Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance-Chapter 815 Prime Disciple Competition: Mira’s Biggest Weakness

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Mira took a moment to regain her bearings as she surveyed the chamber around her. It felt like she had been in that trial for an eternity, but in truth, only a few hours had passed.

The door leading out of the chamber beckoned her, but before moving forward, Mira sat cross-legged on the chamber floor, taking a moment to introspect. Her heart and mind were filled with countless emotions and thoughts.

Reaching into her soul, Mira sensed the World Core pulsating gently, mirroring the harmonious balance she had achieved in the trial. It felt like the core had grown, not in size but in its depth of understanding.

The lessons from the arena trial weren't just abstract concepts but powerful tools that could shape her future cultivation. The real test would be integrating these insights into her everyday life and her cultivation journey.

As she focused on her World Core, Mira could perceive small imbalances within her soul space—places where the flow of energy was either too strong or too weak. Recalling the pedestals, she set about reshaping her soul space.

By slightly altering the paths and the speed at which energy flowed, Mira was able to achieve a more harmonious balance. Some paths needed to be broadened to allow for more flow, while others were better off being narrowed or even redirected altogether.

The process was meticulous, but as she worked, Mira felt an immense satisfaction. It was a different sort of cultivation breakthrough, one rooted not in raw power but in understanding.

Finally, after what felt like hours, Mira felt a newfound stability in her soul space. She took a deep breath, feeling refreshed and energized.

Rising to her feet, she approached the chamber door. As her hand touched the handle, she felt a connection. It was as if the chamber itself acknowledged her growth.

With a soft creak, the door swung open, revealing a vast corridor lined with more doors. Each door was unique, radiating its own aura, beckoning her to explore further.

However, Mira knew that she couldn't rush into whatever was next without first consolidating her gains. She decided to return to her chamber and meditate on her experiences.

As she walked, the walls of the corridor seemed to pulse with a subtle energy, but it was just enough to light up the place.

Reaching her quarters, Mira sank into her meditation cushion. Closing her eyes, she began to replay her experiences in the previous trial, breaking down each decision she made and analyzing the consequences.

The duality of creation and destruction was more than just a concept to be understood; it was a fundamental principle of existence.

As her meditation deepened, Mira felt herself floating, as if her soul was detaching from her body. She found herself in a vast expanse, much like the arena but devoid of any features.

Suddenly, figures began to appear around her. They were transparent, like spirits or apparitions. Each figure radiated an aura, some warm and welcoming, others cold and distant.

These were the manifestations of her past experiences, the challenges she had faced, and the lessons she had learned.

As she interacted with each figure, Mira was able to glean insights and wisdom that had previously eluded her. Some figures represented her past mistakes, while others were embodiments of her achievements.

Hours, or perhaps days, passed in this state of heightened awareness. Mira felt herself growing, evolving, and refining her understanding.

Eventually, she felt a gentle tug, pulling her back to her physical body. As she opened her eyes, the room was bathed in the soft glow of dawn.

Mira rose, feeling invigorated.

'I feel like I've done more meditation in this Secret Realm than I've done in my entire life.' Mira chuckled, but it wasn't a bad thing.

Most of the time, cultivation was really boring. You sit in a place for days, months, or years and absorb energy. As she wasn't a Taoist who only ate grass and spouted nonsense, she needed to get out and move her body.

Or, more precisely, she needed to kill.

At this point, it was almost something like a tick. But she couldn't help it. Some people meditate to relieve stress. Other people play games or socialize.

She chops people in half.

'Speaking of… I'm itching for some action. The tournament-style trial was nothing more than a tease!' She grumbled, her previously calm mind becoming agitated.

Taking a deep breath, she pushed the killing intent threatening to rampage down and focused on the task ahead.

As if reading her mind, an ancient voice echoed through the corridor. "Congratulations on passing the last trial, challenger. As someone who has made it all the way here, comprehended everything that's required for the legacy, and proved your potential, you are eligible for the final reward."

A faint smile appeared on Mira's face upon hearing that. This was a long journey, one she didn't expect to be so… challenging. She's learned a lot, gotten much stronger, and even found things she never knew about herself.

More importantly, she was ready to break through to the Soul Transformation Realm and get out of here to check on Maria. She was about to say something, but the voice interrupted.

"But-" It started, and Mira's heart sank.

'Fuck! Why is there always a but?!'

"-There is one last test if you could even call it that. Rather than a test, it's more accurate to call it fate. Are you fated with the legacy or not? Are you lucky enough to obtain the final reward of the ancient Progenitors? That's the last test. To make it to the peak, pure talent isn't enough. One must be lucky enough to survive and surpass all challenges. Now, take your pick."


Mira fell silent. The room entered a strange silence. Even the energy around her seemed to go into a strange hibernation.

Suddenly, the air began to quake, and Mira's crimson eyes shone with bloodthirst. A dense, red haze quickly filled the room as she exploded in rage.


She equipped her scythe and slashed at the ceiling, only for the force created to rebound back at her.

"Fuck!" She shouted once again. "I went through all that shit, and now you want to leave things up to fate?! What?! Are the Progenitors diviners?! What the hell do they know about fate?! They can suck my big black tail!"

"I swear, the next time I see a Phoenix, I'm chopping it up and having it for breakfast! Roasted Dragon steak also sounds good for dinner! Maybe I'll go full cannibal and dine on a few foxes!"

Somewhere, a particular Dracophoenix felt a shiver down her spine.

Mira exploded into a series of curses and expletives that even she didn't know she had in her. If there were a living being in front of her right now, regardless of their status in her heart, they probably would've died from the aura she was emitting.

The walls around her trembled from the sheer killing intent that filled the room. Even the ancient voice didn't dare to say anything.

After a few minutes, eventually, Mira released all her pent-up emotions and calmed down, but there was still a smoldering fire in her eyes.

"Looks like you're shit out of luck." The Guardian chimed in at the 'perfect' time.

However, hearing his voice actually gave Mira an idea. "Oh? If you're so useful, why don't you pick one of the doors for me? You should know which one leads to the legacy, right?"



"A-Ahahaha. N-No~"


"It's not my fault, okay?!" The Guardian pleaded. "Whoever made this Realm was very particular! It's not that I can't tell which room leads to the final reward, it's that none of them do!"

Mira scowled, as that answer was worse than what she thought was the worst-case scenario.

"...Explain." She growled. She was one second away from entering the Firmament and figuring out a way to castrate him.

"It really is a luck-based system! All the doors don't lead anywhere. At least, not until you step through one. Only when you step into one will a path generate. Where that path goes and where you end up from there is entirely random, but it's also entirely out of anyone's control. It seems this was put in place to prevent people like me from helping people like you."

Then, he added, "In fact, you could consider this as part of your bad luck. The corridor you're in is rather unique compared to the others."

Mira didn't like the sound of that, but she didn't want to hear it anymore. With every word that came out of his mouth, she became more depressed.

She knew her luck better than anyone else. It was part of the reason she didn't like going out and was a big part of all her troubles. Now, it was even affecting her future growth.

Taking a deep breath, she stabilized her mind before asking, "...So, it really doesn't matter which door I pick?"

"That's right." The Guardian responded.

"Then, fuck it." She turned and opened the nearest door. "I'll just pick this one."

Then, she jumped in.𝗯𝐞𝗱𝐧𝗼𝐯𝐞𝗹.𝗰𝗼𝗺