Jujutsushi Wa Yuusha Ni Narenai-Chapter 229.2 - Relight And Various Spirits 2

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Chapter 229.2 - Relight And Various Spirits 2

It was still fresh in my memories that the boss of the red dog that we defeated before could spit fire too.

And yet, the fire spat by Beniqo was bigger, and the emission time was much longer than the red dog boss.


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The goma archer couldn't dodge the flame and was instantly covered in flame. Now they were not in the condition to shoot their arrow again.


Beniwo moved on to the next goma archer immediately.

And then, when I looked at Beniwo spitting their fire again, I realized something.


I saw the fire spirit sitting together on top of Beniwo's head.

I see now, the reason Beniwo's fire breath had so much firepower was because of the fire spirit assisting it.

But, why are the fire spirits helping Beniwo? … Do they by chance prefer canines over felines?



I readied my iron spear and thrust it toward the goma's shabby-looking equipment.

My weapon is longer. That's why victory is mine!


I, who got completely absorbed into lunging my spear, stabbed right in the stomach of the gom―― Bleargh. Though imperfect, I just killed a humanoid monster. It couldn't be helped that I felt this nauseating feeling…

「Woof woof!」

I mean, I couldn't afford to be left behind, not when even the small Beniwo also did his best. I refuse to become a good-for-nothing master!



When I was swinging my spear around, facing two gomas before me, Kinako who had already dealt with the main force of goma finished one of them in no time, with a single swing of his arm.

「Good job everyone.」

Then, he picked a pebble at his feet and threw it to finish off the other one while Beniwo rushed to the last goma archer and finished them off.

Eh, Kinako can throw stones as projectiles too… Then, what was that theory about the sole advantage that humans had over other creatures was the fact that they could use projectile weapons?

「Haah… As expected, I shouldn't lose my cool during the fight… Thank you Kinako, Beniwo. I really can't do anything without both of you.」

「Don'T WoRrY ReLigHT. We'Re ComRaDe.」

「MAstEr! Whiine!」

「I see… You're the best, dudes!」

One week had elapsed since the party that was overly reliant on Kinako and Beniwo had formed.

It might be just one week, but it was truly an important week.

I, whose role was reduced to a weak and helpless kid, had already accustomed to this slightly imperfect survival life while relying on the power of the spirits, Kinako, and Beniwo.

It had already become an everyday routine that we fought back the being called monsters such as goma who came to attack us.

Beniwo would create disturbance in the enemy's rank with his mobility and fire breath while Kinako would act as our main DPS. And lastly, there was me who had to do my best to protect myself from harm. With our outstanding cooperation, the goma party was no match for us.

We beat the monsters that came for us, save for the seemingly overpowering monsters such as the dragon-type; we hid while quaking in fear when we met one―― In such a way, we're advancing in the forest.

「But man, the forest looks the same from my perspective.」

Just how big is this forest? Would I really reach human habitat after I come out of this forest?

At that time, even I couldn't help but want to see another scenery.

「Uhm, Is that by chance… A BUILDING!?… 」

「Ah, RelIGht!」


I saw a man-made building. The linear structure made from stone was clearly not something that was formed by nature.

It had already been invaded by the forest just like the historic ruins often found in Southeast Asia.

I mean it was clearly a ruin no matter how you looked at it, however, I couldn't help but run in its direction. After all, it was the first building I’d seen ever since arriving in this world.

And then, I immediately realized just how careless I was.

Boooooooooo… Baaaaaaaaaaaa…

A heavy, ominous sound resounded, rather, it sounded like a cry.

My body floated from the ground the moment that sound resounded in the entire region.


The thing that fell from above was a snake, or not, maybe it was ivy.

The green ivy wrapped itself around my body, lifting me up in the air.

A trap?―― No, this feels like I was caught directly by a monster.


I could finally see the figure of that fella after its ivy raised me up high in the air.

It was a giant tree that had taken root on the ruin.

But, the middle of the tree's trunk had a shape resembling that of a human's face, with a slit on the mouth part. Its creepy cries resounded from that mouth.

「Treant! RelIGht, WAtCh OuT!」


I couldn't do anything but ask Kinako and Beniwo to save me.

Kinako then bravely confronted the huge monster tree called treant. Alas…


Treant plucked out its thick root from the ground and brandished it toward Kinako.

Kinako, swinging his claws, tore one root after another. Alas… He got outnumbered.

「Dammit, maybe this monster is stronger than Kinako…」

To put it simply, treant with its tree shape was bigger than Kinako. Even if Kinako managed to reach its trunk, could his brute power alone be enough to defeat the monster?

Maybe Kinako ended up having to fight an unwinnable battle because the baggage of the party got captured by the monster.

「Dammit, it's my fault…」

Beniwo, who followed Kinako, hurled flame breath. Unfortunately ―― he couldn't hit the main body since the root kept springing from the ground to block it.

Beniwo's flame could somehow reduce the ivy that wrapped around me and the root that was attacking Kinako.

We were clearly lacking the firepower to finish off treant.

「Wha-What should I do… At this rate, all of us are gonna…」

The word "Annihilated" flitted through my mind for a brief moment.

「Don't screw with me… Why do all of us have to die because of my fault…」

Why were Beniwo and Kinako trying desperately to save a deadweight like me?

Why were they acting like idiots which would end with all of us dying here?

Yes, both of them should be able to survive if they just left me. Kinako was already a lone wolf, to begin with, and Beniwo could already hunt on his own.

I, on the other hand, was only baggage to them. Barely surviving in this forest thanks to them.

And yet, they regarded me as their comrade, going as far as risking their life to save me.

In that case, that was enough for me… I'm not going to let them die a stupid death along with me.


And yet, I couldn't even gather my courage to shout 「Just ignore me and save yourself」.

Aah dammit, c'mon my brilliant mind, think of a way to escape from this situation!

Think of a way so that the three of us can surpass this predicament.

There must be something that I can do as the spiritualist――




I can do this, I'll do this. I only had one plan in my mind.

Let's make this big tree bastard regret the fact that it didn't kill me immediately!

「Okay, first is this… Ah no, this is a water pouch…」

By the time I got caught by the ivy, I had let go of my spear.

Though I let go of my weapon, I still had my school bag. Inside it were items that I plundered from the goma that I defeated.

And among the items was the oil―― Used for the torch.


I turned my bag upside-down, pouring out the oil inside onto treant's trunk. It might be far from enough to burn this monster, but better to try than not.


Then I ignited the oil. HERE WE COME, ART IS EXPLOSION!




Responding to my shout, the fire spirits in my lighter fired themselves up to make the biggest possible fire.



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