I’m A Wasteland Giant-Chapter 280 - 279: Advancing to the Third Tribulation Spirit God!

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Chapter 280: Chapter 279: Advancing to the Third Tribulation Spirit God!

Translator: 549690339

The Bodhi seed that Li Gu held out was not large, around the size of a walnut. Its surface held a peculiar pattern, with many wrinkles; however, on one side facing Du Gang, there was an oddly human eye-like pattern that appeared profound and mysterious.

“Brother Du, are you ready?”

He pointed to the eye on the Bodhi seed and said, “Keep your eyes on it…”

Du Gang nodded and stared at the Bodhi seed with full concentration.

Long Aotian who stood at the side stared unconsciously at the Bodhi seed, as if wanting to gain enlightenment.

The corners of Little Hawk King’s mouth twitched, remaining silent but focusing on the Bodhi seed, trying to see something.

“Heh heh!”

A bystander chuckled lightly as he saw their actions.

Before this, they had seen others try to gain enlightenment from the Bodhi seed in a similar manner.

It had been useless!

The key wasn’t looking at the Bodhi seed. It was the Bodhi seed looking at you!

Seeing that Du Gang was prepared, Li Gu lightly rubbed the Bodhi seed.


As if a switch had been turned on, the Bodhi seed began to float, radiating soft luminescence, very captivating.


Suddenly, a sensation of opening ‘eyes’ emerged from that Bodhi seed. A flicker of jade-green light followed swiftly.


The moment the jade-green light appeared, it shot towards Du Gang’s eyes.


Followed by a strange buzzing sound, Du Gang’s eyes became vacant. It was as if his soul had abandoned his body, leaving behind only the whites of his eyes.

“Ah, this isn’t dangerous, is it?”

Da Zhuang asked with concern.

“Don’t worry!”

Li Gu appeared patient and said with a light laugh, “His consciousness has now entered the Bodhi seed. If he succeeds, he will have made great progress by the time he is done. If he fails…”

At the beginning, Du Gang had kept his focus on the Bodhi seed. Initially, he felt as if he was staring at an inanimate object, but as he continued staring, his consciousness gradually became blurry.

When he came to his senses, the scene in front of him had changed.


“Will he succeed?”

“Many have failed. What do you think?”

“But he is an Ancient God, a legendary being…”

“So what? This is the Bodhi seed. Besides, the Ancient Gods are a declining race…”

Sometime had passed since Du Gang’s consciousness had vanished and his eyes had turned white.

The surrounding crowd, as always, began their discussions.

“Look, a quarter of an hour is the longest anyone has held out. Now, there is one more minute left. He won’t last for more than a minute…”

“However, this fellow truly is tenacious. He’s lasted so long…”

“Yes, I only managed to last three minutes…”

“Ah, you lasted three minutes? I only lasted one…”

Long Aotian muttered discontentedly, “If I could comprehend this, I would have understood it thoroughly…”

“Give it up, they use the Bodhi seeds to attract more followers. Wouldn’t it be a waste if you tried to comprehend it?”

Little Hawk King chimed in at the right moment.

They weren’t afraid of offending anyone. Their background permitted them to behave wilfully.

“You are utterly bold! You dare slander the Young Master!”

A man was visibly angry, glaring at them. In his eyes, the Young Master was his leader. Insulting him was tantamount to insulting himself.

A provocation!

Li Gu shook his head, laughing.

Little Hawk King’s tactics were obvious—a simple provocation.

At the same time, he also understood that these two were only at the First Tribulation of the God Spirit Realm. Unable to pass the testing of the Bodhi seed, they tried to gain access through other means.

He said, “Rules are rules. Before they are set in stone, I can do whatever I wish. Once the rules are established, it’s not as easy to break them!”

“After all, I have to be responsible to others!”

Listening to Li Gu’s explanation rather than getting angry, the others felt reinvigorated.

“The Young Master has such a good temperament!”

“The Young Master is so straightforward!”

And then came the flattery.

Watching the crowd, a man in the crowd looked at them with disdain.

Third-rate flatterers compliment people, the second-rate joins in the conversation while the first-rate resonates.

He quickly said, “It is indeed so. Although there’s no explicit rule, it is an unwritten one; only those who comprehend it understand this unwritten rule!”

He looked as if he sympathized with the situation.

As expected, Li Gu showed appreciation and nodded in agreement, “Brother Ma understands me deeply!”

Seeing they weren’t falling for it, Long Aotian didn’t bother to act and directly said, “Li Gu, your rule isn’t fair!”

After hearing this, people glared at him. They were ready to take him down unless he explained himself.

He continued, “Look, the requirement you set for early-stage God Spirit is a combat power of 1,000 Naer. However, the problem is, the early stage can be divided into three tribulations!”

“Even if a God at the first tribulation phase trains in the Supreme Technique up to 5%, their combat power could only reach five hundred. How could they pass?”


Little Hawk King added, “If I had the cultivation of a second tribulation God Spirit, I could’ve hit the drum long ago…”

Just as Li Gu was going to retort, suddenly, the Bodhi seed, emanating a soft green glow, ascended and flew towards the top of Du Gang’s head.


At this moment, a vast amount of energy surged from the Bodhi seed, infusing into Du Gang’s body with an incomprehensible momentum.

“What’s happening?!”

Everyone was startled, dumbfounded at the sight before them.

“My Lord, what is happening? Why is the Bodhi seed behaving like this? Has Du Gang comprehended it?”

“Did he really…”

At this moment, Li Gu looked shocked.

He hadn’t expected things to go as that person said.

If that was so…

At the moment, he didn’t even notice the questions surrounding him, instead, he sank deep into contemplation.

“What kind of power is this?”

Du Gang’s consciousness, enveloped within some space, was surrounded by energy.

This energy overturned Du Gang’s understanding of it—not only did it empower him with Divine Power, but his Divine Thought and strength were also growing alongside it.

What surprised him even more was that at this moment, his soul had somehow separated from his godly form, existing independently.

Simultaneously, another force was swirling around his soul, providing it with some kind of power.

“This power…”

Du Gang was astounded. He felt as if he had gained a second soul, having two different perspectives.

Something was off!

At this moment, his soul began to split, like a cell dividing into two. There was no pain at all. With the influx of energy, the separation continued.

“This feeling, it’s like being born…”

Although he didn’t remember what it was like to be born, he had a similar sensation now.

The only disappointment was, he could only sense some sort of hazy force coming from the energy. He couldn’t clearly identify what kind of power it was.

“Could this power be the remnants of the Dao?”

He speculated, as the Bodhi seed was a heavenly treasure, an extremely rare existence, it could very possibly hold the power of the Dao!


With the constant influx of energy, his soul gradually sublimated, and a second divine form began to take shape.

“I am Du Gang!”

Once the second divine form had thoroughly taken on a humanoid shape, it spoke!

Hearing this strange declaration, Du Gang was momentarily stunned, but he quickly understood, nodding, “I am also Du Gang!”

Just when he thought everything was over, the hazy energy was still not finished.


His soul shot out once more, initiating a second layer of division.

“This power is truly strong!”

He couldn’t help but exclaim, having not expected that he would be ascending to the Third Tribulation God Spirit Realm so soon.

Generally, at the God Spirit Realm, one had to overcome a tribulation each time one advanced a rank, but for him, he was filled with energy and required no tribulation to advance.

After experiencing the same scenario for a second time, three divine forms stood before him, looking at each other.

“I am you, and you are me!”

The three mutually glanced at each other and began to laugh.

This time, his sensations were completely different. With three divine forms, all being himself, this meant that he could, like others, separate and reside in different places, which was safer.

Because as long as any of his divine forms lived, he would not die and could resurrect.

“This is the true power of the God Spirit Realm!”

He thought of those he had previously killed – they were indeed hard to kill. Even if one of their divine forms was annihilated, the other forms residing in different places could resurrect them.

Soon, he discovered that each divine form could operate independently and think independently.

“If that’s the case, can I separate and do different things?”

Du Gang suddenly realized, the function of multiple divine forms was not only to increase the chances of surviving but also to increase the efficiency of cultivation!

“I can leave one divine form in the Ancient City to focus on cultivating techniques, leave one in the abyss to earn essence to increase the Divine Power limit, and the other can roam around the continent!”

In this way, no matter which divine form dies, the other divine forms can be alerted and be prepared.

In fact, deep down he always had a concern, that was his heavy reliance on the power of the Ancient City.

The specific situation of the Ancient God, including all history, originated from the Ancient City. He didn’t know the real reason!

Therefore, he had no choice but to rely on it. However, his identity meant he couldn’t blindly trust others.

Being an Ancient God was a status he could never escape from. Therefore, only by leaving the scope of the Ancient City’s power could he find a chance to learn some things he didn’t know.


The source of this c𝐨ntent is freeweɓnovēl.coɱ.


Under everyone’s gaze, the previously solid Bodhi seed slowly cracked at this moment, turning into a shadow that gradually disappeared.


As the energy of the Bodhi seed was exhausted, the original alien space could no longer be sustained, and Du Gang’s three divine forms appeared in the external space.

“Three divine forms!”

Everyone present was utterly shocked.

“I remember, he was just at the First Tribulation God Spirit Realm right?!”

“Yes, before comprehending the Bodhi seed, he had only the cultivation base of First Tribulation God Spirit!”

“Doesn’t this mean that he comprehended the Bodhi seed, obtained its benefits, and has become a Third Tribulation God Spirit?!”

Everyone was envious. They didn’t expect that Du Gang would obtain such a thing.

Even Long Aotian and Little Hawk King were no exception.

“You, you really advanced to the Third Tribulation God Spirit Realm?!.”

While everyone stayed at the First Tribulation God Spirit Realm, you’ve already become a Third Tribulation God Spirit!

“Sigh, if I had comprehended the Bodhi seed before him, I would probably be a Third Tribulation God Spirit by now!”

Long Aotian was extremely frustrated, feeling like he had missed a great opportunity!

Little Hawk King felt the same, sighing, “Yes, I should have been a Third Tribulation God Spirit today….”


Someone spat, teasing, “This is the first time I’ve seen someone like you who hypes themselves up, without a shred of modesty….” freēnovelkiss.com

“Congratulations, Brother Du!”

On this side, Li Gu had also awakened, he walked forward and started congratulating him with a smile.

Following his example, the other people also started congratulating him.

Naturally, Du Gang reciprocated. After all, the Bodhi seed was Li Gu’s. Even though his intention was to recruit followers, Du Gang benefited from it.

He saw some strange looks from Li Gu’s followers, as though they worried about him becoming a favored one among them. He said to Li Gu, “Brother Li, I heard you were recruiting people….”

“I’m sorry, but I can’t join your queue, however, I, Du Gang, swear by the name of the Ancient God that if Brother Li is ever in trouble, I will be there!”

Though it was a pity that he couldn’t recruit Du Gang, Li Gu knew it wasn’t realistic.

So he smiled and replied, “In that case, Brother Du, I am truly grateful!”

At this moment, his title for Du Gang had changed. Previously he’d been ‘Brother Du’, now he referred to him only as ‘Du Gang’.

This signified that Du Gang’s place in his heart had risen.

These details might have gone unnoticed by him, but they truly reflected his inner feelings.

With Du Gang’s comprehension of the Bodhi seed, Happy Town was buzzing.

Everyone in Happy Town had heard of this Bodhi seed, and some even tried to comprehend it before.

Now, the news had spread that someone comprehended the Bodhi seed and successfully progressed from First Tribulation God Spirit to Third Tribulation God Spirit.

Such a leap was enough to set everyone buzzing, just like people on Earth would be if someone in their village won a huge lottery of half a billion.

“Wow, progressing from First to Third, isn’t this like a phoenix rising from the ashes?”

“Yes, why don’t I have such good luck…”


Someone scoffed, “The Elementary Drum requires 1000 combat power to ring. A First Tribulation God Spirit who can ring the Elementary Drum, you guys tell me, who could that be?!”

Hearing this, most people perked up.

That’s right. Compared to him progressing from First Tribulation to Third Tribulation, why he could have 1000 combat power while being in First Tribulation God Spirit Realm was what everyone should be concerned about!

In no time, people started speculating.