Jin Wang Dotes on His Concubine-Chapter 212.2

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Chapter 212.2

“Why isn’t Grandfather Emperor having someone come to sing and tell stories today?”

Li Dequan, who was by his side, responded, “His Majesty, the Emperor Emeritus, is tired. It gets tiresome to always listen to the same thing. Does Your Highness Crown Prince wish to listen? If so, this servant can inform the Emperor Emeritus and arrange a performance.”

Previously, Xiaobao used to accompany the Emperor Emeritus to watch performances and listen to stories in his free time. As a young child, he might not fully understand, but he found it enjoyable nonetheless. The Emperor Emeritus also found pleasure in it. Paired with tea and snacks, it was a divine experience.

The Emperor Emeritus, being inside, naturally heard the conversation outside. Before Xiaobao and Li Dequan could enter, he had already responded energetically, “If the Crown Prince wants to listen, then arrange it. There’s no need to mention it to me, Zhen is not an obstinate old man.”

“Alright. This servant will go prepare right away.”

Li Dequan had a smile on his face and scurried away like a rabbit, appearing worried that the Emperor Emeritus might change his mind. These past few days, the Emperor Emeritus had been moody, and the atmosphere in the Qianqing Palace was tense. Hence, having the Crown Prince come was the most effective solution. This way, the Emperor Emeritus would regain his spirits.

With Li Dequan’s instructions carried out, the Emperor Emeritus and Xiaobao moved to the adjacent hall. The hall had been transformed, with a small stage set up specifically for performances. While grand performances were impractical, smaller plays involving a few characters were possible.

The blind storyteller was soon brought in, a rare occurrence. Who would have thought that someone like him would be invited to the palace to tell stories for the Emperor Emeritus? The blind storyteller had been in the palace for quite a few days now, and he still felt like he was dreaming. fгeewёbnoѵel.cσm

Seated down, the blind storyteller cradled his three-stringed instrument. Tea and a platter of fruits were brought over, along with several of Xiaobao’s favourite snacks.

In the past, Xiaobao had always longed for the dim sum made by the southern chefs at Yueyue’s house. Jin Wang Manor had the means to invite them, but it was difficult to find skilled chefs on short notice. However, entering the palace changed everything; with a word from the Emperor Emeritus, the best chefs from the southern region were sent to the palace.

The storytelling began, picking up from where Xiaobao had last heard.

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On the large kang beneath the southern window, an elderly man and a young boy sat with tea nearby. Xiaobao nibbled on a snack while the Emperor Emeritus picked up a piece to savour.

“Imperial Grandfather, Father Emperor says you’re planning to move to XIyuan Palace. Is that really what you want?”

“Of course, it’s true. How could it be fake?”

“Then, should Xiaobao accompany you by your side?”

The Emperor Emeritus glanced at his grandson, “It’s fine if you accompany me. It’s also fine if you don’t accompany me.”

“Grandson wants to accompany you, but studying over here can’t be delayed. Besides, I can’t bear to leave my second brother, Father Emperor, and Mother Empress behind. Now that Mother Empress is expecting again, as a son, I can’t help but feel concerned.”

So, you’re at peace with leaving Imperial Grandfather? Of course, the Emperor Emeritus couldn’t say that; he wasn’t a child.

Xiaobao seemed unaware and continued, “The palace is lively and spacious, with many people. Although the Xiyuan Palace has beautiful scenery, it’s a bit remote. If I may express my thoughts, it’s unnecessary to move there. Visiting there for a month or two a year would be sufficient. Moreover, the Xiyuan Palace is close to the water, making it unsuitable for extended stay due to the humidity, which is not good for Your Majesty’s health.”

“How do you know it’s not suitable for extended stays by the water? Who told you that?”

“Father Emperor is concerned about Your Majesty’s health, but he just doesn’t express it.”

The Emperor Emeritus snorted.

“Actually, Father Emperor doesn’t want you to move away, but he doesn’t dare to disobey.”

“So, he sent you to oppose me?”

Xiaobao didn’t answer the question and continued, “I’m also reluctant to part from Imperial Grandfather. Mother Empress is also reluctant. Just yesterday, she was saying that if you move to Xiyuan Palace, she’s unsure how she’ll send meals to you in the future. She mentioned how common people live together in one place as a family, not just one generation but three. Although we can’t live under the same roof in the palace, we’re just a few steps away. If you move to Xiyuan Palace, we’d have to leave the imperial palace to see you. People from the palace are different from ordinary folks. When leaving the palace, everything must be meticulously prepared. Once or twice is fine, but if it happens often, laziness might set in, and it would hinder us from fulfilling our filial piety.”

Listening to Xiaobao’s words, the Emperor Emeritus’s curiosity was piqued. Though he rarely met his daughter-in-law, he could roughly imagine her through Xiaobao’s descriptions.

Gentle, virtuous, with a good temperament – of course this was at least at the surface.

From what the Emperor Emeritus could tell, she was rather considerate and easy to get along with, but she tended to nag too much, just like an elderly woman. Due to her humble origins and limited exposure, she always liked to use the customs of the common people as examples. As a member of the illustrious Zhao Imperial Family, how could they be compared to those ordinary peasants? He was not among the destitute and relied solely on his children’s filial piety.

He was the Emperor Emeritus!

Ironically, the emperor enjoyed this, refusing to take concubines and insisting on having a young ‘old’ woman like this by his side. How does he not get annoyed by such chattering?!

“Your mother is truly talkative!” remarked the Emperor Emeritus.

Xiaobao disagreed, “Father Emperor’s words are few, so Mother Empress’s chatter prevents the atmosphere from feeling desolate.”

The Emperor Emeritus grunted and said nothing, reaching for peanuts from the fruit plate.

“Imperial Grandfather, are you still planning to move away from this palace?”

“Why move? Your mother is heavily pregnant and cannot manage palace affairs. Those dowager consorts and concubines pester me daily, driving me mad. Zhen will wait until your mother gives birth,” the Emperor Emeritus paused, seemingly realizing his lack of resolve, and continued, “Your mother has shown filial respect to me several times. If Zhen moves out while she’s pregnant, it might stir rumors and give the ministers something new to criticize.”

Xiaobao smiled mischievously, “This grandson knew it. Imperial Grandfather, although you appear stern, your heart is warm, just like Father Emperor, but Mother Empress still had some worries despite my reassurances.”

Who was similar to the emperor? The Emperor Emeritus certainly didn’t have as many schemes as the emperor! He kept everything bottled up and delegated the matters to his subordinates.

At this moment, sounds of commotion echoed from outside the hall, mixed with the shouts of a young child. At lightning speed, the child burst in.

“Imperial Grandfather, Imperial Grandfather! Erbao is here to see you. Wow, brother, you came to see Imperial Grandfather without telling me, sneaking in secretly. Were you eating something delicious behind my back? Show me quickly.”

“We haven’t eaten anything.”

“Really?” Erbao skeptically looked at Xiaobao, then turned to the Emperor Emeritus.

Both nodded earnestly.

Erbao pointed at peanut shells on the table, then glanced between them, keenly observing, “You did eat something. Brother, you have peanut shells around your mouth, and there are cake crumbs too.”

Xiaobao blushed, “But it wasn’t anything delicious.”

As Erbao and Xiaobao bantered about food. The Emperor Emeritus automatically reached for his lips, fearing the boy might catch him sneaking a snack.

Because of his beard, the Emperor Emeritus was quite uneasy. He even signalled to Li Dexian to check for him. It wasn’t until Li Dexian shook his head that he relaxed, focusing his gaze on his two grandsons.

One remarkably bright, the other spirited.

That woman from the Su Family could really give birth!

Inexplicably, the Emperor Emeritus felt an unexpected anticipation for his unborn grandchildren.

Well, he would wait until these grandchildren were born before departing. It would be a joyful occasion. What the Emperor Emeritus hadn’t anticipated was that he would never leave for the Xiyuan Palace for the rest of his life, as these grandchildren would prove to be more mischievous than the current pair.