KLRXO Stories-Chapter 54: Hurricane Mom_1
Chapter 54: Hurricane Mom_1
Hurricane Mom (Revised Edition)
Chapter 1.
Fierce winds battered the Thompson's island cabin as they quickly loaded the back of the jeep with their belongings. It was a vacation cut short. There was a hurricane approaching quickly and things on this tiny tropical island would soon turn from bad to downright nasty.
Susan Thompson rushed from the cabin with a handful of belongings, her long honey-blonde hair tousling in the wind. She passed her eighteen year old son Jason, who was making a return run back into the house.
"Sweetie, do a quick walk through the cabin to make sure we didn't forget anything," she shouted.
"Will do, Mom."
Susan's passed off the items to her husband, who shoved them in the back of the jeep. Her young daughter Shauna gazed around, fascinated by the strong gusts.
Susan guided her daughter into the back seat. "Sweetie, get in and get buckled up," she said. "Is the cabin gonna blow away?" the young girl asked.
Her father answered. "Not a chance, baby girl. This place is built like a rock. It's survived hundreds of nasty storms."
Susan hurried off again." I'm gonna get Jason and lock up," she shouted.
Inside the cabin, Jason scanned each room for anything they may have forgotten. When he arrived in his parent's room he noticed something sticking out from under the bed. He recognized it right away. It was the small blue cum-rag he brought from home, the one he blew all his cum-loads into. "Why'sthisinMomanddad'sroom?"he asked himself.
Looking down, he noticed something else peeking out from under the bed. It was a pair of his mom's panties that she had forgotten to pack. He looked them over, a tinge of excitement jolting through him. While at home, Jason had often snuck into his mom's laundry and sniffed and sucked the crotch of her worn panties. Yes, he was a bit of a pervert, but he didn't care.
He lifted the delicate pale pink thong up and looked it over. "Wouldbesocooltobethestringof herthong,justforaday.TobetuckedbetweenMom'sthickass-cheeks,rubbingupagainsther butthole,"he wickedly thought.
Next, he brought gusset to his nose.The pungent scent made the room around him spin and his eyes roll back in his head. He had never smelt panties with an aroma this strong before. His
mom must have literally just changed out of them.
In a split-second, he felt as if every drop of blood in his body was rushing to his cock, causing his bulge to strain against his shorts.
"Smell good?" a voice from the doorway asked, startling him.
Jason quickly lowered the panties and spun around. Susan stood in the doorway with her arms folded across her big breasts. She gazed at him with a slightly amused smile.
"Mom...uh, I was just...um..." "Smelling my panties?" Susan asked.
Jason was speechless. He'd been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Susan moved towards him. She wore sexy pair of gray yoga-pants, showing off her strong sculpted legs. A pair of wedged heeled sandals displayed her sexy little bare feet with bright red toenails, matching her long manicured fingernails. Her top was a snug white cami with spaghetti straps. Her enormous tit-swells jutted from her chest and Jason could see then shuttering with each step.
She stopped in front of him, her emerald-green eyes searching his. "Do you do this at home too?" She asked softly.
Jason was so damn nervous he could hardly put his words together. "No...I...it's just..." "Susan??" A voice called from the front door. It was her husband.
Jason looked at his mom in a panic. "Mom, please don't tell dad." he begged.
She continued staring at him patiently. "Jason Thompson, I need you to be honest right now. Do you smell my panties at home?" she asked.
Jason lowered his head shamefully, knowing he better answer before his father showed up. "Yes," he muttered.
"Susan, are you back here?" her husbands voice asked, getting closer.
Susan stuck her hand out towards her son and Jason gave her the panties. "And the cum-rag," she said.
He quickly handed them over and she wadded them up in her closed fists just as her husband entered the doorway.
"There you are. What's going on?" he asked.
Susan turned and looked at him. "Nothing, we're just chatting," she said.
"How 'bout you two chat when we're on the plane. In case you haven't noticed there's a hurricane
on its way," he said, then disappeared.
Susan turned back to her son, looking him in the eyes again. "I guess when we get back home you and I have some things to discuss," she said.
"Okay," Jason said, just thankful at that moment that she didn't tell his father what she discovered.
Heavy rain pelted the jeep as it made its across the tiny island. The terrain was lush and tropical, the kind of setting that's usually considered paradise. Not today.
After a ten minute ride, the Thompson family arrived at the gate to the tiny airport. A single small airplane sat nearby, it's engines roaring.
"Are we too late momma?" Shauna asked from the backseat. "I don't know, sweetheart. I hope not," Susan answered..
"Maybe he's just warming it up for us," Susan's husband said, hurrying out of the vehicle.
Jason sat in the back seat next to his sister. He looked towards the front and found his mom staring back at him through her visor mirror. He could tell the "panty incident" was still heavily on her mind. He looked away, ashamed and intimidated by her beautiful stare. "IknowIhadher
panties,butwhydidsheaskforthoseANDmycum-ragtoo?Whatwasitdoinginherroom?"he wondered.
After talking to the Captain of the airplane, Jason's dad struggled back to the jeep through the wind and pelting rain.
"What did he say?" Susan asked as he got back in.
"There's already a couple people inside. He's only got room for two. He won't risk another trip. The wind's getting too strong." Susan's husband explained.
"What are we gonna do, momma?" Shauna asked.
Susan felt an excited tingle in her cunt. She looked at her husband decisively. "You and Shauna get on the plane. Jason and I will go back to the cabin and ride out the storm," she said.
"Don't be crazy, Susan. It's a hurricane," her husband exclaimed.
"And the cabin has survived years of them, you said so yourself. It's sits on high ground and it's boarded up. There's enough food and firewood in there for weeks. Jason and I will be just fine," she said.
"It should really be me that stays," her husband said, trying to play the hero.
"You have to be back to work on Monday and Shauna has ballet. This storm's likely to last a
couple days or even longer. Go," she said.
"You okay with this, sport?" John's dad said, peering back at him.. "Yeah, fine." Jason said, glancing at his mom.
She was looking back at him, her big pouty lips curled into a tiny smile.
After saying their quick good-bye's, Jason's dad and sister boarded the plane and he and his mom set off back towards the cabin.
"This wind's getting brutal," Susan said, gripping the wheel tightly.
"I can see why the pilot of the plane said he won't come back,"Jason said.
Half-way to the cabin, Susan pulled up next to the small island store."I hope they're still open. We need a few last minute supplies," she said.
They rushed into the tiny store and were greeted by a small native woman. She spoke broken English. "Oh, ma'am. Lucky you catch me. Store 'bout to close," she said.
"Hi Gina...so much for our sunny vacation, huh?" Susan said with a giggle.. "You no catch plane?" Gina asked.
"There wasn't room. Jason and I are gonna stay and hunker down in the cabin."
Susan looked at her son as she threw a few items into a hand basket. "Sweetheart, can you get a couple gallons of milk," she asked.
"Sure, Mom."
Jason rushed to the back of the store. His mom made her way to the check-out counter and Gina began bagging her items. The teen stopped dead in his tracks as he heard his mom request something unexpected. "I need latex condoms, Gina. Do you have them?" she asked.
The boy's heart began to pound hard in his chest. "DidIjusthearthatright?Condoms??"he thought.
Gina found some hanging behind the counter. "Yes, mum. Have boxes." "Oh excellent," Susan said, "how many condoms come in a box?"
"Six, mum." Gina answered.
"Great. Give me six boxes please, hun." Susan said, getting out her checkbook.
Jason couldn't believe his ears. He quickly did the math in his head. Thirty-six condoms. That was enough for a fucking football team. He brought the milk up to the counter. Gina glanced at
the condoms, then at Jason with a little smirk. "Handsomeyoungmangonnabebusy,"she thought, then started bagging their items..
By the time they arrived at the cabin the wind was howling and the rain was coming down in sheets. They grabbed their bags and rushed inside.
The previous day, Jason and his dad had boarded up all the windows, to prevent damage to the tiny vacation-home. Susan slammed the big wooden door and bolted all the locks. "Wow, I think we're in for a doozy," she said, catching her breath.
"Looks that way," Jason said.
Susan took the back to the tiny kitchen area and began putting stuff away. "Sweetie, why don't you get a fire going. Warm it up in here," she said.
"Good idea," Jason said, then set to work. He was glad his father had enough foresight to stack a huge pile of dry wood next to the fireplace.
After putting away the kitchen items, Susan disappeared into the back bedroom. It was the only sleeping space in the cabin, besides a cozy loft, where Jason and his sister crashed. A small bathroom was situated between the kitchen and bedroom. The place was compact, but cozy and charming.
By the time Susan emerged, Jason had a roaring fire going. He sat on the big fluffy sofa just in front of the fireplace. "Wow, it's warmer already," Susan said as the rounded the sofa.
Susan had changed into a white silk babydoll robe. It was cut just below her crotch and Jason's eyes couldn't help but be drawn to her stong silky-smooth legs. Her cute little bare feet tapped against the cold wood floor as she neared the sofa. The robe had three-quarter length sleeves and a deep V-cut neckline leaving exposed a substantial amount of cleavage.
Jason could tell his mom didn't have a bra on by the way her big boobs jostled heavily beneath the thin silk covering. Susan had a big bowl in her hand that was nearly overflowing with individually wrapped condoms. She set it down on the coffee table, then plopped down next to him on the sofa.
She curled her naked legs up onto the cushion, sort of sitting sideways facing her teen. Jason glanced at her enormous creamy cleavage, mesmerized by the way her tit-mounds wobbled from side to side as she got comfy.
"Sweetie, I want to thank you for being honest with me earlier...about the panties. It took a lot of courage. That's all I expect of you is honesty," she said.
She reached out and took his hand, holding it on her lap. They could hear the faint sound of the storm wreaking havoc outside, but they were nice and cozy, in front of a crackling fire, in their own little safe-haven. "We're gonna be all alone together, for at least a few days. It'll be the
perfect opportunity for us to work through this," she said
Jason glanced at the rubbers. His mom looked down at them too, then back at her him, smiling tenderly. "There's thirty-six latex condoms in that bowl and over the next few days they'll all be sliding onto your penis. Where they go from there is up to you," she said..
Jason's heart was nearly pounding out of his chest. He couldn't believe this was actually happening.
"Are you ready to be honest with me?" Susan said, gazing meaningfully.
Jason opened his mouth, but nothing came out, so he nodded. This made Susan giggle. "So how long has my son had his little panty fetish?" she asked almost teasingly..
"Um, I don't know...a couple years I guess."
"You guess? You mean you don't know?" she asked.
Jason eyes lowered towards the floor timidly. "Yeah, it's been a couple years." "Hey..." she said, squeezing his hand, "look at me."
Jason look up into those piercing emerald-green eyes. They were big and beautiful and her little smile told him everything was fine. "Do you love me?" she asked softly.
"Yeah, of course."
"Do you trust me?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. "Yeah." Jason said, taking a big anxious gulp.
Susan smiled. "I want you to stand up and take off your shorts." "My shorts?" Jason asked, making sure he heard her right.
"Mm-hm, stand up and take them off."
Jason slowly stood up, undid his shorts and let them fall to the floor. His cock was incredibly hard, causing his briefs to tent way out obscenely.
"Briefs too, kiddo," Susan said. "But, mom...I..." Jason sputtered.
Susan quickly rose to her feet and took her son by the hands. "Hey..." she whispered lovingly, "Look at me."
Jason looked back at her nervously.
"Relax," she said lovingly, "it's just you and me here.
"I'm sorry, mom. I'm just a little nervous," Jason confessed.
"I understand," Susan smiled, the glanced down at his undies "Do you want me to help?" she asked.
Jason nodded and Susan squatted down in front of him until she was face to face with his bulging erection. She carefully hooked her fingers along the elastic waistband and pulled at his briefs. Jason's boner was pulled down as it caught on the elastic. It finally sprang free and catapulted upward, slapping against his stomach.
Susan's eyes went wide as she gazed at his impressive length. His thick erection was at least eight inches, with thick pulsing veins criss-crossing up the shaft. Jason had a big fat helmet that was sure to make the women drool with lust.
His mother slid his briefs the rest of the way off, then reached for a condom from the bowl. She tore it open and Jason watched as his mom shamelessly fit the latex ring over his cock-head.
He was amazed at how matter-of-fact she was being as she rolled the condom onto his dick, sliding her soft tiny fingers down his thick hard muscle. "You're definitely gonna need a bigger- sized condom, but this will have to do for now," she said, as she unrolled it all the way, which still left a couple inches of his cock unsheathed.
Susan stood back up and smiled at her son. "Sit back down," she said.
He did so and watched as Susan reached under her robe and slid her panties over her wide hips. She slipped them down her strong smooth legs until they dropped to her feet and she stepped out of them. The busty mother picked them up, placed them in the pocket of her robe, then sat back down. "Lay your head down here on my lap, sweetie." she said.
Jason sprawled out on his back on the sofa and rested his head on his mom's soft lap. From this vantage point the swell of her tits were absolutely amazing. It looked like there were a pair of large protuberant watermelons sticking out from her upper-frame.
This 𝓬ontent is taken from freeweɓnovel.cѳm.
The mother ran her fingers through her son's hair, smiling down at him. "I want you to tell me what you think about while you sniff my panties."
Jason's heart pounded nervously. If he shared that, she'd know all his secrets. "I...I don't know really..." he muttered.
"That's too bad," she said disappointedly.
Susan quickly reached over, grabbed the condom by the receptacle tip and yanked it off Jason's cock with a SNAP, then threw it aside.
"Stand up!" she said sternly.
Jason quickly got up and his mom squatted down in front of him again. Like before, she opened one of the condoms and rolled it onto his cock.
She sat back down, her tits bobbling beneath her robe, then patted her lap. "Come on," she said.
Jason sprawled back down on the couch and again rested his head on his mom's lap, just like before.
She gazed down at him with a piercing stare. "Now, Jason Thompson...I want you to tell me what you think about while you sniff my panties," she said, "And don't say you don't know."
Jason took a brave deep breath. "Sex," he muttered.
"So while your sniffing my panties, you're imagining that your with a girl and that you're getting laid?" Susan asked.
"Yeah," he said.
"Who is this girl?" Susan asked.
The fact that her son stared back at her made the answer a dead giveaway. "Is this girl me, Jason. Be honest. Do you fantasize about having sex with me?" she asked.
"Yeah," he muttered.
Susan smiled and stared off into space for a moment. "Mysonwantstofuckme.Thisisgoing tobeaveryinterestingfewdays,"she thought.
Jason was unsure what to make of the silence "Are you mad?" he asked.
She smiled down at him, putting him a bit at ease. "No...you were completely honest with me. That's all I asked for. How could I be mad?" she said.
Susan glanced at her son's throbbing condom-covered cock, letting her eyes linger a moment. ""Ready to fill that condom?" she asked.
Jason gulped excitedly. "Sure," he muttered
She fished a tube of lubrication, along with her panties, from her pocket. Jason's boner pointed in an upward arc and Susan squirted some lubricated gel on the tip.
She set the tube aside and started to massage the gel onto her son's erection. Jason groaned as he felt his mom's tiny hand squeeze and pull at the length of his cock.
"Mmm, bet that feels better than your own hand, doesn't it, sweetheart?" she asked.
"Yess," he hissed, watching his Mom's experienced hand milk his prick up and down in a perfect corkscrew motion. She squeezed and pulled at his knob, igniting his sensitive cock-glans.
"Here baby," she said, handing her son her panties with her free hand, "show mom what you do with them."
Jason brought the panties to his nose and that familiar pungent aroma filled his nostrils.
His mom's hand felt amazing as it traveled the length of his fuck-pole. Every third or forth stroke Susan's slippery fingers would travel down and massage her son's big hairless scrotum, her
long nails digging into the meat of his nuts.
"Ohh wow," the boy sighed, so aroused he could hardly stand it.
As Jason held the panties to his face, sniffing her womanly scent, he watched his mom's hand fly magically up and down his dick. He noticed that her robe had started to open and he could see more and more of her jiggling boobs and sexy midriff.
Susan began to speed up a bit, her hand working tirelessly while staring dreamily into her son's eyes. "Close your eyes, baby," she said softly. .
Jason complied, feeling his cock flex and throb in Susan's hand as she beat his meat with juicy rapid strokes.
"Do you see us, baby? Are we naked?" She asked. "Yesss," he panted.
"Where are we baby? Tell me where you're fucking mommy in your naughty fantasy?" "The loft," he muttered.
"We're in the loft? Are you on top of me? Are my sexy legs thrown high in the air, Jason?" she asked seductively.
Jason buckled beneath her as she made his knob tingle delightfully.
Susan giggled. "They are aren't they. Mommy legs are wide open and you're burying your hard boner deep, aren't you baby boy?"
"OH GOD MOM!" Jason yelped, helplessly feeling the love-lava shoot through his fuck-tube. "Yesss! Cummm, baby!" Susan shouted as she felt the ropes begin to fire from her son's penis.
She didn't ease up on his dick one bit. Jason's ass lifted from the sofa, his hips quivering as he fired more and more cream from his cock. "Uuuunnhhgg!" he grunted. The tip of the condom became a big pearly-white bubble of cock-cream..
The winds outside howled. Thirty-four condoms remained in the bowl. Like the hurricane outside,
the storm of passion inside the cabin was only beginning.
Chapter 2.
"That was really great," Jason confessed, snuggling with his mom on the couch. She'd just given him his very first handjob. The contents of his nuts now sat on the coffee table in front of them, tied off in a latex ball.
"Did I do a better job than those girls at school that jerk you off?" Susan asked. "Actually that was my first time."
Susan sat up a bit and looked at him in shock. "THAT was your first handjob?" "Yep."
"You've never been jerked off...like during a date?" she asked. "Nope."
"Given a blowjob?"
"Uh-uh," he answered, shaking his head.
She sat up even more, staring at him inquisitively. "Fucked a girl??" "No, none of those things."
"You're telling me that you're a complete virgin?" she asked, looking as though she could hardly believe it.
"I've touched a girl's breasts, that's about it."
"Jason, your technically an adult. Sex should be a regular part of a person's life at your age," Susan said.
"I know, but I haven't really had a serious girlfriend yet...and I don't go on many dates."
Susan scowled at him. "So you just sit at home, sniff my panties and jerk off into a cum-rag," she asked, "that's your idea of a healthy sex life?"
Her son laughed at her candor.
His mom didn't see the humor in her comment. "It's not funny. You're suppose to be sexually active at your age and hopefully using those things," Susan said, pointing at the bowl of unopened condoms.
"Today was the first time I ever had one on, honestly," he confessed. "Hey, since you brought up my cum-rag, that reminds me. Why was it in you and dad's bedroom? I don't even remember bringing it."
Susan's big boobies jostled beneath the robe as she straightened her posture and tucked her legs up on the couch comfortably, seeming reluctant to answer. "We can talk about that later. Right now I need to know why you're not having sex yet? There must be some reason?" she asked.
The teen shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know, I just..." "You just what?"
"It's really not a big deal mom," he muttered uncomfortably.
Jason was still naked from the waist down and despite having just blown his wad, his cock was still hard. Susan reached over, grabbed a condom from the bowl and ripped it open. The teen watched in wide-eyed wonder as she rolled it onto his boner. "What's that for?"
"What do you think it's for? In case you haven't noticed honesty can get you places. So unless you wanna waste a perfectly good condom, I suggest you tell me why you're not having sex yet?" she said.
Jason hesitated a second then answered. "Wasn't the reason obvious?"he said. "Obvious when?"
"When you were jerking me off. I squirted my stuff out in less than a minute. It's embarrassing," he said timidly. .
This brought a big smile to Susan's face. "Ok, first of all sweetheart, it's called cum, not 'stuff.' And secondly, cumming that quickly when you first start out is perfectly normal," she explained, "Do you remember when I first taught you to ride a bike. You could only stay on for a few seconds, but how did you get better?"
"Exactly. So you just need to get a girlfriend and practice having sex, even if it causes a little embarrassment at first. As time goes on, you'll be able to go longer and longer the more you learn to control it," Susan said.
"I guess I just haven't had any experience, so the thought of doing sexual stuff excites me, but makes me nervous at the same," Jason confessed.
"Hmm, put another log on the fire. I'll be right back," Susan said, getting up and moving towards the kitchen.
"You want me tend to the fire...like this?" Jason said, looking down at his condom-sheathed cock..
"Of course, just don't throw the wrong 'wood' in the fireplace," she joked, making her son giggle. "Funny, Mom."
Jason threw another log on the fire, listening to the violent wind and rain outside. He sat back down about the same time Susan came back. She was carrying another bowl, some sticky- notes and a pen. "What's all that for?" he asked.
She set the bowl down, handed him the other items and plopped down beside him. "On each sticky note, I want you to write down a sexual act that you're curious about. It can be anything, no matter how kinky or dirty. One act per sticky note, then fold them up and put them in the bowl," she said.
"Why am I doing that?"
"First write them all down, then I'll explain," Susan said.
Jason spent the next five minutes writing down all the sexual things he ever wanted to do on the sticky notes. He even wrote the crazy kinky stuff that he realistically thought would probably never really happen. "I think that's everything," he finally said.
"You're sure?" Susan asked with a smile.. "Yes."
There were quite a few folded sticky notes in the bowl. Susan mixed them up using her fingers.
"I said before that honesty will get you places and THESE are the places I was talking about. You were truthful with me about why you're not having sex yet. That was brave, so pick one," she said.
Jason gulped anxiously. "Really?" "Yes really," she said.
He didn't need to be asked twice. He stuck his hand in the bowl and pulled out one of the notes. He quickly unfolded it and a huge smile formed on his face.
"Oh boy, what have I just gotten myself in to?" she asked playfully as she took the note and read it. "Well, it's an interesting way to start, but let's do it," she said, standing and reaching down for his hand.
Susan grabbed to bowl of condoms and led her son into the downstairs cabin bedroom. The boy's heart pounded with a wicked thrill. He wore nothing but a rubber and his Mom was in a baby-doll nighty, leading him into the bedroom where normally only his parents went.
"Here," she said, pulling the lube back out of her robe pocket and handing it to him, "You'll need plenty of that."
Jason applied heated lubrication to his boner while watching his mom climb up onto the bed. She paused in the center of the mattress, remaining on all fours and peeking back at her boy. "Make sure to coat your entire erection," she said.
"I got it all," he said.
"Good, hand me the bottle."
Jason moved to the edge of the bed and handed the lube to his mom. He watched in wide-eyed awe as Susan lifted the robe up over her hips, exposing her thick peach-shaped ass. Then she squirted a little lube on her fingers, reached back and oiled up her asshole.
The mother was completely shameless and hoped that her son was experiencing the same comfort level. "OhSusanyouareSOnaughty,"she told herself. She loved having a dick in her ass and the fact that her husband would only do anal occasionally frustrated the hell out of her. For this reason, she had bought herself a butt-plug and often kept it in as she went about her daily routine. Having something so thick shoved up her ass, so that she could grip and squeeze it all day had resulted in some very strong rectal muscles.
The pretty mom gazed back at her boy. "Come stick it in," she said.
Jason was so nervous he couldn't move. Susan finally sensed his anxiety and got up from the bed. "Honey, don't be nervous. Remember, ever guy has a 'first time' and I guarantee that most of them performed horribly," she said.
"Probably true," the boy muttered.
"Absolutely true. Here, lay down on your back," she said, guiding him onto the bed, "I'll take the lead this first time."
Jason sprawled out on the mattress. Susan climbed onto the bed, crawling along side him. The boy stared in fascination, watching her huge braless jugs bobble around beneath the robe. The plunging neckline allowed him to see an absurd amount of creamy tan tit-cleavage.
"You just lay back and relax for now," she said, mounting him in the reverse cowgirl position, "let mom do all the work."
Susan bunched the robe up around her waist and reached down, grasping her son's hard cock
by the root. The boy watched in lustful awe as she rubbed his knob through the crack of her ass.
He could see the thick outer folds of her shaved snatch and couldn't help but wonder if she'd really let him take her vaginally as well.
The eager mother fit his fat tapered knob again her asshole. Holding his boner sturdy, she pushed her buns down. She exhaled a sharp gasp as the rubbery ring of her ass swallowed.just the tip of his dick.
"Ohhh man," the boy sighed, feeling the clutching heat of her ass on his glans.
Susan's rested both her knees astride his hips, positioning herself for a good ass-pounding.
Jason could hardly believe what he was seeing. He had a front row seat to the show and better yet, he was an active participant. Their bodies were now joined at his Mom's ass, her clasping butt-hole fit snuggly around the ridge of his corona.
Susan peeked down at him over her shoulder. "Ready, honey?" she asked.. "Yeah."
She lowered her hips and Jason felt his cock sink into her ass-tract. Even though he wore a condom, the latex was very thin, allowing him to feel the slippery tissue squeeze along his tender dick exquisitely. "Ohhh God," he muttered.
"Mmm, you like that honey?" Susan asked. "Yes."
Susan raised up just a tad, then pushed down again, burying more cock up her ass. She began to bounce her buns on his crotch, making his flexing boner sink deeper and deeper. "Ohhyess!" the hot mother sighed, feeling his meat push into her rectum. "OhmyGod,hisdickfeels incredible!I'vediedandgonetoheaven!"her mind screamed.
For Jason also, the feeling was out of this world. Better than he ever imagined. His dick began to throb and tingle as he basked in the sensations of having his young cock milked by her mature ass.
"Ohh man, I gotta stop," he whimpered, raising to his elbows. His cock was already close to spurting hot cum.
"Not yet, honey. You're almost all the way in," Susan said, "a little deeper!"
The mother used her strong hips to push her butt further down his erection. The thick lips of her butt-ring stretched obscenely around his thick cock-base, then screwed up against the root of his erection. Her ass had swallowed all of him. There was nothing left to take.
"Ohhhh!" she sighed, feeling her ass crammed full.
Susan's eyes were wide with pleasure. If was easily the biggest cock she'd ever had in her ass. A soon as she squeezed her shit-muscles, Jason squirmed beneath her in delight. "Ohhh mom," he groaned, feeling like he could cum any second.
"Relax, sweetheart," she said in her calm motherly tone. "Breath and relax." "It feels too good. I gotta pull it out," he muttered, on the verge of popping.
Susan giggled. Her thick ass-cheeks were spread out against his crotch, swiveling up and back as she plowed his dick deep in her bowels. "No you don't. You're fine just where you are," she said calmly, but with a gentle gasping.
Jason fell back on the bed in ecstasy, his body stiffening up like a board and his hands clenching the sheets as jizz began to fire from his piss-slit. "Uuuhhggh! Ohhh yess!" he cried out, feeling the snug inner lining of Susan's ass squeeze and massage his cock, from knob to balls.
His mother was so fucking horny that she couldn't resist reaching down and rubbing her fleshy clitoris. Within seconds she was shaking and whimpering right along with him, as a juicy orgasm shot through her pussy and ass. "Yesss!" she hissed.
The pressure of her climax caused her holes to clench up. Jason writhed in delight. It felt as if her hot ass-tube was gonna squeeze his dick right off and the feeling was exquisite.
"Sorry, I did it again," the teen said as his body returned to earth..
Susan peered back at him with a warm reassuring smile, her ass still smothering his groin. "What do we do when we fall of the bicycle?"
"We get back on," he answered.
She lifted her ass off his cock. It popped from her butt-hole with a wet FLOP and he watched her asshole retract, clenching closed. The rubber was full of his milky load. Susan turned and carefully removed it from his boner. As she had with the one in the living room, she tied the condom into a cum-ball and set it on the nightstand.
Jason watched as she ripped open another condom. "You're young and resilient," she said, rolling the latex onto his still-erect dick. Then the mother turned, facing away from him on all fours, her thick tan mommy-ass pointed back at him. "So get back on," she said, peeking back at him.
He crawled to his knees, his heart began pounding again with that same wicked thrill as before. He was slightly more confident this time, fitting his knob to her ass-socket and pushing it in.
Susan loved watching his eyes widen in pleasure as he stared at her sexy derriere."Remember, sex isn't a race," she said, "When you feel yourself getting close, it's ok to slow down, just don't stop."
"Ok," Jason said with a sigh and a more confident smile.
The teen sunk his boner in as deep as it could go, then started fucking with steady humps. Watching his cock glide in and out of his own Mom's ass was enthralling, especially when her fatty outer-layer of ass-flesh began to ripple with every strike of his mid-section.
"Ohhh man!" the boy sighed. His mom had relaxed her rectal and sphincter muscles, providing him a snug smooth tunnel to pound his dick through.
Susan's phone suddenly started buzzing. "It's your father," she said, grabbing her cell. "Should I..."
"You're fine, just keep humping," his mom said as she put the phone on speaker. "Hey hon," she said.
"Well, we made it back alive. It was one crazy flight though," her husband Randy explained.
"I bet. I'm glad you guys flew out when you did," Susan said, "the wind has just gotten rediculous here."
Jason felt a little odd, plugging his dick through his Mom's ass while she spoke to his father. It was surreal, but exciting. He quickly slowed down as the feeling of an orgasm came out of nowhere. "Ohh shit," he murmured, trying his best to control cum.
"The news is saying the eye of the storm should be over you early in the morning," Jason's father said.
The boy pulled his dick out of his Mom's ass, feeling as though he could cum any second. Susan looked back at him patiently. "Honey no, come on, put it back in," she said patiently.
"Too close," her son whispered, holding his cock as he stood from the bed. "What's going on? You guys doing alright?" he heard his father ask.
"We're fine, Jason's just um...he's just helping me in the kitchen," she said, crawling off the bed. "He doesn't have much experience at this, but he'll get better."
She moved over in front of him, turned and backed her thick half-moons against him. Jason watched excitedly as his mom reached back, grasped his cock and squeezed it back inside her ass.
"I take it you guys haven't lost power there yet?" her husband asked.
Susan was too focus on pushing back against her son's boner to answer. She had backed him to the wall and was humping her ass back on his cock, her big knockers bobbling beneath the robe. A lewd smacking sound began to fill the room, but she wasn't at all trying to hide it. "Come
on honey, just keep at it," she said.
"Susan, can you guys hear me?" Hubby asked, through the phone in her hand.
"Yes, we can hear you, sorry, Jason's just helping me stir something," she said with heavy breath, gyrating her ass against her son's cock.
Jason gasped and held on to her soft hips, feeling his boner move around in her tightly gripping ass-canal.
"Well, a great time to learn new skills I suppose," her husband said.
"That's what I told him. Being stuck in the cottage for God knows how long, we'll have plenty of time to practice," the mother said, repeatedly throwing her ass back at him again.
"That sounds like some pretty serious stirring," they heard Randy say. Little did he know he was listening to his wife's sexy ass beat against their son's crotch.
"SLAP, SLAP SLAP, SLAP, SLAP, SLAP, SLAP, SLAP." Jason buckled from the pleasure of being steadily humped back on. He winced in delight, laying his head on his Mom's shoulder.
"It is," Susan answered her husband, "but I think it's about to result in some VERY thick batter."
Jason's mother peeked back at him, grinding his cock deep in her squeezing rectum. "Am I right, honey, are we gonna get a lot of thick yummy batter out of this?" she asked.
"Uh-huh," the boy muttered.
"Don't tell me I missed out on chocolate-chip pancakes?" Randy said with disappointment.
Susan's mind suddenly spun wildly as she crested towards her own orgasm. She reached down and rubbed her soaking-wet clitoris. "Hhnnnnaahh," her sexy voice whimpered, her body starting to shiver.
"What happened. Did you spill something?" Randy asked.
The mother's sexy naked legs began to shake as she felt a powerful anal-orgasm rush through her..She knew there was no way she could keep from screaming out, so she quickly hung up on her husband and dropped the phone to the floor.
"Ohhh, God, Jason, I'm cuuuming!" Fuck meeeee!" She grimaced in ecstasy as the spasms of cumming bored through her pussy and asshole. She could feel his cock swelling and knew he was right there with her.
"Unh shit," Jason gasped. "Unh... there... unh..."
The thick load of his jism burst from the purplish knob of his cock as the boy worked his spurting prick through his mother's clenching asshole. There was so much cum that Susan could actually feel the latex condom bulging out inside her ass..
She ground her ass against him, feeling his thick boner throb and spurt for nearly two minutes. "You went longer that time," she said proudly.
"A little bit longer," he sighed.
"And next time will be even longer," she said, lifting her ass off his cock. "Before long you'll be humping ass like a pornstar," she said.
"Yeah right," Jason said with a giggle.
"Oh my God, honey, look at how much you filled that thing."
Jason looked down at the condom. There was so much cum inside it that they could barely see any of his cock from the cream that was surrounding it. "Dang, that IS a lot," he agreed.
"I'll have to be careful not to lose any," she said, easing it off his boner. "Why? Are you saving them for something?"
She peered at him with a mischievous smile. "Uh-huh." "What?" he asked.
She tied the condom off and went to her nightstand. "You'll have to wait and see," she said, then picked the other cum-ball up and held them side by side. "Look at how much more you squirted out this time."
"I love how you told dad we were working in the kitchen," he said with a smile.
Susan giggled. "Well I didn't completely lie. You WERE helping me stir something to make batter," she said, then dangled the big latex ball of cum, "baby-batter."
Jason laughed.."So I really wanna know...What could you possibly do with condoms full of my sperm, mom" Jason asked, extremely curious.
"Well you're just dying to know aren't you?" she teased.
They heard a ROARING gust of wind outside and suddenly the room went completely bitch-black. "Well, there goes the power," Susan said.
"Dang, I can't see anything," Jason said. "It should be brighter out in the family room, with the fire going."
"If I can find the damn door," Susan said, trying to feel her way to the closed doorway.
"I'll help you," the teen said, carefully getting up from the bed.
"Ouch, I just stubbed my toe on something," Susan said in a playful tone. "Damn that hurt." "I think I'm about there," the boy told her, then ran directly into his mother. "Oops!"
Susan giggled and latched onto him, "I'm not the door, silly boy," she teased, then pulled him in tight, mashing her tits up against him, "but you can turn my handle if you want?" she said seductively, running her long nails across his back.
"Turn your handle huh?"
"Uh huh," she said, kissing his neck tenderly. "Do you really wanna find that lantern right now?" kiss, kiss, "or do you wanna lay in here in the dark and let Mom bathe you in affection?"
"The affection sounds better," he sighed.
"I agree," she said between kisses and slowly pushed him towards the bed.
Jason and his mother fell back onto the mattress. Susan squealed playfully as she landed on top of her boy, her braless knockers bobbling all over him. She wasted no time attacking his neck with wet tender kisses. "Untie my robe" she whispered, then went back to kissing.
Jason reached down and untied the sash to her robe. Susan quickly sat up, straddling his midsection. He felt the robe drop off her body, onto his legs. "Mmm, now we're both naked, Jason," she said, clawing at his chest. "Are you ready to feel your mom's big soft naked tits against you?"
"Yess," Jason hissed, so excited he could hardly stand it.
"Ready for me to show you some of the wonderful things girls can do to you?" "Uh huh."
The big titted mother lowered herself back against him, going straight for his neck again. The boy's body shuddered with the thrill of her warm mammoth tits squashed against him. "Mmmm," Susan moaned, planting soft wet kisses all over his neck.
She gradually worked her way up his face and his lips, smooching him with tender pecks. She let out horny little whimpers that drove her son crazy. Over the next several minutes, their kissing became longer and more passionate. It wasn't long at all before they were making out like newlyweds..
"Mmmm," the mother moaned, as their tongues danced inside his mouth.
Jason's hard cock was now rising up between his Mom's legs, the top of his shaft pressed against her shaved lips of her vulva. She writhed against him with little humping motions,
clutching and clawing at his young frame.
They rolled over so that Jason was now on top and Susan tossed her her sexy legs around him, clutching him as they made out, like her life depended on it.
The boy had never experienced passion this intense. He could hardly believe that the thick strong tongue lashing through his mouth was that of his own mother's. The huge tits sloshing against his chest were the same ones he'd secretly lusted after for years. "Thisisamazing!"he thought. "Ineverwantittoend."
Susan's mind was also swirling on a whirlwind of impulsive lust. Like most married women, she'd had secret fantasies of having a hot young lover for years now, so this unbridled passion with her handsome son was a dream come true. "IloveRandy,Ireallydo.He'smyhusband.I shouldbefeelingguiltyrightnow,butI'mnot.Nottheleastlittlebit."
They rolled and kissed and rolled and kissed some more. Their bodies were so hot and horny it was a wonder they hadn't started fucking impulsively. "I think it's time for you to pick another piece of paper from that bowl," Susan finally said.
"Ok," her son muttered breathlessly, as eager as she was to see what was coming next. "Do you think we can find the door this time?" Susan asked with a cute giggle.
"We can try."
Together they found their way through the darkness. The family room was filled with the warm glow of the crackling fire. Jason threw another log on, then suddenly remembered that his mom was now naked like he was and he hadn't really gotten a good look at her yet..
Susan was prepared for his curious eyes. When he turned towards her, she was in a cute little stance with one silky leg kicked slightly out in front of the other. Her boobs were absolutely massive, hanging heavily on her chest. Jason marveled at the size of her areola and thick rubbery nipples. They looked like they were made to be latched onto and sucked for hours.
His mom fed him a curious smile, watching him gawk at her tits. "Do they look better naked?" she asked.
"Absolutely," he answered. "You're body's amazing, mom."
"Thank you," she said, letting her eyes drift down to his pointing erection. "Yours is pretty amazing too."
Jason's eyes traveled down her sexy midriff, to the tantalizing V of her pubis. Her mons were mostly shaved, except for a small, neatly trimmed patch of pubic fur. She leaned over and picked up the bowl with the folded paper, which cause her big oversized melons to wobble around enticingly.
Susan held the bowl out towards her son. "Let's see what other kinds of naughty things you've been wanting to do with a girl," she said.
Jason chose from the bowl and handed it to Susan, who eagerly unfolded and read it. "Oh my!" she said with a little smile, then looked at him naughtily. "YOU ARE a curious one, aren't you?"
"Which one is it?" asked.
"Grab that lantern and meet me back in the bedroom, then you'll find out," she said with a wink.
The boy stood there for a moment, mesmerized by the swaying half-moons of her naked meaty behind as she sashayed back to the bedroom.
He hurriedly went up into the loft and fetched the emergency lantern. He got it lit and headed down to the bedroom.
Susan was on the center of the bed waiting for him with her legs curled under her. Her king- sized jugs protruded from her chest like two overfilled water balloons. "Come lay down on your back," she said softly, patting the mattress beside her.
The boy set the lantern down on the side table. It shrouded the bedroom in a soft romantic glow. Jason complied with what his mother had asked, sprawling onto the mattress. His boner hadn't softened one bit, eager for whatever was coming next.
He watched Susan unwrap a condom and roll it onto his prick. "Ready to wow each other with our oral skills?" she said with a cute grin.
The teen's body tingled excitedly. "Shemusthavepicked'sixty-nine.'OhmyGod,I'mgonnaeat mom'spussy.Shegonnasuckmydick!Holyshit!" his brain screamed.
"I'm ready," Jason muttered, trying to sound as calm as possible.
His Mom straddled his body, facing the opposite direction. Seeing her on all-fours, hovering above his body was a site he'd never forget. The way her huge tan boobs hung down was sexiest thing he's ever seen.
Her pussy lowered towards his lips, her fleshy folds slightly splayed, exposing the domed hood of her clitoris and her creamy coral gash.
It suddenly felt as though his cock was dipped in a smooth pocket of wet warmth. Susan's rounded lips stretched obscenely over his cock-meat, letting nearly half his impressive length sink into her mouth.
"Hhuhhmm," the teen whimpered as his own lips were smothered by the tissue of her hot mature pussy. He started licking her horny pussy as if he'd been doing it for years. He squirmed on the bed beneath her, thrusting his tongue deeply into her fuck-hole and pumping it in and out. He found her thick stiff clit and sucked it deep into his mouth.
"Mmmnn," the mother purred, her head bobbing on her son's crotch. Precum was oozing from his slit and Susan wished it wasn't being captured in the condom, but instead dripping onto her tongue. "It'sok,Ihaveplansforallthatyummyjuicelater,"she thought.
Susan imagined she was lapping it up and made a wet gulping sound around the fat head of his meat. She grasped the shaft of his hard-on in her fist and stroked it up and down, at the same time, she continued the slurping, cheek-puckering pressures of cock sucking.
"Ahhhyess," the boy whimpered against her pink inner pussy-folds. The smell, taste and feel of her juicy mommy-cunt against his face, along with the exquisite blowjob he was receiving was driving him insane.
Jason ran his tongue around the periphery of her cunt, licking and tugging the fragrant
lips. Being a sci-fi movie buff, he couldn't help but think about the "Alien" movie and the "face- hugger" creature from that film. Right now his Mom's cunt was a "face-hugger," smothering him in wet fleshy pussy.
His mom clasped her thighs around his head, bucking and humping her ass, as the pressure building inside her cunt rose to the bursting point.
"Mmmyesss!" Susan cried out, her body trembled, struck by an orgasm brought on by her son's oral skill. This, of course, juiced Jason's face up even more. She nursed and whimpered on his peter-tip as her naked body writhed for several minutes.
The hot mother now set her full attention on milking the cum from her son's nuts. This time she tried to take more of his dick in. Her pouting lips stretched obscenely around the thickness of
his meat. She gagged, then made lurid, gulping sounds as she forced his rubbery shaft down her throat.
"Ahhh fuck," Jason groaned, throwing his head back in pleasure. "Howthehellissheswallowing thatmuchcock,"he asked himself.
"Ummfffff," Susan gurgled. Feverishly, she bobbed her head up and down, fucking her mouth with her boy's big hard-on. Her strong tongue darted wetly all over his cock head.
With his face still mashed against the juicy flesh of her pink pussy, Jason shut his eyes and let his body fall slack onto the mattress. Susan was really working on his dick now. She was jacking off the shaft hard and fast while slurping around the head.
The pressure in his balls was growing more and more intense..
"Ohh shit! Ohhh wow, I'm gonna cum, mom!" the teen announced. He felt the familiar tingling sensation throbbing through his cock and balls.
Susan jerked him off violently, pumping his prick into her mouth. Slurping sounds burbled out of her throat as her lips clasped and milked the pink flesh of his dick.
"Unghh!...Ungghhh!" Jason grunted. He grimaced and began to rock his hips on the bed, fucking his throbbing cock into his mother's mouth as the cum pulsed into the condom.
The next ten minutes were filled with moans and whimpers as mother and son rubbed their faces against each others genitals. Jason felt his Mom slip the cum-filled condom from his cock and tie it off.
Susan reached over and shut off the lantern, then guided her teen under the blankets with her. Not a word was spoken as they snuggled under the blankets together.
Jason loved the feel of his Mom's soft warm breasts pressed against him as they listened to the violent wind and rain outside. Finally, they drifted off to sleep.
Several hours later, Susan woke up. Her nipples were hard, her cunt soaking-wet. She was itching for a hard fuck, but knew she had to be patient. Her boy's thick cock would be thundering through her cunt soon enough. "Ijustneedtotastehim.Ijusttotastehiscum!"her horny mind shouted.
She reached over and grabbed all three of the cum-filled condoms she had tied off, then rolled onto her back beside her sleeping son. She held one of the cum-balls by the knot of the latex, letting it drag all over her pretty face. "Mmmm," she moaned, savoring the sloshing feel of it's milky contents.
She played with it against her lips before slipping inside her mouth. "Mmmnngghh," she whimpered, sucking it like the juicy knob of a cock. Her thick tongue flew around it's elastic surface, like a hungry creature trying desperately to feast on what was inside. "OhmyGod!"her mind screamed, "freshyoungcum!Iwantitall!"
The lusty slurping sound that came from her mouth woke Jason up. He could tell his mom was next to him rubbing her pussy, but it was too dark for him to see anything.
Susan dug her tongue on the elastic ring above the knot, scrubbing off the dried residual spunk. She squeezed one of her big tits and rubbed her clit frantically savoring the taste of her son's spunk.
She grabbed another latex cum-ball, then brought it down and rubbed it against her overheated vagina. Panting heavily now, Susan rubbed the ball of spunk against her wet throbbing clitoris, then shoved it inside her cunt as deep as her fingers could get it.
Inside her pussy, the pink ribbed walls of her birthing-tune squeezed and sucked on the milky ball. She wanted desperately to pop it open and feel all that rich boy-spunk soak into her cervix.
"Nn-mm-nnn-mm," Jason heard his mom moan. He could tell she was sucking on something, but couldn't imagine what.
Susan quickly snatched ball number three from her chest. She desperately wanted this one in
her ass, so she reached down and shoved it against her butt-ring. She nearly popped that one open getting it up into her ass-tube. When her sphincter walls squeezed around that fat ball of jizz she squealed with delight. "Yessss!Ihavehiscuminallmyfuckingholes!"her excited mind cried out, rubbing her engorged clit again in a frenzy of lust.
She began chewing at the ball in her mouth, her teeth clamping down hard on the latex over and over, determined to break it open. "Comeon,fuckinggiveittomee!!"her mind screamed.
While eating away at the ball inside her mouth, she clenched her cunt and ass-muscles, wanting desperately to pop the ones down there as well. To feel her son's thick young sperm soaking her insides.
"POP!" The lustfully mother finally pierced the one in her mouth with her teeth, releasing a pool of fresh semen. Her eyes rolled back in their sockets, her chest heaving off the mattress. "Fuuuuuuuckyesssss!!"she inwardly shrieked, her tongue flopping frantically through her son's sweet ball-juice as a hot orgasm ripped through her naked body.
"POP!" The one in her clenching, spasming ass exploded also, spraying her shit-tube with cum.
Despite being squeezed by her cunt-walls, the latex ball in her pussy held strong, but was being absolutely soaked by the burbling juice of her girl-cum.
Jason just laid as still and silent as he could in utter disbelief. His mom was writhing around next to him, panting and moaning and squealing. He wished he could see her getting herself off, but hearing her was enough to make his cock as hard as concrete.
"Mmmnnhh," Susan's shaky voice hummed, as she sucked and swallowed the contents of the condom in her mouth. When it was sucked dry, she snatched the one from her ass and shoved it in her mouth also. "Ohhh,stillsomecumleftinthere!"she thought cheerfully, sucking and swallowing whatever spunk was left in the pierced rubber.. "Iwonderifthisisfromaloadhe squirtedinmyass...orfromtheblowjob,"she wondered.
As she continued to suck every once of "baby-batter" from the pierced condom, she pulled the soaking-wet ball from her pussy and brought it up between her tits. "Yess,popyourload betweenMommy'stits!"her mind said as she squeezed her giant boobs around it.
Squashed between her bounteous tit-meat, the latex cum-ball bulged out at the sides, nearly bursting. The two condoms in her mouth were both completely sucked clean of their milky contents and she desperately needed more.
"Fuckit!"she thought, grabbing the condom and biting into it, ripping off the receptacle tip like a hungry tiger tearing apart the flesh of it's kill.
"OhhhGodyesss!!"her mind howled as cum poured out all over her tits. When the bulk of the spunk had drained, she shoved the condom into her mouth and rubbed her boy's sperm like
lotion all over her tits and pussy.
Before long, Jason felt his Mom cuddle up next to him again. She felt very wet and sticky, but he guessed that she'd probably been sweating from all the attention she'd been giving herself.