I Was Mistaken as a Monstrous Genius Actor-Chapter 265: Masterpiece (2)

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Chapter 265: Masterpiece (2)

Just before the screening of the movie ‘Island of the Missing’ began. A test screening, or blind screening, is a process to check the video, direction, or sound in advance. However, in the film industry, it has become an event where the director, actors, and key staff gather to celebrate.

Usually, this happens during the latter part of the film’s production, when the editing is about 80% complete.

Of course, there are times when it happens after 100% of the work is done, but the master director Kwon Ki-taek set the test screening date a bit early, considering the actors’ schedules. It looks better if all the actors gather rather than some missing due to conflicting timings.

‘I’ve been in the film industry for years – but it’s not as comfortable as I thought.’

Director Kwon Ki-taek, sitting in the front middle among dozens of chairs arranged facing the screen. He had his characteristic warm smile. Though he had pulled all-nighters eating meals during editing, his complexion wasn’t too bad. Perhaps it’s the experience of being called a master director? Anyway, Director Kwon Ki-taek glanced around at the actors chatting noisily around him.



The people who made ‘Island of the Missing’. And Kang Woojin. Even though test screenings are a routine event whenever a movie is made, for some reason, today’s ‘Island of the Missing’ felt strange to Director Kwon Ki-taek. Was it because he worked so hard? Or was it because it involved challenges he hadn’t tried before? Or perhaps because there were numerous incidents from pre-production until now.

Suddenly, the image of Director Woo Hyun-goo, who had fallen and disappeared, flashed through Kwon Ki-taek’s mind.



Director Kwon Ki-taek drew the attention of the actors and key staff, who were busy talking.

“You all know the size of it. The current screening version is about 80% complete, and there might be some parts that are lacking. Please filter them out as you watch.”

The ‘Island of the Missing’ currently being screened lacked about half of its music, as the work was still ongoing. Although the titles were inserted, there were no opening and closing sequences. The same went for the sound. Despite these shortcomings, there were no issues with watching it as a test screening.

Director Kwon Ki-taek planned to finish the editing and produce a 100% perfect ‘Island of the Missing’ within about two weeks.

Around early May, probably.

“You know, the distribution side is already moving.”

There was no way that the master Director Kwon Ki-taek would delay the deadline. Thus, the film company and distributor of ‘Island of the Missing’ had already started on the tasks right before the movie’s release. This included promotions, marketing schedules, and securing theaters, among many other things.

The poster for ‘Island of the Missing’ was already attached to the sides of buses in Seoul.

In other words, it was really just the release that was left.

Listening to Director Kwon Ki-taek’s brief briefing, Kang Woojin, who had taken off his deeply pulled-down hat, causing his hair to be slightly flattened, thought,

‘This is actually going to be released soon, huh?’

Outwardly maintaining a cynical expression, but in reality, his heart was beating faster. Wasn’t it? This was the first movie being released after ‘Drug Dealer’, and more importantly, ‘Island of the Missing’ was Kang Woojin’s first lead role. Moreover, the director was a top-tier master director in the country.

If he wasn’t nervous, he would be a person with dead emotions.

Then Kang Woojin recalled the rating of ‘Island of the Missing’.

-[3/Scenario (Title: Island of the Missing), SS-grade]

It remained SS-grade as always.

‘Hmm, what kind of results does an SS-grade movie have? I can’t estimate.’

‘Drug Dealer’ was A-grade and recorded over 8 million viewers in box office results. It was a huge hit, especially for an R-rated movie, rewriting the legend of Korean R-rated films. So, should he expect over 10 million this time? Woojin felt a bit dazed.

’10 million- Crazy, 10 million viewers???’

It felt unreal. In the history of Korean cinema, there weren’t many 10 million-viewer movies, and the highest-grossing movie had around 16.7 million viewers. Considering that, a 10 million-viewer movie was an incredible achievement. There hadn’t been a 10 million-viewer movie in the two years since 2021.

Kang Woojin slightly shifted in his seat.

It was because he felt tense and impatient. It was closer to anticipation than unease.

‘Ah- damn, I really want to see the results soon.’

It was then.

“Sorry- I’m a bit late.”

An additional top actress entered the already bustling studio. It was Hong Hye-yeon, with her long hair flowing down. She was invited because she made a special appearance in ‘Island of the Missing’. Normally, she could have skipped it, but since she was on a break, Hong Hye-yeon decided to attend.

Soon, after greeting Director Kwon Ki-taek and the actors, Hong Hye-yeon also greeted Kang Woojin.

“It’s finally being released, huh? It feels like just yesterday we went to Da Nang together.”

“Right. How have you been?”

“Are you asking out of curiosity? Or just out of courtesy?”

“It’s about half and half.”

“What are you saying.”

Since all the prepared folding chairs were already taken, Choi Sung-gun who was sitting to Woojin’s right, offered his seat to Hong Hye-yeon. Hong Hye-yeon waved her hand, indicating she was fine. Choi Sung-gun gestured for her to just sit. Meanwhile, Kang Woojin noticed a big man standing behind Hong Hye-yeon. It was the burly Kim Dae-young. He grinned. Woojin, deep in his concept, responded with a look.

‘Why are you grinning?’

Kim Dae-young also answered with his eyes.

‘Isn’t it fascinating? I just can’t believe it every time I see you.’

Thus, the scene was roughly organized. There were about 50 people gathered. With only around 30 chairs, some people had to stand at the back.

“Let’s begin.”

At Director Kwon Ki-taek’s gentle command, the studio darkened. Then, an island suddenly appeared on the screen.

The main film started without an opening.

About two weeks later, in Tokyo, Japan.

Late April. Around late morning. The set of ‘The Eerie Sacrifice of a Stranger’, directed by the master Director Kyotaro. The set was bustling with staff from the filming team, props team, art team, lighting team, etc. Over a hundred staff members were busily moving for the next scene. Although Kang Woojin was not present, the Japanese actors were also busy with makeup touch-ups.

Meanwhile, Director Kyotaro, with his hair full of gray,


sat alone at a spot with several monitors, looking through the shooting storyboard. On the empty space of the front table, the scenario for ‘The Eerie Sacrifice of a Stranger’ was also laid out. The scenario was open, indicating he was alternating between them.


Director Kyotaro was focused. The shooting storyboard and the scenario had reached the latter part. However, for some reason, Director Kyotaro,


had a deeply thoughtful expression. It was unclear whether his thoughts were about the direction or the actors’ performances.

It was then.


A woman’s voice in Japanese came from behind the seated Director Kyotaro. When he turned his head, he saw a middle-aged woman smiling. Seeing her, Director Kyotaro immediately stood up.


Standing behind him was Akari Takikawa, the original author of ‘The Eerie Sacrifice of a Stranger’ and a world-renowned author. Wearing a beige cardigan and carrying a small designer bag on her shoulder in the somewhat warm weather,


she approached Director Kyotaro with a smile and extended her hand.

“I just felt like visiting today. Is that okay?”

Director Kyotaro, holding Akari’s hand, laughed.

“Of course. You’re always welcome here.”

“The set is busy as expected. How’s it going?”

“A film set is always the same. It’s running busily.”

“Ah- but.”

As Akari Takikawa put her bag on a nearby chair, she looked around the set and tilted her head.

“I don’t see Kang Woojin? Isn’t today a filming day?”

Director Kyotaro, looking towards the actors getting their makeup done, shook his head slightly.

“Woojin is in Korea right now. He’s handling his schedule there.”

“Really? I’ve been holed up writing, so I had no idea. Is his filming all done?”

“No. There are still scenes left. He’ll rejoin us in early May. Right now, we’re pushing forward with other actors’ scenes.”

“Ah- so that’s how it’s done.”

“You have to adapt to the situation. It was also an agreement from the initial contract with Woojin.”

With a curious expression, Akari Takikawa looked back at the set and asked,

“I heard that a piano scene for ‘Iyota Kiyoshi’ has been added. Honestly, at this point, I’m dying to see it. When will the filming be finished?”

Director Kyotaro, smiling slightly, answered definitively.

“If we focus after Woojin returns, it should be finished within May. Of course, we might have to consider June as well.”

“Time has flown by so quickly – so there’s less than a month left.”

“That’s right.”

After hearing the answer, Akari Takikawa looked at the scenario on the monitor table and then pointed to the shooting storyboard in Director Kyotaro’s hand with her index finger.

“Is there something you’re worried about? When I came in, you looked quite serious.”


Exhaling softly, Director Kyotaro showed her the storyboard.

“It’s good timing. I was thinking I might need to contact you. It’s about this cut, the first meeting between Kiyoshi and Detective Mochio.”


“I adapted the original and created the dialogue, but now that I look at it, it feels a bit lacking.”

“Can I take a look?”

After glancing at the dialogue for a moment, Akari Takikawa sighed.

“Hmm- since the dialogue in novels and films is different in nature… I think it’s fine.”


Scratching his gray-mixed hair, Director Kyotaro asked again.

“I was thinking about shooting it in two different ways. One with the existing storyboard. Another with the actors’ interpretation.”

“Hmm? The actors’ interpretation?”

“Removing the scene’s dialogue and letting the actors perform as they wish.”

It was not uncommon for scenes to be modified by the actors’ input during filming. In fact, some domestic and Hollywood directors entrusted scenes to actors immersed in their emotions.

“So, it would be Kang Woojin and Mana Kosaku.”


“I’ll maintain the direction, situation, character emotions, and conflicts, and provide only the basic skeletal dialogue.”

It was an attempt to see the scene from a perspective different from that of the director.

“The actors will then embellish it. Freely.”

At this moment, in Korea.

In a large multiplex cinema in Gangnam. A significant event was underway in one of the largest screening rooms. Hundreds of audience seats were filled with journalists from various media outlets, including magazines, and film critics were also visible in the front rows.

On the giant screen in front of them, the following phrases were displayed.

-‘Island of the Missing’ Press Screening

-Premieres on May 20

A press screening is one of the various screenings held before a movie’s release and is the most important.

It gives experts an early indication of what kind of movie it is, and it is also the first stage of advertising and promotion. The fact that a press screening is being held means that, by stages, the movie should be considered 100% complete.

And currently,


The lead actors of ‘Island of the Missing’ were being photographed like crazy front of the screen. Of course, Kang Woojin was there too. Starting with Director Kwon Ki-taek, actors like Kang Woojin and Ryu Jung-min were striking various poses at the request of the invited journalists.

“Please give us a fighting pose!”

“And a heart gesture with your hands!”

The actors complied with the journalists’ requests for various poses, knowing that their current appearances would be featured in articles later. Meanwhile, Kang Woojin, in a black denim jacket, was thinking,

‘Seriously- ha, why are journalists these days obsessed with the hand heart gesture? Everywhere I go, they ask for a hand heart. It’s embarrassing.’

Despite his internal complaints, he managed to create a dignified hand heart. However, the journalists, still unsatisfied, called out,

“Woojin-ssi! Please show us the double thumbs up!”

They even requested the double thumbs up. Of course, Woojin, maintaining his persona, nonchalantly gave a double thumbs up.

Several dozen minutes later…

after the basic event was over, the actors also took their seats in the front rows. Soon, hundreds of journalists lowered their cameras.

The large screening room quickly darkened.

Some critics took out and put on their glasses.

Then, ƒгeewёbnovel.com


The sound of wind echoed through the entire theater. The screen, which had been showing a panoramic view of the island, quickly changed scenes.

-[“Heuk! Huff!!”]

The rough breathing of a man. Running. You can see two feet sprinting on the screen. He is wearing a military uniform and combat boots. With every step, the boots sink into the mud.

-[“Ack! Huff! Heuk!”]

The camera angle moves with the man, shaking.

-[““Fck- fck!”]

The man’s running comes to a halt with a splashing sound. The screen still only shows his legs. His slightly trembling legs slowly turn around. The camera angle rises slowly from his legs to his waist, then to his chest, and finally to his face.

It’s Private Kim, with a rifle.

He shouted.

-[“S- Sergeant Kim! Corporal Park!!”]

Then he suddenly opened fire.

-Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang!

At that moment.

-[“Ugh- Private Kim.”]

-[“Fck! Fcking die! Die!!”]

With that eerie voice at the end.


Something long flew from somewhere and smashed Private Kim’s head. Pieces of his exploded head and blood splattered all over the screen like fireworks. Soon, in the center of the blood-red screen, thick and rough gray titles appeared.

-‘Island of the Missing’

After about five seconds,

The title disappeared, and the screen turned black. Then, a bright background unfolded. A morgue. A body lying in that morgue. A white cloth covering the body. A soldier looking down at it.


Kang Woojin. No, it was Corporal Jin Sun-cheol. He had a somewhat ambiguous expression. The camera zoomed in on Corporal Jin Sun-cheol’s face. Naturally, his face filled the screen. His eyes were mysterious. Were they indifferent? Or sad? His breathing was short and trembling.

As soon as he appeared, several critics stroked their chins.

‘As expected, none of his previous roles are visible this time either.’

‘Kang Woojin. As soon as he appears, the focus skyrockets. His command is impressive.’

‘At the production announcement, he confidently claimed it would hit 10 million. How much acting tension did he put in-’

An hour later.

The expressions of all the critics had changed 180 degrees. Their initial stern faces were gone.



They were staring intently at the screen with wide eyes. They had the appearance of completely absorbed viewers. Of course, the hundreds of journalists were the same. In fact, they were even shivering unconsciously while watching ‘Island of the Missing’.

There wasn’t a single second to think about anything else.

‘Wa······ fuck. What’s with this quality? It’s insane.’

The immersion was crazy.

Meanwhile, in LA.

The location was ‘Universal Movies’, a colossal film production company with a massive set. Inside one of the offices at the headquarters, where the walls were adorned with posters of the globe logo of ‘Universal Movies’, a familiar foreign woman was seen. With brown bobbed hair and dressed in a suit, it was Megan Stone. She wasn’t alone, but anyway, the famous casting director was currently sitting on a sofa, looking through a stack of thin papers.


A project proposal. The contents included a synopsis. Then, suddenly, she furrowed her brow.

‘······A Jekyll and Hyde motif- with Dissociative Identity Disorder?’

In that moment,

‘Kang Woojin.’

For some reason, she thought of Kang Woojin.