I Was a Sword When I Reincarnated-Chapter 1124: Maleficent's Mission

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Chapter 1124: Maleficent's Mission

Fran’s boot camp continued for a full three days.

The soldiers had undergone a drastic transformation into a real squad. Everyone moved at a brisk pace, coordinated together, and at the end of the day, they discussed the wonders of labor over a bowl of curry.

Fran already returned the wagons, and her squad performed their escort job practically perfectly. Well, they were fine in the first place aside from the behavioral issues.

It looked a bit like brainwashing to me, but they should appreciate it more than getting sent to Maleficent.

Maleficent actually told us the truth behind his mission at the end of the second day.

It all started when Fran noticed the presence of a spirit.

Fran was on night watch when she began observing her surroundings. There were no monsters nearby, and she was not looking at the soldiers or Maleficent either.

For whatever reason, she started staring into empty space.

『What’s wrong?』

(There’s a spirit here.)


(A lot of them.)

So it seems there’s a bunch of spirits floating around us. I still couldn’t sense anything, but I came up with an idea of how to find them.

I activated Spirit Hand and tried to spread its influence around like I do with telekinesis. Then, I felt myself brushing up against something.

The entities seemed to be surprised by my contact, so they ran away immediately. However, this was enough to convince me. Anything I can’t see or sense has to be a spirit.

I think there’s at least five or six of them?

(I know this presence.)


(Klimt’s water and wind spirits.)

It seems Fran somehow learned how to distinguish the differences between spirits.

If these spirits belong to Klimt, did he secretly send them to guard us? Or maybe watch over us?

『Like I thought, this isn’t just a simple transport request.』


Just think about it, the quality of these soldiers when we first met was plain awful. Even if they were decently strong, their behavior was poor enough to cancel it out. As Fran pointed out, they would only be a hindrance to our allies fighting on the front line.

Moreover, the “guide” assigned to us was Rank A. There’s no way that’s normal.

While I was watching the spirits suspiciously, Maleficent and Persona approached us.

「Judging by your behavior, I take it you have some doubts?」

「…There’s a lot of spirits.」

「Ah, so you are gifted with the talent of seeing spirits! Klimt-san is aware of this fact, yes?」


「Aww, Klimt-san has always had that soft spot for kids!」

「Is there something going on behind this request? It’s weird that you got sent with me.」

「I see you’ve realized it by now.」

Maleficent wore a wry smile as he raised both hands in surrender.

Sigh. What do you think about this, Persona?」


In response to Maleficent’s question, Persona extended her fist and gave a thumbs-up.

「I knew you’d say that. I suppose we can’t continue like this if she’s already on to us, so we have no choice. Worst case scenario, they said it’s okay to tell her.」

「I knew it. Did you have some kinda special mission?」


Maleficent gestured for Fran to sit, so they both sat down. It seems this conversation may take a while.

「It all started when the government submitted an application to increase your adventurer rank.」

「The government? Kranzel’s?」

「That’s right. You being Rank A would make it easier to hand you requests, and above all, the birth of a new high ranking adventurer is obviously beneficial for a country at war. Have you completed a government assigned request recently?」


「It seems that’s what made Kranzel decide you were appropriate for Rank A. Well, the guild will be the one making the final decision, but it seems there was also a wave of support from the regional guilds.」


Didn’t Fran fail to pass last time though?

That said, it seems the situation has changed since then. While she already had a recommendation for ranking up, it was now backed up by all her amazing accomplishments during the war with Raydoss.

In addition, the branches in Gordicia and Belioth also submitted their reports, which arrived a little late. The guild shifted its stance upon seeing all this.

「They apparently decided that the Black Lightning Princess should be promoted to a higher rank if she is doing so well. Thus, a rank-up exam must be conducted as soon as possible…」

The rank-up exam for Rank A is apparently giving the examinee a slightly difficult task and observing how they overcome it.

「But I suppose Klimt-san got the worst of it this time.」

Klimt had originally prepared a regular convoy of 200 volunteers and 20 wagons for this transport mission.

However, that’s when the upper management of the Adventurers Guild intervened. They thought to take advantage of this as a good opportunity for a rank-up exam.

They adjusted Klimt’s request by taking the special convoy Maleficent was supposed to lead, and assigning it to Fran instead.

Klimt resisted the move, much to the chagrin of the guild’s upper management, saying that Fran was not ready to move up the ranks yet. In the end though, he failed to reverse the guild’s decision.

Fran trusted Klimt enough to reveal my existence to him, then immediately after, he was forced to trick her with this secret test. Putting myself in Klimt’s shoes, it must have been pretty hard to accept. Moreover, the rank-up was done with the intention of sending Fran, a child, to war.

Guess I’ll have to tell him not to worry about it when we get back.

So Maleficent was assigned to accompany us as road guide as well as test examiner. Apparently, he was the one originally in charge of this special convoy in the first place.

「What was your mission?」

「Something very similar to what you are doing right now. We determine if anyone is of unsatisfactory character or unsafe to be employed. They will be isolated and reeducated by myself and Persona.」

In other words, the test for Fran’s rank advancement and the test for problematic adventurers were taking place at the exact same time. He was testing everyone present.

「Klimt-san insisted on sending his spirits, claiming that it was too difficult to suddenly force a solo adventurer into taking charge of a bunch of troublemakers. He wanted his spirits along just in case.」

Maleficent began staring into empty space as well. It seems he can see spirits as well.

「Though I never imagined he would send so many of them… I suppose his intention was to warn you that something unnatural is going on. If only the guild would refrain from offending Klimt-san. None of them understand how it feels to get caught up in the middle of their nonsense.」

Maleficent gave a tired, dry laugh.

「Now that Klimt-san has his old powers back, they might as well make him Rank S already. And of course, it’s gotta me that they send to him…」