Kar98K Upon Touchdown!-Chapter 639 - The Fast and the Furious X!

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Chapter 639: The Fast and the Furious X!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Did… someone just steal our kill?”

“I think so… I guess?”

“Is that fellow a dirty bastard?”



Gao Yunyang and Li Muqiu were speechless for a short while after they saw their guaranteed kill get stolen at the last moment.

Now that the team at the blue building had been eliminated, only three teams were left in Pecado. For a short while, the situation in town felt like “The Romance of the Three Kingdoms”.

Not much time was left on the timer counting down to the shrinking of the first blue circle. Considering that the first blue circle shrunk rather slowly, and Pecado was in the center of the map, the first blue circle was not much of a threat to the players in Pecado no matter where it appeared.

Therefore, the three teams did not hurry out of town. They went into a standoff after discerning each other’s positions.

On the other hand, the teams that had touched down at El Pozo in the west, Campo Militar to the north, and Prison island in the south, were forced to move out of their positions.

At the canyon south of Prison island.

“Big Bro Zeyan! Big Bro Zeyan!” The peppy, cheerful voice of a girl chimed in the team voice chat.

It was met with silence…

Undeterred, the girl continued speaking, “I found a vehicle! Heheh, stay there and I’ll come fetch you!”

These two people were, of course, Shen Zeyan and Ke Xue, the lucky fan chosen by the club.

Shen Zeyan was, as usual, a man of few words. However, he was considerate about his fan’s gaming experience. Hence, he chose to touch down at Minas del Sur, a desolate place with plenty of loot.

Halfway as they were looting the area, they saw that the first circle had appeared at Los Leones. Ke Xue volunteered to search for a vehicle and proceeded to perform her self-appointed task merrily.

Shen Zeyan naturally did not have much of an opinion.

Unexpectedly, not many vehicles spawned on Prison Island. Ke Xue jogged along the road until eventually, she found a motorcycle parked by the roadside.

She did a happy little dance before riding the motorcycle to pick up Shen Zeyan.

However, while Ke Xue was talking, Shen Zeyan’s ears twitched. He had heard something while he was looting items in a building. What he had heard was the hum of a vehicle’s engine. He immediately discerned its direction.

He peeked out from the third-floor window.

A desert pickup truck was heading his way, turning a corner on the road to his right. It sped past him and continued its way toward the east bridge.


Shen Zeyan swapped to his UMP9 and sprayed a volley of bullets at the pickup truck.


Sparks flew from the muzzle of the UMP9!

Bullets landed on the truck like raindrops, and sparks flew off its hardtop.

However, the UMP9’s damage-dealing capabilities fell short of doing anything significant against the truck. Not to mention, it did not even have an extended mag attachment.

Furthermore, given Shen Zeyan’s higher elevation relative to the truck, most of his bullets landed on the hardtop of the jeep. Hence, its passengers were unharmed.

The two people in the truck were K3 from team AHQ, and Yuniko, a female streamer from Taiwan.

The two were unscathed, but they suffered a terrible fright.

“Omygaad, how terrifying! I was nearly, like, scared to death!”

“Don’t worry! I’m here!”

“Bro Jianhao, you’re, like, so awesome! Why don’t you kill him?”

“Relax! Who dares frighten our dear Yuniko? I won’t spare his life! See the bridge in front? Let’s hide there and ambush him! Hmph, I don’t believe that he won’t need to escape the blue circle.”

“Wow! You’re, like, so great, Bro Jianhao!”

“Stop wobbling! I’m getting dizzy.”


Honk honk honk!

As if asserting dominance, K3 sounded the truck’s horn a few times before disappearing from view.

Meanwhile, Ke Xue had arrived at the bottom of Shen Zeyan’s building.

“Big Bro Zeyan, I think I saw a vehicle pass by earlier.”


A silhouette descended from the sky!

Shen Zeyan did not say anything as he leaped from the third-floor window. He crouched slightly as his hands pushed himself off the ground!

Like an agile leopard, he sprinted toward Ke Xue’s motorcycle.

Ke Xue was still at a loss for words when Shen Zeyan leaped onto the motorcycle. Still emotionless as ever, he said his first words in the match.

“Go after that truck.”



Countless little stars sprang from Ke Xue’s eyes!

She regained her senses quickly and spoke in a mock-serious tone, “Yes! Sir!”

Vroom vroom vroom!

The motorcycle once again roared to life. She drove off at full throttle, like an unleashed mad dog on the road.

You know what they say about women and driving…

In a short while…

Under God’s perspective of the caster’s camera.

On a road that stretched straight ahead, a motorcycle was seen in hot pursuit of a pickup truck.

The two Western live commentators became excited when they saw this scene!

“Wow! Am I watching The Fast and The Furious X?”

“Haha, looks like it! The two teams are enacting an exciting car chase for our enjoyment!”

“We can see that the motorcycle is pushing it! They’re getting closer!”

“Oh! Wolves is wielding a UMP9, and he’s leaning to one side. It seems like he wants to shoot from the motorcycle’s back seat.”

“That’s right. Single-handed submachine guns can be fired from the back seat of a motorcycle. However, both vehicles are moving very fast! He won’t be able to fire accurately at that distance.”


While the commentators spoke excitedly, the atmosphere in the arena became heated.

Everyone’s eyes were glued on the tournament big screen, no one could afford to blink.

In the match, the wind brushed past Shen Zeyan’s ears.

He squinted as he looked calmly at the pickup truck that was getting closer and closer in view.

Meanwhile, Ke Xue who was driving the motorcycle was brimming with joy. The one and only sentence that her idol had said throughout the tournament kept replaying in her mind.

“Go after that truck!”


If she could not satisfy such a simple demand by Big Bro Zeyan, could she still call herself a true fan?

Ke Xue gently gritted her pearl-white teeth. The motorcycle gained even more speed and continued speeding forward, like a wild donkey that had been unleashed this time!

Eventually, the two vehicles were about ten meters apart.

Shen Zeyan who was in the back seat leaned to one side, in his right hand a UMP9!

Tut tut tut~!

Bullets whizzed across the air!

Most of the bullets penetrated the back window of the truck, and bursts of blood appeared on the passengers’ bodies.

At such a close distance, the UMP9’s stability had been fully unleashed by Shen Zeyan’s skills!

“Effin’ hell!”

“Aaaahh! I’m, like, almost out of health! What do we do, Bro Jianhao?”

“Stop the car! F*ck them over!”

K3 had planned to disembark at the bridge. However, he was forced to change his plans because of Shen Zeyan.


Suddenly, an ear-piercing shriek of rubber rubbing against asphalt was heard!