Journey To Become A True God-Chapter 2234 Caught Yu Lung

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Chapter 2234 Caught Yu Lung

"If you dare to refuse, then I will take you by force with me." Since Chang Er did not want to come along, Yu Lung would take Chang Er by force.

"no. ." Chang Er didn't want to, she didn't want to go with Yu Lung.

"You have no choice" Yu Lung said to Chang Er, in this case Chang Er had no choice but to go with Yu Lung.

"I won't let you do that." Luo Bing said that she wouldn't let Yu Lung take Chang Er.

"hahahaha, do you think you can stop me" Yu Lung said that Luo Bing would not be able to stop her.

"I will do my best" Luo Bing didn't care, she would try to defeat Yu Lung using the strength she had.

"You are really stupid, don't you know the difference in strength we have" Yu Lung said to Luo Bing.

"I don't care" Luo Bing didn't really care about this, she didn't want to run away and face the enemy in front of her.

"That's interesting, then I'll kill you." Yu Lung stepped forward, she used her own power to kill Luo Bing.

Yu Lung only needed Chang Er as a prisoner, he didn't really care about Luo Bing's life and death.

"Ice Cube Seal" Luo Bing started to use her own power, she used the same technique as Lei Qiaolin's.

"boom . ." fire and ice collided, it created a thick fog as the evaporation took place.

"This little lady is quite strong" Yu Lung didn't expect that Luo Bing would be able to fend off the attack just now, it seemed that she had underestimated this woman too much.

"I have to hurry" Yu Lung couldn't waste her time with Luo Bing, she had to kill Luo Bing immediately and bring Chang Er along with her.

Yu Lung had the task of carrying Chang Er, after bringing Chang Er along with her, she would receive a pretty good reward.

Yu Lung usually doesn't want to do this, she does this because she has to, she needs a gift.

"I don't have time to fight a brat like you, let's end this quickly." Yu Lung used her power, from the ground a surging and superheated flame appeared, the area around her quickly turned into a sea of blazing flames.

"This is too bad" Luo Bing felt really bad, she couldn't possibly extinguish this many flames.

Luo Bing used all the strength she had, she used the strength she had to extinguish the surrounding flames.

Despite using all of her abilities, in reality she was unable to extinguish the surrounding fire, it was too strong and could not be extinguished by Luo Bing.

"I will help you" Chang Er tried to help Luo Bing, she used her strength to help Luo Bing.

Both using their powers, they work together to help each other.

"what happened to them, are you not going to help them?" Chu Yuechan said to Ye Chen.

"wait a moment" Ye Chen told Chu Yuechan to wait a moment, it seemed he was beginning to know what Yu Lung was after.

He had to find out what Yu Lung was after, that way he knew Yu Lung's goal was to kidnap Chang Er.

"You will not have a chance to win" Yu Lung said to Luo Bing, he told that Luo Bing would not have a chance to win.

"What is your real purpose in kidnapping Chang Er?" Luo Bing asked, he wanted to know why Yu Lung kidnapped Chang Er.

"Someone told me to do it, I don't need to tell you about this problem" Yu Lung said that she would not tell this matter.

"Okay, now is the time to kill you." Yu Lung said to Luo Bing, this is the time for her to kill Luo Bing.

Yu Lung stretched out her hand, she intended to kill Luo Bing quickly and painlessly.

"die" fire moved towards Luo Bing, it directly attacked and enveloped Luo Bing's body.

"no . ." Luo Bing had no time to dodge, she was completely surrounded by flames.

"Is my life's journey only ends here?" Luo Bing did not expect that her life's journey would end here.

"You are always in trouble" Ye Chen appeared, he protected Luo Bing from Yu Lung's attack.

"Who?" Luo Bing asked the person in front of her, she didn't know who the person in front of her was.

"hehehehe, it seems that the beauty police won't be able to recognize me" Ye Chen said to Luo Bing.

Luo Bing thought for a while, herself thinking about Ye Chen's words.

"you . ." Luo Bing seems to have started to know who Ye Chen is, she has started to know who Ye Chen is.

Only Ye Chen dared to say that to Luo Bing.

Apart from Ye Chen, perhaps no one would dare to say that to Luo Bing.

"Why are you in this place?" Luo Bing asked Ye Chen, Ye Chen should be in the palace and enjoying a comfortable life.

"I have my own problems, so don't ask too many questions." Ye Chen said to Luo Bing, he said that he had his own problems.

"cheeky" Ye Chen was still stingy, this man still didn't want to tell Luo Bing about this matter.

"Hahahahaha" Yu Lung laughed, she managed to kill Luo Bing.

"no . ." Chang Er did not expect that this would happen, she did not believe that Luo Bing would die at Yu Lung's hands.

"One problem has been solved, come with me" Yu Lung said to Chang Er, she told Chang Er to come with her.

"no, quickly let me go" Chang Er said to Yu Lung, she didn't want to join this devil woman.

"Wusshhh . . ." Ye Chen flicked his sleeve, a very strong wind appeared and hit Yu Lung's body.

"Uhhhh . . ." Yu Lung shouted, she's not ready with there would be a surprise attack launched from Luo Bing's direction.

"Who is it ?" Chang Er wanted to know who threw Yu Lung.

"damn, what happened ?" Yu Lung did not know what happened, why she could be attacked by an attack like that.

Yu Lung got up, she held her stomach which was injured from Ye Chen's attack.

"Who are you, you are quite daring to interfere with my business" Yu Lung said to Ye Chen.

"am I disturbing you, you are blocking my way" Ye Chen said to Yu Lung.

"Damn it. . ." Yu Lung cursed Ye Chen, Ye Chen was quite arrogant and made Yu Lung feel irritated.

"hahahaha" Ye Chen laughed, he seemed to really enjoy what was happening, for him it was very enjoyable.

"Earlier you might have managed to escape, but this time you won't be able to escape again, devil woman" Ye Chen informed that Yu Lung would not be able to escape again.

Yu Lung saw Ye Chen, he tried to find out about Ye Chen, for some reason he had met and fought against Ye Chen.

"Don't tell me that he is" Yu Lung finally remembered who Ye Chen was, even though his appearance had changed, Yu Lung would not forget Ye Chen's way of speaking.

"I have to run away" Yu Lung has to run away, she can't win against Ye Chen.

"escape again ?" Ye Chen see that Yu Lung would run away again, this woman did not dare to face Ye Chen.

"I won't let you escape." Ye Chen used a swift move, he directly caught up to Yu Lung and knocked him down.

"boom" Ye Chen used his strength to knock Yu Lung down, using the power of the wind, Ye Chen easily knocked Yu Lung down.

"take this" Ye Chen made a seal, he sealed Yu Lung so he couldn't escape.