Legend of Fu Yao-Chapter 291 - Untitled

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Chapter 291: Untitled

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

His head was thrown out, smashing into smithereens as it collided into the next head.

The dominos of death.

The sound of the crashing skulls reverberated in the pouring rain, like a ferocious beast bellowing in rage. Completely drenched, Meng Fuyao’s black silhouette blurred with the background and only gusts of wind and blobs of shadow could be seen threading through the group of people. The wind was dyed in colors of red, white and various colors as amputated limbs and pieces of meat scattered in the wind. It was accompanied by miserable shrieks, filling the air as crimson blood flowed and became one with the heavy rain.

In that instant, nine people were killed!

The ten that acted as the ambassador of violence in the rain belonged to elites amongst the elites—with the best martial arts and stamina in the organization. After all, not every man was strong enough to dare carry out such an act in the middle of the rain. The Amethyst Cape Knights were the imperial court’s most valiant and savage assassination tools. They were trained with brutal methods beyond imagination. This particular troop especially was the cream of the crop, and technically, even if they were to come face to face with Meng Fuyao, they should have been able to last—at least for a while.

But rage took over this exceptional being as she refused to consider the backlash that her attacks might give her, unleashing all her might.

These ten talents could not go against Meng Fuyao’s reckless, rage-fueled attacks.

It was as though Meng Fuyao morphed into a cyclone, spiraling towards the last person with belligerence as she trampled over the dead bodies of the nine. The last person was the leader of this decimation, the leader who had thrown the Li family’s bride in front of Meng Fuyao’s door.

He was also the smartest; as he saw the flying, decapitated heads of those under him through the curtain of rain, he immediately attempted to escape.

Just as he took a step, a bolt of lightning struck right at the front of his foot, searing a line of burnt mark down the courtyard’s green stone. It was so close that it was bordering on his toe.

He pulled his leg back in fear, and what immediately followed was the hustling of the wind.

With a flash, a black light appeared and landed vicariously.


The horrific screech was accompanied by a quiet, shattering sound. And then, something ugly rolled down onto the floor.

Meng Fuyao waved her sword and utterly fragmentized his manhood!

The leader writhed in excruciating pain, curling into a ball. Unconsciously, he bounced a little, but only this time round, he was no longer the happy, proud flying fish but a dying, struggling fish. Hugging his lower body, he wriggled on the ground, trying to get away from this Death God, back to the zone of life!

Other than this guest courtyard, there were forty others rummaging the place for any sort of valuables.

Further down, there were another three groups, and every group had fifty people patrolling around the area. As long as he escaped and alarmed the rest, they wouldn’t have to die!

Not only would they not die, but they could also get in contact with the larger troop that was deployed at Guanyuan County. It could then be reported to the headquarters and even to the Eldest Princess! They could tear apart this Death God from every corner till nothing was left of her! They, Amethyst Cape Knights, were an organization that had efficient networks that could spread information far and wide.

As long as he escaped!

The leader struggled desperately as he slowly crawled away bloodily, his position an exact replica of the Li family’s newly married couple. Meng Fuyao’s disheveled hair and icy cold gaze perfectly took over the leader’s original role. With her arms crossed, she made her way behind him, step by step.

The rain hit the ground ruthlessly and endless as though it was trying to scrub away all the blood and rage that the night had, but yet, it could not wash away the sadness and the boiling anger in the girl’s heart.

The leader climbed, and Meng Fuyao followed.

After three steps, she stepped forward and with a swing, and an arm was cleanly removed from its owner.


Amidst the shrieks, Meng Fuyao was cold and clear.

“This is for massacring the Li Family!”

The leader cradled his amputated arm, trembling in pain. He tried to crawl out quickly, fighting off the pain that threatened to render him unconscious. Meng Fuyao took a step forward once more.

An entire leg was neatly left on the green stoned floor.

“This is for humiliating the bride!”

The heartwrenching shrieks no longer sounded human at this point, rather, they seemed to resemble a terrifying screech when two bolts of lightning collided into each other. That bloody ball of meat on the ground no longer looked human either. It resembled more of a beast that fell into a trap, trapped by a hunter after it had its meal.

He was still trying to escape, drawing lines and lines of thick, gooey blood on the floor. Meng Fuyao stepped forward once more and stabbed her Destiny Rebellion straight into his chest without hesitation.

“This is for forcing me to fall into depravity!”

As red and green splattered around, that ugly beast stiffened and then, no longer moved.

Meng Fuyao let her sword down and panted slightly. She covered her eyes with her hands.

The rain and the fresh blood on her hand flowed down rapidly, as though as they were the tears of regret that refused to fall from when she had heard the cries for help and yet, made that decision.

‘Actually, I am… as shameless as you…’

That ball of unrecognized matter on the floor suddenly moved again.

The sheer tenacity that this life had. Even with his last breath, he still dragged himself along, struggling to use his only hand left to bring himself to the door.

The door that separated the front courtyard and the back courtyard.

At this point, the dying man was no longer clear conscious. He had completely forgotten that unmoving Meng Fuyao behind. The only thing he could remember in that blood-stained memory of his was that that door represented life and hope.

Only a centimeter left.

Beside the door, a figure rushed out unsteadily and bent his arm with all her might!

The bone broke with a ‘Kacha.’ The delicate lady who had never even once slaughtered a chicken mustered all the strength she could and finally, heard that hair-raising crack.

That leader did not make another sound. Finally, this time, he really stopped moving.

The Li Family’s bride let go of his arm and sat down on the threshold. She craned her neck back and laughed.

The bruises of various color scattered all over her body—a tragic sight that was unbearable. The torn dress could barely cover her body, and the snow-white skin was littered with scars and injuries from her abuse.

She laughed, maniacally, and heart-wrenchingly. That laughter resounded over the gregarious thunder, breaking through the grey clouds that hovered over the corrupted world, shattering the silence and grievance that lingered in the house of the Li Family.

Meng Fuyao shuddered vigorously at that laughter, as though she was being punished by Lingchi 1 .

She stepped forward, attempting to hug the girl as she muttered, “Please stop laughing… I beg you… please…”

That lady suddenly tilted her head and bit down on Meng Fuyao’s upper arm.

Her sharp teeth pierced through the skin and a salty, gooey liquid oozed out, dyeing her white teeth red.

She refused to let go, and in those green pupils, a beast-like satisfaction could be seen.

Meng Fuyao remained on the spot and gently comforted her. “Bite… If it makes you feel better…”


She suddenly let go, baring her blood-stained teeth. She turned to spit out a mouthful of blood together with a couple of broken teeth. With disdain and contempt, she glanced at Meng Fuyao and growled with hatred:

“Filthy blood!”

Meng Fuyao stumbled back, as though she was struck by lightning, and leaned against the vine rack. A flower that was separated from its stem fluttered down to her cheeks and stuck there. It made her look comical but yet, in her daze, she had forgotten to remove it.

In her torn dress, the Li Family’s bride sat there in the pouring rain, pointed at her and yelled, “Well-trained, yet you hid like a turtle and watched on as the Li Family got massacred!

“You sat in the main hall and was served great wine! The wine was wasted on a dog!”

Meng Fuyao leaned on the flower rack and stared at her. At this very moment, the torrential rain and howling wind turned into a wisp of smoke. The universe seemed to have shrunk until it was the size of the rack, leaving only the cursing of the Li family’s bride. The words echoed throughout the area, and each word pierced through Meng Fuyao like countless indiscriminate arrows. She was helpless against the relentless accusations and allowed each word to hurt her.

Meng Fuyao slowly crouched down, hugging herself in an attempt to soothe the excruciating pain. Yet, she did not know where to hug for her body was still well and intact. It was her identity and pride that was utterly broken.

In this life, she had lost, she had failed, but she always had a clear conscience. But in the face of the Li family’s bride, every word of hers was something she could not retaliate.

Such a bleak conscience.

It turns out that… she was no different than them. Justice was nothing in front of her personal interest. She was never better than anyone—she was as selfish, as despicable, as shameless and as cowardly!

The heavens above were unjust; she was but a lowly being!

She had always stood on her ground, but this time, she had finally bowed to the corrupted world.

From now on… How would she face the her at this moment?

But the Li Family’s bride was no longer laughing nor scolding.

She sat there, leaning against the wall with her neck craned back slightly—an eternal posture.

She was dead.


A yell of dismay towards the sky, and then, grey clouds started forming.

Like a tornado, Meng Fuyao sprinted out as she broke through the walls of the two courtyards.

She rushed across without using any form of inner energy to protect herself. Her head smashed against the walls, and blood started to flow down her forehead. Intense pain took over, but even so, she did not bother to wipe the blood away.

Compared to the anger and pain in her heart, this was nothing!

Meng Fuyao ran in the pouring rain, amongst the pile of corpses that laid on the floor.

She overestimated herself.

She thought that she was able to endure the consequences that this choice would bring her. She believed that she could use her remaining lifetime to repay the debt caused by her selfishness. But when the Li Family’s bride had cursed at Meng Fuyao before she died, Meng Fuyao finally broke down.

The skies were collapsing as the entire universe drowned her.