Joyful Motherhood in a Rural Family-Chapter 220 - 218: Ye Lei wakes up, Sisi’s scheme

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Chapter 220: Chapter 218: Ye Lei wakes up, Sisi抯 scheme

Liu Sisi quickly wiped away her tears and pretended to smile, saying, 揑 know, I didn抰 cry! I won抰 cry, Ye Lei, what do you want to eat? I抣l go to the vegetarian canteen to buy it for you厰

揑s it daylight outside already?

He suddenly asked an unrelated question.

揇on抰 move! The sky is already bright, it抯 between 3 and 5 pm now, I just brought back some cooked dishes from the vegetarian canteen. Because this Zen temple wing courtyard cannot kill living creatures, I specially went to buy some eggs and made steamed egg custard for you to eat when you wake up.

Excited, Liu Sisi spoke and took out the warmed steamed egg custard. The Grandmaster had said, as long as Ye Lei wakes up, it means everything is fine.

揑t is already the afternoon.

Di Yelei murmurs under his breath, struggling to try to sit up: 揑 can抰, I promised you yesterday that I would go home with you in the morning Sisi, let抯 go! Let抯 go home厰

揘ow? What home are you going back to now? Your injuries are so severe, and you are still messing around here, lie down quickly! Otherwise, I抣l really be mad.

Liu Sisi hurriedly placed the steamed egg custard aside, extending her hand to hold him down: 揧ou did say yesterday that you would go home with me, but the problem is I抦 still here, so where are you going?

While talking, she turned her back to pick up a bowl, quietly wiping away the tears that had accidentally fallen.

揑s is that so?

Di Yelei had no extra strength, so after struggling for a while, he fell into a deep sleep again.

He then slept for another two days.

During this time, he woke up a few times, and several Grandmasters came to change his medicine every day. Liu Sisi took advantage of the Grandmasters changing his medicine to hurriedly go to the vegetarian canteen for meals and cleaning, then quickly returned.

She got some wooden planks from the young monks, put them together, and covered them with bedding to make it easier for her to take care of him nearby.

On the third day, she didn抰 know when she had fallen asleep, but when she opened her eyes, she saw a cheerful pair of eyes looking back at her, making her momentarily dazed.

揧e Lei, are you awake? Are you thirsty for water, or do you want to get up to use the bathroom at night厰

She quickly sat up, searching for the water cup in a panic.

揝isi, come here, Di Yelei smiled and called her.

She couldn抰 help but put down the cup and slowly approached him: 揧e Lei, you um厰

As she got closer, he suddenly hugged her tightly, holding her firmly in his arms.

揑t抯 okay, you抮e all right!

He whispered to comfort her, his whole body shaking violently: 揝isi, I抦 sorry, I didn抰 do well, and I didn抰 come soon enough, making you suffer. Sisi, why are you crying again? Good girl! Don抰 cry, don抰 cry厰

揧e Lei As long as you抮e all right. This isn抰 your fault. I know you didn抰 mean for this to happen.

The husband and wife embraced each other, having a good cry together.

Perhaps their hearts were lighter after having this conversation and venting their emotions, and the couple抯 spirits were notably better. Liu Sisi抯 tense mood also improved greatly.

In the afternoon, Zhang Peng finally found them.

Seeing Di Yelei lying in bed with his body wrapped in gauze, he breathed a sigh of relief.

揑 thought you guys went to the county, so I didn抰 pay much attention. I didn抰 think you guys could be delayed in the county for a few days without returning. I never imagined that you guys were actually in the Zen temple courtyard. If it weren抰 for hearing from a neighboring village that a person died in the temple, I wouldn抰 have known you were here, let alone that you had an accident厰

Di Yelei also sighed, feeling wronged: 揑t抯 nothing serious, just some external injuries, but Sisi insists that I don抰 move at all, saying厰

揝hut up! Who was the one whose nose, mouth, and ears were bleeding? If it weren抰 for the medicine that treats internal injuries, could you still be showing off here?

Liu Sisi didn抰 spare him any dignity and exposed his pretense.

Di Yelei shrank and carried Liu Sisi on his back, making a reassuring gesture to Zhang Peng.

Zhang Peng grinned like nothing was wrong: 揧ou two really have a great relationship! It抯 truly enviable.

Liu Sisi became embarrassed.

揃rother Zhang, I抦 sorry for causing a scene. I

揝ister-in-law, don抰 say that. Seeing you and your husband抯 good relationship is what I hope for the most. I still remember the madness in your face when you first entered the house, fearing that you two wouldn抰 get along after marriage. Now it seems that I was overthinking.

This made Liu Sisi抯 smile fade away.

揥as I really mad when I first got married?

Zhang Peng, without noticing, continued: 揥eren抰 you? At first, you kept shouting about irrelevant things, saying you weren抰 Liu Sisi, and who framed you needed to be tracked down. Later, you even

揂hem, Zhang Peng! Could you please pour me a glass of water?

Behind, Di Yelei suddenly interrupted him.

Zhang Peng realized his slip of the tongue, chuckled awkwardly, grabbed a cup and casually poured some water for Di Yelei.

揝ister-in-law! Let the past be the past! Isn抰 it important for people to focus on the future?

揃rother Zhang is right.

Liu Sisi smiled faintly, but her thoughts wandered far away.

She had been shouting that she wasn抰 Liu Sisi? She didn抰 even remember. It seemed she was indeed severely ill.

Zhang Peng came again the next day, and also hired a bull-cart. They carefully moved Di Yelei onto the cart and headed home.

Before leaving, Liu Sisi left 10 taels of silver behind.

She gritted her teeth and donated another 50 taels of incense oil money, bidding farewell to the grandmasters who treated Di Yelei.

Having lived in the Zen temple for several days and more days of recuperation, she greatly troubled the grandmasters with helping to treat Yelei, so she could only donate as much incense oil money as possible to express her gratitude.

For this temple fair trip, she took a total of 98 taels of silver. After spending more than 5 taels and donating 50 taels for incense oil money, she had 43 taels left on hand.

Excluding the 10 taels to pay for the bookstore抯 rent, only 33 taels remained.

Yelei injured his ribs and could not go hunting for at least three months.

Now in late autumn, as the weather continued to grow colder and frost and snow approached, she must prepare for winter, followed by the upcoming Lunar New Year.

After the New Year, Xuan抏r will start going to the village school

Thinking about all this, Liu Sisi can抰 help but plan how to use the silver on hand for a plentiful New Year and to support them until Di Yelei fully recovers

However, the most important thing is not saving money but making it!

She needs to find a good way to expand her sources of income

揝isi, what are you thinking?

On the side, Di Yelei and Zhang Peng were chatting happily. Turning his head, he saw Liu Sisi frowning and couldn抰 help but ask.

揑抦 thinking about how to explain to Ruo Ruo the reason that you didn抰 work.

Liu Sisi naturally wouldn抰 speak of her hidden worries and quickly changed the subject.

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