If You Could Hear My Heart-Chapter 435 - We’ve Broken Up, It’s Over

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Chapter 435: Chapter 435 We’ve Broken Up, It’s Over

Yu Weiwei’s face turned as red as if it were bleeding, and although the window provided some sound insulation, she could still hear the murmurs of conversation outside.

“Young people these days are so open, and it’s still broad daylight.”

“Not just daylight, this is a bustling downtown area.”

“With so many people coming and going, aren’t they afraid of children seeing them?”

“Rich people really know how to live it up, this is all about the thrill.”

In Yu Weiwei’s vehement resistance, her little BMW rocked violently, creating an illusion for the onlookers that was not suitable for children.

The research institute wasn’t far away, and shortly after, a few young girls came out to see what was happening.

When the girls saw it, didn’t that car belong to their Director Yu’s little BMW?

The girls covered their mouths, widened their eyes in surprise, and despite themselves, kept trying to peek inside the car.

They all knew that Yu Weiwei didn’t have a boyfriend, so what was happening now… Could it be that she was being attacked by a pervert?

But where would you find such a brazen pervert? After all, it was broad daylight.

The girls looked at each other, unsure of whether to approach.

Yu Weiwei couldn’t stand to lose face like this, so she bit down on Li Beiting’s tongue hard, tasting the thick metallic tang of blood in her mouth before finally letting go.

Li Beiting, in pain, relaxed his grip, wiping away the fresh blood from the corner of his lip.

He stared into her eyes. Kissing used to be the most natural thing between them, he’d never imagined there’d come a day when she would bite him.

And bite him so hard.

Yu Weiwei’s mouth was also filled with the taste of blood as she frowned and kicked Li Beiting.

“Get away from me!”

Her kick landed right on Li Beiting’s solar plexus, and what’s more, it was with the pointed heel of her high-heeled shoe.

Rage burned in Yu Weiwei’s eyes, blazing furiously.

Immediately, a footprint marked Li Beiting’s white shirt—she had not held back with that kick, either.

“Weiwei,” he said, furrowing his brow, his voice slow and deep, “Can’t we talk this out calmly? I’ve missed you so much.”

“Li Beiting, listen to me, we’re over, done! It’s been three years! Even a good horse doesn’t eat the grass behind it, what makes you think I, Yu Weiwei, would want a weed that can’t even stand up straight against a wall?”

“Yes, it’s been three years. Look, Chaomu has come back.”

“Don’t talk nonsense, Li Beiting. I, Yu Weiwei, have met countless handsome guys. I don’t give a damn about you, not one bit. Do me a favor and stay the hell away from me. Go marry your Miss Mi Fei peacefully, and be a good husband. Don’t drag me, Yu Weiwei, down with you!”

Yu Weiwei didn’t know what had gotten into Li Beiting today. Three years ago, they had agreed that after breaking up, they would never see each other again.

It was Li Beiting who had initiated the break-up.

For three years, they truly hadn’t seen each other again. She heard he had a new girlfriend, the daughter of some company president, named Mi Fei.

She also heard they were about to get married.

Aside from that, she didn’t bother to find out anything else and couldn’t be bothered to care.

Everything was fine as it was.

But today, Li Beiting suddenly came looking for her, and in such an aggressive manner, leaving her completely unprepared.

“Weiwei, I’ve missed you so much since we broke up. Three years have passed, and I just can’t forget you,” Li Beiting said, his tone fraught with helplessness.

His deep and dark eyes were fixed on Yu Weiwei, in the same city, under the same sky, yet he hadn’t seen her for three years.

Now, he felt it was good just to be able to look at her properly.

She was the same, just without the youthful naivety of their college days, now more mature like a little woman.

“Li Beiting, hear this, I’ve completely forgotten you a long time ago. What do you take me for? Li Beiting, unless I’m mistaken, your wedding is soon, right? Aren’t you afraid of getting your legs broken by your father and father-in-law for coming to see me so brazenly?”

Li Beiting furrowed his brow, about to speak, but Yu Weiwei didn’t give him the chance.

“Li Beiting, three years have passed, and if you can’t forget me, that’s your problem. Why should I, Yu Weiwei, bother with a man who’s about to get married? I’m young and have plenty of resources, with loads of young, fresh meat at my disposal. What do I need you for? You’re at most an ex! Get it? An ex!”

“Right, and an ex who’s a total jerk at that. One minute you’re about to marry Miss Mi, and the next you’re here looking for me. What do you take me for? Mr. Li Beiting, President Li?”

“I’ve opened a male research institute, which might be somewhat embarrassing compared to your fancy Li Family company. Is it embarrassing to stand next to me? Also, if you’re just feeling lonely and empty, Mr. Li, feel free to visit Weiyang Club. Of course, just make sure Miss Mi of the Mi Family doesn’t catch you.”


“President Li.” Before Li Beiting could speak, Yu Weiwei cut him off, “I’m not someone you can summon or dismiss at will. Forget about three years, even in the first week after we broke up, I had forgotten you completely. Now, to me, you’re nothing more than an ex.”

“Weiwei, then why haven’t you found a boyfriend in three years?”

“That’s because I’m busy with my career! Understand? Busy with my career! Stop flattering yourself! Li Beiting, if you don’t leave now, I’ll call the police! Then it won’t only be the Li Family that looks bad, but the Mi Family as well. Think about it.”

“Weiwei, Mi Fei and I…”

“Get out!”

Yu Weiwei didn’t give Li Beiting a chance to speak. He had been the one to pursue her initially, and he was the one to suggest breaking up later.

Now, about to be married, he was pestering her again?

Yu Weiwei got up from her seat, but Li Beiting still showed no sign of leaving.

“Weiwei, in all these years, you’re the only person I’ve ever loved.”

“I told you to get lost, can’t you hear?!” Yu Weiwei yelled at him.

Her eyes were red with emotion. Love?

She pushed him, and in the confined space of the car, Li Beiting didn’t steady himself. His arm brushed against a thin piece of paper and was sliced open, blood welling up from his hand.

The blood drops were somewhat terrifying, continuing to seep out.

Yu Weiwei felt unsettled, especially deep in her heart where there was a faint sting.

She opened the car door and pushed him out.

“Go away!”

She then threw a pack of tissues down after him.

There were still many onlookers around, as Yu Weiwei started her little BMW.

As the car started, the crowd dispersed, and Yu Weiwei drove away from the front of the institute, somewhat awkwardly.

Li Beiting stood in the sunlight, his gaze lingering on the direction her car vanished.

His upright figure under the sun was quite a sight, especially after he stepped out, provoking even more discussion among the crowd.

Li Beiting covered his bleeding arm, the wound still oozing blood.

A young girl offered him a tissue, saying kindly, “Sir, wipe it off with this.”

Li Beiting, looking rather unhappy, pushed her away: “Move.”