KLRXO Stories-Chapter 48: FRANKENMOM

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Chapter 48: FRANKENMOM


By Klrxo

It all happened so fast. In one moment I was watching mom scramble towards the car in the pouring rain. In the next moment there was a bright flash of light and a deafening popping-sound from a lightning strike.

Mom was barely hanging on when they hauled her away in the ambulance. I felt a bit ashamed staring at the way her rain-drenched clothing clung to her voluptuous body. However, I was always a bit of a pervert when it came to my beautiful mother. She had platinum-blonde hair and a natural sandy skin color that gave her a stunning complexion. Her breasts were enormous and her ass perfectly rounded, which fueled a good share of my masturbatory fantasies growing up.

Mom barely survived the lightning strike, but was in coma for nearly a week. It was scariest week of my life, as I'm sure it was for my father also. The doctor's simply didn't know if we'd get mom back. She could come out of it like nothing happened at any moment, or remain in a coma forever.

As I mentioned, a week went by before mom's eyes suddenly popped open and she came back to life. However, never in my wildest dreams did I expect the changes that the incident had caused in her.

"It's alive! ALIVE!" the mad scientist exclaimed on the hospital room TV. I was watching an old Frankenstein movie, when I heard a voice from inside the room.

"Reid?" Mom asked, looking over at me. Dad was down in the cafeteria, so I was in the room alone with her.

"No, it's me, mom...Andy," I answered, rushing to her bedside.

"Very funny!" mom smiled. "What the hell happened to me? Why am I in the hospital?"

"You got struck by lightning," I answered. "The doctors say it's a miracle you even survived."

"Oh my God!" she sighed in disbelief, then suddenly yanked me down onto her. Mom locked lips with me and began planting passionate kisses. That was weird enough, but when her tongue slipped into my mouth I knew something wasn't right.

"Um, happy to see you too," I awkwardly muttered.

"Where are the kids?" Mom asked. "Are they ok?"

I must have looked completely stupefied as I stood there staring at her for a moment. "Well, um...Julie's in school, but I took some time away from my classes, so I could be here with you."

"You mean from work?" Mom asked.


"You said 'classes.' You meant to say you took some time away from work."

"I um...don't really have a job right now, remember?" I asked her.

"Oh my God, Reid. You lost your job?" Mom asked. Once again she had referred to me by my father's name and it was genuinely confusing me. I was about to question her about it when my dad walked in.

Mom beamed when she saw him in the doorway. "Hi!" she sang, holding her arms open for a hug.

"Tricia, you're awake!" dad exclaimed, rushing over to embrace her. "Thank God!"

"Yes! The last thing I remember is coming out of the house to take you to school. It was pouring rain and then, suddenly, everything went dark."

"You mean, um...when you were taking Andy to school?" Dad corrected, motioning over at me.

"Yes, taking YOU to school and then suddenly the lights just went out."

Dad looked over at me in confusion, then back at mom. "Honey, I was already at work when this happened. I met you guys at the hospital."

"Wait, why did you call me honey?" Mom giggled, while staring at Dad.

"I always call you honey."

"No you don't. You call me mom," she said to dad.

"Honey, I think you're just a little confused right now," Dad muttered, then looked over at me. "Andy, maybe we should get a doctor in here."

"On it!" I answered, then began leaving.

"I'm not confused," I heard mom say. "It's you guys that are acting so weird, not me."

A little while later Dad and I met with Doctor Franklin in his private office.

"Physically, Tricia's fine, but I'm afraid that the incident has caused some trauma in her brain. She's suffering from some form of delusional misidentification syndrome, where she thinks you're her husband," the doctor explained, while looking at me. Then, he looked over at dad. "And you're her son."

Dad shook his head. "Well, can't you just explain to her that she's clearly had some head trauma and that she's confused?" he asked the doctor.

"We did try that, but she's still determined that what HER mind is telling her is accurate."

"So, what do we do?" I asked, shocked by what the doctor was telling us.

"My suggestion would be to go along with it for now," he replied. "She's just experienced a major traumatic event. We don't want to overburden your mother by asking her not to trust her brain right now. We'll run some more tests and perhaps with the right type of therapy she can get back to seeing things as they actually are."

The ride home the next morning was awkward to say the least. Mom was up front with dad, like normal, but looked back at me through her visor mirror. "I'm actually surprised that you're letting your son drive the car," she stated.

"Oh, um...why's that?" I asked, playing along as the doctor asked.

"You never let Andy drive the car," mom replied, then looked over at dad. "I don't think your father believes you're a very good driver, sweetheart," she told him.

Dad glanced back at me, clearly uncomfortable by all this, but also doing his best to follow the doctor's suggestions. "I think I'm a good driver...mom," he replied.

Mom reached over and patted his shoulder. "I do to," she stated. "Maybe I'll talk your father into letting you use the car, so you can start dating some of those girls from school that you talk so much about."

When we got to the house, Mom hugged my little sister gleefully. While they chatted, I took dad aside. "So, I'm suppose to be you, right?" I asked him in a hushed tone.

"I guess...until the doctors can get her head straightened out."

"What does that mean? That you're using my bedroom and I'm using yours?"

Dad shrugged his shoulders. Clearly he hadn't thought that far ahead yet. "Yeah, I um...I guess. Just, uh...try to be YOU still, when it comes to certain things though. Do you catch my drift?" he asked.

I knew that essentially what dad was saying was to not do anything sexually inappropriate with her. "Yeah, I got it," I replied.

We ate dinner that night and it felt strange sitting in my dad's spot. What was even more surreal, however, was cuddling with mom on the couch, like dad usually did, during a family movie.

Going into my parent's bedroom with mom that evening felt weird, but also incredibly thrilling. It was hard to wrap my head around her new mental delusion, but I knew I needed to play the role of husband the best I could, until she got her head straight.

"Do you need anything?" I asked. "Is there anything I can get you?"

"Funny you should ask that," mom replied, turning towards me with a naughty gleam in her eye. I could see the erect nubs of her teats protruding out from

beneath her blouse. She slowly stepped over to me and draped her arms over my shoulders. "It um...has been a week after all."

"Since the accident?"

"Yeah, that...and it's been a week since you made wild passionate love to your wife," she stated, staring right into my bewildered eyes.

My heart was beating out of my chest. This all seemed so surreal, yet wonderful. Part of me would feel guilty making love to mom, knowing that dad was just down the hallway, but the other half had been dreaming of just this sort of scenario for years. I quickly thought of something that dad might say in this situation. "What about the kids?" I asked.

"Julie's leaving to go to dance practice and Andy's probably already on that gaming device of his. He might as well be miles away," she answered, then brought her lips to mine and fed me three sensual kisses on the lips. "Let's lock the door and have some fun," she suggested.

Mom went over, closed the bedroom door and locked it, while I just stood there in disbelief at what was happening. She gave me a strange look. "Are you ok, babe? You don't seem yourself," she pointed out.

"No, I'm, uh...fine. Are you sure you wanna do this? I mean, you just got out of the hospital."

She fed me a naughty smile, while unbuttoning her blouse. "Oh, trust me...I'm sure," she whispered, then looked me up and down wantonly. "Get naked and get into bed. I'm gonna grab a quick shower, then I'll be out to play."

I watched mom's buttocks sway teasingly beneath her denims as she made her way into the bathroom. It was the most awkward, yet thrilling situation I had ever found myself in. I had my clothes off in a flash and crawled under the covers of mom and dad's big marital bed. When I heard the shower finally turn off, the butterflies in my stomach were almost out of control.

"God, that shower felt amazing!" mom stated as she stepped from the master bathroom wrapped in a flimsy white towel. Her blonde hair was still damp and slicked back. "I'm sure the nurses did a laughable job at cleaning me while I was in that coma."

"Probably," I nervously agreed, my eyes drifting down her smooth, sleek legs.

"Did you take a pill?" she asked, gazing down at me.

"A pill?"

"Yeah, babe, a pill. A Viagra. I have a job for you to perform tonight, remember?" she asked.

I didn't realize my father depended the help of a blue pill to get it up. I knew that I needed to play along though. "Oh, that pill. Yes, I took one, just a little bit ago," I lied.

"Mmm, good," mom purred, then removed the towel and let it fall to the floor.

My eyes widened at the sight of her naked body. It was just as wonderful as I always imagined it would be. Her tits were absolutely huge, hanging heavily from her chest. She had big puffy nipples and wide rings of pinkish-colored areola. Her sexy torso tapered down, then flared out into wide hips, showing her true hourglass shape. Then, my eyes became fixed upon her most private place. Mom's pussy was completely shaved, with inner labia that protruded slightly from her thick outer lips.

"I hope you're ready for you wife to rape you," mom sighed as she crawled under the covers and immediately blanketed me with her warm curvy body. We kissed like a passionate married couple, while I shuddered from the feel of the her tits, squashed between us like warm, overfilled water-balloons.

"I need you to fuck me so hard, baby?" mom mewled between wet, tender kisses. "I know sex feels so good that you usually don't last terribly long, but do you think you could go at least a half-hour this time?" she pleaded. "I really need it!"

I inwardly laughed at her statement. Apparently dad didn't have much stamina in the bedroom, but luckily for mom I didn't have that problem. "I'll last as long as you need me to," I replied.

Mom stopped kissing me and gazed into my eyes. "Really?!" she asked, as if she couldn't believe her ears.

"Of course."

"And what if I wanted you to last for three-hours?" she asked with a teasing smile.

"Then three-hours it is," I answered confidently.

Mom started laughing. "Oh, Reid, please...don't make a promise you can't keep, honey. You've never lasted for three-hours. Not even half that," she stated. "That's ok though. If you can fuck me for a half-hour I'll be over the moon."

Mom reached down and grasped my cock, then she gasped in surprise and stared into my eyes inquisitively. "What?" I asked, sensing something was wrong.

"Did you take TWO pills?" she asked. "You feel bigger...and harder than usual."

My heart swelled with pride. "Nope, just, um...like you said, it's been five days since we did it last, so I'm feeling REALLY horny," I replied.

"Oh, baby!" mom squealed with excitement, then maneuvered my prick to the entrance of her pleasure-pit.

I wanted to jump right out of my skin when I felt the fat tip of my penis snugly encapsulated by the wet warmth of her honeyed hole. Mom gasped sharply as she took the long, satisfying stiffness of my cock inside of her.

My erection flexed wildly and my eyes nearly rolled back as my tender man-muscle squeezed up the slick, pleated sleeve of mom's vagina. Mom's eyes suddenly widened once again as she let out sharp whimper. "Are you alright?!" I asked.

"Yes...VERY alright!" she breathed. "I think that lightning strike must have affected my lady parts somehow."

"Why's that?"

"Perhaps it made my vagina shrink some," she speculated. "Your penis has never touched my back wall like this before."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes, don't you think the both of us would have noticed this feeling before?"

I, of course, was used to the feeling she spoke of. My cock had pounded the cervical head of every girl I had dated, so it was a sensation I had grown accustomed to. However, dad apparently didn't have the length to take mom this deep. "True. Maybe you did shrink up just a little," I agreed.

"Who would have known that something good would have come out of being struck by lightning," mom giggled, then began to slowly ride me. She fused her lovely lips on mine and we made out, our tongues dueling wildly inside my mouth for several minutes nonstop. It was wildly thrilling to have my own beautiful mom's long, thick tongue dart skillfully through my mouth. I did my best to impress her with kissing skills of my own.

"Good-grief, Reid!" Mom gasped. "What, did you take a coarse in kissing while your wife was in a coma?"

"No, why?"

"Because you've NEVER kissed my this amazingly before, that's why," she replied.

I was beginning to see that perhaps my dad was just an average performer in bed. Today my mom would get a taste of what a real man could provide sexually. I began to pump my ass from the mattress, matching mom's thrusts with one's of my own.

"Oh, yes!" she whimpered, rising up on extended arms that rested on the bed, astride my head. This gave her giant, stiff-nippled breasts room to move around. I sighed excitedly at the view I had of them swinging and rippling above my face. It was a vision of mom I NEVER thought I'd get.

After a few minutes, the temptation became too great and I latched on to one of her swollen nipples. I sucked like a baby who hadn't been fed all day. Mom lowered just a little, while continuing to hump on me tirelessly. This made my entire face sink into the spongy softness of her fatty tit.

"Mmnff!" I whimpered, pounding up into her hot cunt, while gorging myself on the cap of her breast. My cock flexed powerfully and I felt mom's cunt-tube clench up around me in reaction. I had fucked plenty of hot pussy, but most of them belonged to girls my own age. Mom's vagina was the same, but different.

Her slippery secretions seemed hotter around my prick and her vaginal tube was lined with rows upon rows of thick-textured ribs that created amazing sensations on my penile flesh. I could feel powerful muscles along her pelvic floor tighten, making the tube of her vagina constrict around my dick like nothing else I had ever felt before.

"Oh my God, baby...you're gonna make me cum!" mom declared. "I've never cum this fast before!"

I released mom's nipple and positioned my head down between her bobbling peaks. I wanted to stare up the canyon between her breasts and watch her pretty face contort in ecstasy. I wasn't disappointed. Mom squealed and shook with orgasm.

"Ohh, damn!" I sighed, feeling her pussy contract around me. She took me to my balls, then began grinding in full penetration. My blood-engorged cock must have felt like an iron crowbar stirring around inside her. I heard a lewd wet squelch and suddenly felt the root of my erection being warmed in female ejaculate. Her juices ran down my balls, dripping onto the bed.

I wrapped my arms around mom, pulling her back down on top of me. Then, I began pumping up into her with savage thrusts, fucking her as hard as I could.

"OH MY GOD!!" Mom gasped, clearly not used to this type of treatment. The heated flesh of our naked bodies beat together as we went at it like this for several mind-blowing minutes. My face was lodged in the nap of her neck, feeling her boobs slosh crazily on my upper chest. Once again she went into an orgasmic fit, squealing and trembling from the climax coursing through her plush body.

"How the hell did you do that?" she asked breathlessly. "And how haven't you cum yet?"

It had been well over the promised 'half-hour' at this point. I smiled up at her pretty sex-flushed face. "Are you complaining because I haven't cum yet?" I teased.

"No, why the fuck would I complain about that? I'm just shocked, that's all," she answered. "I come out of a coma and suddenly my husband is fucking me like a porn star. Maybe we should take a week off from having sex more often."

"No way!" I teased. "I think we should at least do it a few times a day."

"Jesus, Reid, what has gotten into you?!" Mom asked with a giggle. "It was always ME who wanted sex multiple times a day and you showed no interest."

"Well, I'm definitely interested now!" I answered, then quickly rolled her onto her back. The look on mom's face was priceless as she stared up at me with complete, cock-lusting adoration.

I set my hips back in motion and began plunging into her. I could tell that sex was mom's passion by the way she latched her freshly-shaved legs around me and used them as leverage to hump her rounded ass from the mattress and beat our engorged pissers together. She raked her long nails down my back, huffing and heaving as she did what mother's bodies were made to do.

"Shit!" I gasped, while beating my steely-hard dick through the grip of her slippery pink walls. My big nuts beat against her bobbing ass, making a repetitive clapping sound reverberate through the bedroom. My penis twitched excitedly as I let my eyes drift down our writhing bodies. Just the sight of mom's silky thighs splayed open, the muscles beneath her flesh tensing and straining as she cradled my humping frame, was enough to make me hose out a gallon of cum. I looked back over my shoulder at her dainty feet with their painted toenails, hovering over my back and bobbing to the force of my fuck-thrusts.

"Oh God!" Mom gasped, giving off a pre-orgasmic shudder. "Oh, Reid!"

Her back arched, lifting us both up. I quickly reached under and grasped her shoulders, so I could continue to pull my thrusts into her at this angle. Her cunt clenched up impossibly tight as she grunted in a powerful climax. I continued to sock my prick through, hammering the head of her cervix on every thrust. One thing I'd learnt about girls is they loved to be fucked hard, straight through their orgasm. Even if she did think I was dad, I wanted to blow mom's socks off.

I knew that once mom's back hit the mattress again I was in for a serious sexual wrestling match. Our bodies writhed wildly, humping and jerking as if we trying

to fuse our flesh together. My parent's big bed rocked and whined like it probably never had before. Mom gushed all over my cock for several mind-boggling minutes before we suddenly heard a knock at the door.

"Andy, is that you, honey?" Mom asked, still panting as she stared at the bedroom door.

"Yes. Can we talk for a minute?" My dad's voice asked.

Mom threw on her robe and went to her door. It was weird seeing dad outside in the hallway glaring in at us. "Honey, what's wrong? Are you ok?" she asked in a way I was so used to hearing.

"I'm fine. What are you guys, um...doing in there?" he awkwardly asked.

"Oh, well...we were just...spending some intimate time alone together," mom awkwardly answered. "I'm sorry...were we being too loud?"

"A little, yes," dad answered, feeding me an evil glare.

"Oh, well...why don't you put your headphones on, sweetie, or go over to Dillon's house for a couple hours. That way you don't have to listen to your father and I making love in here," mom blushingly suggested.

"Actually could I talk to dad, just for a minute...in private," my dad requested.

"Oh, um...sure," mom muttered, suspiciously looking over at me.

I threw mom's towel around my waist and joined dad in the hallway.

"What the hell do you think you're doing in there?!" Dad fumed in a hushed tone. "I told you there were certain things you shouldn't do with her, did I not?"

"She wanted it, dad. What was I suppose to tell her no and cause a fight?"

"I don't know. Tell her you pulled a back muscle or...that you couldn't get it up. Something! The reality is she's your mother. You're NOT me, and you shouldn't be having sex with her, end of story," Dad muttered irately.


"I mean it, Andy," dad chided, "if I hear the bed rocking again or your mother...having what clearly sounded like an orgasm, you'll find another bedroom to stay in. I don't care if it causes a fight between the two of you."

I went back in to my parent's room and closed the door. Mom slowly stepped towards me, her big breasts bobbling beneath her robe. "What was that all about?" she asked.

"Nothing. Just um...asking for an advance on his allowance, so he could go out with some friends," I lied.

"I didn't realize we were being so loud in here," mom giggled, stepping up and embracing me. "But I guess it shouldn't surprise me, since I was getting some of the best sex of my life tonight."

"You think so?" I asked, smiling with pride.

"I know so," mom answered. "What did you do, take some sort of sexual super-power pill instead of your Viagra?"

"Maybe I did," I teased

"Mm, well take another one, baby," mom requested in a seductive tone, then let the robe slip off her shoulders. "I'm ready for round two."

As much as I didn't want to, I did just what dad suggested. "I would like to, but I think I pulled a muscle in my back or something. It's really hurting."

Mom took my hand and led me to the bed. "Oh, my poor baby. You lay right down here on the bed and let wifey make it better," she requested, then pulled my towel off.

I sprawled onto the mattress on my back, then watched mom climb onto the bed and begin licking my cock, while gazing up at me lustfully. "Mmm, I'll suck all the pain away," she cooed.

I watched my own beautiful mother begin sucking on my boner, mesmerized by the sight of her huge dangling tits. The ring of her obscenely-stretched lips traveled half-way down my shaft, then back up. Then, her long pink tongue flickered around on my swollen bell tip, making my boner throb wildly.

Her mouth made throaty, gurgling noises as she bobbed her head up and down on my prick. One of her hands was wrapped around the base of my stalk, beating my penis into her mouth while she sucked. After a couple cock-tingling minutes of this, my dick popped out of her mouth. "I swear to God your dick has grown at least two inches since I had it last," she marveled. "How is that even possible?"

"I'm not sure," I answered, shrugging my shoulders while watching her circled fist slowly stroke it from balls to knob and back down.

"I'm tingling so much down there," mom whimpered, while rubbing her crotch with her free hand. "Will you eat my pussy while I suck you, baby?"

I glanced at the door, remembering what dad had told me. However, as long as the bed wasn't rocking and mom could control her orgasmic cries there was no way he'd know what we were doing in here. "Sure I will. Just, um...be sure and control how excited you get. We don't need dad...uh, I mean, Andy pounding on the door again," I reminded her.

"That's true," mom giggled. "That was a bit...awkward."

She straddled my head, so we were in the sixty-nine position. The view as I gazed up nearly took my breath away. I barely had time to admire her pussy before mom lowered her heated crotch to my face and went back to sucking my cock.

I laved my licker between the fragrant folds of her labial flesh. Her juices were sweet and tangy and there was plenty of it drooling from her fuck-hole. I found her clitoris and was shocked by how round and plump it was. I sucked it into my mouth and whipped my tongue around all over the nubbin, making mom's body shudder on top of mine.

The feel of my mother's mouth plunging on the column of my cock was divine. I could hear her gag as I felt her trying to take it's entire length down her snug throat. She finally came up for air. "God, I think that lightning strike enhanced my senses somehow," mom gasped. "Your cock is so much tastier than I remember."

"Mm, your pussy is pretty tasty too," I added. Mom shivered in delight as I pressed my mouth down into her vestibule and began making out with her cunt-hole. My tongue darted in and out of her juicy orifice, exploring the entrance to her most wonderful place.

For nearly a half-hour mom gorged herself on my cock, while I licked and slurped at her juicy vagina. Despite my father's warning, I wanted to fuck mom again so bad it was killing me. "Wanna fuck in the shower?" I boldly asked her, knowing it was a place my father was less likely to hear us.

"What about your back, babe?" Mom asked in concern.

"It's feeling better now," I answered, while crawling from the bed and pulling her by the hand towards the bathroom.

"Someone's eager to get his penis back inside me," mom giggled, her giant tits bobbling around heavily as she followed my lead.

Once we were in the bathroom, I turned on the water in the shower. Mom and I embraced under the hot spray and began making out as the water soaked our naked bodies. Our kissing gradually became more feverish and mom slipped her leg up around my waist to facilitate penetration. I grabbed her other leg and lifted her off the shower floor, jabbing my cock into her welcoming cunt at the same time.

"Oh, Reid...are you sure?!" Mom gasped. "You could hurt your back."

"I got you!" I answered, then pinned mom against the shower wall and began fucking her with steady thrusts. My fingers dug into her meaty ass-flesh as I held on to her, while pounding between her smooth circled thighs.

"Oh, yeah!" I moaned, feeling mom's warm vaginal sleeve milk at my cock as I thrust it through her. I loved the feel of her silky legs clutched around me and her big boobs sloshing wildly between us. Her fat rubbery teats prodded against my chest, reminding me of how bad I wanted to suck them again.

She broke our kiss and stared into my eyes, clearly on verge of a mind-blowing climax. "I'm gonna cum!" she panted in a hushed tone. "Oh my God, baby...you're gonna make me cum all over you! How?!"

"What do you mean how?" I asked.

"You've NEVER been able to pick me up like this and make me cum this way!"

"Well, I guess things are different now!" I boasted, making my dick flex as I pumped it through her juicy with exuberant confidence.

Mom huffed and moaned before finally giving off a violent shudder. Her vaginal contractions were more than I could handle, making my burrowing prick tingle with wonderful pre-orgasmic sensations.

"Oh, fuck...take my dick, baby!" I groaned, doubling the speed of my fuck-thrusts as semen began blasting from my piss-slit. Over the next five minutes, mom and I humped and jerked in the standing fuck position, extracting out as much pleasure as we could. It honestly felt like I had hosed out a gallon of hot cum inside her.

The next morning I found myself laying next to mom on the bed. Despite the risk of being heard by my father, the night had been a whirlwind of hot raunchy sex, in every wild position imaginable. The bed sheets were covered in splatters of female ejaculate.

Mom's eyes popped open and she looked over at me with a strange expression. "Sweetie? What are you doing in my bed?" she asked.

"Well, we, um...came back to bed last night, remember?"

Mom sat up, holding the sheet over her breasts. "Where's your father?" she asked, looking around the room. Then she gazed at me laying there next to her. "Why don't you have any clothes on?"

It was at this point that I realized that mom was no longer seeing me as dad and I had some explaining to do. "Dad was um, feeling sick last night, so we switched beds," I lied.

"That's weird, he seemed fine all night. I better go check on him," she stated, getting out of bed and throwing the towel over herself blushingly. I could see a stream of my spunk running down the inside of her leg.

Mom glared over at me. "Do me a favor. The next time you and your father decide to switch beds, be sure and wake me up first, so I can put some clothes on."

"Got it, mom," I acknowledged.

Mom's eyes seemed to linger on my cock, which was bulging from beneath the sheet.

This chapter is updat𝙚d by freeweɓnovel.cøm.

"Are you ok?" I asked, snapping her from her trance.

"Fine," she answered.

As I watched her leave the room, I felt a bit bad for her. With things back the way they were suppose to be she'd have to settle for mediocre sex with dad again. However, at least I got to live out my fantasy and mom got to experience a long night of mind-blowing intercourse.