I'm the King Of Technology-Chapter 1590: A Mistake?

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Chapter 1590: A Mistake?

Wake up, brush your teeth, and take morning showers.

It had been a sleepless night for many, not because of troubles or some unforeseen incidents.

But because of the sweetness and honey-suckled feelings they experienced.

And the only reason they finally managed to sleep was because they talked themselves into doing so.


They woke up hours before their alarm clocks but didn't feel tired or sleepy.

The adrenaline fishing into their heads was enough to keep them smiling like silly dolls on a shelf.

But why?

What was the whole hullabaloo about?



Overseer Yusha chewed on his Captain Crunch cereal, swimming and enjoying his meal.

His shoulders couldn't stop shaking, and his smile was very hard to put away.



He grabbed his bowl and hurried to the phone on the wall.

"Hahahahaha~... Old man! I see you're up!"

"Of course! You think I'm like you? By the way... It's also shocking to see you up so early."

"Hey... Who can sleep when history is about to be written? Who dares to do so? If you give me 10 balls, I won't come late to today's matter!"

"Damn. You're eating up my time. I see you over there. So get off my line!"

"Rotten bastard! I'll see you over there too. M"


Yusha smiled, shaking his head wryly.

It was amazing that in just over a year, he had become swell friends with the famous Gillian Torres, a powerful Astrologist from Arcadina.

Back when Baymard's territory still belonged to Arcadina, everyone in this field had heard of Gillian's feat.

And now, he and the genius were chummy and rubbing shoulders with one another almost every day!

Times sure have changed.

But he didn't have them to dilly dally.


No time!!

Overseer Yusha quickly finished his breakfast, having toast, scrambled omelet, and a cup of tea he would take while driving out.


Today was a Saturday.

On weekends, he mostly spent his nights in his private home with his wife and family.

Of course, he could still drive from home to the academy daily.

But during retracting periods, he found he was too drawn into his work to sleep at home during weekdays


He was the Dean... the head and Overseer, in charge of Baymard's Academy of Atmospheric& Hert sciences.

Here was what they used to require to the ground, similar to how people in Landon's world would've said Earth sciences... Here it was Hert.

The academy took up an incredible amount of space, owning several hills in its path.

It was massive, with a research Zone, for those with access passes only.

And at the back of the academy, not too far away was another separate structure still in construction.

That would be the headquarters for all weather, atmospheric, and Hert-related matters.

Studying and researching these matters wasn't an easy feat.

They had developed many big and small instruments for these reasons alone.

It took a lot of work, education, dedication, and focus on getting accurate numerical ranges for everything they tested, be it wind speed, cloudiness, perception, and so on.

Yusha was both excited and nervous about today's matter.

It was something his majesty had always mentioned over their time together.


Not hot air balloon flight, but one that his majesty said was a surprise.

They had been tasked with gathering all information, overlaying them to depict and predict climate and weather changes accurately.

As many will know, Climate was the study of these changes over a long period, while weather was the study of them during a shorter period.

For climate, if one looked at the records for the last 100 years, 1000 years, and so on, one would see that on this particular day, the weather was roughly the same.

There might be times when it deviates slightly. But 99% of the time, it remained somewhat similar.


Yesterday was a sunny day.

If you look at the records for hundreds and hundreds of years, one would still see that temperatures were roughly the same.

Of course, before Baymard, they had their way of knowing what temperature was what.

And now, they covered it all to degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit, also doing tests in controlled spaces with thermometers to ensure they were accurate.

That's why they won't give a specific temperature but estimate the hourly range based on years and years of records.

For example, they can tell you that at 8 A.M, expect the temperature to be between 10~12 degrees Celsius.

At 9 A.M today, 10~15 degrees Celsius.

The temperature could fall or drop during the hour within these ranges.

Anyway, for over 2 years now, the people of Baymard have been used to getting their weather reports 2 weeks ahead of time for hourly reports.

They could have daily reports for the next 6 months that told them the overall temperature range during the specific day they targeted.

At least people would know if it was just likely to rain heavily on the day they wanted to travel and so on.

The people relied heavily on the weather, checking the newspapers, their computers, and the news reports on Tv.

They also bought weather booklets that came out now and then.

The little booklets were cold and could also be used as small pocketbooks.

Some people used them as phone books, keeping the numbers of those they valued most close to heart.

Hey... Baymard, as well as the other U.N Empires, also relied on this matter.

There were departments tasked with assessing weather for all U.N emperors.

Most people outside Baymard got daily reports rather than hourly ones.

Though... The most difficult, coldest, rainiest, or hottest periods were written alongside each day's overall description.

They could be told to be wary between the hours of 2 PM to 6 PM, based on historical data.


All in all, the information from the last was more than helpful.

But they didn't just rely on this alone.

They had machines and people recording weather every day.

Though the results mostly tell within the range predicted, there were sometimes when the weather shocked them immensely.

One should never forget that they, humans, were on a small planet. And matters from out of space could also affect them... Whether it's the sun's radiation that melts the ice caps fiercer than ever or other unforeseen circumstances.

They were all just little fish in a large sea of galaxies and universes.

So anything could happen.

But overall, the matter of weather, atmosphere and the ground itself was studied within the academy.


Yushu was humming and tapping his steering wheels, seemingly talking to himself.

'This is it... Today is the first for Project Take-off.' He murmured, thinking of how far he and everyone had come.

What if they do a bad job? What if they mess it all up? What if–

No! He can't afford to think negatively.

It's too late for that.


Yusha drove for another 47 minutes before reaching his final destination.

Made it.


Someone called out, seeing Yusha step out of his vehicle. It was one of his disciples and academy teacher, Gregg.

Yusha had 2 main disciples, Gregg and Ben. These were his core disciples when he was the lead Astrologist of Riverdale City. Yusha had 8 more disciples.



They greeted him respectfully, and many other academy students followed suit.

"Good morning, Dean Yusha!"

"Good morning, Overseer Yusha."

"Good morning, Dean!"


Yusha nodded at them respectfully.

Don't mind as they were all students of the academy. Some were famous people across their respective empires.

If not for the fact that his majesty had found Yusha first, how is it possible for him to be their senior and dean?

"Yusha, you crazy bastard," Gillian called out, approving Yusha. "How is it possible that I came before you after all the fussing you made over the phone?"

Yusha was also helpless. He too would like to know.

Gillian placed his hand over Yusha's shoulders, and the duo continued to walk closer to the massively broad structure before them.


Yusha stared at the building, feeling its beauty sucking out the living daylight out of him.

The building looked similar to the Coastal port and the Landport.

However, it was incredulously huge.

Just look at this.

Why did it stretch so far out? Was it supposed to be this big?

Strange... Oh, This was so strange!

It wasn't just the size that puzzled him.

Why was every main entrance so far apart? Could it be a mistake?

[Air Baymard-- Local Flights Departures]

[Air Baymard -- International Flight Departures.]

[Air Skylands --Local Flights Departures]

[Air Skylands -- International Flight Departures.]


He felt one would have to drive through the massive place to reach each main entrance.

Can it be like this?

Why isn't everything in the same place?

"Buddy... Look over there..."

Gillian pointed at the towering figure far back.

Was that it?

The control tower?


Yusha's brain exploded.

Today, they will enter the tower!