Inside the Cave of Obscenity-Vol 6 Chapter 7: Vol6 Final - Goddess (Expressionless, Emotionless)

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"No more... please, forgive me... please forgive me..."

Akane's murmur echoed in a shallow cave in the deep forest of Grabalt.

It was a shallow cave, deep enough to keep out from the rain, which may have once been the home of a bear or something.

The black-haired hero kept her back against the wall but showed no signs of running away.

Her limbs were still numb from the paralyzing poison, and she could not move a single finger.

The figure trembling in the corner of the cave was completely frightened, and there was no trace of the hero in her anymore.

The stench of slime mucus and the scent of semen from being violated all night long emanated from her body, telling how much she had been subjected to.

"You don't have to be so frightened. It felt good, right?"

"That's!? I'm just a human, and the other person is..."

"Because it's not human? I think you're worrying too much."

The one who responded to Akane's words was Frederica, a beautiful mage with beautiful blonde hair adorned with a large witch-like triangular hat.

She didn't seem at all bothered by the fact that there was a human-shaped slime right next to her, and she moved Angelica, who was still asleep, while talking to Akane, who couldn't move.

The blonde-haired beauty, lifted by magic, was sound asleep due to fatigue and sleep magic, and did not seem to wake up no matter how much Akane called out to her.

As Angelica stood with her back against the wall, the humanoid that had taken Akane's virginity stretched out its arms and attached her limbs to the wall.

As soon as its hands overlapped with Angelica's wrists, the limbs of the blonde sister were crucified one by one as though they were black restraints.

It looked like the crucifixion of a saint that she had seen in a book.

Her hands were stretched out to the left and right, and her legs were shoulder-width apart. The sisters' pure white vestments swaying in the wind blowing from the cave entrance accentuate a sense of defeat, but her sleeping face remained calm.

She was unaware of the disgrace that was about to take place, and Akane, unable to do anything about it, almost cried out desperately.

"Angelica, get up! Please!"

"It's useless."

The only thing she could do was call Angelica's name with her mouth, and Frederica kneeled right beside her.

She put her face so close to her that she could feel her breath on her cheek, and she sniffed.

"It smells terrible. Hey, how does it feel to be violated all night, to climax over and over again against a monster, and to have your body smell like semen?"

Taking advantage of Akane's inability to move, Frederica asked a humiliating question.

Normally, she would have resisted in anger, but Akane, whose heart had collapsed by being violated all night, looked away, wanting to cry at the question.

She didn't want to answer, and for some reason, she felt uncomfortable having a conversation with a strange woman who was working with a monster.

However, perhaps amused by Akane's reaction, Frederica leaned closer to her face, as though she wanted to go further into her mind.

Her lips are about to touch her cheek―― and then Frederica slowly licked off the slime mucus that stained Akane's skin, and the dried, hardened semen.


It was Akane who was surprised.

She was aware of the fact that she was unclean, so she hadn't expected that she would lick her like that.

And the act was insistent. Again and again, Frederica's warm tongue carefully licked Akane's cheek.

"Nnh, it's delicious..."

"Please stop!? I-it's dirty!"

"It's not dirty. See..."

Frederica's actions become more intense, her tongue bolder, and her right hand began to stroke between her pants, which were still down to her knees, over her underwear, which was as dirty with slime mucus and semen as her skin.

It was too dry and hard, but Frederica's fingers move up and down a few times and easily find her erect clitoris.

"Ah... no, I don't like it anymore!? Stop it!?"

"Yeah? Doesn't that feel good?"

Even though the cave was hidden, the light of the sun was shining through the entrance near them.

Akane, who had a serious personality, was not comfortable with sexual activity in the daytime, and desperately tried to escape from Frederica's hands, rampaging her body......


(Uu, my whole body is numb―― it's tingling...)

Even if it was just that, her limbs and the muscles under her skin go numb and her body reacted by feeling it as a definite stimulus.

A perverted sense of sexuality that accepted an abusive stimulation as a pleasure had been drilled into her all night.

Akane shed tears of humiliation at the change in her body and fear of what was to come, while Frederica smiled reversibly and intensified her hand stroking her underwear.

"Hey. I'm not bullying you, so don't cry."

"Uu, uuu... don't do this to me..."

"Hey, you're getting wet even though you're saying that?"

"――Not true."

"It is the truth."

As Frederica said, Akane's vaginal hole was so wet that even from the top of her underwear, one could see that it was soaked with love juice.

The aphrodisiac still lingered in Akane's body, making her hypersensitive to even the smallest stimulus.

In addition, Akane's limbs, which had become even less resistant than last night when she was still physically strong, were easily pleasured not just by the tentacle of the slime, but even by Frederica's fingers, who was of the same sex.

Or, in a sense, it should be said that she knew the weaknesses of women because she was of the same sex.

Frederica, who had a free-spirited personality, had no qualms about sexual intercourse between people of the same sex. She licked off the stain on Akane's skin and stimulated her crotch to arouse the black-haired hero.

"No way, even though we're both women―― why are you doing this?"

(Stop! Stop, my body...)

The reason she was talking to her was to stop Frederica's hands from doing anything as much as possible.

Akane, who was a virgin last night, could no longer bear the thought of climaxing in front of a monster.

It was a desperate resistance, hoping to weaken the stimulation just a little. However, Frederica, who could easily understand her feelings, rubbed her clitoris through the fabric of her underwear, giving Akane a different stimulation than the slime tentacle, making her writhe.

Using her free hand and foot dexterously, she lowered Akane's pants further, forcing her to open her crotch boldly.

After forcing her to spread her legs awkwardly, Frederica once again began to tease Akane's crotch.

"Fuu...... uu~~"

(Why is she doing this to me......)

Was it that she couldn't contain her excitement from watching her being violated last night, or was it that she was jealous of Akane, who was the humanoid favored?

Frederica's hand movements became more and more intense, stimulating Akane's sexual zones, and her body, which was not free due to the paralyzing poison, reacted on its own.

When her fingers move up and down, she folds her legs and stretched her hips out, and her bright red underwear became wet with new love juice just from having her clitoris plucked.

At the same time, Frederica was also getting excited, and she could feel on her skin that the breathing on her cheeks was gradually becoming more intense and hot.

"No, no more... ah..."

"Nhh, chu, mhh..."

Akane cried out in disgust, but neither Frederica's fingers nor her tongue would stop.

When she finished licking her left cheek, she moved on to her neck and then to her chest. Little by little, the extent of the licking moved downward, and when the dirty ribbed shirt was rolled up, the bright red bra was exposed, the same as her passionately colored panties.

Her large breasts, which were disproportionate to her slender body, were supported by her underwear to create a deep cleavage, and Frederica, who was of the same sex as her, sighed at the good shape of her breasts.

"As expected of hero-sama, you have beautiful breasts."


Perhaps trying to keep her voice down at least, Akane kept her lips shut and tried to ignore Frederica's ridiculous comment.

Perhaps amused by her reaction, both hands were placed on Akane's breasts wrapped in her underwear, along with the hands that had been teasing her lower body.

She could feel the softness of the milk fat beneath the hardness of the underwear, and the skin, wet with slime mucus and her own sweat seemed to suck on her hands.

Her breasts were of the highest quality, and she couldn't get tired of rubbing them over and over again.

Enjoying the feel of her breasts supported by her trained pecs, Frederica looked at the humanoid who was in the process of attaching Angelica to the wall.

She squeezed Akane's breasts as though to show them to the humanoid, and her movements became more and more violent.

"Auu...! It hurts...... desu......"

Akane, who had become weak after being violated, used honorifics to Frederica and appealed in a roundabout way for her to stop.

In fact, it was true that the caresses on her breasts, which gradually become more and more extreme, make her want to have her skin rubbed against her underwear.

However, apart from that, Akane's aphrodisiac-tainted limbs felt a certain pleasure from such rough lovemaking, and her nipples became hard and erect under her underwear.

The stimulation on her nipples rubbing against the fabric of her bra caused her entire numb body to jerk and twitch.

No matter how much she ignored Frederica's words, it was perfectly clear from her body's reaction that she was feeling pleasure.

As though it was funny, Frederica rubbed Akane's breasts and tried to show them to the humanoid.

Was she jealous of Akane, or did she want Akane to be violated?

――She didn't know what Frederica's intentions were when they arrived at the cave, and it was only then, that Akane understood her when she looked into Frederica's eyes.

A witch in the immediate vicinity, who was human but with monsters.

To Akane, Frederica was a completely unknown entity, just like the monsters.

She had no idea why she was working with such a dangerous slime.

She was afraid to look her in the eyes, but if she didn't, she would really be violated with no way of knowing it.

Akane really didn't like that, so she put up the courage to look into Frederica's eyes――――.

"Why are you doing this......"

"It feels good, right?"

Frederica's answer was simple.

And when she looked into her eyes, Akane intuitively felt that her words were not a lie.

Just because it felt good.

That was why she worked with the slime, and that was why she attacked Akane Shinomiya, the "hero" who was summoned to save this other world, and now it was about to attack Angelica.

There was dark madness in her eyes, but also excitement and anticipation.

To what?

――Frederica was excited and hopeful about the existence of the humanoid, who would evolve further by violating women from now on.

Violating a female hero, violating a powerful warrior priest, and just imagining how much stronger it would be next...... made her crotch wet and excited.

And in proportion to the excitement, the beauty that was no less than Akane blushed, and the movement of both hands that caressed the female hero became more intense.

"Kuku. Hey, let out more of this nasty juice. This will make it stronger."

"No... stop, don't do this anymore..."

The slime would violate her again.

The mere thought of it was frightening, but the strange feeling that she had never imagined that the dangerous slime would be further strengthened because of her―― without knowing whether it was fear or disgust, Akane desperately called out to Frederica for her to stop.

But Frederica ignored Akane's words, or maybe she didn't hear them.

Once the hand rubbing her breasts stopped, however, her head moved downward while extending her tongue.

From the neck to the chest, beyond the swell wrapped in a bra to the toned and tight abdomen, the navel, and further down to the edge of the bright red panties.

"No... not there, it's dirty..."


With a chuckle at Akane's squeal, Frederica approached the most sensitive spot on Akane's body―― the one that was the most sensitive.

"Ah, ahh..."

Akane's charming voice began to echo in the cave.

Her voice had a high-pitched, adult feminine quality, but with a lovely sweetness that delighted Frederica's ears as she drew it out.

At the same time, as it bound Angelica, the humanoid, turned to the black-haired hero who was in the corner of the cave and the blonde mage who was pleasuring her.

Perhaps it lost interest once it violated her once, the humanoid did not react to Akane's charming voice.

In the end, this female heroine was just an individual for it become strong and a mother to give birth to new children.

It may be a poor choice of words, but the hero "Akane Shinomiya" who was summoned to save the other world was of equal value to this slime as any other village girl it met on the road and was violated.

Indeed, absorbing the blood from her deflowering, the humanoid increased its power.

The next child she would give birth to would be even more developed and powerful.

However, that was the will it inherited from the Black Ooze, not what the humanoid wanted.

It just wanted to become stronger.

That was the humanoid's wish. A thought. A human dream.

To become strong, to violate Mariabelle, the woman who killed it, and to make her bear its child.

She was not a legitimate hero like Akane Shinomiya, who was recognized by the goddess, but Fonteau's hero, Mariabelle, who was awakened by her own power after receiving the hero's power from her father.

She was the wife that the humanoid desired.

The other women were just tools for it to become stronger, and Frederica worked with the humanoid even though she had a hint of it.

After being violated by the Black Ooze and discovering the existence of inhuman pleasures, she couldn't go back.

Then, after taking a glance at the moaning Akane, "he" turned its gaze to the bound Angelica.

She was a beautiful woman.

She was so beautiful that even Akane, a woman, felt afraid of her, but when she slept, she had a cute sleeping face.

Her eyelids were closed quietly, her nose was high, her lips were round, her chin was sharp and her neck was free of stains.

Her golden hair and pure white vestments swayed softly in the wind that blew in from the entrance of the cave.

Frederica, who was confident in her breasts size, envy her for her large breasts, and her waist was tightly constricted.

The feeling of the translucent liquid touching the bare legs hidden in the skirt of her holy vestments was unpleasant, and Angelica's eyelids, which were put to sleep by Frederica's magic, twitched.

But she didn't wake up.

The tentacle slipped down her right leg and slipped into her skirt, then climbed upward and quickly reached Angelica's pubic area, which no one had yet touched.

Next, it changed its left arm into a tentacle and twined it around Angelica's waist and breasts from the top of her holy vestments.

The tentacle on its left arm further branched out and twined around Angelica's entire body, accentuating her ample breasts and appealing waist.

The pure white holy vestments became wet and transparent as they absorbed the liquid secreted by the tentacles, and her pure white underwear and fine skin underneath it began to show slightly.

At that time, Angelica's cheeks also gradually turned red, just like Akane's.

Even though she had the will of the goddess within her, she was just an ordinary priestess with a little more talent than the others.

Her resistance to aphrodisiac and paralyzing poison was lower than Akane's, and it was easy to see what would happen if she got wet with aphrodisiac mucus that had the same concentration as Akane's.

Her virgin vaginal cavity easily began to drip with love juice, and her erect nipples were clearly visible through the fabric of her underwear and holy vestments.

The tip of the tentacle on its left arm twisted around her erect nipple and began to knead it, and Angelica's lips, still asleep, parted and a certain charming sound began to escape.

"Haa... nhh... ahh..."

"A-angelica... no, no... help her, someone..."

Akane burst into tears when she saw Angelica begin to moan.

But on the bottom half of her body, Frederica's face was there, and the only one who could help her, a woman licking her vagina and exposing her entire body to convulsions, would not help.

In the meantime, the tentacles that had entwined themselves around Angelica's entire body exuded aphrodisiacs from each one of them, carefully and painstakingly smearing them all over her body, even down to each of her fingers.

Over and over again.

In just a few minutes, Angelica's beautiful limbs, the envy of her peers, was dripping with aphrodisiac, and she looked more like a prostitute than a priestess with her wet holy vestment clinging to her skin, emphasizing the richness of her limbs.

Her skin stained red with arousal, her wild breathing, her beautiful limbs twitching unconsciously.

All of these things stimulate men's desires, and the male consciousness of the humanoid was no exception.

"He" was pushed back by something, and as if driven by it, it stained Angelica's entire body with even more aphrodisiac.

The cave was filled with the strange smell of aphrodisiac, and Frederica and Akane, who were laying their skin on top of each other, were also in a strange mood.

It was the third time in Frederica's memory that the humanoid had used such a large amount of aphrodisiac.

The first time was when it first acquired the ability to use aphrodisiacs in the research building in Lishlua and tried it on the scientist Kara.

The second time was against Meltia in an abandoned mine in Fonteau.

This time, however, the situation was different from any of those.

The first time was when it tried out its ability, and the second time was when it wanted to make sure that Meltia's egg was fertilized.

But this time, it was neither of those. Frederica thought that it could just take the mana from the warrior priest, but its instincts were not satisfied with just that.

It was a male desire to melt this beautiful sister with pleasure until she could not resist.

It had only ever had this desire for Mariabelle, and even the humanoid itself couldn't understand it, so who would have wanted him to do this?

As a result, the tentacles that had been caressing Angelica's entire body with wild movements soon burrowed into the desired place―― the inside of her pure white underwear with its simple but pretty decorations, and in the lower part of her body, into her panties and then directly into her vagina.

It didn't act like it was in a hurry.

It was standing upright and immobile as usual. But inside, driven by a raging male lust, the humanoid easily took Angelica's virginity, and a few drops of blood from her deflowering seeped into the pure white holy vestments, which was wet with aphrodisiacs, changing its color.

But most of the blood was absorbed by the humanoid and became its power.


But it was the humanoid who fell to its knees.

Frederica, who was licking Angelica's secret parts, didn't notice it for a while, but Akane didn't know what happened and turned her eyes at the strangeness from the humanoid that had violated her and Angelica.

Angelica slowly opened her eyes in front of the female hero who was unable to move due to paralyzing poison.


"I'm sorry. I was not careful enough that you would target me right after I used up all my strength."


The moment a voice other than their own echoed in the cave, Frederica reached for her staff beside her.

She moved so quickly that even Akane, whose physical abilities had been enhanced by the goddess's blessing, was surprised, but Fasalina was quicker than that, making the tentacles restraining her disappear and turning her right palm toward Frederica.

It was the sword of light that she had unleashed the first time Akane had faced the monster.

However, it was used to annihilate the slime and would have a strong impact on a human.

Frederica's body, pierced by the sword of light, rolled on the ground and hit the wall of the cave with great force.

She seemed to be alive from the way she was gasping in pain and convulsing, but like Akane, who was affected by the paralyzing poison, she seemed to be unable to move.

"It's somewhat humiliating, but I've mixed my power with Angelica's bodily fluids. It should buy us some time, if only a little."

Fasalina said that she still couldn't defeat the humanoid that was kneeling motionless in the cave.

"We have to destroy the nucleus while we still can."

"Can you do that? Without a sword and attack a slime whose bodily fluids are full of aphrodisiac and paralyzing poison with your bare hands?"


It was impossible for Akane. Surely, just by touching it, she'll be unable to move, if aphrodisiac or paralyzing poison was used.

And so was Fasalina.

"I could use enough power into my attacks to annihilate an ordinary monster, but it seemed that it had developed a strong resistance to magic during its evolution. After all, my power alone was not enough to defeat this monster――"

It was when Fasalina walked up to heal the poison on Akane.

A tentacle entangled in her right leg, and the beautiful woman's body, soaked all over with slime mucus, was dragged down to the ground.

For the first time, the goddess' beautiful face, which had always been devoid of emotion, showed signs of agitation.

"Did you recover already?"

As she turned around, the humanoid was still kneeling on the ground.

The only thing that was moving was its right arm.

"You realized it was impossible to recover your entire body, so you prioritized recovery of only part of it."

"Are you okay!?"

"No problem."

Fasalina quietly replied to Akane's panicked voice.

She calmly understood the situation and turned her attention to her right leg, and without caring about being contaminated by the slime's mucus, she laid her hand on the tentacle and tried to pour her power into it to make it disappear.

However, the tentacle did not disappear in the same way as the main body, perhaps because it was different from the other slimes in their very nature. It just stop moving.

But that was enough.

Fasalina pulled her right leg out of the tentacle...... but noticed that the sensation was dull.

If the aphrodisiac didn't stop her movement, the paralyzing poison took away the sensation from Angelica's right leg.

However, Fasalina, who was only borrowing Angelica's body even though she was carrying her will, was not strongly affected by the physical change and her expression still remained unchanged.

Both the aphrodisiac and the paralyzing poison were minimal to Fasalina, who was in a human body.

However, the thumping heartbeat caused by the aphrodisiac and the direct effects of the paralyzing poison did not disappear, and it turned into a strange appearance of limping on her right leg with her entire body twitching while her entire body was on fire.

But Fasalina didn't seem to mind that, and she crawled along the ground, trying to approach Akane.

To heal her and escape from the cave.

The cave was narrow, and the distance was short enough that she could reach her in a few dozen seconds by crawling.

However, the tentacle of the slime entangled Fasalina's right leg again.

This time, it was the left arm of the humanoid―― a tentacle holding the hero's shield.

"This shield... the shield I gave to that child. Why is this slime..."

As expected, Fasalina was puzzled by it.

She had not expected that one of the equipment she had given to the hero to defeat the demon king would be in the hands of a monster.

Even though it was holy equipment that she had given to him, she was not aware of its whereabouts. She thought it was still in Fonteau.


"I'll take it back."

Fasalina said in a flat voice with no waves of emotion and poured her power into the tentacle on its left arm to stop it from moving.


This time, however, the tentacles did not stop moving.

The hero's shield on its arm prevented even the power of the goddess.

It was a holy equipment originally made with the power of a goddess. It must have had some power to resist the power of its creator.

It resisted because it had the same power.

It was a big miscalculation for the goddess, who had not expected to fight against the hero, and it would have the worst effect in this situation.

The tentacle, which had not stopped moving, went straight down Fasalina's right leg and sneaked into her skirt, crawling up to try to restrain her once more.

The large shield of the hero could not fit under her clothes, and when its edge caught on the fabric, the wet holy vestments were torn apart with a sound.

Even so, the tentacle did not stop moving, and the holy vestments were boldly rolled up.


However, Fasalina remained calm.

Her physical senses were dull―― she remained expressionless, and she calmly thought of a way to deal with the situation and understands that its main body was resisting the power of the goddess and slowing it down so that she couldn't move due to the aphrodisiac and paralyzing poison.

It was possible that Angelica's slender arms could still pull off the tentacle―― but she is not sure.

"Oh dear……"

However, even faster than Fasalina could pull off the tentacles, the humanoid produced the fast-acting paralyzing poison and took away her freedom.

Fasalina looked at Akane, feeling her body's reaction slowing down.

"Can you move?"

"No, I can't move at all......"

"Do your best. If you can touch me, I can heal you."

If she couldn't move, just let Akane get close to her.

Fasalina's words made Akane realize that and she tried desperately to move her body.

Perhaps it was because she had been under the influence of the paralyzing poison for a night, but she was able to move a little, and Akane's body fell to the ground.

"Wait a minute ..."

"I'm fine, please hang in there."

"You may be fine, but your body is Angelica's....... You should take care of it a little."

Akane desperately tried to get close to Fasalina, lecturing her in a simple tone of voice because she was trapped in a situation.



A female voice.

Frederica, who had been blown away by Fasalina's attack, had kept her consciousness intact without fainting.

She was trying to understand the situation while moving her body, which was in extreme pain.

Beyond Frederica's field of vision, The woman who was supposed to be bound fell to the ground, and a black-haired female hero was crawling towards her.

She immediately realized that it was the miracle of detoxification that the warrior priest specialized in―― to heal physical abnormalities. It was indeed the experience and knowledge of a seasoned adventurer.

"Kuh, Fasalina..."

"Fuu, that was dangerous."

Frederica's movements were very sluggish, partly because of the intense pain.

However, Akane's movements, affected by the paralyzing poison, were even slower than that, and before she could reach Fasalina, she was pinned down.

"Please, let me go!"

"No, you're going to watch your companion being violated in front of you."

Frederica said, sitting on Akane's back, grabbing her chin and forcing her to turn towards Fasalina.

"I'm fine, Akane."

"Uu, I'm sorry......"

"Akane and Fasalina―― strange names, you guys have."

Still thinking that Fasalina was just a warrior priest, Frederica wondered and muttered the two names.

Meanwhile, a tentacle holding the hero's shield crawled all over Fasalina's body, which was now immobilized by paralyzing poison.

Whether the damage to its body was healing little by little, its movement gradually became dexterous, and Fasalina's body began to twitch slightly without changing her expression.

Akane, who was also a woman, thought that she had lost because of her weakness and burst into tears of frustration.

While watching Akane's crying face, Fasalina's expression remained unchanged.

It made Frederica's expression even more serious.

Normally, she would either cry out in fear of being violated by a monster or stare at her strongly. It was the first time she had ever seen someone with no expression on her face, and she found it odd.

But it was still a woman's body.

Once she had been poisoned by the paralyzing poison and entangled in the tentacles, there was nothing she could do to resist.

Not being able to move a single finger, the tentacle equipped with the hero's shield caressed her entire body, who was of an upper-class birth, and the beautiful pure white holy vestments were completely rolled up, and her ample buttocks of the lying Fasalina was fully visible.

Fasalina's pure white underwear, typical of sisters of the faith, was soaked with mucus and transparent, revealing a hint of skin tone underneath.

Even so, Fasalina's cheeks were red from the aphrodisiac, but her face remained expressionless.

It was not that she liked the sound of someone crying, but it was so unresponsive that it was almost eerie.

"Who is this woman?"

"I-I don't know."

Akane shook her head to Frederica's question.

(If I keep Fasalina a secret, we might still have a chance to survive.)

That was what she was thinking.

However, Frederica didn't expect her to talk so easily either.

The opposite hand of the hand that grabbed her chin and forced her to look forward while she sat on Akane's back who, like Fasalina, was lying face down on the ground, put her fingers on the bright red thong panties that were exposed after her pants were removed.

"Who is she?"

"I won't tell you――."


At Akane's pointless resistance, Frederica loosened her mouth and began to scratch Akane's anus through her underwear with the tip of her index finger.


"Who is she?"

"There, that part―― it's really dirty!"

"If you don't like it, tell me who she is."

As she said that, Frederica happily stimulated Akane's asshole from above her underwear.

It was a really dirty and unclean hole that had not been violated by the humanoid.

However, Frederica doesn't seem to care at all and scratched Akane's anus repeatedly, sometimes pushing it with her fingers, sometimes pulling on the fabric of her thong.

Her underwear, still half-dry, clung tightly to her skin, and when it was pulled, it rubbed not only her anus but also her clitoris and pubic area, which were still sensitive from last night's humiliation.

"Ah―― this, stop doing this... Fasalina, please don't look..."

"I'm sorry, Akane. Please bear with me."

Fasalina, who didn't know how to comfort her, tried to calm Akane down by keeping her usual expression on her face, saying that there was still hope for her.

Akane, who was only an ordinary woman even though she was a hero, did not understand her intentions, and her cries grew louder.

But even though she saw Akane in such a pathetic state, Frederica did not stop her finger movements in the slightest.

"Look, who is this woman?"

"Uu, uuu..."

"Don't cry now, okay?"

As she said that, Frederica put all her strength into her fingertips and forcibly twisted them inside Akane's anus.


"Don't cry, okay?"

"Uu, yes, yes..."

Akane reflexively replied due to the intense pain from her anus, but the sobbing did not stop.

Rather than worrying about it, Frederica slowly moved her finger back and forth inside her anus, just to make the black-haired heroine give in.

It was the first time in Akane's life that she had been stimulated in that place other than excretion.

She cried, her eyes black and white, her teeth clenched, her paralyzed body convulsed with the feeling of a foreign object, but she could do nothing to resist.

Her face, which was melting with aphrodisiac, was distorted, and Fasalina could see her face up close.

The tentacle on Fasalina's lower body was slowly regaining its freedom and staining her body.

The amount of paralyzing poison remained the same, but the concentration of the aphrodisiac was further increased, and her graceful limbs were stained.

The unpleasantness was not enough to break her expression, her cheeks reddened and her breathing became erratic, but her expressionlessness remained.

Finally, the tentacle on its right arm began to move, the left arm equipped with the shield began to caress her upper body, and the right tentacle began to caress her lower body where her underwear was exposed.

It was the first time the humanoid had encountered an enemy that could block its movements, so it was no longer careless or arrogant.

It did not absorb bodily fluids, which was the instinct from the original Black Ooze, but it did not kill the woman as a man's instinct.

It was aiming to violate her after drenching her entire body in aphrodisiacs so completely and flawlessly that she could not resist, and now it used paralyzing poison and highly concentrated aphrodisiacs on her entire body to block Fasalina's resistance.

And not only on her skin, but also in her vagina, mouth, and even in her anus and urethra, which were used only holes for excreting.

As expected, Fasalina's expression distorted... but her eyes were still emotionless.

The tentacle in her mouth writhed and her expression was not exactly expressionless, but she still did not seem to be experiencing any pleasure or pain.

That was fine for the humanoid.

The woman's face remained unchanged, but her body continued to spasm violently, and a tentacle was roughly inserted into her vaginal cavity, where she was a virgin just a few minutes ago, and into her urethra and anus, where she was being violated for the first time.

Its tentacles dripped with aphrodisiacs, covering her vaginal hole, her womb in the deepest part, her urethra, her mouth, and even the inside of her anus.

As the aphrodisiac penetrated her body much faster than through her skin, Fasalina felt Angelica's heart racing as though it had broken, as she was borrowing the body.

(This is dangerous...)

If Angelica's consciousness had emerged to the surface, she might have gone mad.

It was such a powerful and dangerous sensation.

There was no way that the human mind could withstand such a pleasurable sensation, although there was minimal care taken to ensure that she did not die from the effects of the aphrodisiac.

At best, she would become addicted to the pleasure and find it difficult to live her life, and at worst, she would lose her will and become a meat doll that continued to shake her hips.

Fasalina, who was exposed to such pleasure, but was greatly deprived of sensation, calmly assessed her physical condition and thought about how to escape from the situation.

She would no longer be able to use the method of mixing her power with Angelica's bodily fluids to destroy it from the inside.

At the very least, she would have to catch the humanoid off guard again. It would take a few days, or even longer, for the humanoid to let down its guard.

It was unlikely that Akane, who had been affected by the aphrodisiac, would be able to endure such a long time, even if not as long as Fasalina.

Even now, she was being made to moan by the humanoid's manipulations, and she was repeatedly climaxing while jerking and twitching.

Her face was clouded with sadness, but there was no way to hide the reaction of her body.

Fasalina was thinking that, though only her body continued to twitch.


It was not until a few minutes later that a change came over Fasalina.

(Just now...)

Still expressionless, Fasalina's eyes wavered slightly, as though she didn't even feel the humiliation of having her beautiful face distorted by the tentacle in her mouth.

The cause was where Frederica's gaze was.

Finally regaining its full freedom, the humanoid stood up and stood behind Fasalina, who was lying face down on the ground.

When the tentacle from its outstretched arm was placed on Fasalina's neck, the coldness and hardness of the tentacle gave her a momentary feeling of disgust that was hard to describe.

Fasalina didn't know if it was the being who had taken the equipment she had given to the hero, or if she understood even a little of the pleasure Angelica's body felt.

The tentacles were pointed like claws and burrowed inside of her holy vestments, slicing through Fasalina's clothes vertically in one fell swoop.

Her skin without a single stain was boldly exposed through the gaps in her torn clothes, and without stopping there, the tentacle violently tore the pure white holy vestments that were wet and transparent.

Her skin, dyed red by the aphrodisiac, was so attractive that it almost made it ejaculate, and countless tentacles rushed to Fasalina's back, where it was soon reduced her holy vestments to tatters and underwear.

The tentacles swarmed her limbs, her waist, and her breasts, which were hidden by her position.

The swarming tentacles stained every nook and cranny of her body.

"... Mhh..."

Fasalina looked bored, though her mouth was sealed and she could not speak.

It was not her words, but the expression on her face that told it that she couldn't wait for it to finish.

In fact, with her senses shut off, Fasalina felt no pleasure whatsoever. For the lack of expression, but in the end, it was still Angelica's body.

She couldn't feel it, because it wasn't hers.

Next, the tentacle gently stroked Fasalina's chest, trying not to hurt her.

She felt a slight stimulation on the tips of her ample breasts, which were crushed by the weight of her body and the ground as she was lying face down.


A small voice leaked out from her blocked mouth.

She was not supposed to feel anything, but she reacted, even if only a little...... Fasalina's expression remained the same, but she frowned a little.


The question arises as to why.

She needed to get out of this place somehow, but she couldn't think of any way to escape.

If that was the case, all she had to do was endure until the humanoid lets its guard down―― and then her will, which should be undetectable, reacted slightly.

"Fuu, fuu..."

She couldn't help but notice that her breathing was erratic. Her body, though borrowed, was being invaded by the most powerful aphrodisiac imaginable.

But mixed in with that breathing.

"Fuu, nn..."

A small voice leaked out.

The humanoid hardened the tips of its tentacles and began to stimulate her clitoris, anus, and vagina, apart from the tentacles that were violating the holes.

As her body overreacted to the stimulation, her voice leaked out again.

It was a small voice.

It was a small change that Frederica, who was sensitive to signs, did not notice.

However, each tentacle had its own sensation, and it was a big change that the humanoid, who had been observing her, could understand.

The humanoid, taking notice of that, applied more aphrodisiac to her body, both outside and inside, to increase Fasalina's sensitivity.

At the same time, the tentacles that stimulate various places wriggle on Fasalina's silky skin, and she shivered and shook along with them.

It was uncomfortable. That must be a common sensibility, regardless of whether one was a human or a goddess.

But apart from that...... Fasalina was also beginning to feel a sensation that was hard to describe.

Fasalina felt a slight, but disturbing sensation from the lowly slime and jerked as though to flee.

It was not a spasm of pleasure caused by the aphrodisiac. It was the first time Fasalina had acted on her own volition since the tentacles had seized her.

There was no way she could have escaped by herself, but Fasalina couldn't help but move her body in an almost unconscious attempt to escape.

"Nn, fuu..."

(Me, what is……?)

She didn't know why she moved her body.

She had to catch the humanoid off guard without resisting, but if her body tried to escape, the slime would only become more cautious―― and yet.

"... Nn..."

(The body was moving on its own―― Angelica's consciousness is supposed to be asleep though?)

Fasalina was confused, not understanding that it was an instinct that came from a woman's body.

Even if the body desperately tried to escape, the body that was affected by the paralyzing poison would naturally only move a little.

In the meantime, Fasalina's entire body was being violated by the tentacles, and her reactions were gradually becoming more pronounced.

Even if the goddess' consciousness took over her body, it would not be able to block out all of her senses. It was something that Fasalina did not know.

In the first place, it was the first time she had come down to earth. Although she had intervened in various ways, such as communicating her will to the heroes and giving them equipment, it was the first time she had even borrowed someone's body due to the world being in danger.

She could not know about the human body and all the effects of borrowing it, and her lack of experience was exposed by the humanoid's assault.

Even if Fasalina thought she didn't feel anything, the physical effects were affecting her spirit, and her goddess-like, expressionless, emotionless face collapsed just a little.

It was only for a moment.

Fasalina's face returned to its expressionless, but Akane, who had been witnessing it up close, was taken aback.

Fasalina couldn't understand why Akane was looking at her in surprise.

She didn't even realize that her expression collapsed.

"Nn, kuh..."

(Jeez, for how long――)

Fasalina's feelings, which had been as gentle and calm as the ocean, were slightly disturbed.

It was a frustration that she couldn't admit that she was gradually becoming unable to ignore the movements of the tentacles.

In Fasalina's blind spot, the claw-like tentacles set their sights on a new prey, the pure white underwear of the sister―― her bra clasp.

In an instant, the clasp on the back of her bra was sliced, and her ample breasts that had been freed from the tightness of her bra seemed to swell a full size as they were crushed by the ground.

The claw-like tentacles changed their direction, and the next thing it saw was a pair of pure white panties that were the only thing hiding her body. They were of no use now that they were soaked in mucus and every part was transparent, but it still hooked its claws into the last thin fabric that covered her body and pulled them to humiliate her.

Fasalina's face twisted just a little in humiliation as the fabric of her underwear dug into her buttocks, distorting their shape as they glistened wetly with mucus.

"Fasalina... you..."


Fasalina, her mouth covered with a tentacle, tried to ask what Akane was talking about, but couldn't get the words out.

A fresh aphrodisiac dripped down her beautiful limbs where only the remnants of her underwear and holy robe remained.

The aphrodisiac was so sticky and thick that it dripped like strings.

It pooled on her back, and the tentacles of the humanoid spread the aphrodisiac.

It was like an expert massage, all over her back, around her shoulders and neck, which were stiffened by the weight of her large tits.

Even the goddess felt a sense of lightness as her stiffened body was being rubbed, even though her senses were deprived, and it also eased the tension in Fasalina's consciousness.

"Nn, unhh..."

(What, is this... this, this feeling...)

The effect of the pleasure on Fasalina was lessened by the fact that she was prepared to be violated, but the gentle stimulation that relieved the tension in her body might not be completely ignored.

Confirming that she was becoming more and more sensitive to the tentacles' movements, the humanoid―― instead of being rough, it changed its movements to gently relieve Fasalina's entire body.

Particularly noticeable were the movements of the tentacles that had been violating her vagina, anus, and urethra.

Slowly, as though probing for weaknesses inside Fasalina's body, as it did to Akane, the movements took their time to get to know Fasalina's body.

It was a powerful enemy that made it unable to move, but perhaps it was its strong sense of masculinity was making it act that way.

But this time, it worked.

"...... uu...... fuu......"

It was a small, slight, but still disordered breathing from Fasalina, and her expression went from expressionless and emotionless to one of excitement and in heat.

At this stage, not only Akane, who was right in front of her but also Frederica, who kept stimulating Akane's anus, could see the change in Fasalina.

"Fufu. See, your friend is getting in trouble."

"Fasalina, Fasalina..."

(What are you crying about, Akane?)

The only person who didn't notice these changes was the goddess herself, Fasalina.

She still thought that she was calmly enduring the humanoid's assault and desperately searching for a way to escape.

But she didn't realize that her body was convulsing violently, and her unabsorbed love juices, pee, and intestinal juices were dripping out and making a puddle on the ground of the cave.

Akane shed tears again at the sight of the goddess exposing such a miserable figure, but no help came.


More than ten minutes later, Fasalina finally let out a muffled voice as her entire body convulsed.

For a moment, her eyes went blank, and she lost sight of Akane in front of her.

(Just... now...?)

Fasalina had no idea that she had climaxed.

She thought it was either a new poison from the humanoid or a reaction from Angelica's body.

But the humanoid, who had been stimulating Fasalina's flesh and looking for weaknesses for over ten minutes, began to concentrate on Fasalina's weaknesses, just as it had done with Akane and the other women it had violated.

Even though the inside was the consciousness of a goddess, her body was only a human one.

If she was exposed to aphrodisiac, she would go into heat, if her vagina was poked, she would climax, and if she was violated for a long time, she would lose her strength.

"Fuu, nnh..."

(I can't get my breathing under control......)

However, she had only climaxed once.

The goddess' spirit was far from shaken.

――But she did climax once. No one knew Akane and Angelica's existence yet, and if they did, they didn't know where they were.

If help didn't come, there was plenty of time to continue violating her, not just for one night, but for a week or even a year.

Since she climaxed in just a few dozen minutes, how many times would she climax in a day?

When one thought about it, Goddess Fasalina's insensitive attitude seemed to have no meaning whatsoever.

"Fufu, that's too bad. Your friend seems to have climaxed, too."

It was at this moment that Frederica whispered into Akane's ear.

A vial was thrown into the cave―― the humanoid destroyed the vial in the air with a reaction that made it hard to believe that it was currently violating a woman, and the liquid that came into contact with the air emitted white smoke with tremendous force.

It was a smoke potion made by combining a special drug that emitted smoke when it came into contact with the air.

It was a drug that Kara had made for her own amusement.



As soon as she heard the voice from the other side of the smoke, Frederica, who was an experienced adventurer, docked down on Akane's back as though she was covering her.

Immediately after, a mithril long sword swept across the spot where her head had been just before.

The smoke was caught in the swing of the sword, and Frederica looked surprised when she saw the face there.


"Frederica, be prepared!!"

It was the elven knight that she had deceived, violated by the Black Ooze, and then captured.

Not forgetting that face, Frederica tried to avoid Fiana's pursuit by using Akane, who was paralyzed and unable to move, as a shield.

But Fiana might have read Frederica's reaction and immediately checked the position of Fredrika and Akane and thrust in their head, where she could safely aim, and Frederica desperately twisted her neck to avoid it.

The witch's large triangular hat blew off, and unfortunately, it blocked Fiana's view.

In that instant, the humanoid understood the presence of the attacker and shot a tentacle pointed like a spear at Fiana to intercept her.

"Smash it!!"

Once again, a voice came from outside the cave.

The vial was thrown again, and the humanoid caught it with its tentacles, but Fiana unleashed her ice magic to shatter the vial.

The vial was filled with "Valhari's Blessed Water"―― a potion that was used to attack the slime that hunted down the Black Ooze.

It was also effective against the humanoid, and the tentacle that had been exposed to Valhari's Blessed Water immediately dissolved.

However, before the effect could affect it, the humanoid severed the tentacle from itself and used the shortened tentacles to hold Frederica, Akane, and Fasalina to open the distance between them.

"I won't let you go!!"

However, toward such a humanoid, the ice magic that Fiana was good at―― the ice that is sharpened like a spear was released toward Frederica's cloak instead of the humanoid.

The ice spear pinned the mage's cloak to the ground and the walls of the cave, expanding the area of ice so that she cannot move immediately.


Instead of winning or losing, first of all, blocking the opponent's movement and not giving them time to think.

The important thing in raiding was to not let the opponent recover by disrupting them.

Fiana, a skilled warrior, understood that very well and stopped Frederica before the humanoid could catch up.

It was a slime that thought women were special.

It wouldn't leave Frederica behind and run away.

If it did leave Frederica behind and run away, then they could get information from her.

It was the reason for her action.


Fiana, who had emerged from the smoke as the humanoid made a small but strangled "voice", and Kara, who was outside the cave preparing to keep the humanoid from escaping, was startled and stopped moving.

The slime made a "voice".

Immediately, they decided that the slime they were facing might be a special monster, comparable to the Black Ooze that destroyed the royal castle of Fonteau.

Their wariness was correct.

It thought that its voice would alert the other party, and as it did, it ignored Fiana and Kara, who had stopped moving and unintentionally unleashed its full power of magic at the ceiling of the cave.

What was released was a fire magic. To be precise, it was a ball of flame that exploded when touched.

although the cave was shallow, it was still large enough to hold a dozen or more people.

If one unleashed an explosion spell at the ceiling, it would collapse and debris would immediately pour down on the humanoid and Fiana.

"Fiana-sama, get back!!"


Fiana, not wanting to be caught in the collapse, moved back towards the cave exit.

Confirming that, the humanoid unleashed another blast of magic to blow away the falling debris of the collapsing cave.

It caught the debris of various sizes with its own mucus, and when the momentum slowed down, it ran to the opposite side of the cave where Kara and Fiana were standing, protecting Frederica and the others.

Its left arm, equipped with a hero's shield that could resist Fasalina's attacks, held Akane and Fasalina, while its right arm held Frederica, who was knocked unconscious by the impact of the explosion.


一Not looking back.

一With all its might, faster than any beasts.

"......I can't believe it just ran away without showing any interest in us."

"I've never seen a slime react like this before一一 it was a strange one."

They ran after it for a while, but Fiana and Kara stopped when it quickly escaped deep into the dense Grabalt forest.

The surprise attack began when they were looking for the "Hero's Shield" in a nearby village, and they were informed that last night a spell was used on a nearby road that made it as bright as midday.

Also, there was a rumor about a black-haired female swordswoman that they had started to hear about in one of the regions in Grabalt.

Following these two rumors, they found a camp and followed the trail to a cave where they saw a familiar face.

Frederica Rene.

A person that Fiana and Kara knew. The female mage who worked with the slime.

And then there was the human-shaped slime that Kara and the others had defeated in the abandoned Mithril Mine at the north end of Fonteau.

Frederica's failure was due to capturing the female hero easily, she became careless.

She didn't expect that there would be people chasing them, and they were discovered because they didn't erase their footprints, which made it easier to track them.

Then, while Akane and Fasalina were being violated, they prepared a surprise attack at the entrance and attacked...... the moment they were caught off guard.

A slime that cared about women should react in some way if they captured Frederica.

The two thought so――.

"I didn't think it would destroy the cave and run away......."

"No. I didn't think it could take out all the women from that situation. We were completely outsmarted. It was also running away very fast. I can't even see them anymore."

"......Is this really the time to be impressed, Kara-sama?"

"Yeah―― we need to hurry up and ask for help from King Grabalt. The black-haired hero was kidnapped by a humanoid slime."

Kara unfolded the map and looked for the nearest road going to the city.

The royal castle of Grabalt was built in a portion of the world tree that was so long that it could be seen from anywhere on the continent.

As long as one took the right road, it was easy to find the castle.

"I'm heading to Fonteau. I'll explain the situation to Leticia-sama and see if I could get her to send some troops."

"Okay. I think it had escaped completely, but stay alert, Fiana-sama."

"You too, Kara-sama. Let's go to a nearby village and buy some horses."


Thus, the second battle to defeat the slime began.

Slimes of various shapes appeared all over the continent, and then a humanoid slime with a human by its side kidnapped the black-haired hero―― the chaos became even more intense than when Fonteau was freed from the Black Ooze.