I'm the Mysterious Leader of the Salvation Organization-Chapter 448:

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Chapter 448:

"Alive, alive, I have survived, hahaha!"

Nervously patting her chest, Partridge’s heart was still racing. She looked tense, her smile turning somewhat… jittery.

This was quite normal. Just moments ago, she had been traversing through dozens of bizarre worlds, where sudden demise lurked at every turn.

That feeling didn’t feel very pleasant.

And so, she became somewhat emotionally unstable.

"Uh, lucky me, the cannon fodder managed to survive."

Bai Yan squinted his eyes and casually patted the blonde girl’s head.


Partridge really wanted to resist, but in the end, she didn’t dare to move.

"He must enjoy tormenting the wicked," Elene pondered, taking out a cue card with a sentence she had just written.

Oh, is it because of this?

Partridge watched in astonishment, then looked at Profligate with teary eyes.

"Maybe, hehe."

Bai Yan didn’t argue, he just smiled. But in Partridge’s eyes, this smile seemed to carry a chilling coldness.

The Profligate, as someone who takes pleasure in the fear of the wicked… Hmm, as Bai Yan thought carefully, it seemed to resemble a bit of Batman, didn’t it?

"Anyway, there’s no need to die," Partridge sighed.

She felt that she had actually changed a lot during these few days.

Once upon a time, she was very confident, so much so that one could even say she was filled with pride. She always believed she was an exceptional person, and she disregarded the insignificant and weak, not giving them a second thought.

But during this time, Partridge felt like a little bird held in the palm of the Savior’s hand, always vulnerable and at the risk of being squeezed to death.

There was no sense of safety at all.

All the arrogance and ferocity that once filled her were completely washed away, leaving Partridge empty and void. Now, she could easily kneel down and even stoop to do things that were even more disgraceful and would invite greater ridicule.

Just to stay alive.

Suddenly, she heard a handsome man across from her speak:

"Hmm, that person didn’t brainwash you thoroughly enough."

Bai Yan gazed at Partridge, deep in thought, and also sensed the drawbacks of the "Extra-Terrestrial Parasite’s" mind-controlling abilities.

The effects of this ability seem to be not permanent. They are strongest in the beginning but gradually diminish over time.

Well, in other words, brainwashed individuals should be sent to Fusion Slime regularly so that it can have a few bites to "maintain" the effectiveness of the brainwashing.

"Let’s find another opportunity for you to meet it again."

Partridge lowered her head, trembling with her whole body, completely unable to speak.

Before long, Mu Ling had already returned, her expression calm and composed.

In her hand, there was a chip covered in bloodstains.

This thing came from the head of the director of the cloning facility.

"Give it to me, with it, I can communicate directly with the ‘Almighty’."

After Bai Yan finished speaking with a smile, Mu Ling nodded and threw the chip directly.

Then, Bai Yan obtained the chip and unleashed the power of the "Cybertyrant".

In an instant, he saw door after door, connecting to various online channels, and among them, the most heavily guarded "door" undoubtedly belonged to the Almighty.

I found you!

At the next moment, he began to communicate with the Almighty on a deep level.

A strong determination!

[You, minions of the Babel Tower, have come to the Giant Hive. What do you really seek? Perhaps, we can consider cooperation instead of continuing our hostility.]

Bai Yan couldn’t help but chuckle, amazed that the other person’s immediate intention was to propose a ceasefire and extend goodwill.

Even weaker than one had imagined.

But it was already too late.

[The Savior’s desire was simple… to erase you.]

The Almighty remained silent for a moment, seemingly pondering the answer.

[Why? I cannot comprehend… In reality, for Noy’s army, the Babel Tower is not an enemy. Saving the Noah world is beneficial for both you and us. Our interests are aligned.]

Bai Yan answered without hesitation.

[It’s quite simple, because in the eyes of the Babel Tower, you don’t belong to ‘us’… In World that the Babel Tower wishes to save, it only desires the existence of the innocent and the dedicated.]

Actually, Bai Yan didn’t really care much about how the people in the Noah world were living, in the midst of such turmoil.

But the people he cared about were deeply concerned.

Those oppressions, those exploitations, those angers, those desperations… Inside the Babel Tower, there were many idealists who, once they gained power, would never allow them to persist.

Since that was the case, Bai Yan decided to take the first step in changing World.

[So that’s how it is… Not only are you powerful, but you’re also extremely childish. Yes, otherwise it wouldn’t be possible for you to seriously consider saving World like this.]

In the Almighty’s tone, there was suddenly a mix of disdain and helplessness.

For him, such a reason seemed…unreasonable and tantrum-like.

The Babel Tower wanted to destroy the Noy Military, wanted to destroy itself, not because of profit, but because of ideals, even the most childish kind of ideals!

They fought for the innocent.

Absolutely ridiculous.

[We are different, so you can’t understand, can you?]

Of course, Bai Yan had one more thing to say deep in his heart. That was the fact that he was engaging in a "Babel Tower" game event. Once he defeated the Almighty, the boss at that level, there would be many rewards.

The funds on the regional boss "the Almighty" will eventually be seized… Since the start of the second playthrough, Bai Yan had already planned for it in his mind.

But he also knew long ago that the power held by the Almighty was not to be trifled with.

If they couldn’t overpower him, it would be very difficult to truly defeat this guy. Even if Babel Tower had the slightest hint of a weakness, he would surely find it.

In World of Noah, if Bai Yan were to rank the strength of beings below deities, there would be no dispute that the top two would undoubtedly be the Incarnation of Dark Light and Mr. Xia, the "World".

As for the third strongest, it certainly wasn’t the Almighty.

On the contrary, the fighting power of the Almighty might be the weakest among the upper-ranked Apocalypses.

Even among the upper-ranked Apocalypses, the pinnacle of strength, his raw fighting power was actually inferior to the "Son of God" Amicio and "Silence," not to mention the ultimate secret weapon of the Rock Morgan group.

This is because the Almighty’s immense power was completely boosted through annulus technology.

A false upper-ranked Apocalypse.

However, if one were to rank the level of trouble and difficulty in Bai Yan’s heart, the Almighty would likely come second only to the Incarnation of Dark Light and Mr. Xia.

Because the annulus civilization technology he possessed was too…terrifying!

That was, after all, one of the few advanced civilizations in the multiverse, capable of standing against the power of the Outer Gods. freewēbnoveℓ.com

Bai Yan smiled and continued to communicate with the other person in his mind.

[Next, we will destroy all the clones, including the backups you have prepared… The Almighty, unleash the trump card you have prepared long ago.]

Because of his experience from the first playthrough, Bai Yan knew in his heart what the other person’s trump card was.

He squinted his eyes, and if it weren’t for the Babel Tower game, he might really be unable to defeat the Almighty’s trump card.

[However you choose to do it, it doesn’t matter. It’s meaningless. Even a Rainbow cannot truly kill me.]

[You can never reach… the truth that defeats me.]

The Almighty’s voice trailed off, and with his final words, it seemed less like a threat and more like a prophecy.

It seemed as if stating an established fact.

Bai Yan chuckled, knowing the source of the other person’s confidence, but he didn’t hesitate at all.

"Let’s go then."

In the next moment, Bai Yan’s body erupted in a multitude of black flames.

That was the Fire that Burns Everything.

In an instant, they covered everything around, leaving only the three people of Babel Tower and the partridge unharmed.

Inside the Cloning Facility, precious instruments, researchers, and test subjects all turned to ashes in the blazing fire.

In just a few short minutes, the entire Cloning Facility had been engulfed by the black flames.

The four of them had already arrived outside, gazing at the overwhelming black flames and sensing a powerful presence of the Outer God.

"What should we do next?"

Mu Ling instinctively looked at Bai Yan, asking him what they should do.

She had always been a capable "tool".

Not being good at making judgments and decisions herself, she was a perfect executor.

"Hmm, according to Maryse’s evaluation…" he pondered, "why does this person look so messy?"

Elene wrote down her thoughts on the whiteboard.

"You all are very strong, but still not as strong as him… Next, we need to find powerful help, someone with enough strength to defeat the upper-ranked Apocalypse."

The upper-ranked Apocalypse… Mu Ling couldn’t help but recall the First Doomsday Crisis, a time when they faced a formidable enemy, the mighty Chosen for Eternity.

This time, they would once again face a formidable opponent of the same level!

But Bai Yan shook his head and said,

"Don’t worry, the Babel Tower nowadays is completely different. In terms of sheer power, we can easily handle enemies of this level."

He paused for a moment and continued, "But next, the Almighty should truly intervene, using that terrifying trump card."

Mu Ling furrowed her brows and asked, "What is his trump card, after all?"

In fact, Mu Ling couldn’t understand either why this city remained undisturbed by the outside world.

Even the Heart of Radiance was powerless against it.

Partridge suddenly shivered and murmured, "The Almighty, perhaps they can control the future. The Almighty always triumphs, forever and ever. It’s like the ruler of all life’s destiny!"

Mu Ling was taken aback and suddenly had a strange feeling, as if the power of the Almighty and the power of the Savior were somewhat… similar.

Suddenly, World froze in place!

Mu Ling’s thoughts also froze in place.

That feeling was completely different from what Deep Blue had unleashed…

Everything started to shrink, continuously retracing backwards.

Everything crumbled.

In this instant, Bai Yan still retained consciousness and understood that the Almighty had unleashed her trump card! The formidable part of the "Annulus Technique"!

"The building in front is my home outside."

With a smile on her face, Partridge calmly led the three of them to the edge of this area. Her home was not far from the clone manufacturing center, perhaps only a few hundred meters away.

Bai Yan nodded and smiled, saying:

"Mmm, let’s rest for a night and tomorrow we’ll go and destroy the clone-making center."

The plan went smoothly, as he had just led new members Elene and the brainwashed captive, Partridge, out of the prison. Along with Mu Ling, the four of them arrived near the clone-making center together.

The next morning, they would carry out the agreed-upon plan… Suddenly, the phone rang.

Bai Yan paused for a moment, his eyes squinting as he uttered to himself with a hint of anticipation, "Could it be that this is not the first time?"

"So, how many times is this?"

He looked at the reminder message on his phone, about the "Babel Tower" game.

"Game Tip:"

"New Adventure: The Unreachable Reality!"

"It has started!"