Leave Me Alone, Heroines!-47 Chapter 47

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Acht had already seen his face and he followed him with the intention of knowing why there was a doppelganger of him. It was true that he knew everything is possible in this world so copying someone's features wasn't that mind-blowing.

But, the same question remains. If he was really someone who was disguised as Acht, why would he do that? And how did he do that without Acht knowing it?

"Don't look so shocked, my friend. I'm you and you are me, it's simple and easy." The other person added as he put his hands in his pockets.

Acht scoffed at his words and said,

"That's some good disguise over there. I can't see any flaws in it."

Hearing his words, the copy made a shocked noise before falling into hysterical laughter.

He laughed and laughed as if it was the end of the world. Then, he wiped the tear from his eye and said,

"You have no idea how much that took me off guard. You think I'm just someone pretending to be you, huh? I see…then, let's do a small test to see if I'm right or not."

Then, the copy started strolling around in circles casually. His eyes kept wandering around as if he was thinking.

"Ok…let's see..Your name is Acht. Age is unknown and last name is also unknown. You were born and immediately were left out by your parents. You had no relatives too so you didn't have anyone to rely on…Then, you met someone in particular. Someone who changed your life."

Then, the copy halted his steps and smiled at Acht with his creepy face, and said.

"Dia. She was the one who took care of you."

Acht was very surprised. He didn't think that it could be possible to create a copy out of someone while retaining their memories and everything.

"Do you believe me now? We are indeed the same person."

"What do you want from me?" Acht asked with relative calmness. He was a copy of him? So be it, he will kill him and end it over if he needed it to.

"Oh, come on, Acht. I expected a lot more from you. You should've already predicted why I manifested in front of you now, out of all times."

"Why…Why didn't you tell her?"

This exact question was the thing Acht tried to avoid thinking about the most. He didn't want to put any thoughts into it since it just kept on stabbing his heart and making him suffer.

Silence prevailed for some time, neither of them spoke and neither of them broke eye contact.

"Ohoh? So no answer. How cute!"

He then pulled out his hands from his pockets with a coin in his arm.

"Let me answer in your place since I'm your copy, then." He said.

"You didn't want to tell her because of three main reasons." He then put out three fingers as if he was counting and then continued. 𝙛𝑟𝑒e𝘸𝑒𝗯𝘯𝗼𝘃el.𝒄𝒐m

"First reason is very simple. You were quite scared of her reaction. You didn't want to see her look at you as if you were human filth. Seeing the only person you loved in your life hate you is something painful, isn't it?"

He then started walking toward Acht while still speaking.

"Second reason and it's a hidden one you don't want anyone to know. You…feel like this huge discovery will make you do something you will never want…"

He then whispered the next few words with utter calmness that held a deeper meaning in them.

"You thought of killing her…didn't you?" He said as he tried to fight the urge of laughing again.

"No, I would never do that," Acht responded immediately.

The copy shook his head and clicked his tongue in disappointment.

"We are the same person, Acht. We have the same thoughts, same ideals, and the same personality. I know what your head is thinking of and what you could be feeling at the moment. So, denying my words is not a luxury you possess at the moment."

"You did indeed think of killing her at that moment. You thought that maybe if she died before knowing the truth, she would feel at peace and you would also release a huge burden from your back. But, how could you be cruel? How could you even think of ending the life of your benefactor. Someone who dedicated her life just so that you could live another day?"

He then made a fake sigh of exasperation and smiled again.

"You are a cruel person, Acht. You are indeed very cruel. And that's what brings me to the last and most important reason. The reason that even you don't really know or to be more precise, the reason you are still not aware of."

He then closed the rest of the distance between them and brought his face close to Acht's ear and whispered quietly.

"You are a selfish person, my friend. You are not someone capable of prioritizing someone over your own self."

All this time, Acht was silent. He didn't deny nor approve of his copy's words. He just stood there silently. His eyes kept looking slightly down. The moon that Shawn bright in the sky cast a shadow of darkness over his face.

The copy thought that he was in a hopeless situation so he wanted to put the last nail in the coffin.

"So, that's why. I will take your place, Acht. I will fix all of your mistakes and make your miserable life more acceptable. I may be a copy of you…but, I'm a better, more capable version. I have the right to be in your place. As for you…just disappear out of this world. You don't deserve to be alive."

For the first time, the copy showed an expression other than the playful grin he had on his face before. He had a huge frown on his face that contorted his features and made him look like a demon.

It was also at that moment that something clicked inside Acht's head. He felt as if all the restraints on his mind were released and a feeling of freedom.

He then whispered something that the copy couldn't hear.

"What did you say?"

"...I said…You are not worthy."


Then, Acht started laughing loudly too. It was the loudest laugh he ever had. He felt as if this urge of laughing was completely taking control of him.

So, he rested his head on his hand and continued laughing.

"You know…You really do know a lot about me. I'm almost shocked by your deductions. But, when I heard that you wanted to take my place...I couldn't hold myself…"

Then, he revealed his face again and his usual cold look appeared on his face.

"I am indeed a selfish, disgusting bastard who shouldn't even exist. I may have also thought of killing the love of my life for the sake of my own satisfaction. I did also fear the consequences of my own actions. I'm a pathetic bastard who deserves the worst of deaths and be tormented for eternity in the darkest parts of hell. But…."

He then took a deep breath and added.

"There is no fucking person worthy enough to live my life let alone a mere copy of me."

"What the fuck did you say?"

"Know your fucking place, you mere copy. My life is my own, it's something I will never give to anyone. You had indeed shown me the truth, Mr copy. You have shown me what I really am. But, don't forget that you're not any better than this scumbag you are looking at." He said as he tapped his own chest.

He then smiled a little and said to him, "This piece of shit will never stoop so low as to give up on his own life just because he found an opportunity to run away. I swore on myself that I will change my own fate and the fate of the person I loved and that includes fixing my own cruelty. If I fail, so fucking be it. But, you will never see me give you my life, lowlife!"

The copy was now beyond shocked at Acht's reaction. He thought that his plan succeeded and that he grasped Acht's fate in his hand. All he had to do was get rid of him. But, somehow, the boy didn't seem to be affected by those words and even made fun of him.

'Is he already…changing? But, how could that be possible in this short period of time?!' He thought as he clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

He didn't know what to do at this point. So, he resorted to the last solution.

"If you are not going to give me your own life. Then, I will take it by force."

Acht scoffed his words and smiled wildly. He had already known that he would have to fight this copy and he was more than glad to do so.

"Try me, inferior being!"


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