Is this really a Game?!-Chapter 38 Berserk Set

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The head of Torkyal falls down on the ground, quickly followed by his body and a notification

[Players have successfully defeated the hidden chambers boss Torkyal, calculating rewards…]

- 500 exp gained

- 50S coins gained

- Rank C Berserkers Armguards acquired

- Rank C Berserkers Boots acquired

- Rank C Berserkers Axe acquired

Looking at the rewards in front of their eyes everyone widened their eyes, the exp and coins were nice but to get 3 rank C equipment was beyond what they thought they would get. Everyone gathered together to check them out.

[ Rank C Berserk Armguards ]

Def : 20

Endurance + 2

Strength + 1

Description : Armguards worn by the head captain of the hobgoblin base, after being drenched in the blood of hundreds of his slain enemies they have evolved to their present state.

Set Bonus ? ƒ𝔯𝗲𝗲𝙬𝒆𝚋𝐧oѵℯl.𝒄𝑜m

[ Please equip all 3 set pieces to gain information about the set bonus.]

[ Rank C Berserk Boots ]

Def: 20

Vitality + 2

Endurance + 1

Description : Boots worn by the head captain of the hobgoblin base, after being drenched in the blood of hundreds of his slain enemies they have evolved to their present state.

Set Bonus ?

[ Please equip all 3 set pieces to gain information about the set bonus.]

[ Rank C Berserk Axe]

Attack: 35

Vitality + 1

Strength + 2

Description : One of the axes used by the head captain of the hobgoblin base, after being drenched in the blood of hundreds of his slain enemies it has evolved to its present state.

Set Bonus ?

[ Please equip all 3 set pieces to gain information about the set bonus.]

"Gulp, these look freaking good man, so, who should use it?" Shadow gulps as he looks at the stat window of the equipment, the equipment itself would strengthen anyone nicely, not to mention the bonus if worn as a set.

"Well since none of us really uses an axe I think Tank should use it, after all a mace is the most similar to an axe amongst our weapons." Wolf shrugs his shoulders and points to Tank who was drooling while looking at the berserk set.

"Really, are you guys sure you want to give it to me?" He wakes up from his daydreaming when he hears what Wolf said and asks everyone with a befuddled look on his face.

"Well, I agree, what about you two?" Reign turns around and asks Shadow and Beast who both nod their heads in agreement. "Well, congrats Tank, it's yours, equip it now, let's see the set bonus."

Tank hurriedly nods his head and goes to the equipment, afraid that they would change their minds. Finally wearing the set he shares the bonus info with them.

Set Bonus:

Strength + 3

Skill available

Blood Frenzy : By using this skill the user goes into a frenzy after making his blood pump at an incredibly fast pace, increasing the overall stats the frenzy may turn the user berserk and make him temporarily lose his consciousness while fighting in a prolong battle.

" So it gives a bit of strength and a new skill, this one is quite similar to yours isn't it Wolf?" Reign asks Wolf after checking the information.

"A bit, the difference is that mine literary boils my blood to achieve the pumping and only increases my strength while his increases everything, the risks have to be big as well." Wolf calmly stated after thinking about both of the skills.

"Don't you guys worry about anything, I'm a big guy, I can easily take such a pressure." Tank flexes while bragging to them, the black and blood red colors of the armguards and boots being prominently displayed on him, forming a sharp contrast to the gray greaves and chest armor he had on. The axe looked like it was made from normal wood that had some patterns inscribed on it, the blade was a bit chipped and old, one could wonder if it would even last in a fight.

"Anyway, let's recuperate here a bit, there's so many mana crystals and gold, we should try to at least take some."

[The players can decide to convert all the things inside the hidden chamber for extra rewards.]

"Oh, well that's nice, what do you guys think?" Reign chuckles when he reads the notification and asks everyone else. They all show their agreement by nodding their heads at him. "Alright, but first let's use some of the crystals to replenish our mana, I bet all of us are low after all of these fights."

Moving to the crystals Reign simply takes one and starts absorbing it, the others quickly follow after him and do the same. After a couple of minutes and mana crystals Reign says.

"System, convert everything here for the extra rewards."

[Converting in process…]

All the crystals, gold and equipment suddenly shine with a bright white light and disappear from their sights.

[Converting finished.]

"Well guys, shall we?" Putting his hand in front of him Reign points to the door as he asks.

Climbing up the stairs they all exit the hidden chamber and get back to the building, Greenie and the two wolves were waiting for them outside, they left them there in case some goblins show up and decide to ambush them, that was the last thing they wanted during a fight, not to mention that they didn't want to risk them being hurt before the final battle.

Going up the stairs everyone gets to the second floor where a bunch of goblins and hobgoblins were waiting for them.

"So it seems like this is the welcoming party huh." Shadow says with a wide smile on his face.

"Let's go guys, don't overdo it, we need to conserve our mana after all." Reign takes his sword out and moves towards the group of enemies in front of them.

After 30 minutes everyone was on the 5th floor, reading some documents in what seemed to be the chieftains office, or at least somebody close to him.


[The players have successfully found the reason why the goblins were collecting mana crystals, please slain the enemy to finish the dungeon and get your rewards.]

"This is?" Beast looks at the papers in front of him, the writing being fully understandable by him, not to mention that the drawing beside them gave most of the information.

"So using mana together with blood to level up and become stronger, it seems Torkyal had that done to him, is that perhaps why he went berserk?" Tank asks with a serious voice, even though the hobgoblin captain was their enemy Tank still had respect for him, not yielding in front of them 5 and graciously accepting death were things that made Tank find admiration and respect in him.

"Probably, considering how his skills were all blood related he had to have been involved with this in some way." Wolf calmly reads more of the notes while trying to simultaneously look at the drawings, trying to memorize them.

"Alright, let's go guys, the next floor is the roof, that's definitely where he is waiting for us." Reign says while storing everything useful from the room in the inventory.

Together they all step on the stairs leading to the final boss, ready to finally end this.