Is this really a Game?!-Chapter 57 Fight Against The Wood Folk Tribe Part 2

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The trees of the forest shook as every step the monster took created deep footprints in the soil. The humongous being slowly made its way to Reign and the others. The monster was a bit over 6 meters tall, leaves and branches decorated its humongous frame while two green spiritual lights flickered in the eye sockets. Dense leaves covered its head and made it look like hair.

[ Lvl 20 Inferior Treant ]

Description: A monster that lives deep inside forests, it spends most of its time sleeping and is indistinguishable from a normal tree but when it wakes up it shows its huge humanoid appearance. A treant is usually stronger than monsters of the same level, when it's fighting inside a forest it will gain a buff to its abilities and can heal from its injuries quicker.

"Holy shit!" Shadow stands still as he looks at the monster, the giant made all of them feel like ants in the presence of a human, every step the treant took was slow and powerful, its arms were humongous and the hands looked like they could crush a bus without any issues.

The treant looks down on them and releases a furious roar that shakes their souls.


Everyone stood still, even the wood folk that were fighting against them weren't moving, instead, they looked at the giant with a horrified gaze.

"Huh, why are these guys scared as well, isn't this monster a part of their tribe?" Reign asked in wonder as he observed the wood folk near him, they weren't faking it or anything, there was a deep fear in their eyes as they looked at the treant.

The treant suddenly moves its body, crouching down a bit it slaps down with his hand, generating a gust of wind as it draws closer to the ground upon Wolf stood on.

(Damn it!) Wolf curses as he quickly moves and dodges the attack, he was almost blown away by the shockwave the attack produced.

Lifting its hand up everyone could see the corpses of the wood folk down on the ground, those guys were too slow and didn't manage to dodge in time, being crushed underneath the huge hand as a result.

"I see, it attacks both foes and friendlies, that's why these guys are so scared, they know that by standing close to us they could die!" Reign exclaims as he sees the wood folk running away from them, creating 4 circles on the battlefield.

"You damn bastard!" Wolf suddenly shouts in anger, lifting his sword up he ignites his flames and slashes down at the hand, immediately creating a big wound on it but not dealing much damage to the giant treant. The wound ignites and the fire quickly spreads to the surroundings, trying to envelop the whole hand.

The treant breathes out deeply as his arm shines in a green light, slowly extinguishing the flames that threatened it.

"What?!" Wolf exclaims in surprise, his flames had never been extinguished by an opponent before, not to mention that the opponent in front of him was a wood-type monster, a type that was incredibly weak against fire.

The treant moves his arm to the side, trying to swat away Wolf. The normal movement created a blowing wind as Wolf could only see death as a result of getting hit.


An arrow suddenly shoots by and explodes on the treants face, Beast was trying to help Wolf but when the explosion settled he could see that it didn't deal a lot of damage as only a part of the treants face was blown up. The treant again shines a bright green light as the wound slowly starts to heal, dense roots and branches intertwine while slowly repairing the face.


A trail of lighting was left as Reign fires of the lighting bullet, the bullet manages to hit the treant right in the eye and make it stumble back a bit, the green light in the eye socket flickering slightly. In the next moment, Reign was suddenly in front of the giant's face, his lighting clad sword stabbing at the same place the bullet hit before.

Lighting Stab!

The lightning lance appears again as it stabs straight in the eye socket, the huge lance looked small in comparison to the treant, it was even smaller than its eye socket.


The lance hits and a dense explosion of lighting appears, the lighting flying off everywhere around it, burning parts of the body.

The treant roars in pain as the branches on top of its head sway slightly before moving and stabbing towards Reign, the branches changed shape and were sharp at their ends, resembling spears.

"Shit, I can't dodge this!" Reign panics a bit as he knows what the result will be if he gets stabbed by all of the spears, he won't even have a whole body left!

Time slowed down for Reign, the branches were still coming at him, but now they were all slow, he immediately saw multiple ways of escape, but his body was also slowed down, making him forget about all of them.

He wracks his brain in hopes of finding a way to dodge and survive, his speed and reflexes are great, but even with them he saw no way of dodging all of them, the only hope he had was the lighting charge, but even that could only be used once to dodge.

"If only I had a skill that would allow me to move as fast without the same limitations." Reign laments before opening his eyes wide open. "Wait for a second, I do have it, if I forget about the flexibility of the skill, it could work, it could definitely work."

Reign immediately puts his plan to practice, his whole body gets covered with lightning as all of his senses heighten, bending his body in the air he manages to dodge the first branch and plant his foot on it.

"Success!" Reign exclaims in happiness as he launches himself from the branch and goes to another one, dodging multiple branches in a moment. To Wolf and the others, Reign suddenly looked like a ping pong ball as he bounced from one branch to another, successfully dodging a huge amount of attacks in mere moments. Touching an outer branch he turns around and kicks down, launching himself down to where the others were. 𝒇𝙧𝚎𝐞𝙬𝒆𝑏𝑛𝑜v𝚎𝒍.c𝑜m


[ The skill "Lightning charge" has been modified to create a new skill, "Lesser lightning body"]

[ Lesser Lightning Body ]

Description: By infusing the power of lightning in the body the user suddenly enters a heightened state of mind as his senses and reflexes are boosted together with his speed. The user can only move in a straight line while in this state.

Reign gets down on the ground and pants a bit, the skill was incredible but the physical requirements together with the high mana cost made him extremely tired.

"Did, did you just create a new skill?" Wolf asks him with a twitching left eye, Reign simply nods to confirm as he looks at the treant that almost killed him.

"Can we defeat this thing?" He asks Wolf as he seizes the giant up.

"I think we can, but it's going to be a tough battle, especially if these guys decide to join in on the fun." Wolf nods while observing the surrounding wood folk that were looking at Reign in wonder, the skill he just used shocked them as they never saw a being inside the forest reach such speed before.

"I don't think they have the guts to join, just seeing the treant made them so scared, I don't think they're going to risk their lives to help this thing out." Reign takes a good look at the wood folk, seeing that they were all still apprehensive and scared he nods in happiness as he gets ready for the second round of fighting the treant.

"Damn creepy tree." Shadow curses at the treant as he throws his dagger at it, using the shadow blade skill he manages to hit the treant 10 times, the only problem was that it dealt little to no damage to it, making him slick his tongue in annoyance.

"Hahahaha, those little things don't seem to work against the big guy huh?" Tank laughs heartily as he gets close to Shadow, swinging his axe a bit he looks at the treant and lips his lips.

"That's a good target to practice our skills on, after all with such a huge and slow body it's impossible for it to dodge any of them.


A figure suddenly falls down from the trees as a dust cloud forms from the place of impact. As the smoke subsides they could all see Greenie crouching down on the ground before he gets up.

"The enemies up there ran away when this thing showed up, Beast told me to come here and help you, he said the wolves were more than enough protection for him." Greenie immediately looks at Reign and starts explaining, being afraid that his master might get angry at him.

"En." Reign simply nods and turns around, with all of them together now they felt that they could take on this enemy and win.