Journey To Become A True God-Chapter 2209 The Leader Of The God Realm Illumination Came To Save Yang Guo

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Chapter 2209 The Leader Of The God Realm Illumination Came To Save Yang Guo

"It seems to be the box of the god of death." Chu Yuechan tried to find out about this matter.

"I don't know, I've never known this, Huang Ying's is also absent." Ye Chen didn't know what it was, Huang Ying's memory was absent.

"be careful" Chu Yuechan said to Ye Chen, she told Ye Chen to be careful, maybe this is a dangerous trap.

A dark figure started to appear, this dark figure had no face and no mouth.

"what are you trying to use ?" Ye Chen said to Yang Guo, what is this guy trying to use.

"You will know soon, kill him quickly." Yang Guo ordered the creature in front of him to kill Ye Chen immediately.

This monster immediately left, he went towards Ye Chen.

In just seconds, this monster appeared in front of Ye Chen, he used his hand and turned his hand into a spear.

"Jlub . . ." The monsters in front attacked Ye Chen using their full speed.

Ye Chen used his own strength, he used his own strength to block the enemy's attack.

"boom . . ." an enormous explosion occurred as Ye Chen endured the attacks from the monsters in front of him.

"So strong" Ye Chen didn't expect that the monster in front of him would be this powerful, he had never imagined something like this.

"this was one of the god slaying weapons in the past, once ordered it will instantly kill you" Yang Guo said to Ye Chen.

"So that's how it is" Ye Chen understood, he was fighting a god-slaying weapon, it is not strange that this monster in front of him has above average strength.

"You won't have a chance this time, your life is in my hands" Yang Guo said that Ye Chen's life was in his hands.

"summon" Yang Guo decided to summon more monsters from inside the box, thousands of monsters with the same appearance came out and immediately surrounded Ye Chen.

Ye Chen was currently surrounded by countless enemies, there was no way to escape or escape from this place.

"hahahaha" Yang Guo laughed, he laughed when he saw Ye Chen who had been confined, Ye Chen now could no longer escape from Yang Guo, he was completely trapped and had no way of escaping from this place.

"It seems I've been trapped" Ye Chen saw that he was trapped, he had no way to escape or get out of this place.

"what should we do" Mu Nianci and Xia Qingyu asked Ye Chen, both of them asked about what Ye Chen was going to do .

"what am I going to do?, maybe it's time to rampage" Ye Chen may have to rampage, it's time to destroy.

"Azure Domain" Ye Chen used Azure Domain, an ancient dragon appeared and started roaring with a terrifying voice and terrifying aura.

"Argh, what is this" Yang Guo didn't know what this was, he didn't know what was going on, an ancient aura emitted from the dragon behind Ye Chen's body.

This aura was extremely intimidating, all the monsters were unable to move.

"Dimension Breaker" Ye Chen used Dimension Breaker, he destroyed all the monsters around.

"Cracks . . ." the entire monsters were destroyed by Ye Chen, they were all destroyed in the blink of an eye.

"impossible" Yang Guo couldn't believe this, he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Ye Chen destroyed everything with a single strike, this was beyond his expectations.

"summon" Yang Guo tried to summon another monster from inside the box.

Ye Chen saw what Yang Guo was doing, seeing that Ye Chen immediately went and destroyed Yang Guo's box.

"Half Dimension" Ye Chen used Half Dimension, immediately the box started to shrink and became smaller.

"What, how could that happen" Yang Guo couldn't believe when he saw what Ye Chen was doing, how could Ye Chen do such a thing, it was unreasonable.

"what's wrong?, are you shocked" Ye Chen asked Yang Guo, this is a loss to Yang Guo, he has already lost and has no more chance to fight Ye Chen.

"damn . . damn . . damn . . damn . . damn . . ," Yang Guo cursed very loudly, he cursed very loudly what Ye Chen did.

The ace that he had was destroyed in Ye Chen's hands, now what will Yang Guo do to defeat Ye Chen.

"Should I escape?" Yang Guo began to think, should he just escape from this place, he might not have a chance to win against Ye Chen.

"Are you thinking about escaping from this place?" Ye Chen asked Yang Guo.

Yang Guo was shocked, Ye Chen could easily guess what he was thinking, this was nonsense.

"Bastard" Yang Guo said to Ye Chen, he cursed Ye Chen by using inappropriate words.

"Hehehehe" Ye Chen smiled, he smiled when he saw Yang Guo who was on the verge of despair, now who will save Yang Guo.

"Get out of the way" three people appeared from afar, they appeared and immediately used their full strength to block Ye Chen's path.

A huge wall appeared in front of Ye Chen. This wall appeared in front of Ye Chen and directly blocked Ye Chen's path.

Ye Chen looked at the wall that was used to block him, he could see that this was an extremely strong wall, it was created by someone with high strength and was probably much stronger than Yang Guo.

"A person with enormous strength" Ye Chen could feel an enormous strength, this strength was enormous.

This power might be capable of wreaking havoc in the God Realm, so the possessor of this power need not have any doubts.

"Who are you?" Ye Chen asked the person who appeared.

"we are the highest leaders in the God Realm illumination" people want to claim to be the leaders in the God Realm illumination.

"Why don't you just show yourselves, why are you hiding instead" Ye Chen asked, he told these people to show themselves.

"We don't need to do that," the highest minister in God Realm Illumination said to Ye Chen.

"Listen to us, you will be destroyed soon, wait for the time," the supreme leader of God Realm Illumination said to Ye Chen.

After saying that they took Yang Guo away, they took Yang Guo away from this place.

"Cowards, you guys even ran away like that," Ye Chen said to the leader of the God Realm Illumination.

Too bad they're gone, they're gone from this place, they're gone too soon.

"You won't chase after them" Xia Qingyu and Mu Nianci asked.

"no, it's useless to chase them" Ye Chen said that he would not chase, he knew that he had no chance to catch up with them.

It would be a loss if Ye Chen stepped inside the enemy's place, they might have already prepared a trap for Ye Chen.

Ye Chen might be quite confident in his own strength, but he didn't want to go to a place where he might get into trouble, plus they seemed to have ways to deal with Ye Chen, they probably already prepared a weapon that could kill Ye Chen.

Ye Chen still remembered the words Nanlan Lia said, they had a Heavenly Tier weapon, it was a weapon similar to Ye Chen's and would probably be a weapon strong enough to fight against Ye Chen.