I’m A Wasteland Giant-Chapter 265 - 264: Making a Fortune!

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Chapter 265: Chapter 264: Making a Fortune!

Translator: 549690339

In the Communication Zone, people from the first layer of the Abyss were not so many, the majority had been the First Tribulation God Spirit Level who had largely taken part in this war. They were either in the frontline fighting, or resurrecting their bodies from behind, therefore there were only a few people in the Communication Zone who had the time to chat.

Walking among the crowd, Du Gang didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary.

Most people who saw him inadvertently didn’t show much change in their expressions.

Could there be no team hooking up?

He felt this was not entirely impossible. The Demon Clan may have only ordered the First Tribulation God Spirit Level to kill him. After all, if he were an ordinary person, it may take him several hundred or even thousands of years to reach the second layer of the Abyss.

Suddenly, while walking, Du Gang noticed a team of people who appeared ecstatic at the sight of him, though they quickly regained their composure.

It must be this team!

Without a trace, Du Gang glanced at them out of the corner of his eye.

It was a team dressed in uniform red striped outfits. In the Abyss, there were still many teams like them, who had customized uniforms, so it wasn’t unusual.

He tried to change direction and head another way.

Sure enough, the entire team in red combat suits followed suit.

In the crowd, with people coming and going, their pursuit didn’t seem out of place. However, in Du Gang’s eyes, it was incredibly conspicuous.

Without much testing, Du Gang just walked around three corners, verified that the red combat team was targeting him, and then he headed towards the entrance of the Abyss.

Upon entering the Abyss, Du Gang did not move too quickly, but rather left a clear trail, heading towards the ruins.

All the way, the red combat team followed, but they didn’t know that behind them, a five-man squad was stealthily trailing them.

This team had some special means of reconnaissance which let them hide without being found out by either Du Gang or the red team.

So, two teams plus one person, totaling eleven people, walked and stopped intermittently, finally reaching the ruins.

This time, Du Gang didn’t venture too deep, merely halting at the entrance, seemingly contemplating which route to take.

Before long, the red combat team caught up.

“Hey, brother, are there any Demon Clan members here?”

A member of the red combat team, with good intentions, shouted loudly while rushing towards Du Gang’s location.

Upon hearing this, Du Gang was startled, turning around only to see a human squad following him.

Upon recognizing it was humans, he seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, saying with a smile, “So it’s our own people. I thought the Demon Clan was following me…”

His manner was incredibly relaxed, as if he was not at all afraid that these people might harm him.


At that moment, a thunderous roar erupted from the back, a rough voice blasting out.

Hearing this sound, both Du Gang and the other five people stopped in their tracks, turning to look back.

They saw facing them from the back, a team dressed in neatly blue uniforms was rushing towards them shouting anxiously, “Du Gang, stay away from them, they are bad guys!”

Bad guys…

Du Gang felt like laughing all of a sudden, it had been a long time since he had heard these two words.

These words seemed like child’s play, just as there are good guys and bad guys in a child’s world, the adult world only has interests.

However, he didn’t show it. On the contrary, he appeared to buy into these words, stopping in his tracks with a vigilant look on his face, watching the red team approaching.

In that moment the Red team froze.

“What’s going on?”

“These guys intend to snatch him from us!”

The red team members came around almost instantly.

“Charge, we need to secure him first!”

The Red team leader snapped back to reality in an instant, yelling loudly as he launched towards Du Gang.

“Quick, come here!”

Seeing this, the Blue Team motioned for Du Gang to come while they were on the move.

Upon seeing this, Du Gang hurriedly rushed towards them, as if he really believed that the blue team was on his side.

Seeing this, the Red Team was dumbstruck.

“Hurry, hurry, don’t let anyone snatch him away!”

“Is Du Gang stupid? If they ask him to go over, he does?”

Members of the Red team hurriedly rushed to intercept at the center of the two sides.

The Blue team, not willing to be outdone, incredibly fast, went to meet Du Gang.

It was unclear whether it was a coincidence or not, the speed of the three parties seemed to reach a balance. Almost at the same time, they reached a certain midpoint.


The Red and Blue teams worked together seamlessly. Two from each team attacked Du Gang while the other three attacked each other to create interference.


The moment Du Gang saw the Blue team move, he revealed an understanding expression. He knew these guys were all of the same kind. As epected!

Jie-Character Secret activated!!

At this moment, he didn’t even bother to listen to their many words, instantly boosting his combat power tenfold. freewebnøvel.com

“World Creation!”

An axe shadow of a hundred meters in size appeared in an instant, engulfing both teams within it.

“What is this?!!”

Both the Red and Blue teams were dumbfounded at the power of the divine skill that vastly surpassed even a First, Second, or Third Tribulation God Spirit Level in power.

At that moment, they still didn’t want to give up, each of them used their strongest attacks in an attempt to weaken this assault.

Simultaneously, various defensive artifacts sprang forth violently as if money didn’t matter.

“Bang!” “Bang!” “Bang!”

Anything trying to block the giant axe shadow smashed to pieces in a blink of an eye.

The power of the One Thousand Naer Divine Skill was terrifying. At their current level, they had no means to resist it.


A handsome man’s face was filled with fear as he roared just before being hit.

At this moment, he tried to escape, hurriedly attempting to run.

But it was useless!

Du Gang’s divine skill was incredibly powerful, it had created an invisible pressure that suppressed them at a critical moment.


The shadow of the axe showed no mercy, instantaneously swallowing all ten people.

With a loud bang, the ground split open, and the ten men who previously stood on the ground were nowhere to be seen.


Du Gang had long been experienced. He early released his own gods, killing the ten people’s gods.

With his tenfold strengthened gods, killing these ordinary gods was easy. Within ten seconds, all of ten gods present were killed.

“What a waste…”

Du Gang shook his head, somewhat regretful that he didn’t have the chance to extort them.

As the enemies didn’t release their own gods in advance made him attack their bodies first, causing the divine thoughts to return back into the gods before destroying them, resulting in instant death.

He was not regretful though. He had anticipated this outcome.

Under those circumstances, there was no way he was going to wait for the enemies’ gods to appear before he made a move. Timing wouldn’t wait for him.

Moreover, if he didn’t move swiftly at that time and decided to kill slowly, if those people wanted to escape, he wouldn’t necessarily be able to stop all of them.

Fortunately, all of those people were stupefied. They lack experience in battling him and were all terrified by his speed and power.

“Well, ten less enemies!”

Du Gang laughed, cleaned up the scene briefly, and walked towards the altar.

On his way, he carefully used seven different methods to check whether he was being followed.

Thankfully, everything went smoothly and there was no one tailing him.

Once he arrived at the altar, he didn’t let his guard down. He first used a virtual map to inspect the surroundings of the ruins.

Only when he was certain that there was no one else in the ruins did he breathe a sigh of relief.

“Next, I’ll use up the remaining teleportation times in these ruins and focus on hunting the Demon Clan…”

Since the resources from the first layer of the Abyss had been absorbed to the limit, the only thing he could gain from were the bodies of the Demon Clan, which were worth two hundred Divine Crystals each due to the double bounty.

“I’d better avoid the center of the battlefield; there’s too many people, it’s easy to make mistakes….”

“I mainly need to target those who are alone… preferably no more than five from the Demon Clan…”

Soon, he established some red lines for himself, such as retreating immediately if he encountered more than ten from the Demon Clan, and so on.

After some searching, he finally found a group of Demon Clan members who met his requirements in the lower wild area.

They had just eliminated a pile of white chess pieces.

There were originally more than ten of them. Now, only seven remained.

“Seven of the Demon Clan, worth 1,400 Divine Crystals when killed, let’s do it!”

Du Gang was slightly excited, he still had nearly sixty odd teleportations left. If he used them wisely, he would gain a large sum of money.


With a low shout, he instantly disappeared from the altar, appearing at his target location the next second.


The location where Du Gang appeared, was right in front of the Demon Clan, so he was noticed immediately.

“Another human, kill him!”


The seven Demon Clans in the field had obviously been through a major battle, their bodies were covered in blood. But on seeing Du Gang, their faces lit up with excitement.

To Du Gang, the bodies of the Demon Clan were money, similarly for the Demon Clan, the bodies of humans were money too.


Upon seeing this, Du Gang didn’t hesitate and directly initiated his strongest move, a combination of World Creation and Jie-Character Secret.


With a loud rumble, the battle ended.

His internal world now contained seven Demon Clan bodies.


Once his goal was accomplished, Du Gang quickly returned to the altar and started looking for his next target.

In this way, he made sure that his opponents each time consisted of no more than ten of the Demon Clan and, learning from his first experience, he ensured that all his subsequent teleports were to the back of his enemies. This didn’t save him any divine power but saved him much time.

After more than sixty rounds, he successfully used up all his remaining teleportations.

The result was quite fruitful; he had collected 440 Demon Clan bodies. If converted into Divine Crystals, that would account for 88,000 Divine Crystals!

“I’d better go back and exchange these Demon Clan bodies first!”

Before the summoning order ended, the exchange rate for Demon Clan bodies would be double, but once it ended, this rate would revert to single.

“Over 400 bodies?!!”

At this point, a clerk at the exchange station, looking at the pile of bodies in front of him, exclaimed in surprise.

In fact, he didn’t need to exclaim; the people in the distance naturally saw this pile of bodies.

“My God, how many Demon Clan bodies are there?!”

“Are all these from the First Tribulation of the God Spirit Level? Did he do all this by himself?”

“Even a top-level Controller couldn’t manage to do this much, could they?!!”

All the people nearby at the exchange station were thoroughly shocked.

At the center of the crowd, Du Gang was indifferent towards these discussions, he said emotionlessly, “Exchange these for Divine Crystals for me!”

He repeated once again.

The person at the exchange station finally snapped back to reality. Although his face still looked surprised, he began to move into action.

Soon, a few more staff members came to help verify the Demon Clan bodies in front of them.

“This one’s a Destroyer….”

“Another Destroyer….”

Apart from verifying whether these were bodies of the First Tribulation God Spirit Level, they were also looking into the previous rankings of these bodies.

Upon hearing that these bodies were Destroyers, those present breathed a sigh of relief.

“Exactly. How else could such a number of bodies be collected unless they were Destroyers…”

A male with a high forehead sneered, “He probably targeted only the Destroyer Demon Clans to kill…”

Others nodded in agreement, showing disapproving looks on their faces.

They were all warriors and although unwritten, rarely did any intentionally hunt the weaker Demon Clan members.

This doesn’t mean they don’t care about the weaker Demon Clans. Rather, these weaker Demon Clan members were left to be dealt with by the relatively weaker humans.

But at that moment, a staff member continued, “Twenty-three Destroyers in total…”

“Counting Controllers now…”

“One Controller…”

“Another Controller….”

Listening to this incidental conversation, everyone else present quieted down.

The previously bustling atmosphere quickly cooled down.


A Controller-class warrior couldn’t help but swallow. He couldn’t contain his shock.

Did he just ridicule such a strong warrior?

Whether he’s a Controller or not isn’t the point, the ability to hunt down this many Controllers clearly makes him much stronger…

Soon, the staff had finished their count.

“There are thirty-three Controllers in total… Next…”

The officer doing the registration, however, was stunned.

At this point, there were still many unregistered bodies that were as abundant as a mountain.

Does this not imply that the several hundred remaining bodies are all Controllers?!!

The others also realized this, and their expressions were filled with horror, as some even involuntarily broke into a cold sweat.

And as for Du Gang, he remained untouched, quietly waiting as if all this had nothing to do with him.

“What grace!”

At this moment, everyone couldn’t help but praise, regardless of Du Gang’s strength, his demeanor was extraordinary!

Soon, under the watchful eyes of all, the staff began to count.

“One hundred and twelfth….”

“One hundred and thirteenth….”


“Three hundred and thirty-fifth….”

Everyone was dumbfounded; they hadn’t expected Du Gang to have collected so many Demon Clan bodies!

Finally, under everyone’s scrutiny, the staff counted to the last one.

“Three hundred and eighty-fourth!”

“They are all Controllers!”

Everyone was shocked!

Did Du Gang kill all the Controllers of the Demon Clan once?! Who is he?!!

At this moment, everyone was asking this question in their hearts, curious to know who this nonchalant man was.

The next second, the staff member provided the answer.

“Du Gang… Mr. Du, you have a total of 440 Demon Clan bodies. Since they are all First Tribulation God Spirit Level, we can only give you 88,000 Divine Crystals…”

Usually, they would only have to price the Demon Clan bodies based on their level and not have to determine whether they were Destroyers or Controllers.

The reason they did so was due to curiosity!

Du Gang smiled slightly and said, “Yes, just give me the Divine Crystals!”

Hearing this, the staff quickly began extracting Divine Crystals from a device. In a short while, he handed over the 88,000 Divine Crystals to Du Gang.

Without any hesitation, Du Gang started to count the Divine Crystals in front of everyone.

Of course, he wasn’t counting one by one, but using a weighing method. He measured the weight of one Divine Crystal, multiplied it by 88,000, and then confirmed that this was equal to the actual weight of the divine crystals in his possession.