Count knew of Frederick’s attachment to Velmeria, and that they remained together afterward.

Frederick is also Tilanaria’s younger brother and Velmeria’s uncle. Not many people know about this due to the taboo of becoming an evil dragonkin.

However, the Count is surely one of the few who knows. In other words, Tilanaria being with her brother means Velmeria is there too.

He should understand exactly what Fran was hinting at.

Blue started getting really suspicious though. After all, Fran’s acting was awful, and the Count seemed excited. The agents of the intelligence division should be searching for Velmeria too, right?

「Blue, what’s wrong?」

「No, it’s nothing. I’ve been told to ignore the Count’s private matters, so I’ll pretend I didn’t hear anything.」

That wasn’t a lie. It seems the king really told them to avoid pursuing Velmeria.

Despite ostensibly putting a bounty on her, they likely can’t afford the effort it would take to actually track her down.

After walking a bit longer, we arrived at our destination.

「It’s coming into view.」

「That’s the mansion of Viscount Ozero?」

「Yes. Let us first ask to enter, then we can resort to force if they refuse.」


Blue had a somewhat complicated expression on her face. It seems she disagreed with using such a hard-handed approach. However, she was unable to express her opposition due to remembering Esmeralda’s intense pressure.

It only took an instant for that legendary head of the intelligence division to instill her subordinates with fear.

「Now then, I look forward to working with everyone.」

「Roger that! Boys, let’s go!」

「Yes sir!」

Blue signaled the start of the operation, and the Count moved into action with his soldiers. It looked a bit weird seeing these burly men obeying the orders of a woman and little girl.

Everyone must be aware of Blue’s position among the agents, and that’s why they followed her obediently.

From this point on, Fran and Blue acted as Count Bailleys’s subordinates. That way, we could trick the noble into thinking we only had normal soldiers here.

We already have a warrant to search the premises. If the noble complies and allows us in, then he’s probably innocent. If he tries to chase us out, or eliminate us, then Fran and Blue jump in.

The Count contacted the gatekeeper of the Viscount Ozero’s mansion and requested entry. As expected, this gatekeeper didn’t have the authority to refuse us.

Here comes the turning point.

We waited outside for a few minutes, then an entire squad of soldiers came rushing out of the mansion, clearly prepared for battle. Meanwhile, the important-looking guy among them shouted at us angrily.

「Do you have any clue who you are messing with!? This is the mansion of Viscount Ozero! You truly think a mere footsoldier can be allowed entry?! Don’t make me laugh!」

「But we have an official warrant.」

「I refuse to speak to such peasants! Bring me your commanding officer!」

It seems the Count still intended to act like a soldier. He must want to conceal the fact that the royal guard has been deployed.

The noble’s private troops seemed to be completely underestimating us. No actually, I think they are mostly acting too. They were simply ordered to stall for time.

I sensed a lot of people moving around busily within the mansion. I don’t know if the Raydoss spy is in there or not, but they certainly have something to hide.

「I understand.」

「Good! Now leave us!」

「I mean to say that I understand you have no intention of complying.」

The Count drew his sword and held it at the ready.

「F-Fool! Y-You dare defy a noble! Do you think you can get away with this?!」

「I must say you are the fool here. Do you think you can get away with committing treason?」

「Wha-…! A mere soldier doesn’t have the authority to…」

「We have determined that Viscount Ozero is plotting treason, and hereby launch a compulsory investigation!」

Immediately after the Count made this declaration, Fran and Blue moved in.

The twenty enemy soldiers fell to the ground in an instant. While we left them alive, they won’t be waking up for a while. The flash of thunder magic surprised our soldiers a bit as well, but none of them took so much as a scratch.

「Further discussion is pointless. Capture everyone in the mansion, dead or alive!」

「「「 Roger! 」」」

「You two are free to act as you please.」


「Please handle the sealing of all possible exits.」

Fran and Blue left the soldiers and went their separate ways. After dashing past the small yard in an instant, Fran kicked down the front door, the sound of which rumbled throughout the mansion.