KLRXO Stories-Chapter 60: Learning all about sex...from Mom_2

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Chapter 60: Learning all about sex...from Mom_2

Randy worked at an office building in the center of town. His mouth hung open as he and a co-worker

watched the video that was just sent to him. "Ohh man, that's hot."

A third guy stepped into the office. It was Ken, Monica's husband. "More of those pervy videos huh?"

Ken's coworker smiled. "These guys got a good one today. Man, you gotta see this."

Ken stepped up to the group and watched on Randy's phone. The camera kid had zoomed in on the globes

of Monica's tan buttocks, which was jiggling up and down, aiding the thrust of Derek's big dick as it

disappeared and reappeared at the base of her ass. Engorged with blood, the barbed head of the teen's dick

stretched way out, glowing with secretions.

"Damn, imagine how good that must feel to that guy," Randy said.

Suddenly, Monica's persperation-sheened ass flexed, then quivered...her meaty buns shaking like jello.. The

men gasped. "Holy shit, man that bitch just came hard! Did you see that?"

One of the coworker jaw had dropped. "Yeah she did, did you see the way she was shaking. Oh my God

that was the coolest thing I've ever seen."

The camera zoomed back out to a wide shot. "Wait a sec...is that a wheelchair?" Ken asked.

"Yeah, the kid must be crippled or something."

"No way, how does a crippled kid get a gorgeous cougar like that?" Randy said.

Ken watched with growing interest as Monica and Derek continued making out like horny newlyweds. "I

know that spot," he said.

"Yeah, my friend said they're out at Thompson Pond. They always get the best fuck videos out there,"

Randy said.

Ken's stomach sunk as he watched the curvy tan beauty, her lush body layed out on top of the thrusting teen.

"No, no,no, that can't be..." he muttered.

"Can't be what?" Randy asked.

Ken looked truely stupified. "Nothing uhh...could you send me a copy of that?"

The other guys laughed. "Ken wants to add it to his stroke collection."

"Sure, no problem buddy," Randy said.

Ken retreated to his office where moments later he continued watching on his phone in sick fascination.

His naked wife shamlessly swung her meaty tan ass up and down again and again, slamming against her

teen's loins. Derek's erection looked strong and sturdy, thundering through Monica's twat crease like a

midevil battering ram.

The camera kid moved over so he could capture the couple from the side. Ken could hear them whispering.

"Holy shit, they're really going at it."

"I wanna get a shot of them kissing. Fuck that's hot," the camera kid said as he zoomed in for a close-up.

Any doubt in Ken's mind had now been all but disolved as he watched Monica and their son make out

hungrily. His wife's hair was still half-wet and stringy. Her eyes were closed as she made out and she

looked like she was in absolute uphoria as she lashed her tongue through Derek's mouth. This certainly

wasn't the sweet innocent wife he left are home that day.

"What the fuck! Unbelievable," Doug muttered, his mouth hanging open in absolute shock.

The camera panned down her lush body showing the sides of her tits, which were flattened against Derek's

chest. "Ohh man, that kid must be loving that," one of the pervs said.

They heard Derek let out a quivering moan and panned back up to his face as their kiss had broke. His head

was cranned back in pleasure, the tendon's in his neck straining. Monica's face was buried in the other side

of his neck, licking and sucking on his flesh. "Uuughhh!!" the teen's body quivered.

"The kid's gonna cum. Pan back down dude, get his dick spurtin off!"

Ken couldn't believe what he was watching as the shot moved back down to a semi-close-up of Derek's

cock rising and falling at the base of Monica's wildly gyrating buttocks.

"Holy fuck, she milking the shit out of that kid's dick. Look at her go!"

Suddenly Derek whimpered and a long thick rope of jism rocketed from his piss-slit. A second one

followed, sailing four feet into the air before splashing down onto Monica's back. The teen's young body

shuddered beneath his mother's nudity as more jets of cum spouted from his dick in big gooey guysers.

"That was fuckin hot. Let's get the fuck out of here before they see us," Ken heard one of the pervs whisper.

The video ended leaving Ken dumbfounded. He could hardly believe what he had just seen, that his wife of

twenty years would do such a thing.

Monica squeeled with pleasure as she threw her big titted body back down against her boy. She quickly

coiled her arms around his neck then, clutching tightly, rolled them over so that Derek was now on top.

"Holy shit!" Derek sighed with suprise as he felt her strong silken tan legs bow open and his body settle

between them. It was like his wet dream, only better.

Monica threw her legs around her son's lean body, gripping him in a velvet vice and interlocking her ankles.

"Do you feel that, darling? I just fastened my love harness around you."

"So you...are we???"

"FUCK YES WE ARE!" Monica thought.

Monica clawed his ass with her long nails, setting them back in motion. "Use your hips, honey...I need it

inside me!!"

"Inside? Are you sure. We..."

"Yess I'm taking your cherry. Fuck me!" Monica whimpered.

Slowly Derek lifted his hips and felt his rod line up with her socket. The teen peered down to see the crack

of her womanhood. The spongy pink inner folds distended and jutting in a wet pout from the center of the

outer folds. Her big clit stuck out from its hood like a stump in a swamp, wet and throbbing. "Ohh my hell,"

he thought, heart racing.

He thrust foward slowly, watching the barbed head of his dick split her quim and sink into the juicy slot.

"Ohhh damn!" the boy muttered as it felt like his dick was being dipped in warm honey.

Animal instict took over and the teen started to fuck.

Monica heaved her ass frantically off the air mattress, rhythmically pumping her tight pussy onto his cock.

"Ohh yess! Sooo good!! Fuck me!!"

Her tender, clasping cunt had begun to suck and contract around his cock as if it had a will of its own,

wetly nursing the thrusting shaft of his hard-on. Her soft squishy mommy-tits quivered and sloshed beneath

his chest. With her curvy sweat soaked limbs clutched around him the teen felt as though he were melting

into the soft flesh of his mother's curvy body. "Ohh my God!" he whimpered.

Monica moved her luscious naked body in rhythm with her son's hot fucking. She arched her back and

ground her curvy hips against him making his dick grind hard against her sensitive inner flesh.

"Yess darling, just like that!!"

The hot mother gritted her teeth and clenched her eyes shut, feeling her son's boner penetrating the deepest

depths of her pussy. She wrapped her silken legs tighter around his back, getting every square inch of cock

that she could. "Yes! YEEESSS!"

"Oooh shit, Mom!" the teen whimpered as he bucked up and down on her upraised assflesh, burrowing his

fuck meat deep into her pussy. They bucked intensely. Both shrieked with the thrill of a good fucking.

Suddenly Monica's cunt tightened. Her body spasmed. "Ohhh, Derek, you're making me cum!" she cried.

She rammed her crotch upward hard, and the gripping lips of her shaved cunt closed around the base of her

son's cock, sucking with rippling greed. The muscles of her flat stomach rippled as she came, her beautiful

face contorted as if she were being tortured.

The teen squeeled with pleasure as he felt his mom's cunt tighten up as if it were trying to squeeze his dick

off. Despite the resistance the hard slab sliced through the hot sponge grip, packing her cunt with steady

thrusts. The sensations on Derek's cock was amazing!

The boy looked at his mom's face, which was red and cotorted with pleasure. As a hard cum surged through

her big titted body, Monica arched her back literally lifting her son off the mattress. Derek heard her let out

a primitive groan, unlike any noise he had ever heard from her before. Her body convulsed. It was the

screaming demon-princess!

Just seeing her this way and the sensations of her juicy cunt as it shrunk around his pole made his balls

jump in their sack. "Ohh shit, I'm cumming, Mom!"

Hot rockets of thick gooey cum paste exploded from the head of Derek's prick, igniting the walls of

Monica's pulsating fuckhole. She shivered with pleasure as her son came in her, her cunt gripping his

massive cock, spuming around it. Their naked sweaty flesh writhed together. "Ohh baby, we're cumming

together!!" the mother cried.

Derek's boyish behind flew up and down, his rock-hard prick plunging like a piston in the snug, juicy

mommy cunt, spewing out long milky ribbons of spunk. Monica let out an orgasmic scream that echoed

through the woods, her curvy body arched upward a second time and hung there briefly, her bowed torso

supporting the insignificant weight of her slender son while the perspiration-sheened globes of her buttocks

did a quivery dance in midair before she collapsed back to the bed with the boy on top her,

Derek's prick gave a mighty throb, its head expanding to the limit inside her sqeezing cunt tube. "Ohhh

daammn, mom!"

They clung to one another like no mother and son should, their naked bodies shaking and humping together

as if they were throwing the juicy orgasm back and forth between them. The pleasure went on and on for

minutes before Derek callapsed against his mother in a sweaty heap.

"Ohh wow, that was....soo cool," Derek muttered, gasping for breath.

"I'll say. Whhhew, you had me seeing stars just now sweetie," Monica gasped.

Derek smiled with pride. "That's a good thing, right?"

"Yes. Any time you can take a girl to the stars it's a good thing."

The teen lifted himself up on his elbows and gazed down at Monica's enormous sweat soaked tits as they

hung off the sides of her chest. He licked his lips, marveling at the huge round circled of thick areola and

the fat nubs protruding from their centers. "Maybe if I get good I can take you farther than the stars. I can

take you to another universe."

Monica giggled at his eagerness. "Another universe huh? Don't think I've ever had a stud take me that far


"Bet I could." Derek said with a cocky smile.

Monica giggled. "But honey, you only just starting to learn how to fuck. There's other positions and

techniques that I haven't even taught you yet.

"Well if you say I'm good now, just think about how good I'll be after you teach me."

"Ohh, I know...dangerously good," she said with a look of admiration and worry.


"Sweetie, I know we just broke the rules, but I still need to get your father's ok...if we're going to start

regular sex lessons."

Derek frowned. "Can't we just do it when he's not around, like today?"

"We could, but what if he comes around unexpectedly...catches us in a wild fuck. Honey, it would break his

heart. I do love your father. He's a great provider, but your sexual training is equally as important to me.

Give me another day or two to convince him."

"Ok Mom."

Monica and Derek drove home and were surprised to see Ken's car in the driveway. "What's dad doing

home so early?" Derek asked.

"Good question," Monica said curiously.

Ken was on the couch watching a game as his wife wheeled their son inside. He glanced at his curvy

housewife, trying to shake the images of her naked body bucking hornily atop their teen.

"You're home early?" Monica said curiously.

"Yup. Where have you two been?"

"Ohhh, just out spending some time together."

"At Thompson's Pond?" Ken got up and walked towards the bedroom as Derek's mouth fell open.

"Does he know? How could he know, Mom?" Derek whispered in a panic.

Monica moved towards her bedroom. "I have no idea. Keep an eye on your brother for me."

Monica came in and sat on the bed next to her husband. Ken was watching the video on his phone. Derek's

big dick stuck straight up through the grip of her thighs, her meaty mommy-buttocks bobbing up and

downn milking its shank. "I can't believe you two," Ken muttered.

"How did you get this?" Monica asked.

"That's not important. How the fuck could you Monica?"

Monica was somber. "I'm sorry you had to see this. I was just doing what was necessary."

"What was necessary? Are you crazy?! That's our son."

"Exactly Ken, our son...who's sexual well being we should care about. You may not, but I do...and that's the

whole fucking reason we did that."

"It's wrong!"

The video ended abruptly. "Wait, that's all there is?" Monica asked, a bit surprised.

"Yeah, why...was there more?"

"No, of course not, just what you saw," she lied.

Ken shook his head. "Which was bad enough. For fucks sake, the way you two were kissing! Are you

kidding me!?"

"I was teaching him to kiss!" Monica said sternly.

"And the way you were shaking on top of him. Teaching him how to make his mother cum too


Monica nearly cracked a grin. "That's a natural reaction to body friction. You know I had no fucking

control over that."

"Ohh bullshit, Monica!"

She decided to use what he didn't see in her favor. "You said no sex and there was no penatration. We did

nothing wrong."

"Damn right there was no sex...and there won't be, EVER. Our son will learn sex like every other boy his


Monica stood up angrily. "Every other boy his age is already fucking, Ken! The best chance Derek has at a

successful relationship is by becoming a better lover than all the rest of the boys. The only place he can

learn that is right here at home."

"That's not true," Ken muttered.

Monica gave him a glare that could scare even the toughest of men. "All these years I assumed you wanted

what was best for our son. Apparently I was wrong. You fucking disgust me!"

Monica marched out of the bedroom.

"Oh and you don't think you disgusted our son...his own mother flopping around on top of him naked like


Monica stopped and smiled back through the doorway. "Did you happen to notice the big hard on sticking

up from between my legs? Oh trust me, he was far from disgusted."

Things were pretty quiet the rest of the evening. Once again Monica slept on the couch, not wanting to be

around her selfish husband. Try as she may she couldn't shake the naughty thoughts of her son from her

mind. All she could think about was his lean youthful frame locked between her strong motherly legs. His

cute teenaged ass flying up and down as he fed his impressive dong deep inside the tight juicy grip of her

cunt. "Fuck!" the mother hissed, tossing and turning as the burning heat of desire wracked her mature frame.

"Such a good fuck. Why did it have to be such an amazing fuck?" she thought.

Derek too couldn't sleep. His dick had been erect for hours, flexing and throbbing as visions of his mother's

lush body swirled through his mind. Being wrapped in her warm silky flesh, smelling her sweet fragrance

as she clung to him. Feeling her slippery cunt squeezing and rippling around the sensitive flesh of his penis,

spewing its hot juices around the slab. His whole body shivered at the memory still ever so fresh in his


Suddenly his door opened slightly and he saw his mom peek inside. Derek sat up slightly. "Mom?"

Monica sashayed acrossed the room to his bed wearing only a short white babydoll nightie. Her lush tan

body looked as smooth as silk. She glanced down at the bulge of her son's hardon.

"You can't sleep either?" he asked.

"Shhhhh. Come with me," Monica whispered, then helped her son off the bed and into his wheelchair.

Derek wheeled himself out of the room following his mom like a puppy dog up the hallway. Monica strode

gracefully on bare feet, leading the way. She seemed nervous, but determined. The globes of her thonged

buttocks undilated from side to side, crowning the naked sheen of her strong tan legs.

The gorgeous mother peeked over her shoulder, feeding her boy a mischievous smile.

They moved through the dim light of the kitchen and down a side hallway. Monica opened the pantry door.

There were shelves inside and a small floor space no bigger than a closet.

"Back in," she whispered.

Derek wasted no time backing his wheelchair into the space. It just barely fit inside and no sooner was he in

Updat𝒆d fr𝑜m freewebnøvel.com.

position than the pantry was shrouded in darkness as Monica stepped inside and closed the door. The teen

felt his mom forcefully yank his boxers down to his ankles and release the locks on the sides of the

wheelchair, lowering them

"There'll be lots of time for learning. Right now I just really need you back inside me."

Shamelessly, the big breasted mother climbed onto him, straddling her teen. Her lips collided with his and

their tongues spun together in a wild frenzy. The kid's heart about beat out of his chest with a wicked thrill

as he felt huge spongy tits flatten against his lean chest through the nightie.

"Mmmmnnn." Monica hummed, her thick pink tongue twisting and flailing, showing it's experience.

She felt her boy's naked cock flex against her mons, crushing against her swollen clitoris. Monica broke the

kiss quicky and slightly rose up. "Get my panties off, " she panted desperately.

Derek helped best he could and the sweet smell of wet pussy filled his nostrils. They glided the panties off

her silky legs and Monica lowered her twat back down against the hardened muscle. She whimpered as she

felt the hard head of his cock battering her tender pussy, seeking entrance to her body. "Show me what

you've learnt so far," she said.

As their kissing resumed it wasn't long before the fat nob of Derek's prick got lodged in the mouth of his

mom's fuck-hole and slowly sunk inside.

"Ohhhhh God!" Monica moaned in ecstasy as his thick hard cock slid to her womb, throbbing against every

inch of her greedily sucking cunt.

The horny housewife scooted her boy up a few inches in the seat, then hooked her strong legs around him,

clutching him like no mother should. Her meaty buns began to clap against his loins as she fucked her cunt

on the boner, screwing her cunt to the base of his cock on every downward thrust.

"Oooh woow!" Derek groaned. His mom's cunt was on fire, sucking and tugging at his cockmeat, soaking

it with searing cunt-juices.

Monica broke the kiss and bounced up and down as she rode his driving cock, her heavy ripe tits wobbling

crazily, her face contorted with pleasure. "Such a...perfect...dick."

She threw her head back, tossing her big mane of dark hair. Her mouth fell open as the first orgasm began

to rip through her body. "Ooohhnnnnggfuck I'm cumming!" she cried out.

Derek felt her cunt steadily tightening around his pistoning cock, the shaved mons slapping against his

cock-base over and over. Hot girl-cum gushed from their tightly joined genitals, pouring over his ballsAs

good as his dick felt he fought off his own cum. He didn't want it to be over this quickly.

"That's it sweetheart, don't cum yet. This is when the woman needs that rock hard cock the most. Ooohhh!"

Monica squeeled in ecstasy as violent pleasure-convulsions wracked her mature body. Derek giggled with

disbelief as he felt the big titted beauty cling to him, her tit-flesh quivering like two overfilled waterballoons

against his chest as a wild orgasm shot straight through her naked body, right down to the tips of

her cute little toes.

She threw her cunt down his pleasure-pole in grinding gyrations, stirring her insides. "Ohh God you have

such a nice dick. Suck on me darling."


Monica lowered her chest. Catching on, the big dicked teen crouched a little and wrapped his arms around

Monica, pulling her big bouncing tits to his face.

"Lick up into my cleavage," Monica instructed.

He smothered his face right down inbetween the soft bobbling boobies, smelling her sweet perfume. As

hard as he tried, there was no way in hell he could fight off his the sensations on his dick.

"Mmmnn latch on to my tit and suck haaard!"

The teen's face sunk down into a spongy tit and lapped at one of Monica's thick nipples.

"Yesss baby, just like that," Monica cried softly.

Derek fucked his cock-loving mother harder than ever, moaning into her squishy boob as his milky white

spunk rained up into her cunt. Eagerly, Monica flexed her fucking muscles around his cum-squirting cock,

helping her boy shoot all of his goo into her cunt. "Yesss!" she hissed.

Right as she milked the last drop, they heard a voice in the kitchen. "Monica?" It was her husband.

"Ohhh shit," Derek whispered.

He felt his mom's lips at his ear as she rested against him. "Shhhhhh."

They listened as Ken stepped into the side hallway. "Monica, you down here?"

The naughty mother flexed her cunt muscles tightly around the meaty column of her son's still-hard prick,

making him gasp with pleasure. She whispered to him. "What's the matter, baby, mommy's pussy too

strong for you?"

Derek smiled and flexed his dick, making the cockhead mushroom with blood. At the same time he tilted

his pelvis, sinking inside the juicy cunt as far as he could go.

Monica let in a sharp in breath and bit her bottom lip as she felt the engorged nob mash against the head of

her cervix, igniting places her husband could never reach. "Noo fair," she whimpered.

They heard footsteps outside the door and Derek's heart raced nervously, wondering if his dad would

seriously think to check the small pantry.

"Ohhh just go away," Monica whispered, her cunt nipping and throbbing around her son's hard slab.

Derek slowly swiped his tongue down into the valley between Monica's tits. He knew if his dad opened the

door he'd get the shock of his life. He fought to contain his gasp as his beautiful mother gently glided her

hips, plowing his cock-tip back and forth against the head of her cervix.

They heard Ken walk back through the hallway and across the kitchen, then he heard his mom whisper at

his ear. "Do you wanna fuck me all night?"

"Yeah," the muttered.

"He'll be back. We need to find another spot," Monica said.

"Where though?"

"We need to get to my cellphone. It's back in the livingroom," Monica said, opening the door behind them.

Derek wheeled them out. It was quite the site. Middle-aged, naked mother straddling her teen, strong sexy

legs circled around his frame, his balls nestled at the base of her meaty buttocks as he wheeled them both

across the kitchen.

As they neared the hallway Monica leaned out and peeked around the corner. She noticed her bedroom

light was on but no sign of her husband. "Ok," she whispered, tapping her son's shoulder.

Derek wheeled them across the hallway, mother clinging to son. Monica's lips curled into a naughty little

smile as she stared at her lighted bedroom doorway, her heart racing with the thrill of her forbidden actions.

At the side table she found her phone and typed out a text. "Come on...be awake," she whispered.

"Who are you texting?"

"Shhhh," Monica answered as they heard a noise from down the hallway.

Her phone vibrated a response. "Take us out front," Monica whispered.

"Out front? Mom, are you crazy? What if..."

"Sweetie, just trust me. Out front ok...hurry."

As Derek wheeled them toward the door Monica looked back over his shoulder and saw her husband in the

hallway peeking into Derek's room. She smiled wickedly and kissed her son's neck. Derek could feel the

walls of her vagina fluttering around his beefy dick.

The neighborhood was dark and quiet. Just as the wheelchair reached the driveway Monica's best friend

Kathy's blue Audi pulled up. She hopped out, in only a robe and high heeled slippers and quickly opened

the back seat door. "Oh God, Monica," Kathy giggled, shocked that her friend would be this brazen.

Monica's ass rose from Derek's lap, his big wet dick exiting her cunt with a juicy THHRUP!! "Help me get

him inside," the mother said, climbing in first.

The two women pulled the teen from his wheelchair. Monica backed further into the back seat, her naked

legs splayed open lewdly as her boy crawl between them. Frazzled, Kathy closed the door and pushed the

wheelchair to the side of the driveway. Her heels CLICKED against the cement as she giggled and

scrambled back inside her vehicle. "This is fucking crazy."

The Audi raced off. Moments later Ken opened the door and gazed down the street to see it turn a corner.

"What the fuck?"

Inside the car, Kathy glanced back at the backseat and saw Derek sink on top of his fuck-hungry mom,

crushing her big tits under his chest. He rammed his huge prick all the way up her pussy, moaning as her

tender-lipped cunt sucked in all of his prick, right down to the nutsack. Like a rutting animal his ass began

to bob up and down. Monica's curvy tan legs folding around him. "Ohhh God honey, pound the fuck outta


. "Oh my God you two!" Kathy giggled.

Monica humped her ass in a frantic rhythm off the seat as Derek settled into a hard, driving fuck. He

couldn't believe how incredibly erotic this was. His mother's lush body was every mans dream and here he

was with it clutched around him, fucking back at him with equal passion.

"Where are we going?" Kathy asked.

Monica's face was twisted in pleasure. "Just drive!" she panted.

Monica's cell phone rang as it lay on the floor. She knew it was her husband and completely ignored it. She

clutched Derek's ass with her long red nails. "Haaarder!!" she instructed.

Derek quickened the speed of his humping, gasping as he slammed his enormous cock deeper and harder

into the gushing sheath of the mother's cunt. He pushed up on his elbows, watching his mother's fat tits

jiggle and roll with her wild movements. "Ohhh damn!" he gasped.

Monica's face was masked with excited pleasure. "You like that, darling. You like the thrill of fucking a


"Ohhhh yeah," he gasped.

The boy could hardly believe the delicious tingle that was racing up and down his quivering dong as it slid

back and forth against the hot sucking tissues of his mom's grasping fuck-hole.

"Ooohh shit, honey!" Monica screamed as her fuck-hole spasmed violently, spewing juice around her teen's

hammering cock as her fuck muscles contracted uncontrollably around his prick.

Soon, Derek was ramming her hard, making her gasp and moan and whimper again as his heavy balls

banged her ass. His eyes darted from his mother's huge quivering tits to her face, watching her reactions to

his every movement. "This is so fucking cool!" he thought.

"You see how quick you're learning?! You see what you're doing to this girl?!" Monica panted, gazing in


"Ohh hell yeah!"

Derek fucked the horny, naked mother as fast as he could, guiding her through the intensity of another cum.

Then he dropped on top of her soft big titted body, spearing his prick to the hilt in her cunt. His cock felt

longer, harder and thicker than ever as it sliced through the tight pink birth canal.

"Mmm yeah, fight off your cum, baby. Fuck me as long as you can!" Monica directed.

On each plunge Monica felt his balls beat against the hot cheeks of her ass, the base of his cock smashing

her knotted clitoris and throbbing between her stretching cunt lips. "That's it darling...don't you fucking let


Derek felt his glans send waves of pleasure through his body as he fucked his hard peter through the juicy

tunnel of mature pussy. "Damn mom, if I don't stop...I'm gonna explode!"

The mother's excited eyes gazed up at her boy. "Slow your thrusts and tighten your ass, it'll help the cum

settle back in to your balls."

The boy did as his mom directed and felt the cum subside The head of his prick still tingled with pleasure

he never thought possible. He looked down at Monica's beautiful face as she scratched her long nails across

his back. The loving mother smiled patiently. "That's it, let it settle, we have all night."

Derek wondered if this was all an amazing dream as he looked down at his own mom underneath him. She

gave him that same warm loving look when she taught him to drive or helped him study for a test. This

time though she was naked, her ernormous tits spread out across her chest like big pillowy orbs. "Better?"

she asked.

"Yeah," he sighed.

She pulled him down onto her, licking and biting his ear. "Gooood, fuck me hard again."

Again Derek really started laying the dick to Monica, bouncing in the comfort of her mature saddle. He

could feel those strong silky legs around his back, clutching him, locking him between her soft splayed

thighs. "Ooohh yeeeahh!!" his voice quivered as he punched his erection through the sucking grip of

Monica's cunt.

The mother's eyes rolled back as she felt a juicy orgasm shoot out of nowhere, making her naked frame

arch and shake. "OHH FUCKINGNNSHITTT!!"

She felt her boy's body tremble and the nob of his plowing prick swell deep in the grip of her juice-spewing

fuck-tube. "Mom!!" Derek groaned.

"Oh my baby!!"

Hot, frothy, white prick-juice streamed up from his balls, making his giant fuck-pole buck and pulse as it

spewed its sappy contents deep into Monica's cunt. The housewife whimpered with fuck-passion as she felt

his cum rushing into her cunt, bathing the inner walls of her pussy with spurt after spurt of cream. Hornily,

she flexed her cunt around his gushing cock, helping the sturdy hardon shoot out every drop of jism.

Kathy's cell phone rang and she looked at it. "Shit Monica, it's Ken. Should I answer it?"

The backseat beauty was catching her breath, her face red and flushed from a hard cum. "No...ignore him."

For minutes the mother lay there with her young cub resting between her silken limbs. She combed her

nails through his hair as his head rest on her shoulder.

"Sorry Mom, did I cum too quick again?"

Monica smiled. "Yes, but that's ok..I'm gonna teach you how to fight off your climax. By the end of

summer you'll be a little fuck-monster."

Kathy smiled back at her, knowing that the youthful stud must be in absolute heaven and imagining that her

friend's talented cunt must still be squeezing and sucking on his tender prick. She was right.

"You're lucky Bill's still away on business. He would have wanted to know why I rushed out of the house

in such a fucking hurry," Kathy said.

Monica smiled up at her friend. "Thank you."

Back at the house Ken dialed his wife for the fifth time, but still no answer. This time he left her a

voicemail. "Yeah, I wish you'd let me know what's going on. I know you're mad at me, but I would think

that you'd still have the desency to let me know if you're going somewhere this late. Call me back. Bye."

He wandered over to the pantry door finding it partly open. He swung the door open and found a pair of

thong panties on the floor. "What the fuck?" the annoyed husband said. He lay awake for hours wondering

where they were.

Outside of town, down a long remote side-road and tucked between a cluster of tall bushes, Kathy's Audi

was parked. The car rocked slightly and the beat of music escaped the back windows, which were cracked

slightly. "Yes-yes-yes-yeeesss!!! Fuck meeee!" A woman cried.

That woman was Monica's friend Kathy. What was taking place in the back seat was what could best be

discribed as a Derek sandwich. The teen sat reclined in the seat against his mom who sat behind him. Kathy

straddled him, riding his loins, her juicy cunt sliding up and down his rigid prick.

The three of them were a glistening ball of naked flesh. Monica whispered naughtily at her boys ear, her tits

pancaked agaist his back, while her best friend fucked like a porn star, her big hanging titties bouncing and

bobbling against Derek's face.

"Mmmm she likes your dick baby! That big hard teenaged dick. You feel her squeezing you darling,

milking your dick with her pussy?" Monica whispered in a sultry tone.

"Yeeeaah," Derek whimpered.

"Fuck us darling. Fuck our pussies hard!" Monica cried in his ear.

Ken woke up the next morning to noise in the kitchen. He walked down the hallway and found his wife in

her robe making breakfast. He sat down next to their son PJ who was at the table playing.

"So were you out all night?"

Monica smirked defiantly. "Maybe."

Ken seemed defeated. "So I'm not gonna win...on this sexual training issue, am I?

Monica shook her head as she washed a dish in the sink. "No, you're not."

Monica's husband let out a frustrated breath. "So how long is this process gonna take?"

"It'll take as long as I need it to, Ken. Until I feel he's fully trained."

"Jesus, Monica, you make it sound like he's a boxer training for a fight," Ken half-joking.

"He's a young man, training to be the best he can be under the sheets."

"Two weeks...that's it," Ken said.

Monica turned, drying her hands. She looked at her hubby in almost disbelief. "My rules?"

"That depends on the rules I guess," Ken said.

"I sleep in Derek's bed with him on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays."

Ken laughed. "He'll be here during the day. Isn't that enough?"

"If I'm suppose to squeeze his sexual training into two weeks then you have to work with me here. Derek

and I will need those three nights, in addition to the time he's here with me during the day AND if we need

to disappear suddenly, say on the weekend or during the evening, they'll be no questions asked."

"Monica, come on...don't you think that's a little much?"

"It may seem that way, but you're the one who's only giving me two weeks to get this done," she said.

"Fine and speaking of getting things done...he uh, will be wearing condoms right?"

Monica shook her head. "No, absolutely not."

"Well, then you should most definately be on birth control, don't you think?"

Monica reluctantly rolled her eyes. "Fine."

"You seem annoyed by that. Have you not considered the possibility of him getting you pregnant?"

"Yes, ok, I get it, alright. I'll make an appointment with my doctor today," she said.

"And there's one last thing. I think as his father, I should get updates, maybe be able to peek in once in

awhile, check on his progress."

Monica fed her husband a strange look. "Peek in...on him and I? Ken, I don't think that's such a good idea."

"Monica, I survived watching that video without completely freaking out. I think I can handle it."

His wife fed him an odd smile. "Fine, once in awhile, but no interuptions. I want Derek to be able to

concentrate on what he's doing and not feel uncomfortable."

"Ok, fine."

Monica padded over on bare feet and gave her husband a hug. "Thank you, I mean it. You made the right


"It wasn't an easy one."

Monica smiled. "I know, but when this is all over we'll have a son who's proud and confident. Isn't that

what we both want more than anything in the world?"

"Of course. So now that we have that settled. Where were you guys all night?"

Monica laughed. "Oh this again?"

"Well, since we're being honest and out in the open, I figured I'd ask."

Monica smiled guiltily. "Fine. We were in Kathy's car."

"So you guys drove around in Kathy's car all night?"

"Well, Kathy was doing the driving. Derek and I were...."

"Were what?" Ken said.

She seemed a bit uncomfortable making her confession. "We were in the backseat fucking"

Ken sighed and shook his head. "Monica, can you use a different word, please."

"We were having sex. He was...practicing."

"The entire night?"

She got a quirky grin, seeming almost too embarrassed to answer. "Pretty much."

Ken felt so much jealousy, he was almost sick to his stomach, but he still had unanswered questions. "And

the panties I found in the pantry. What the hell were you doing in the pantry?"

"Derek and I were fu... we um, we had sex in there last night too."

"Jesus, Monica!"

"I didn't wanna wake you up," she said sweetly.

"More like you didn't wanna get caught, so the two of you decided to have your first romp in a damn


"That um, wasn't really our first romp," Monica confessed, a bit reluctantly. "I wasn't completely honest

with you about what happened at Thompson Pond. Right after the video that you saw stopped, well, Derek

and I had sex together. That was the first time though, I swear."

Ken's stomach sunk, but he fought threw his jealousy. "So I guess as the concerend father...I should ask

how he's doing, with all this sex training?"

"Derek is doing...really well." Monica answered, doing her best to suppress her smile.

"Well his mom must be doing 'really well' too...being on the recieving end of things?"

Ken could tell his wife was smiling inwardly. "Sweetie, this isn't about me. It's about Derek."

"Even so, I'm sure there's a great deal of pleasure being had by everyone involved." Ken said, jealousy

boiling at just the thought of his wife and son going at it.

"And I know that's hard for you to think about, but try to look at it this way. My level of pleasure is a direct

result of Derek's performance sexually. My orgasms mean I'm creating a successful lover, which is what we

both want Derek to be, right?"

Ken nodded. "Yeah I suppose."

Monica stroked her husband's cheek. "I'm a screamer in bed, you know that. So whatever you hear the next

two weeks, try not to think of it as your wife cumming, but your son succeeding."

"Gee thanks, I feel so much better about it now.." Ken said sarcastically.

Derek was up late, exhausted from fucking his mom and her friend most of the night. Monica drove him to

school. She wore a sexy tank top and short yellow denim shorts with matching high heeled flip flops. The

boy couldn't stop staring at her silky tan legs and remember how good they felt wrapped around his body.

"Sorry we're running late, sweetie. After our late night out I wanted to give you a chance to sleep in,"

Monica said..

"No problem, Mom. It's the last day of school, so not much happens anyway."

Monica raised an eyebrown as she peeked over at him with a smile. "Well you'll be happy to know that we

don't have to sneak around anymore."

"Dad said yes?"

Monica fed him a beaming smile."He did. So we'll OFFICIALLY be starting your sexual training when you

get home."

Derek's penis twitched, starting to harden with anticipation. "Oh wow...sooo cool."

"The bad news is, we only get two weeks," she said, then went on to explain the rules she agreed to.

Monica stopped at the school and helped her son out of her SUV and into his wheelchair. The teen couldn't

help but gawk at the big busted mother. His tongue nearly hung out of his mouth as he watched her prance

around him, swinging her lush hips. This was the body that every guy dreamed about and he was being

given an all access pass for the next two weeks.

"Hey mom, can I kiss you real quick?"

Monica smiled. "Ok, but nothing too naughty. We don't need people talking."

Monica stepped over, leaned down and fed her son a sensual peck on the lips. They gazed into each others

eyes. "I gonna give you a word that I want you to think about today," Monica whispered.

"What is it?"

Monica's lips curled into a mischievous smile. "Blowjob."

Derek's heart did somersaults in his chest. "Sounds like a good word to think about."

Monica winked. "Mmm, I know."

After dropping her boy off Monica went to Kathy's for coffee. The two friends smiled as they rehashed the

events of the previous night.

"I can't believe Ken actually gave you the ok," Kathy said.

"Well, I think he was starting to realize I was doing it with or without his consent."

"At least he finally got smart. He had no right to keep you from teaching Derek about the joys of sexual


Monica sipped from her mug. She seemed heavy in though. "I can't believe how nervous I am. Two weeks

just doesn't seem like enough time."

"Yeah but Monica remember, Derek has already fucked. He spent all night going at us and did amazing.

The learning process has already started for him."

"I know, I just wanna teach him everything...leave no stone unturned. He may have a disability, but when

I'm through with him I want him to be the best cocksman on the planet."

Kathy smiled. "Then you'll have to be thorough. Teach him every trick, every method and every position

there is to pleasuring a woman."

"I wonder how he'll respond to anal. You think he'll be grossed out by it?" Monica said.

"God no, he's a teenager. He'll stick his dick anywhere you want him too. Besides, he needs to learm about

the pleasures of anal sex."

"I just hope Ken doesn't peek in and see Derek's dick in my ass. That might send him into freak out mode


"Too fucking bad. He'll have to deal with it."

"Yup, and if he can't deal with it, he'll just have to fuck off," Monica said.

"Mmmn, you know that's gonna feel good girl, a big teenaged dick up your ass."

"I know, but I want the real focus to be on Derek's pleasure."

Kathy laughed. "Oh shut up girl. Just think about all the orgasms you're gonna have the next two weeks."

Monica got a cute anxious smile. "Probably hundreds."

"Your son may be in a wheelchair, but after you're done with him, he'll have girls lined up down the street

to fuck him."

Monica frowned, a bit sad at the thought. "Yeah."

For young Derek the next morning seemed like it would never arrive. At first the routine was much the

same, Monica moving about the kitchen getting breakfast ready and dishes done. Of course Derek's eyes

followed her every move, watching her heavy breasts bobble around beneath her robe as she sashayed

gracefully around the kitchen on bare feet.

Returning the juice to the fridge, Monica peeked over at her boy and fed him a mischivious smile. The look

immediately formed words in Derek's mind, as if his mom was communicating telepathically..."it won't be

long now, sweetie."

"You be a good boy today," Monica said, giving her four year old PJ a kiss goodbye.

"Thanks for dropping him off," The housewife said, giving her husband a quick peck.

"Well, it's along the way so it saves one of us a trip." Ken said as he was ushered to the door.

They stopped and looked at one another in an awkward silence. "So where's the first day of training take

place, our bed or his?" Ken candidly asked, part of him not really wanting to know the answer.

Monica laughed. "You're so funny."

"What? I'm just curious."

"Well, I'm sure it will be on our bed mostly, but as things progress, it's hard to say where we'll end up,"

Monica said a bit uncomfortably.

"Back in the pantry?"

Monica giggled. "No, I think we'll skip the pantry today."

Derek listened from the kitchen as he heard his mom say goodbye then close and lock the front door. He

heard his father's car pull away. "Sweetie?" he heard his mom call out. Curiously, he wheeled himself out

of the kitchen and spotted Monica sashaying up the hallway towards her bedroom.

The mother peeked over her shoulder, gazing back at her teen. As she kept walking, Derek's mom untied

her robe and let it fall to her bare feet. She wore only a pair of white panties, transparent mesh with a heartshaped

cutout on the center of the ass.

"Ohh man," he muttered his heart pounding ferociously in his chest.

He watched his mom comb her fingers through her long hair, thrusting her meaty buns out for his oogling

eyes. His tongue lagged out of his mouth as he stared at tan ass-flesh oozing out the heart-shaped cutout

and the deep dark split of her ass-crack down the middle.

Monica peeked back over her shoulder and fed Derek the naughtiest look he'd ever seen. He could see her

enormous naked breast sloping down in side profile.

The lusty brunette reached down, hooked her thumbs under the elastic waistband and slowly wiggled the

dainty panties down, exposing her buns. She slid them down her silky soft legs. Her little feet stepped out

of them and she continurd to her bedroom now completely naked and closed the door.

As Derek started down the hallway his phone rang. He was suprised to see it was his mom. "Hello?" he


Monica's soft voice spoke back. "I had a heart on for you, now you get a hardon for me. The panties are for

your arousal. I want you to feel how soft they are. Smell the wonderful aroma sweetheart, taste the juice I

left inside for you."

"Ok," The boy muttered, so aroused he could hardly stand it.

Monica continued. "The lessons you'll learn today will require youthful energy and the hardest erection

you've ever had. Come on baby, show mommy what you can do," she said, then hung up.

Derek quickly wheeled over and picked up the panties. As he brushed the soft mesh up his face he

experienced everything his mom spoke of at once. There was the silky softness, still warm from hugging

his mother's flesh. The panty gusset was moist and the taste of juicy pussy tingled across Derek's tongue.

Then there was the smell, so potent that for a moment it made the boy's eyes roll back.

Blood rushed into Derek's cock so fast he felt like a monster was rising from his loins.

After a couple minutes Derek's phone rang again. "How are you doing love? Are you ready for what's

coming next?"

"Yeah." Derek muttered.

"Turn away from my door," Monica said, then hung up.

Derek turned so he faced the livingroom. He heard his mom's door open and the soft beat of R&B music

inside, then came the clicking of heels against the wood floor.

He smelt his mom's sweet perfume, then felt her hands slide under his t-shirt, nails grazing across his chest.

Her hot breath was at his ear. "Soo...how is that young hunk of meat? Is is hard and throbbing yet?"


Monica smiled proudly as she peeked over his shoulder and saw the hard cylinder of flesh pointing up at


"Mmm yummy," Monica said. She blew her hot breath across the back of her son's neck as she moved to

the other ear. This made Derek's body shiver excitedly. "Rule number one...don't ever be affraid to show a

woman what you have for her. Do you know what will happen if you do?"


Monica whispered sensually in his ear. "She'll show you what she has for you."

Derek suddenly felt himself being wheeled backwards into his parent's bedroom. As he was turned, he

noticed a pillowy chair resting on the floor. "It's for you, darling. Climb down into it." Monica said.

As Derek climbed down from his wheelchair the music in the room changed and got louder. He recognized

the song. It was S & M by Rihanna. When he sat back on the pillow chair his eyes about popped out of his

head as he saw that Monica had closed the door and was starting to dance. The sexy mother was wearing a

black crochet halter bodystocking and looked absolutely stunning.

"Ohh wow!" the teen muttered as he took in how the snug tight lace hugged every lucsious curve of

Monica's big titted body. He noticed that the stocking was crotchless leaving her pussy mound exposed. He

also noticed that her snatch was now completely shaved, forming a baby-smooth V down into her mons.

Taking it all in, Derek's cockhead throbbed and a bead of precum leaked out.

Monica's body moved sexily to the beat, thrusting her chest making her huge boobs bounce around under

the thin transparent covering. The stocking was a footless style and her little feet were arched in a pair

black sandals with 4 1/2 inch stiletto heels.

"Nanana come on!....Nanana come on!" The music sang.

The young teen watched in excited fascination as his nearly naked mother turned, swinging her meaty ass

to the music. Just watching her fleshy tan buttocks rocking back and forth to the beat of the music made his

hardon throb.

"Knock, knock," came a voice at the bedroom door.

Derek was startled for a moment, but then realized it was only Kathy, his mom's friend.

"Heyyy," Monica said with a big smile.

"What are we running a strip club in here?" Kathy joked.

"You know it girl." Monica said, still rocking her body.

"Well, I guess I better strip then," Kathy said, then looked down at the teen. "Ewww lala!!"

Kathy and Monica took a moment to look the boy up and down, their eyes widening as they traveled up the

length of his enormous teenaged erection. They smiled at eachother excitedly, their cunts fluttering hornily.

As Kathy started undressing, Monica continued dancing. She moved over to her son, swiveling over him,

with one foot to each side of his torso. Derek gazed up between her towering legs in awe, watching the

huge rounded undersides of Monica's tits bounce around wildly beneath the fishnet. "Ohh damn...they're

soo big," he thought.

Derek also had a perfect view of her shaved pussy. The outer lips of her vulva were puffy and smooth,

seperated only by the swollen hood of her clitoris. "Ohh wow," he muttered.

He took a moment to look down at Kathy's progress. The middle aged beauty reached back to unclasp her

big bra, letting her tits spill out onto her chest. Her boobs wern't as big as Monica's, but still an impressive

size...easily a double Dcup. She peered over at the boy and gave him a cute little wink as she hooked her

thumbs around the hem of her panties.

Taking a huge gulp Derek watched Kathy slide her daity panties down her smooth naked legs and step out

of them. Her pussy was trimmed into only a tiny little triangle of pubic fuz. He could see the groove

between her shaved mons and the hood of her clitoris. "Ohhh man...beautiful." He marveled.

The two shameless mothers danced to the beat, towering over the boy as he watched their luscious curves

swing and jiggle. It was most erotic moment of his life. Monica squatted down limberly, swaying the

globes of her buttocks close to her Derek's face. Doing this made the cheeks of her buns spread slightly,

exposing the crinkled pucker of her butthole.

He looked up to see her peering down over her shoulder at him, mouthing the words to the song...

"Cause I may be bad, but I'm perfectly good at it. Sex in the air, I don't care, I love the smell of it."

She pivoted her ass a few times to the beat, watching her son's reaction as her rounded ass jerked and


Monica stood back up and her and Kathy danced face to face. Derek let his eyes wander over their curvy

bodies, his tongue hanging out. He loved the way they both still wore strapless sandals, their little feet

arched on 4 inch heels. Their toes were so pretty, freshly painted in red. He scanned up their smooth legs.

They had such a silky sheen and yet exibited a powerful feminine strength.

Another song with a much slower beat started and Derek noticed that both his mom and Kathy were pulling

their hair back into ponytails. "That was fun," Kathy said.

"It was, but time for the first official lesson in Derek's sexual education," Monica said.

Kathy smiled at the teen. "And the best part about this lesson is YOU don't even have to do anything,


"What is it?" Derek asked anxiously.

"Do you remember the word I told you to think about all day yesterday?"


"That's right, sweatheart and one of the things you'll discover about girls is that they love to give blowjobs,"

Monica said.

"Mmm yes we do," Kathy added, glancing as Derek's erection.

"Oh yeah, I have heard the boys at school talk about that." Derek said.

"Well the reason they talk about it is because boys love to have their dicks sucked on. A blowjob, given the

right way can bring a boy more pleasure than he ever imagined possible."

"That's what I heard too...I just never really had a girl do it to me."

"Well I want your first blowjob to be special. That's why I invited Kathy over for this first lesson. The only

thing better than the blowjob skills of one mother...is the blowjob skills of two mothers, giving your dick

and balls the royal treatment."

Derek's cock twitched as he squirmed in his seat. "Sounds good to me."

Both mom's giggled. "He's so adorable," Kathy said.

Derek watched as both moms took position on either side of his torso. The women each took a portion of

his cock in their hand and softly stroked it up and down. "Mmm so beautiful," Kathy said, then squeezed

her delicate fist around the meaty base. "Fuck, feel how hard it is."

Monica pulled the loose skin down making the tip stretch out, shiny and throbbing. "Oh trust me, I have,"

she said, then gave the head a sensual kiss.

The women took turns giving the tip of Derek's dick wet kisses, their lips smacking sensually all over the

bloated bell-shaped head. Kathy kissed the frenulum, letting the tip of her tongue wiggle on it's surface. She

felt the boy's peter flex. "Mmm... sensitive glans," Kathy whispered.

"Mmm good, it'll make the pleasure that much better for him," Monica said, then whipped her tongue

across the surface of the nob. Kathy's tongue followed suite so that now both their thick pink tongues were

lashing at the boy's glans.

"Ooohhhnnmmm!" the teen whimpered, his ass tightening as he watched the two long pink tongues flail

against the tip of his peter.

Kathy's tongue wiggled across his piss-slit, swiping up a gob of precum. The semen sizzled on her taste

buds. "Oh my God, it's soo sweet."

Monica squeezed her circled fist up the dong making a dollop of cum emerge. She swiped it off expertly

with the tip of her tongue and brought it into her mouth. "Ohh wow, you're right."

She glanced up at her teen. "Your cum is really sweet, darling."

"Is that good?" Derek asked.

"Mmmnn hmmnn," Kathy hummed, sliding her lips along the underside of Derek's shaft.

Monica smiled naughtily. "It'll make girls wanna suck your big dick even more."

The gorgeous mother sucked the head into her mouth, giving it a few bobbing sucks. Derek gasped as he

felt her tongue circle it twice. "Ohhh man!"

The wet tip popped from Monica's mouth and she giggled. "You like that honey?"

"Uhhh. Uhh huh."

This time as she sucked him in Monica turned her head so the she could look up at him and watch his

reaction. Derek sat there dumbfounded as he saw his own mom's pouty lips stretched over his dick. They

formed a perfect oval, hungrily nursing on the head of the teenager's peter. Monica's eyes sparkled as she

gazed into her boys, watching his reaction as she scrubbed his glans with her tongue.

Derek's body tensed as pleasure shot through his frame. "Sshhhllluuppp! Shhhlluuppp! Monica clamly

sucked the peter-tip, winking up at her boy.

Kathy's face was buried in Derek's soft scrotum. Her long tongue hung out of her mouth, waving around

wetly against his balls as she took in his scent. "Ohhh God," she mewed.

She slurped one of his testicles into her mouth sucked greedily on it's ovaled surface.

Monica slid more of her teen's cock into her mouth. Up and down, her head bobbed on his crotch, lightly

fucking her face with his prick. Her tongue swirled constantly around his rosy cock head, lapping up the

fuck-juices oozing continually from his piss-slit.

"Oh wow that feels good, Mom!" Derek sighed, watching her stretched lips travel lower and lower around

his prick.

Monica's right hand clutch his dick at the base and whipped up and down his hardened fuck-pole,

shamelessly beating his cock into her mouth. Meanwhile, Kathy was giving the boy's nuts a tongue-bath.

The beauty spun her pink snake in circles over the surface of his balls giving them a sloppy tonguemassage.

Derek watched in fascination as his mother's lips dropped lower and lower. "Oh my God I think I'm in

mom's throat," he thought.

Monica's eyes were closed as she sucked the length of her son's boner, feeling the thick slab pulse between

her lips. "Ohh my God, such a good dick," she thought.

The cocksucking mother's lips dropped even further, taking his prick to the hilt. Derek's eyes went wide as

he watched his mom's lips nuzzle against his pubes at the base of his dick, her throat gurgling with cockmeat.

She came up for air and Kathy joined her, taking turns sucking and slurping on the teenager's boner.

While kathy sucked dick, Monica crawled up onto the cushion next to her boy, laying sidways with her

boobs stack right up against him. . "Feels good when a girl sucks your dick, doesn't it sweetheart?"

"Oh man yeah," Derek sighed.

"I wanna teach you something. While Kathy sucks on your big boner I want you to reach down and grab

hold of her ponytail."

"Ok," Derek said, then did as his mom directed.

"There you go...got a good grip on it?"


"Good, now hold her head firm and start thrusting your hips so you can fuck her mouth like a pussy,"

Monica said.

Derek jerked his hips on the cushion as Kathy's head bobbed on his groin. "Good, just like that. How's he

doing Kath?"

The dong tip popped from Kathy's mouth, wet and shiny. "Stronger grip on the hair, hon. You need to show

a girl that you're in control of this."

Derek tightened his grip on her ponytail, jerking her head back as he pulled her hair. She giggled and

Monica smiled wickedly. "There you go!!"

Derek forced her face down onto his prick and glided it through the ovaled lips of her experienced mouth.

"Now, pull her head down, honey, make her take all of you." Monica said.

Derek felt his hardon sink into Kathy's throat as he pulled her head tight against his groin. Throaty,

gurgling sounds escaped her lips as they pressed around the girthy cock-hilt

"There you go...hold it...hold it. She'll let you know when she needs to come up."

Kathy's throat gagged a little, then she tapped his thighs. His big prick slipped from her mouth all slimed up

with saliva and pre-cum. After an excited gasp, she swallowed his dong in one long swoop, until her lips

were again mashed against his pubic bone. "Ohh man," the teen whimpered.

"Hold her tight. You're not gonna hurt her."

"Ohhh shit that feels good," Derek sighed.

Derek fucked his cock through Kathy's tight gullet as her mouth and tongue nursed on his blue-viened shaft.

When she came up for air Monica slid back down to join her. "Good boy. Try me now."

The pleasure struck teen grabbed him mom by the pony tail and slid his prick through her rounded lips. Her

tongue slid ceaselessly around the shiny-skinned tip of his fuckmeat, greedily lapping up the cock sap that

continued to dribble up from his balls.

It wasn't long before he sunk into the heat of his mother's throat. He pulled her head hard against his groin

and felt her soft lips spread out around his cockbase. "Ohhh damn," his voice quivered as it felt like his dick

expanded another inch inside the warm tunnel of Monica's throat.

He heard her gurgle and felt her gullet vibrate exquisity around his sensitive glans. He couldn't believe how

long his mom was spending gorged on his big prick. He gazed down and the site almost seemed surreal as

he forcefully held his own mom's pretty head between his legs. He could see her luscious lips mashed

against his cock-hilt. "How the fuck do they take all that dick?" he thought to himself.

Finally Monica tapped and rose up, trapping his meat at the base between her thumb and forefinger. She

rose only slightly above the nob and after a gentle gasp, her tongue spun around the tip, lashing it with a

looping wet lick.

In one wet smoop, she shoved her head onto his crotch, jamming the swollen prick shaft past her tonsils,

deep into her buttery, sucking throat. "Ohhh mom," Derek wailed, thrusting his pecker in as deep as it

would go.

Kathy giggled, then leaned over and gave the teen a series sloppy French kisses. "Fuck her throat, Derek.

She's there for your pleasure," she said between kisses.

Holding firmily to her ponytail, the horny teen slowly thrust his cock. He didn't know how her tongue had

room to move around but it was....twisting and slithering along the underside of his shaft. He could hear his

cock gliding through her gullet.

Monica gasp as she finally came up for air. "Ready to see why they called your mother the gobbler?"

"Sure," Derek muttered.

The cock-hungry mom gave his boner a few long nursing sucks, looking straight up into his eyes. The

bulbous tip slipped from her lips and she spoke into like a fleshy microphone. "Ok, here we go..."

Monica wrapped her pretty hand around the base of Derek's scrotum, which made his nuts bulge up

alongside his shaft. She fed his prick into her mouth and Derek watched as her lips stretched obscenely

over his nuts. With a mouth stuffed full of cock and balls somehow Monica was able to press her lips

against the hilt. "Ohhh my Goddd!" Derek sighed, his body letting out a shiver.

Kathy giggled as she stooped down and buried her face between his buns. The teen let out an audible

whimper as he felt her strong mature tongue lash against his butthole.

The bedroom was filled with lewd slurping as both moms worked the boy over, one on his cock and balls,

the other on his ass.

Monica gurgled as she allowed the throbbing erection to slip through her warm throat. Her long tongue

wrestled with his nuts, slithering around and around their ovaled surface as they sat cradled in her mouth.

Kathy's tongue flailed against Derek's butthole, intensifying the plessure. She ran her tongue up onto his

smooth taint, then gobbled up one of Derek's nuts that had slipped from Monica's sucking mouth.

Monica gasped as the big dick popped from her mouth, wet and shiny. She stroked on Derek's cock with

her pretty hand as she joined her friend to lick his balls. Derek watched with his mouth wide open in

fascination. His mom and Kathy were doing things he'd only seen in porn movies

SLLUUUP! SLUUUUPPP!! Each of them had a nut in her mouth, nursing wetly, tugging them in opposite


"Ohhnngod," Derek whimpered as they licked and sucked his nuts.

While one woman worked the balls, they took turns sucking his big dick. Monica wrapped her fist around

the root of the cock and stroked it with a perfect corkscrew as her ovaled lips rose and fell on the top half.

Every ten or so slurps the nob would emerge and she would swirl her thick pink tongue around it.

"Ohhh man," Derek's voice quivered, watching his mom work her magic.

Kathy scrathed at his thighs, gazing up with a naughty smile. "Do you like that, sweetie. Do you like the

way your mom is sucking your big dick?"

"Uh huh."

"She's teaching you hon. Teaching you what a girl can do for a boy." Kathy said.

Kathy took over, letting the steel-hard prick glide through her mouth.

Monica crawled up next to her son, her huge ripe tits jiggling as they pushed heavily against the fabric. She

fed him a dreamy-eyed gaze. "You just wait until you see what I have planned for you the next two weeks.

More pleasure than you can possibly imagine."

The big busted mother dropped her lush body across her teen, mashing her soft boobies against his upper

chest. She buried her face in his neck and whimpered softly as her tongue began to whip against his

sensitive flesh.

Derek's body stiffened up as it was struck with even more pleasure. "Hhuuuooohh!"

The boy was now buried in mommies. Hungrily Kathy's tongue swirled around his cock, skirting the flared

tip to lap up the prick juices bubbling up from his balls. Her fist tightened around the root of his cock then

jacked fast and hard, beating his meat into her mouth.

Derek grimaced as pleasure shot through his frame. He sunk his face into the side of his mom's fishnet

covered breast. "I'm cumming! Ohhh God, I'm cumming!!" he announced.

Monica whimpered with delight, her tireless tongue digging against the pleasure spots on her boy's neck.

Gulping noisily, Kathy tightened her lips and fist around the gushing shaft of his prick. Then she wantonly

swallowed down all of his load, working her throat muscles in a frantic effort not to miss any of his

delicious milky cum.

For what seemed like minutes Derek writhed as he recieved the type of pleasure that few boys his age get

to experiend. His face was plastered in spongy side-boob and he let out a muffled pleasure-groan.

As Kathy milked every drop, Monica rose up and watched her boy's pleasure-filled face. Derek's eyes

peeked open, looking up through the big bulging cleavage plastered against his upper chest. His mom's

eyes sparkled through fluttering lashes radiating pure love. This was teenaged boy heaven.

"There you go, sweetie. Let Kathy pull out all those cummies," Monica said.

After nursing on the boner, Kathy rose up and smiled, taking one last gulp of milky jizz. "Damn, that was a


"Yummy too, huh?" Monica said.

"Fuck yeah, I could drink that shit all day, milk him dry."

Monica stood up. "Sound good to me, but why don't we use something else to milk him this time. After all,

I did promise to teach him how to really fuck a girl, right sweetie?" she said, peering down at him.

"Yeah," Derek muttered, still catching his breath.

Both ladies turned and reached down to unbuckle their heels. Derek stared in awe at the meaty globes of

their naked buns crowning their long legs. Below their jiggling booties the boy could see the smooth folds

of their shaved pussies. They were both aroused and slighted open, revealing juicy coral slits.

As she untied her heel strap, Monica peeked back at her teen. "What do you think of the view from back


Derek shook his head and smiled excitedly. "Damn!"

Both moms giggled. Monica wagged her tan buttocks back and forth teasingly. "Ready to learn how to fuck

like a rockstar?"

"Hell yeah."

Derek watched as Monica and Kathy stepped out of their heels and Monica began peeling off her

bodystocking. His mom's heavy tits wobbled free, unrestrained as she pulled the fishnet off. She grinned

wickedly at the teen as he watched her slowly wiggle them down the cheeks of her firm, rounded ass and

her long, tapering legs. Then she was completely naked.

Both mother's reached back and took off their hair ties, shaking their heads to fluff their beautiful manes of

hair. Like Derek they were now naked and ready to fuck.

Monica waisted no time stepping over, kneeling down and straddling her teen. Kathy came over and knelt

beside them.

"This position is called woman on top," Monica said as she reached back to grip her son's erection. She

grazed her nails across his glans, giving it an extra jolt.

Derek felt her run the flared head of his prick through the hot gooey mouth of her pussy slit. "The women

does most of the work in this position, but we're gonna teach some things a man can do to make this

position even more pleasurable."

"For both of you," Kathy said with a smile.

"Ready?" Monica asked, her lips curled anxiously.

"Yeah," Derek answered as he felt his prick fit securely into her opening.

Monica's ass sank. "Unnnggghhhh!" the mother shuddered as she felt the meaty inches of his cock shaft

squeeze into her wet pussy tunnel.

"Ohh shit," Derek whimpered as he felt the spongy ridged lining of her cunt stretch around his brick-hard

meat tube.

"Mmm, yes...feel that hot cunt around your cock, Derek," Kathy said, hovering beside them.

The shameless mother began to pound her creamy cunt on his prick, the stretched ring of her moist pussy

lips beating against his cock hilt. She sat up, her hands down on his chest and began to grind on her son's

boner, pivoting her wide matronly hips.

Derek looked down see his mom's shaved mons grinding against his pubis. Mother and son were joined at

the genitals. He could feel her cunt gripping his meat, his cockhead licking wetly back and forth across the

mouth of her cervix.

"Hhhuuuuggghhh!!" Monica cried, her strong wide motherly hips moving like a well-oiled machine.

Derek looked up at the busty beauty. Her boobs swung pendulously, hard nipples protruding from large

crinkled areolas. Her eyes were closed, head cocked to one side and through a curtain of long hair Derek

could see a look he rarely saw on his mom...pure pleasure.

Kathy leaned over him, glacing up at Monica. "Do you see what you're doing to her Derek? See the

pleasure you can give a girl when you have a long hard dick like yours."

"Oh my God, yesss. It is sooo hard!" Monica shouted, stirring her hungry cunt on the stiff peter.

"You'll know you're making a girl cum when you start to feel her pussy tighten up around your cock."

Kathy whispered.

And no sooner did Kathy say this than Derek felt just that. He saw his mom's eyes pop open and roll back

in their sockets. "Yesss!!" she screamed.

Her hips rocked with greater intensity. Her pussy tube felt like it was shrinking around his dick. Her

cervical lips flared as they squeezed tightly against his glans. "Yeeesss! Oh fuckingshityesssss!!" Monica


Derek felt her tight gripping cunt spew girl-cum around his slab, then wash over his balks. The feeling was

amazing, but because he had cum not long ago, he was able to fight off his orgasm.

Monica leaned forward, clawing her boys shoulders as she began to ride the length of his dick. Her meaty

buns beat against his nuts, making a wet slapping sound that filled the room. Derek sighed excitedly. Right

before his eyes swung the biggest softest tits he had ever seen. The hanging mommy-melons beat softly

against his face. "This is fucking awesome!!" Derek thought.

Kathy slapped his mom's ass. "Yeaaah Monica wonderbitch, ride that cock girl!"

Monica bounced with more intensity, throwing her juicy cunt up and down the rigid peter. Now her huge

tits were going wild swinging and beating together. Derek's tongue literally hung out as he watch the giant

boobies dance. "It' clapping bobble-tits!!" he thought, remembering one of her nicknames that she had

shared with him.

Derek felt his mom's cunt shrink around his slab and knew she was close to another cum. "Ohhh shit," he

sighed, as Monica stong cunt muscles pressed around his peter like a clutched fist.

"Ohhhnyesss!" she shouted, her pretty mouth falling open Shamelessly, the mother of two continued

bouncing, showing her skill. "FUCK FUCK FUCK YESSS!!"

Derek could see and feel her rising towards her peak. He knew this was going to be a big one.

Monica felt her son's big cock trigger electric-like jolts of orgasm through her body. Her beautiful legs

began to tremble and her face contorted in a look of pleasure that Derek never dreamed he'd see.


Her announcement reminded Derek of the video of Monica in her younger years. How cocky and selfish

his mother was and rightly so...she had a hot teen body that could get any guy she wanted. Now in this

moment, she was that same sexy self-centered little girl, using Derek's big dick to ignite the type of orgasm

she rarely got with her husband.

Hot girl cum shot around Derek's prick. He could feel it trickling down his balls and across his asshole. Her

pussy slot squeezed and rippled around every inch of his prick as it continued slithering through the hot

sponge grip. Derek was helpless. There was no way in hell an inexperienced teen could get this type of fuck

without blowing his nuts.

"Ugh! Cumming, Mom!!" He whimpered, arching his back.

A huge ribbon of hot spunk erupted from his pisshole, splashing againt the head of Monica's cervix. His

organ pulsed as six more shots of cum squirted out coating Monica's cunt tube with goo. The juicy orgasm

seemed to go on and on until the boy literally passed out from the pleasure.

A little while later Derek woke to a fog. Half-conscious he could see someone riding him and feel the warm

snug sensations on his dick. Over the huge rounded undersides of her tits, Derek saw Kathy peer down at

him, her face masked with pleasure. "Ohh God, such an amazing dick!" she sighed.

"Ohhhh yeeeaahh." he muttered, as he felt her cunt-socket compress around his shaft.

"Uuugghhh!!!" he heard Kathy's girlish voice scream and felt her cum washing along his prick.

Again he lost consciousness. His eyes peered open somewhat later to feel Monica laying on top of him, her

sweat soaked tits pancacked against his chest. He could hear the beat of music and feel her cunt squeezing

slowly up and down his shaft. "Ooohhh woow!" he moaned, wrapping his arms around her soft frame.

Hearing this Monica lifted her head and peered down into his eyes. She fed him a sensual kiss, tightening

her cunt on his rigid love-muscle. Gazing, she whispered softly. "Mmm, mommy's hot young fucker."

Her words made Derek shutter. His mother's lips curled. "You see darling...you see how the pleasure can

just go on and on?"

She smiled warmly and the last thing Derek remembers was her soft whisper as he felt his dick start to

spurt. "That's it, sweetie, cum with mommy."