Jujutsushi Wa Yuusha Ni Narenai-Chapter 16: Let’s try Killing part.1

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Chapter 16: Let's try Killing part.1

Having of course rested, resupplied in herbs, in addition to getting our equipment in order, we finally decided to tackle this thing called dungeon capture. That being said, it’d be hard to declare if we were truly in top condition.

“Having the knives stolen really stings…”

Every single piece of Futaba-san’s knife set was robbed by Satou Aya. Not even single paring knife remains. Among edged items, we only possess my boxcutter, and a pair of scissors that Futaba-san had. As weapons, they convey not much reliability at all.

Still, no use in mulling over it. For now, we collected the toughest branch Futaba-san could break, and using the cutter, shaved off the tip into an impromptu spear. It’s barely better than being empty handed, but it’s enough to stab a Goma to death. Though I guess, one would be the limit.

“As for the meds, I got a good harvest, so that’s atleast good”

Actually, the variety of flora of the Fairy Square we left just now was slightly different from that of the last one. We got our hands on a fair amount of this one berry that, when ingested, gives an increase in strength, or rather, a direct attack boost, for a temporary period. Obviously, it won’t be at rates of 2x or 3x, it’s something like a slight up from normal, just barely a powerup… Again, definitely better than nothing.

I’m calling it a ‘Power Seed’, and at a glance, it’s really quite similar to the spreading yew. A tiny, red, bead-like outer layer with a black central pit. The trees fruiting such Power Seeds could be found blended in with the Fairy Walnut trees.[1]

According to Intuition Pharmacy, it’s made so that when ingested, it utilizes a bit of Magic, and a fair amount of energy from the body, and converts it into strength. Eat too much, and it’ll exhaust all energy from the body, and you’ll collapse from malnutrition. Well, I guess that’s a pretty typical kind of after-effect from powerup-like items.

I’ve tested it out, and on my own body, looks like 10 at a time won’t cause any trouble. And when it comes to a battle, I’ve predetermined to pop one just beforehand.

Though, if we got caught in an ambush, there’d be no way to make time for that.

With more caution than ever, I take steps forward within this stone passage that doesn’t seem to change. The formation is, me at front, and Futaba-san behind.

There’s a lot to say about a Shaman at the vanguard, but she was walking so agitated that we weren’t moving at all.

“Ah, Futaba-san, stop”

A few dozen minutes after departure, we arrive at the first change.

“A-, Th-this is…”

Twisted, ominous trees engulfed in green leaves congregated en masse in this domed space.

“…So this is that Forested Dome”

It’s where Futaba-san and the Class Rep encountered the troop of Goma. It’s likely not that exact place, but since it’s so similar, there’s a big chance it’s become a hunting ground where Goma operate.

Naturally, there’s the chance of other Monsters also lurking. With our power right now, we can’t even handle a swarm of Fang Rats. I’d like to get some battle experience, but we have to be very careful in choosing the enemy. Actually, is there a Monster we can beat?

“W-what to we do, Momokawa-kun?”

“I don’t wanna go” Futaba-san’s eyes complain. My clouded gaze doesn’t hold any sympathy though…

“Looks like we can’t progress without going through here. It’s pretty much unavoidable”

I don’t want to pass through this kind of dangerous area either, I’d refuse to every time given the chance. I really would, but the magic compass was pointing straight at the other end. I even made sure to check Futaba-san’s one, but no use, both still pointed straight there without the slightest flinch.

“Running there full speed… sounds like a bad idea, we’ll just have to walk along the walls”

If we go by Futaba-san’s story, there’s a chance that this Forested Dome is laid down with traps. When Natsukawa Minami came to save the Class Rep from the attacking Goma, she had used a pitfall.

Since it activated from an arrow hitting a tree branch, I’d imagine there was like a sensor like thing placed on some tree that detects shocks or tremors. Being a Thief, Natsukawa-san might have an idea about its odd and ends… but I have not a clue, and Futaba-san didn’t hear much more about it either.

That means, I can’t carelessly go around collecting poison mushrooms and herbs either. I think it’s very likely we’ll find something of that genre in this Forested Dome, but yeah, desperate times. I’ll just think about quietly passing through.

“With our backs to the wall, we probably won’t get done in from behind. Also, don’t let your guard down a single bit. You could accidentally trigger a trap”

“Y-ye…yeah, got it”

Eyebrows knit full on in a 八 shape, Futaba-san had an almost about to cry face, but still prepared herself up and nodded to my words.

Well then, I’ll get psyched too; let’s cross this Forested Dome with everything we got.

“… We aren’t getting there huh, it’s surprisingly big”

Left hand side along the ashen walls, we proceed, sliding along. Our attention focused less forwards, and more towards deep into the dim forest spread wide at our right. Any time now, those filthy Goma might jump out from behind the thicket, the suspense is killing me.

“Futaba-san, alright?”

“N-no-, no problem—”

She replies with an agitated voice that doesn’t seem alright at all. I haven’t been checking on her behind me, bit there’s no chance of us getting separated.

Reason being, she has grabbed onto the hem of my gakuran(uniform) with all her might.

You really think you can use your spear like that? I thought to warn her, but seeing her hand paled and trembling, I decided not. Cause if there was someone in front of me, I’d want grab on to them too.

Truly birds of a feather. As a coward myself, I can’t laugh at her cowardice—and just as I immersed in those self-deprecating thoughts.

“Stop, Futaba-san”

“-!? W-w-w-w-wha-w-what’s wrong Momokawa-kun“


I use my hand that was shaking in tension, to calm the intensely flustered Futaba-san, and concentrate on the moving shadow that abruptly caught my eye.

“…A Monster, there’s a Monster”

Futaba-san swallows her breath. She gets full points just by not screaming right now.

Luckily, looks like the other side hasn’t noticed us. For the time being, I hid myself behind a thick tree nearby, and decided to cautiously observe this Monster we found.

What I saw, was a lone dog. Dirty to the point of looking brown, it was a mid-sized canine with a red coat. It was quite thin, I could tell at a glance that it hadn’t found any food in a while. Loosely dangling its vigourless tongue and tail, the dog was trudging along, wandering between the trees.

“T-that dog… I’ve seen one before”

“It’s the dog Monster that blows sparks, right?”

In her story, Futaba-san talked about fighting packs of these Red Dogs. It wasn’t coming at them with a flamethrower-like powerful fire attack, but easily repelling them had a lot to do with the ability of those 3 members. Us right now can’t even take on a pack of ordinary wild dogs. Exactly, not a pack.

“It looks pretty weak. I’m thinking, even we can take that down”


Her eyes protruding in surprise, perhaps because she was scared of actually fighting, or maybe even feeling sorry for attacking a weak-looking pup. Half of both I’d wager.

“If you don’t beat Monsters, you won’t progress in your Vocation. If you can hunt that one dog, maybe, just maybe Futaba-san can attain an Attack Skill. You got this chance to beat an enemy risk free, don’t throw it away”

Seems a bit late to be explaining, but I’m letting her hear it all the more. Futaba-san is scared as always, but she seriously gives her all, listening and adhering to my explanations. She isn’t just a mess of feelings and tears, she’s got her admirable side too.

“Don’t worry, I’ll do support with my Curses. There’s only one, so we can definitely beat it”

“Y-yea… Got it, Momokawa-kun. I’ll, do it”

So she’s finally going for it; Futaba-san stiffened her brows and nodded to me with a brave expression.

“So first, you can let go of my clothes”

“A-, s-sorry…”

Looking embarrassed, she quickly withdraws her hand from the hem of my gakuran. She was grabbing super tight, so it’s gotten wrinkled.

“Ok first, I’ll stop it with my Curse. I think, I can seal the Red Dog’s movement with that, so in that time, you go in and stab. I’ll give the signal”

I pass by the faithfully nodding Futaba-san, and concentrate on the dog weakly walking by. It has already passed by us, I can see its butt, an orange colored, lowered tail, dangling pitifully there.

Any further, and it’ll be out of range. I can only do it now.

“Entwine its escape, with weaving hair—”

The aria I recite is one attained after beating the Armor Bear, a new Curse. And this long-awaited new move is…

“—‘Blackhair Bind’!”[2]

From the tree’s shadow, I aim my 4th Curse at the dog’s butt, and it immediately shows effect. It appears quietly from the shadows near the dog’s feet at it frailly continued its trail.

Deep black, thin fibers, yes, these were indeed hair. A handful, a bundle of these hairs softly rose from the shadows, twining onto the Red Dog’s hind legs.

Sensing the change, the dog howls loud, pouncing and struggling with its large body, but the Blackhair’s grasp showed no sign of tearing, or looseness.

Nice, looks like its got a bit of endurance. ‘Blackhair Bind’, true to its name, beautifully bound the enemy’s escape.

“Plunge into permanent swelter, and curse the body— ‘Red Fever’”

And, though the effect is doubtful but just in case, aiming to weaken it even a bit more, I throw in my good old 1st Curse, ‘Red Fever’. As if surprised by the sudden light fever coursing through its body, the Red Dog lets out a miserable whine.

This is the maximum possible support from me.

“Now Futaba-san! Stab it from the back!”

“OK! Yaaah!”

With a high pitched cry, Futaba-san heavily charged with the unreliable spear in hand. I can’t call her running fast even as a compliment, but Blackhair Bind won’t be letting go of the Red Dog in the measly 10 meters(~33feet) she has to cross in getting there.

This Curse lasts a certain amount of time after activation; most likely, there’s an amount of mana it’s charged with and it’s made to manifest until that mana is consumed. However, if I concentrate on that invocation continuously, I can supply more mana, and use my power to control the binding strength.

As both its hind legs are bound, the Red Dog can’t turn back and exercise its fangs or claws. If, following my instructions to the dot, she uses the spear’s reach to thrust from the back, we can do a completely safe and one-sided attack.

With me setting the stage this well, even Futaba-san can deliver a killing blow.

“Huff… haa… I-I’ll do it—”

Her breath short from dashing at full power for a short period, Futaba-san timorously raised the spear overhead. That’s right, now you only have to strongly jab it in, you can kill the Red Dog. Yes, hand over to us weaklings, those precious experience points!

“…Haa, haa… haa…”

The spear, won’t come down. Futaba-san’s rough breathing echoes throughout the strangely silent Forested Dome.

“Futaba-san, what’s up? ‘Blackhair Bind’ is still stopping it from moving, but you should really finish it off soon”

“A, Ah… Umm, Momokawa-kun…”

The spear stuck aloft, Futaba-san slowly turned and faced me. The moment I saw her face, I understood everything.

“I-I’m sorry… I can’t…”

How many times has it been, seeing her crying face. The girl called Futaba Meiko, she’s cowardly, a crybaby, her spirit as small as her body big, and I, I was supposed to somewhat recognize that during this short time I’ve known her. That’s why, I should have expected this.

“I can’t, do it… Sorry, sorry, Momokawa-kun… Uuu…”

That’s right, she hadn’t prepared herself to kill Monsters.

Killing a living thing, stealing a life, more than a matter of ethics, it was surely because he was a girl raised in peaceful Japan, it’s only natural to feel that way. Japanese people can’t easily kill such large animals.

I wonder at what point I fall in that category. Flies and cockroaches, I could do with no hesitation, in fact, I could swat at them with real eyes of murder… But at least, dogs and cats, I don’t think I could. Even mice, if it came to killing one, I’d definitely waver.

I imagine the limit for a typical Japanese would be at clearly harmful bugs, and marine life procured as food. Especially in the killing of mammals, one would need willpower surpassing the ordinary. Those who could calmly do this would be ones who do it as a job, or ones whose mindset was aberrant. Right, killing animals, you’d need to be an aberration. It’s not an action of someone bound by law and order.

Because you were thrown into another world, because you need to kill Monsters to escape, because you can’t get stronger otherwise. Those reasons wouldn’t suddenly enable us to easily take a life.

“I see… yeah, that’s right… it’s fine, Futaba-san”

Keeping control of ‘Blackhair Bind’, I walk to where Futaba-san is. She was crying, apologizing, saying “sorry” countless times. So regretfully, so anguishedly. But in that bitter face, I can’t see her looking disgusted at herself for not being able to commit the act.

“It’s fine, it’s ok Futaba-san. Don’t worry”

“huu, uu… B-but…”

“Really it’s fine, just leave it to me”

Rather than forcing her right now, I’ll just make things quick and finish up in her place. It’s dangerous to be bumming around this place after all.

So I try to somehow calm the unsettled Futaba-san while holding my spear abreast, and send her behind me.


Having come to raising the weapon myself, I feel quite the resistance. I feel like I can’t blame Futaba-san who said she couldn’t do it. Given the chance, I wouldn’t either. Less sorry, and more sick, is what I feel.

But for me right now, it’s not something I can’t do. Killing the Armor Bear was nothing but a fluke, strong luck, but I can have confidence. No, I can have grudge. I aim this grudge towards all things called Monsters that seek my life.


From the swung down spear— I mean, it’s just a sharpened branch but still, I definitely felt a feedback.

A shrill cry from the dog, and a small one from Futaba-san beat into my ears.

The tip was pierced into the dog’s back, but shallow. The dirty red coat was being coated in inundant fresh blood, but it’s not enough.


So I stabbed many, many times that frail back. ’Til its life kept residing in its body, neither did my hands stop. Stimulated by murderous impulse, I couldn’t stop myself at all.

“Haa…huff… I-is it, dead…”

At some point, the Red Dog had stopped leaking groans of pain, it lay there on the ground. I noticed that the ‘Blackhair Bind’ tangled around its legs was gone. I was so fixated on stabbing, maintaining the spell completely slipped my mind.

It’s bad. So much that I realized myself; I was quickly losing composure. The sound of my heartbeat was annoyingly loud, showing just how agitated I am.


“Fuh… It’s over, it’s dead now… getting the Core, sounds like a lot of time, let’s not”

I desperately calm my rough breathing, and turn back to the teary faced Futaba-san. I was intending to show myself composed after a job well done; but I wonder, right now, how do I reflect in those eyes.

Beside a dog sinking in blood, stands a boy with bloodshot eyes. He shows great promise in becoming a future aberrant. I just did what was necessary right now, but maybe this could drive her away.

“Let’s not, stop here too long”

Futaba-san was still dismally shedding tears, but nodded. That’s good, she still hasn’t given up on following me.

So, leaving behind the shredded, repeatedly stabbed corpse of a dog, we get out of the Forested Dome.

We hadn’t collected a Core, or any new powers, but did gain an indescribable weariness, and exhaustion.

“Sigh… It’s hard… I don’t feel good about the future”


[1]Spreading Yew… apparently poisonous

[2]Hey, new powers, it’s Kurokami Shibari(黒髪縛り), tled quite literally as Blackhair Bind~

The source of this c𝐨ntent is fre𝒆w(e)bn(o)vel