Immortality Cultivation: I Farm in the System Space-Chapter 113 - The Auction Starts (Please Subscribe)

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Chapter 113: Chapter 113 The Auction Starts (Please Subscribe)

Translator: 549690339

Having stated these three rules, Elder Bai paused for a moment.

Then he continued to speak:

“There is also one more thing. This auction is different from the past, which I’m sure everyone felt upon entering.”

“For this auction, the grand formation of the entire venue has been activated, rendering all Divine Sense methods unusable.”

“All of you buyers can rest assured that you need not worry about being attacked with Divine Sense.”

“Additionally, Divine Sense probing is also disabled, so even if you change your appearance, no one will be able to recognize you.”

“If you successfully bid for an item, you can also choose not to collect it immediately and instead have it stored with us at Yuebaolou, to be collected any time after the auction ends.”

“Of course, there will be a small fee for storage.” “That’s all for the rest. I won’t say much more.” “So now, I will hand over to the host of the auction.”

After speaking, Elder Bai stepped down.

Once Elder Bai had left, only Steward Cheng remained on the stage. He walked to the center of the auction table and directly began to speak: “Elder Bai has already said what needed to be said.”

“The auction, now begins!!!”

“Next… ”

“Please bring in the first item for auction.”

No sooner had Steward Cheng finished speaking than a young, beautiful servant girl in a uniform long gown came forward holding an open wooden case in both hands.

Inside the wooden case lay a Flying Sword. The beautiful servant girl walked to the front of the auction table, first showcasing the Flying Sword to the crowd below,

and then she turned and placed the wooden case onto the display stand in the middle of the auction table.

“This first auction item is the Qinghong Flying Sword, a medium-grade Magic Artifact. It contains gold azure stone, making it particularly suitable for cultivators with Metallic Spiritual Roots. When using this sword to cast spells, it can enhance the power of metal-related spells.”

“The starting bid is 1,000 Lower Grade Spirit Stones, and each bid must be at least 100 Lower Grade Spirit Stones higher than the previous one.”

“Ladies and gentlemen, start your bidding.”

As soon as Steward Cheng finished, the auction hammer fell, and the auction officially began.

“1 bid 1,000…”

A voice had barely started speaking when it was interrupted.

“I bid 1,200 Lower Grade Spirit Stones.”

Immediately someone raised their numbered placard and called out. “Good, bidder number 308 bids 1,200 Lower Grade Spirit Stones.”

“Does anyone wish to raise the bid further?”

With one person initiating the bidding, the crowd below became animated, and soon another voice emerged from a corner.

“1,300 Lower Grade Spirit Stones.”

This time, before Steward Cheng could speak, another person in front spoke up:

“1,500. I bid 1,500 Lower Grade Spirit Stones.”

The voices in the crowd rose and fell, and the atmosphere of the venue also picked up.

Quickly, the price of the Flying Sword had surpassed 3,000 Lower Grade Spirit Stones.

“3,200,” someone called out at the top of their voice.

“I bid 3,500 directly, I’d like to see if anyone can beat that.”

However, this price couldn’t stop those who truly wanted to purchase it.

“3,700,” a calm voice rang out.

“Bidder number 276 offers 3,700 Spirit Stones,” Steward Cheng announced.

A while later, the price of the Qinghong Flying Sword continued to rise, and the number of bidders dwindled.

Finally, when the bid reached 4,500 Lower Grade Spirit Stones, the crowd quieted down.

Steward Cheng, holding the auction hammer high, called out loud:

“4, 500 Lower Grade Spirit Stones for the first time.”

“4, 500 Lower Grade Spirit Stones twice.”

“Any more bids? If not, this Flying Sword will be sold.”

Steward Cheng tempted one last time, then swept his gaze around the room, seeing no one else speaking up.

With a loud “bang,” the auction hammer fell.

“4, 500 Lower Grade Spirit Stones, for the third time, sold.”

“Congratulations to bidder number 276 on acquiring the Qinghong Flying Sword.”

Afterwards, a maid took the stage and carried the Qinghong Flying Sword away, and the cultivator who had just won the bid for the Flying Sword, number 276, also left his seat to go to the back of the auction stage to complete the transaction.

Next, the second lot was brought onto the stage by a maid—it was a mineral used for Artifact Refining.

In the end, this mineral was traded for 3,600 Lower Grade Spirit Stones, a price even lower than the Qinghong Flying Sword just auctioned.

Then, the auction continued.

One after another, items were brought up and auctioned off quickly. However, Lin Jing had not spoken up from the beginning to the end.

Because none of these items were what he wanted.

Some might have been a little tempting, but until he secured the rootstock of the Biling Flower, he could not afford to spend his Spirit Stones recklessly.

Time passed quickly, and noon arrived in the midst of the auction’s fervor.

If they were ordinary people, they would need to have lunch by now, but these were cultivators, capable of fasting from food.

Therefore, the auction kept going, regardless of the time.

The prices of the current lots had generally risen to over ten thousand Spirit Stones.

Lin Jing remained calm and continued to wait.

And not just Lin Jing; there were also some cultivators who had not placed a single bid so far.

Not to mention the private boxes upstairs; the people from the big families were not interested in these items and were reluctant to speak up.

And so, the time went on until the afternoon.

At this point, Steward Cheng shouted from the stage: “All right, let’s welcome the next lot.”

Then, a maid holding a wooden box walked onto the stage.

The maid opened the wooden box and displayed its contents to everyone—the item inside was gray-black and appeared to be a section of a Spirit Plant root.

Thereafter, the maid placed the wooden box on the display table.

“This lot is a segment of a Spirit Plant rootstock; everyone must have seen it on the list of auction items.”

“Yes, this is the rootstock of the third-order Spirit Plant, the Biling Flower.”

“This segment of Biling Flower rootstock has been inspected by our Yuebaolou, and it still contains a significant amount of medicinal fluid. Extracting it can increase a Foundation Establishment Stage Cultivator’s cultivation by ten years, and its medicinal essence is so pure that even Golden Core Cultivators can use it.”

“Golden Core Cultivators who consume it can increase their cultivation by six months to a year.” 𝐟reew𝗲b𝐧𝚘𝐯𝐞l.c𝚘m

“Most importantly…”

“Although this section of the rootstock is somewhat damaged, if planted in a high-grade Spirit Field, it can continue to survive and before long, it will grow new Biling Flowers.”

“That is how to maximize the value of this rootstock.”

“However, given the scarcity of high-grade Spirit Fields, the value of this rootstock is significantly diminished.”

“The starting bid is 100 Medium Grade Spirit Stones, with each subsequent bid to be no less than 10 Medium Grade Spirit Stones.”

As expected, the Biling Flower was different—the starting bid was directly in Medium Grade Spirit Stones. “The bidding starts now.”


Steward Cheng brought the auction hammer down.

There was a moment of silence in the venue, and then someone sitting at the front of the room started the bid.

“100 Medium Grade Spirit Stones.”


“Bidder number 176 offers 100 Medium Grade Spirit Stones.”

“Any more bids?”

Steward Cheng looked around the room and saw that several people were eager to bid.

It seemed everyone wanted this Biling Flower rootstock.

Lin Jing did not rush to bid at this moment, because he was well aware of the value of this Biling Flower rootstock—it was bound to exceed the current price, and there would surely be others who would bid higher..