Inhuman Warlock-Chapter 598 - 598: Fifth Gen

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Chapter 598 - 598: Fifth Gen

"Cough, leave that in the past. We're over that. I behaved badly, and you destroyed the facility. Now I helped you, and you agreed to forgive me. We should be equal now."

Lucifer didn't answer. Instead, he walked to the violet-haired lady. He picked her up and kept her back in the coffin before closing it.

"Get me another coffin for her as well," he commanded Jane, pointing towards Jenilia.


Lucifer kept Jenilia in the borrowed coffin, leaving both coffins side by side.

He started waiting for Salazar to be healed before doing anything else.

Time kept passing as Lucifer sat on a chair, waiting for Salazar.

He also kept Jane sitting beside him, not letting her go anywhere to keep an eye on her.

At the same time, he didn't waste even a single second. Instead, he kept asking her questions regarding Atlantis to understand what this place was actually about.

Jane also answered everything honestly.

According to what Lucifer grasped from her explanation, Atlantis was actually a human haven. Surprisingly, there was not a single Variant living in Atlantis.

It was a country that was said to be established by humans to protect themselves when Dungeons started appearing around the world. They also wanted to avoid Variants who were too powerful and treated them badly.

That's why a section of humans left the human continents and decided to make a new home. And that home happened to be none other than Atlantis.

It was a technological marvel, according to Jane. Also, from the way she talked, Lucifer realized that she wasn't lying this time. He had a good understanding of her.

It was slightly surprising for him as well, especially to find out that the people he fought weren't variants. However, he also had a feeling that it was the case.

They all commanded Aia to use Teleportation. He hadn't seen them use anything special they didn't need to call Aia for.

If that was the case, he was sure that these people weren't a threat to him. With just that much, they were too weak. Let alone being a threat to him; they couldn't even stand against the Warlock Council.

He couldn't understand why the Warlock Council kept Atlantis so classified if they were so weak. They weren't a threat at all. Unless there was something, he was missing.

"Do all humans in Atlantis use Aia to teleport and for other abilities?" he asked Jane.

"No. They don't use Aia. It's just something we use. Aia uses the first generation technology and is very limited. On the contrary, the Royal soldiers use what we call the fifth generation technology."

"Also, there's also a rumor that Royals have the sixth generation technology as well, which only they can use."

As Jane answered Lucifer, he was slowly understanding that he might have been underestimating them.

The first generation tech can help them teleport within a certain range and bring weapons to them. The fifth generation could only be many times more special.

"Can you tell me what fifth generation technology can do that Aia can't?" Lucifer asked.

Even though Aia knew she was giving away secret information that she shouldn't, she believed her life was more important. Moreover, there was also a scheme in her mind, so she was sure it wasn't going to matter even if Lucifer knew.

"Fifth Generation technology is much stronger than the first generation. In fact, the first generation is actually ancient, but since we couldn't afford the second or third generation, we used Aia," Jane answered, sighing.

"But your student called this place Northern Royal Academy. Doesn't that mean the Royals own it?" Lucifer frowned.

"Not really. There are thousands of academies here, and all use the Royal Academy at the end of their name. It just signifies that we're all under the Royals, even though we don't get help from them," Jane explained.

"In reality, there's only one academy which is directly supported by the Royals, and it's in the Royal City, known as the Royal Military Academy."

"They are given fourth generation technology, and the graduates are allowed to join the military where they can even use fifth generation tech."

"Why do students even join your academy if it's so bad?" Lucifer asked.

"Sigh, it's because this academy had a lower admission standard. Moreover, the fees are also low." Jane answered. "You see, we are nothing in the grand scheme of things. Why else do you think we were defeated so easily?"

"You still didn't answer. What can the Royal Army do that you can't with Aia? What's the difference?"

"There are many. Firstly, they don't have to touch the gloves to use the tech. They don't have to call out Aia or anyone else. All they need to do is think, and they can teleport."

"Their teleportation is also faster and covers more range. Moreover, they have more offensive abilities. On the contrary, we have almost none. We could only restrict you and attack you with an ordinary weapon. But they... They wouldn't have needed a weapon."

"I don't even think I can describe the extent of what they can do. Just understand that they are no less than proper Warlocks."

"The only difference is that there is no limit on who can possess what power. As long as the technology allows it, they can all use anything."

"So they are strong," Lucifer said, rubbing his chin. "I guess I can understand why the Warlock Council is so interested."

'They probably feel threatened by Atlantis since it's a human only place which isn't good for Variants. It could also be that they want to own the technology of Atlantis? Or it could also be that they have a working relationship with Atlantis, and this woman just doesn't know about it.'

"Strong would be an understatement," Jane answered. "So instead of fighting them, just surrender and ask them to help instead. I'm sure they'll forgive you. And you'll be able to leave safely."

"I don't think you need to be concerned about me. I'll be able to leave safely faster than you can imagine," Lucifer lazily said.

He stood up and walked closer to Salazar. Four hours had passed, and his body was still hiding inside the mist.

He brought out the glasses from his inner pocket and wore them.

'Good. There's a connection available. I'm certainly on earth.'

"Contact Kellian," he commanded softly.

Through the glasses, a connection was established directly with Kellian.

"You! Finally, you got back to me! Where are you? Are you fine?"

As soon as the call connected, Kellian's excited voice came from the other end.

"I am perfectly fine.. What about you all? What's happening there?" Lucifer asked in return. "Is Miyali there as well? Was there any conflict?"