Immortality: Raising an Ant Queen to Cultivate by increasing stat points-Chapter 140 - 135 Diamond InkTurtle_i

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Chapter 140 Chapter 135 Diamond InkTurtle_i

Translator: 549690339 |

Qin Niu came to the broken water tank, only to see that the small turtle, which was originally only the size of a chicken egg, had now grown to the size of a fist. Its shell looked three times thicker than before, if not more.

Each segment of its shell gleamed with a dark yellow light.

It seemed that its tail had become much shorter.

Still the same timid and fearful creature, shrinking back into itself.

“Come out!”

Qin Niu commanded it.

It slowly crawled out of the water, neck retracted, its small green bean-like eyes fixed on its master.

“You’ve evolved for over a month, and this is all the ability you’ve developed?” Seeing its slow movements and the way it cowered, Qin Niu couldn’t help but get angry.

Feeling the displeasure in its master’s tone, the turtle got so scared that it immediately retracted its head into its shell. At the same time, a faint, invisible ripple appeared around its body, encasing it like a transparent cover.

Upon seeing this, a surprised look flashed across Qin Niu’s eyes.

He tried to touch the cover.

As soon as he made contact, he felt an invisible resistance.

About an inch away from the turtle’s shell.

Pressing down a bit harder, he found that this transparent energy cover had a certain elasticity. Quite magical.

“Not bad!”

Qin Niu praised it, then checked its attributes.

Male Diamond Ink Turtle

Grade: Grade Three turtle of longevity from the order of Testudines. Level-up experience 1000/10000

Lifespan: 657 years.

Energy: 7000

Skills: Swimming Grade Two 31.4/100, Hibernation Grade One 0/10, Qi Wave

Defense Grade One 0.01/10.

Talent: Timidity, Defense

After checking its attributes, Qin Niu felt almost envious to tears.

Its lifespan had increased by a whole six hundred years; the phrase “turtle longevity” was indeed not an empty boast.

In many people’s minds, the longest-lived creatures are turtles.

The actual lifespan of a normal turtle is just thirty to fifty years, not as exaggerated as the legendary thousand years.

Turtles that live two to three hundred years are extremely rare.

Those over a hundred years can be called long-lived turtles.

The ones that truly live for a thousand years are divine turtles.

After Qin Niu fed it the Banyan Tree Blood, its lifespan increased by an entire six hundred years, which made Qin Niu himself want to drink some.

But he didn’t have the courage to do so yet.

Unless one day he drank three kilograms of fake wine or ate a few bear hearts and leopard gallbladders, that might lead him to do something crazy.

The little turtle had also evolved a new skill, Qi Wave Defense.

That must be the thin layer of aura around its body.

Its talent also had new changes; apart from the embarrassing timidity, it had developed a defense talent as well.

“I’ll get you a chunk of meat,” Qin Niu said.

He cut a piece of wild boar meat to feed it.

The silly thing actually stuck out its head and sniffed at the meat with its sharp nose, then looked at Qin Niu.

“Damn it, eat if you want, forget it if you don’t. Can I possibly harm you?” Qin Niu exclaimed.

Qin Niu found that the thinking of beast pets was much more complex.

Last time, after feeding it Banyan Tree Blood, the turtle suffered a lot and even nearly died. Worried that Qin Niu was feeding it ‘special food’ again, the turtle hesitated to eat despite being very hungry.

But Termite would not hesitate.

When Qin Niu raised the Termite, they also went through life-and-death struggles and suffered greatly.

But when fed again, they would quickly eat without any hesitation.

It seemed that this little turtle had the most cunning mind.

After being scolded by Qin Niu, the little turtle, whether out of fear or because it found no issues with the wild boar meat, began to eat quickly.

When it ate, it was not only quick but also exceptionally ferocious, completely different from its usual timid behavior.

Qin Niu had glimpsed a side of it unknown to others.

“Once the fish pond is ready, and we move it there, perhaps it’s worth considering feeding it some live prey to maintain its wild nature.”

Qin Niu was well aware that maintaining wildness would keep them always alert and striving to improve their survival abilities. Such beast pets would be more competitive.

Seeing the great benefits the little turtle received from evolving, he couldn’t help but think about Xiao Nui’s potential.

The blood of the Ancient Banyan Tree must contain extremely powerful energy, its effects possibly exceeding ordinary elixirs.

If Xiao Nui ate it, as long as it survived the life-and-death challenge, it would at least advance one grade.

The little turtle had jumped directly from Grade One to Grade Three, which was a huge leap.

Any beast pet’s advancement in grade is extremely difficult.

For a Beast Tamer to raise a Grade One pet to Grade Two involves tremendous amounts of time, effort, and money. Even with such investments, success is not guaranteed.

Qin Niu had managed to advance the little turtle two grades with just a bit of Banyan Tree Blood, which was quite terrifying.

If he were willing to sell the Banyan Tree Blood, it would undoubtedly lead to a bloody storm, as countless powerhouses would fight over it.

Approaching the shed, Xiao Nui was still lazily lying there, chewing on corn leaves.

As expected, there was a large pile of cow dung in the corner.

Its fertilizer-making skill was improving every day, whereas its brute strength skill had hardly increased at all.

The main reason was that it was just too lazy.


Seeing Qin Niu come over, Xiao Nui affectionately stretched out its neck and bellowed.

“Xiao Nui, I am prepared to offer you a great opportunity. But if you can’t handle it, you might die. Do you want to try?”

The bond between Qin Niu and Xiao Nui was quite deep.

He was actually somewhat conflicted about letting it take this risk.

Deep down, he knew that it would have to take the risk sooner or later.

Unless it was content with mediocrity for life.

In reality, that was impossible. Qin Niu’s cultivation was improving by leaps and bounds, and his power in all aspects was steadily increasing. If his pets couldn’t grow stronger alongside him, they would eventually be eliminated. “Moo~!”

It actually nodded its head, which took Qin Niu by surprise.

The cow’s intelligence should be a bit higher than that of the little turtle, and it was well aware of what death meant.

“Aren’t you afraid of dying?”

Qin Niu asked it.


Since he had not yet grasped beast language, communicating with Xiao Nui was relatively difficult.

Qin Niu could issue commands to it or convey his thoughts using voice and spiritual power. Xiao Nui could understand but was unable to communicate with Qin Niu using human language or spiritual power.

Their current status was essentially a one-way command system.

Most Insect Masters and Beast Tamers operated in this state.

Those with the skills of insect language or beast language were few.

“Since you’ve made your choice, I will naturally help you.”

Qin Niu himself faced various risks while training to become stronger.

Whether master or beast pet, one must walk their own path and face the challenges themselves.

He made repeated calculations of Xiao Nui’s weight and physique, then carefully prepared a safe dose of Banyan Tree Blood for it.

This ‘safe’ wasn’t absolutely safe.

It was only somewhat safe.

“Drink all this green liquid at once, and you can become stronger. But there’s also a chance you won’t survive and will die from your body exploding.”

After hearing this, Xiao Nui didn’t hesitate and immediately lowered its head to drink all the water in the trough.

There was no reaction right after it drank.

Qin Niu watched beside it, feeling anxious.

Of all his pets, he had the deepest affection for the Termite and Xiao Nui.

He certainly hoped that Xiao Nui would safely make it through.

Time passed steadily, and half an hour went by with Xiao Nui still showing no reaction; it appeared completely leisurely and content.