Jujutsushi Wa Yuusha Ni Narenai-Chapter 118.1 - Live in Luxury

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Chapter 118.1 - Live in Luxury

「Ooh, it's fast, but a torture to my a^s!」

That was the impression of riding a raptor.

Since insides of Rem were running while paying full attention to me an amateur horse rider, or should I say dinosaur rider. Nevertheless, as long as one's riding it still shook once or twice every once in a while.

Even if this was piece of cake for the equestrian tribe, it wasn't a simple matter to me, a modern Japanese born who wasn't that used to animals. It's like riding a roller coaster without a safety belt, and most of all, the feeling when her hard scales hit on my butt was an absolute nightmare.

But, that was the weakness of me, her rider, Raptor Rem herself was a superb mount.

It was clear from their body shape that they're a great runner. They're rather similar to ostrich be it in height or the fact that they're bipedal. Perhaps I should say that the ostrich was the one that resembled a dinosaur … Anyway, Raptor Rem, with a running speed of 50 km/h, was a great addition to our war potential.

Because for the original inhabitant of this jungle being able to run freely, passing every obstacle in the forest with bad scaffolding was far more important than simple pure speed. Though both Ahidaka and Arachne's were also a great runner in the forest, they're still no match for a Raptor that basically few within the forest with terrifying accuracy.

Unfortunately, the one who was using that wonderful cavalry was none other than a weakling amateur like me. Or rather, I think it'd be better to make Rem the 1st as Raptor Rem's rider if we're speaking about making a proper cavalry.

My impression about the raptor aside, I was currently on my way back toward the tour base along with Totem Pole Trio.

We met no trouble on the way back. We did encounter a few groups of Gomas along the way, but our basic policy was avoiding a confrontation with them.

For this reason, we basically didn't fight at all on the way back to the tower. It’d be better if it were always this comfortable though.

「We're back, Yamajun. I want to ask you about something.」

「Welcome back, Momokawa-kun. Uhm, is something the matter?」

The first thing I did upon coming back was talking to Yamajun. Honestly, it seemed that he was more worried about Raptor Rem and Rem the 1st who stood at her side, but I'll postpone the explanation for the two until later.

「This is about Ayase-san, is she near here?」

「Eeh, Ayase-san!?」

He was really surprised. Well, Yamajun had long since been aware that I held no interest in that b*tch. Because that b*tch was nothing more than a jinx to me, even deadlier than my own curse.

Nevertheless, this was something that I'd to tell him. We're running out of time with each passing second.

「I, want to make Ayase-san participate in the capture operation of Goma's tower.」

「I see … It's almost impossible though.」

「It's fine if she refuses but let's try to ask her first.」

「I understand, Momokawa-kun.」

Both me and Yamajun headed toward the fairy plaza.

Upon entering the plaza, Yamajun called out to lolico-oops, I mean Yamada-kun, said a word or two to him and made him leave the plaza for the time being.


「Great, this way will make it easier to talk to her.」

Even though I was not requesting this, he cleared out the people to make things easier for me. As expected of Yamajun, I could never be someone like him.

Now it's my turn.

「May I have a minute, Ayase-san?」

「Uhn, what's matte~r?」

Reina, who was seemingly taking a nap in the plaza when I was in the middle of talking to Yamajun, replied with a languid voice. The fire lion, Engard was right by her side, seemingly giving a makeshift cushion. It seems she really enjoyed his fluffy fur.

「We're going to capture Goma's tower but … I wished Ayase-san to lend a hand with your 『Spiritualist』 power.」

I'd no intention of talking in a roundabout manner with this b*tch. So I straight up asked her a question, regardless of her answer.

「Eh … T-That's impossible, I … I'm … Scared of fighting— 」

Reina was indeed a frail-looking girl.

Then what in the hell is the monster you are using as a sofa, was what I wanted to say but held back for now.

「It's not like you need to fight in the front line, I mean, look at that Engard and the other sacred beast, they can fight for you right? You can ask them to help us while staying safe and sound in this place.」


Engard was glaring at me as if responding to this b*tch’s irritation.

I see, well it's impossible to talk with this b*tch after all.

I'd kinda expected this reaction, or should I say that I knew this would happen all along but … it seemed like I ended up pissing off the sacred beast too.

「C-Calm down, Ayase-san. It's not like Momokawa-kun wants to force you to fight. We’re only asking you to lend your powerful sacred beast to help us.」

Nice timing, thank you very much Yamajun.Thanks to you I didn't end up instigating Engard even more with this b*tch’s disgusting weeping-act.

「Yeah, I just want to confirm. Can I take it that you, Ayase-san, don’t want to lend your sacred beast to us at all?」

「I'll always be with everyone—」

The hell with that double meaning sentence, you two-faced b*tch. Inviting this b*tch was like inviting a thug who you could speak logic with. No, her double meaning sentence which seemed like she was willing to help with some negotiation was troubling after all.

「I understand, I won't ask you to help us again. But, if you feel like helping, we're more than willing to accept your help. I mean, we'll still be no match for you even if we're grouping together to attack you after all. That’s just how strong your power as 『Spiritualist』is. And by my estimation, you can actually capture Goma's tower by yourself.」

That b*tch didn't show any reaction to my words. As if to say that she didn't want to hear this talk anymore.

For Reina, I might be just an annoying guy who always scared her, so she didn't want to interact with me as much as possible. But for me, she only judged people whether they're an annoyance or not, an extremely selfish b*tch.

Fine then, since you don't want to hear annoying things from me, then I'll give you what you want- comfort.

「My bad then, since I’ve displeased you, I guess my only choice is to NOT interact with you at all then, Ayase-san.」

Negotiation met a failure, so I turned around and walked away from that unpleasant b*tch.

Yamajun who seemed to be surprised at seeing me back off so easily chased me in hurry.

「Uhm, Momokawa-kun, are you really okay with this?」

Yamajun asked me as soon as we left the plaza. Well, you couldn't even call the previous negotiation as "Negotiation", because to me, it felt like talking to a wall- no bargain whatsoever at all.

「Yeah, though I’d expected this result, I wanted to at least try asking nicely.」

「But still――」

「Rather than that, Yamajun, do you want to have dinner? Or a bath? Or…」

[TL: Momokawa, the hell you're asking him]

I said the phrase that I heard somewhere before with a wicked smile plastered on my face.


「Momokawa!! This is the great boar you're talking about, right!?」

That night, the brave Totem Pole Trio's shout resounded inside our base. I came in hurry as soon as they called out my name and see, their catch was the great boar indeed. The trio and Rem, each carrying one of its leg, despite their tired face. I could see proud smile on their faces. That was the face of a splendid hunter upon bringing back a game.

It seemed like they had succeeded in hunting the targetted prey.

I mean, I would've expected them to bring back PigFrog or snake and yet, they brought back the best game I had never hoped for.

「Thank you. With this, we need not worry over the meat provisions for a while.」


Meanwhile, the three who became the first victims of my witch nabe raised a joyful roar. Fumu, they're brimming with anticipation.

「Now help me drain its blood, we can start the dismantling process after that.」

「Uoo, leave it to me, I'll do anything to eat that delicious meat.」

I thought they're going to raise a protest after tiring themself in the hunt, but it seemed my worries are unnecessary. I mean there's nothing to lose with more help.

Thus, we and some background charas were making a merry as we prepared the great boar.

「You guys, what are you being noisy about?」

「Ah, so you really gonna do that plan huh… Momokawa-kun.」

Yamada and Yamajun who I invited to the great boar feast showed their face as they leave the tower. In fact, I'd told Yamajun before that I'd the necessary skills to distinguish edible stuffs from non-edible stuff which included the skill to cook them, and I tried it on the Totem Pole Trio during our outdoor camping last night.

Since I found it troublesome to explain it again and again, I entrusted Yamajun with the job of explaining things to Yamada-kun.

「Seriosly dude, you mean those monsters are edible—」

Welp, what's with that fastidious reaction which felt out of place for someone like Yamada-kun. Anyhow, he just needed a taste to know that I was telling the truth. I mean, there's no way that anyone who only ate that monk-like menu, namely tasteless walnut, could resist the temptation of meat after so long.

「――Well, here you go, it's done.」

Thus, boar hot pot, complete. With bananatoes on the top of the list, I've also added mushroom and the herbs that I found growing around the tower.

「Uhm!? S-So GOOOD!!」

Yamada’s reaction was already within my prediction. I mean, the Totem Pole Trio whose stomach was already enslaved by the wonderfulness of my witch kettle was already devouring the hot pot in silence.

「Amazing, this is so damn delicious.」

「It still has a slightly gamey smell but aside from that, it's really delicious.」

Though I'd no idea which of the wild grasses could lessen the gamey smell, it's still a huge success. One of those grasses might be herb. The area around this tower was surprisingly full of those useful herbs.

「Then, though it's rather forced, shall we add more of those herbs.」

「No, it's better to stop since there's some inedible stuff too.」

This chapter is updat𝓮d by fre(e)webnov(l).com