I Was a Sword When I Reincarnated-Chapter 1105

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1105: Undead Extermination

By the time we arrived at the walls, we found the situation had taken a drastic change.

The undead had made their way up the walls, and not just one.

It seems the ghouls made use of their long claws to climb all the way up. They must have avoided notice due to the darkness of night.

Though not very strong, they can be tricky opponents in unilluminated conditions. Moreover, the walls were filled with low rank adventurers and rookie soldiers.


『Roger! Let’s clear out this place first!』


Fran slipped through the adventurers and struck down the rampaging ghouls in an instant. They really were nothing special after all.

The adventurers froze after seeing a girl cut down four ghouls in the blink of an eye, before quickly erupting into cheers.

『Fran. Let’s take out the rest of the undead with a bang, and raise everyone’s morale.』


『Urushi, scan the perimeter for any people.』


But first, we should check with Elebent too.

「Did the necromancers fall back yet?」

「Yeah! All the undead down there are the enemy!」

『Great! Then we should be safe to go all out!』


If we wanted the most efficient way to clear out the undead horde, Urushi’s Bottomless Shadow would probably be the way to go.

That spell is capable of wiping out swaths of undead without any collateral damage. Pretty much all of them were low grade zombies, so we had little use for their magic stones.

Above all, it was currently night, the time where black magic is at its most powerful. Urushi’s shadows could probably consume several hundred undead at a time.

But there was one problem.

It looks really plain. Visibility is already poor at night, so no one will be able to make out what’s going on in the shadows.

Which doesn’t help morale at all.

In that case, why not have a girl fly around blowing up undead spectacularly? That would get the adventurers way more excited.

『Let’s start things off with a big fireworks display!』


Fran and I leapt off the wall to cast a spell on the undead below us.

We invoked multiple activation of the flame spell, Flare Explode. A powerful spell capable of making a big explosion.

This triggered a chain of massive explosions, incinerating the undead and scattering their ashes. Some of them were left burning like torches, colliding into their enemies and spreading the flames.

The adventurers went wild with cheers.

『Next is cleansing magic!』


A wave of pure white light spread out to repel the darkness of night. Every undead touched by the light crumbled apart, one after another.

For a weaker mage, this spell is only capable of repelling undead, but it’s a different story if you have as much mana as us. We can use it as a powerful anti-undead spell to completely purify them.

We jumped around in the air, releasing the white light everywhere. Before anyone knew it, the undead were all gone.

Though the region was currently shrouded in darkness, the ashen debris from crumbled undead probably covered most of the surrounding region.

I wonder if we’ll have to clean that up tomorrow? Or should we ask the adventurers to do it for us? That might reduce their morale after all the effort we took to raise it.

『Urushi, what’s wrong?』

(Woof woof!)

『You found something? We’re coming!』

Much to our surprise, it seems Urushi found a suspicious person. We headed over since he apparently already captured them.

They were on a small hill about a kilometer away from Alessa. A man had fallen lifelessly to the ground, with half of his body swallowed by darkness. He must have exhausted his willpower in countless futile attempts at escape.

Rather than Bottomless Shadow, it seems Urushi used a spell for capturing called Shadow Bind.

「Urushi, this is him?」


「…! W-Who’s there!?」

The man turned to us with a frightened expression.

「That’s my line. Who are you?」

「I-I’m an adventurer, a messenger sent to inform everyone of the situation in the north. I was on my way to Alessa when I got attacked…」


「Is this wolf your servant? Please, can you make it release these binds?」

The man bowed his head to Fran as if pleading. Judging by his words alone, maybe he could pass for an unlucky adventurer who got captured based on a misunderstanding.

But the guy was obviously fishy, and even Fran recognized it.

「Okay, then show me your adventurer card.」

「Eh? I-I don’t have it with me right now…」

「Then how were you going to prove your identity at Alessa?」

「B-Because I’m registered, and the guys from Alessa will recognize my name and face.」

「…? But I’ve never seen you before?」

「No, you see…」

「Are you really an adventurer from Alessa?」


「Then how come you don’t know me?」


He exposed himself pretty easily! The disguise was pretty lacking due to his lack of knowledge about adventurers. A professional spy would have done his research, so this guy seemed like nothing more than a common soldier.

Which means he was probably forced into some sort of scouting job on short notice.

However, that also means there is a group large enough to send scouts out. They might still be hiding nearby.

Now then, what should we do with him? Taking him back to town for questioning is probably the standard approach. But if his friends are in the area, that might allow them time to escape.

In that case, it’s better to interrogate him here. We can try our usual method first, and save Urushi’s confession poison as a last resort. Using that poison leaves the target immobilized for a while, and this guy seemed pretty likely to talk.

『Guess we should ask him a few questions.』


「W-Why are you raising your sword? I-I’m one of you!」