Leave Me Alone, Heroines!-59 Chapter 59

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As he was thinking about a solution, he instinctively wiped the trail of blood on his face since it kept trickling down on the ground.

But, because of this, he discovered something bizarre happening. He touched his own blood again.

'Why is it not stopping?' He thought to himself. With his new powers, small cuts in his body will stop bleeding almost immediately. But, this one was still profusely oozing out blood.

He immediately walked to the arrow and picked it up to check it. Now that he saw it more clearly, it was indeed not normal at all.

The arrow was as dark as a piece of charcoal and as sturdy as the hardest metal. Its frame was riddled with all kinds of incomprehensible runes and ancient language of some kind.

'I know this arrow…It's a soul artifact. Dammit! It must've had some kind of power to stop my body from reacting properly to the injury.' Acht cursed under his breath and immediately took out a small potion to drink it. He didn't want to waste potions on such trivial injuries but he had no other choice if he didn't want to die from loss of blood.

"Now, listen carefully! We are essentially trapped here. So, our only way out of this is to either fight them or get captured. I'm not keen on the second one so I will go with the first choice. What about you, Bird brain?" He asked Leon.

"I-I will definitely get killed if they capture me."

"I will take that as a yes. Ok, now listen to what we should do. Tania, I need your help with something so be ready."

Then, he told them his idea in detail. The enemies outside didn't enter the dungeon because of the risk of encountering monsters and potentially losing their target so they decided to wait outside. If Leon doesn't get out, then he will eventually die from hunger or get eaten by the monsters inside.

This gave some time for the trio to make a rough plan for their escape.

After some time, the rock that was blocking the entrance to the dungeon was suddenly moved to the side. The knights were ready to attack whoever came out of the hole. Luckily or not, the one that came out of the hole first was Leon. They all were happy at first that their main target came out to them out of his own accord. But, those happy expressions turned to frowns immediately.

Leon was wearing a pair of pants, no shoes, and no clothes on his upper body. He seemed to have tied his clothes to his head. His body was also dirtied with mud and other filthy things.

So, before any one of them made a proper reaction, he started moving his body around in a weird manner…he was dancing.

His dancing was horrible, to say the least, he looked like a stupid clown having a stroke in front of them. It was so bad that even deliberately making it that horrible was technically impossible.

Everyone watched this cursed show with their mouths open, not daring to utter a word.

At that moment, Acht did what he wanted. He used his gravity to its maximum power and pushed the boulder he had in front of the whole. The boulder was rather small so it was easily thrown like a Cannonball.

Everyone was amazed at what Leon was doing so they ignored the imminent danger coming toward them. When they were able to finally feel the upcoming huge boulder, it was already late.


The boulder hit the ground with a loud sound. There was even a small sound of bones cracking and blood splattering everywhere.


Then, both Acht and Tania used that moment and got out of the hole. They both then dashed in different directions. The boulder mostly killed two or three people of them and there were more so they could only kill the rest of them during the commotion.

Acht reached the first one who was hiding behind a tree. Even though they were close, he still couldn't feel his presence no matter how many times he tried to do so. That firmed his theory that there were some objects that could make you hide your aura from enemies. This wasn't good news at all for Acht because it makes one of the most important aspects of his fighting styles to lose its effectiveness.

Anyway, the knight was still in a chaotic mess so he couldn't react properly to Acht's arrival. Everything just happened at an extremely fast pace and he couldn't keep up with it.

Acht then swung down his sword. The man tried to block it with his sword but he lost footing and fell down. The boy used that mishap and implanted his sword in the man's heart. Then, without a second look, he moved to the next one before they could organize themselves.

The second man he targeted was the archer that hit him with the arrow before. He was interested in these arrows so he was eager to get some of them and check them out properly.

The archer felt a cold sensation down his spine and tried to retreat. But, how could a long-distance fighter run away from Acht who was overwhelmingly faster?

The man didn't even take two steps away and he was kicked to the ground by Acht. Then, he sliced off his head like a piece of butter.

"You fucker!!!" A shout reached his ear and he immediately jumped in the air. The next moment, a spear passed by his place that could've sliced him in half.

As he was in the middle of the air, he threw a knife at the culprit.

"AAAAAGGHHH!" The man made a gut-wrenching scream as he held his eye. The knife had penetrated his eye completely.

Acht then approached him at an alarming speed and beheaded him just like the archer.

All of this happened in a matter of seconds. Three knights died without even being able to put up a fight. f𝓇𝘦𝒆𝘄𝑒𝗯𝑛𝗼ѵ𝙚l.𝒄𝘰𝓶

"M-Monster…" One of them muttered with disbelief. They couldn't believe their eyes when they saw the site. A small boy was standing in the middle of three dead corpses with his sword tarnished with a crimson red color.

Acht looked at these knights and said with a scoff.

"You attacked me first. So, don't blame me if I got a little rough."

Then, with a small smile in the corner of his mouth, he dashed at them like a hungry monster.

On the other side, Tania was also doing some outrageous things. A trail of bloodied corpses could be seen as you follow her foot traces.

Most of the corpses were killed by either her sword or her gift. Some of them even looked like swiss cheese from the cheer number of crystals that pierced their bodies.

"Agh!" A man shouted with his hammer in his hands. The small girl had killed his comrades and friends so brutally that he lost his mind from anger. The only thing he wanted was to kill her in the most brutal way.

But, because of his lack of speed, Tania was akin to his worst possible enemy. She easily evaded his hammer that crashed down on her.

Then, she swiftly sliced his left leg off, sending it flying away. This made the man fall down roughly as he held his amputated leg with extreme pain plastered on his face.

Tania didn't bother with him and pierced his throat almost nonchalantly. Then, she vanished from her place and followed the next target.

In the midst of all of this, Leon watched what ensued with extreme horror in his eyes.

Forget about seeing people getting killed, he had never even seen someone heavily injured in his life. So, it was no surprise that he would be extremely scared from seeing beheaded people everywhere around him.

'What's going…on?' His eyes lost their focus and only his ears delivered the sounds of the knights getting killed one after the other with cold blood.

Then, an overwhelming urge to puke invaded his mind.

"Burgh!" He fell down on his knees and vomited whatever he ate in the last two days. He felt extremely uncomfortable and overwhelmed by all of this.

'Is this…how this world is?'

Leon had always thought of this world as a peaceful place where everyone lived happily. He thought that everyone was kind since whoever he meets will always smile at him and try to pester him no matter what he does.

But, deep down, he may have had some suspicions about it. And now, those suspicions were verified.

'This is…cruel.' He closed his eyes and let the tears trickle down his face unstoppingly.

As he was weeping silently like that, he heard a rustle near him. He immediately turned around to find one of the knights still alive. Both of his legs were cut off but he was still alive. The man reached Leon and grabbed him by the legs.

"You…bastard." The man muttered as he tried to pull out his weapon to kill Leon.


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