Let Me Game in Peace (WN)-Chapter 1349: Astonishing Price

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"How can the Overseer not preside over the Overseer Manor? Why does he keep running about elsewhere?" Zhou Wen frowned.

He had no interest in taking charge of Luoyang. Even if An Tianzuo really wanted him to be the Overseer and give him Luoyang, Zhou Wen would find it troublesome. Furthermore, Zhou Wen was really unwilling to help him guard Luoyang.

An Sheng said with a solemn expression, "Overseer has entered the Holy Land."

Alarmed, Zhou Wen hurriedly asked, "Entered the Holy Land? Isn't he already at the Terror grade? How did he enter the Holy Land?"

"Madam Lan is still brooding over the professor's death. She hasn't had a good night's sleep in recent years. Overseer can't bear to see Madam Lan continue like this. There's no other way, so he plans on pretending to be a Saint and entering the Holy Land to take a look. He hopes to figure out something." An Sheng told Zhou Wen what had happened.

"Even if he can take on a Saint's appearance, his body is still his. He won't be able to enter the Holy Land. What's the use of impersonating?" Zhou Wen asked in puzzlement.

"Don't worry about that. Overseer's impersonation as a Saint isn't only limited to looks. We also used some special means. Overseer has successfully entered the Holy Land. During this period of time, we hope that you can help guard Luoyang. Actually, just like last time, you can leave the trivial matters to us subordinates. It won't take up too much of your time," An Sheng said.

"Alright." Zhou Wen agreed.

Since An Tianzuo had taken the risk to investigate the former principal's matters, it was only right for him to guard Luoyang. Furthermore, his family and friends were here.

"Young Master Wen, do you think we should settle the urgent matters first?" An Sheng said.

"What urgent matters? Could it be that someone has come knocking on our door?" Zhou Wen couldn't help but be taken aback. The last time he guarded Luoyang, nothing urgent had happened.

"Not really, but the representatives sent by the various factions wish to meet you. They also wish to hire you to help them get into the rankings. Of course, many people want to know how you dodged the Calamity-grade bullets. After all, such an ability is so shocking." An Sheng explained the matter.

Previously, An Tianzuo had held them back. Now that An Tianzuo was gone, Zhou Wen could only deal with these matters himself.

"How will I have the time to help them get on the rankings? Get them to leave," Zhou Wen said.

"Ahem, Young Master Wen, I'm afraid that's not appropriate, right?" An Sheng stammered.

"Why?" Zhou Wen asked An Sheng.

"When they came, they brought huge gifts. Even if you aren't willing to see them, it won't be good to just send them back," An Sheng said.

"What did you receive? I should have a share, right?" Zhou Wen asked.

An Sheng seemed to be prepared as he took out a list for Zhou Wen to see.

Zhou Wen couldn't help but widen his eyes when he saw this. From the list, the gifts weren't trivial. People knew that the An family needed Essence Crystals, so they basically gifted them tons.

Of course, one to two tons of Essence Crystals would not be especially helpful to the An Family either. But with so many people gifting, it was quite a sizable amount.

"You sold me off for just these Essence Crystals?" Zhou Wen said unhappily.

"It's not just for these few Essence Crystals. It's mainly because even the six families have sent people over. If we offend all of them, the An family's days in the future won't be easy. You also know what kind of environment Earth is in now. The things that Luoyang can produce are very limited. Many things have to be purchased from other places. For example, the most commonly used toilet paper can't be manufactured in Luoyang now. It can only be imported. Salt is another one. If we offend all of them, we won't die, but life will be very troublesome in all aspects…"

After saying that, An Sheng took out another piece of paper and handed it to Zhou Wen. "Also, this is the price they offered. I think you should take a look even if you want to refuse their requests."

"What price can they offer? They can't offer me a Terror-grade Companion Egg, right?" When Zhou Wen took the piece of paper and read it, his eyes nearly popped out.

"Is this for real?" Zhou Wen asked An Sheng as he read.

The high price offered exceeded Zhou Wen's expectations.

A tycoon had offered a sky-high price of 1,000 tonnes of Essence Crystals just to get Zhou Wen to help him get on the rankings.

There was also the Zhang family of the six major families who offered ten Vital Dragon Pills, a thousand Rejuvenation Pills, and a Fate Reversing Talisman.

Although there were no Terror-grade Companion Eggs, their combined value wasn't inferior to a Terror-grade Companion Egg.

The Vital Dragon Pill and Life Recovery Pill were both Mythical pill essences. The healing effects were very good. Although the Rejuvenation Pill's level was low, it was very good for treating external injuries.

The most precious thing was the Fate Reversal Talisman. It was said that it could change one's fate.

Of course, changing one's fate was only an exaggeration. However, if a person who was destined to lose every round when gambling used a Fate Reversal Talisman before going to a casino, then they would be able to win every single time. This type of effect was amazing.

Previously, Liu Yun was able to steal the Fiend-Armored Tiger Soul General because of the effects of the Fate Defying Talisman.

It was said that they were all left behind by the Zhang family's ancestral Celestial Master. Now, no one knew how to make them. There were only a few left in the Zhang family.

The prices offered by the other families and local wealthy families were also ridiculously high. There were indeed families that obtained Terror-grade Companion Eggs—the Family Clan of Gods in the West District.

If Zhou Wen helped them get on the rankings, he would immediately become rich.

"Of course it's real. As long as you give the nod, they are even willing to pay first," An Sheng said.

"Don't they know that it's useless to be on the rankings? Only by being first can they become the final winner?" Zhou Wen asked An Sheng in puzzlement.

"Of course they do. However, their goal isn't to obtain a Venusian Companion Beast. Firstly, even if they can't obtain a Venusian Companion Beast, the metal eggs they obtain after clearing the level will be able to hatch a Companion Beast in the future. It's just that their level will definitely be lower than a Venusian Companion Beast. We don't know what it would be when hatched. It won't be a loss if they get a Terror-grade Companion Beast. Even if they don't get one, it won't be a loss. They want the fame of being on the rankings," An Sheng explained.

"What's the use of fame?" Zhou Wen didn't understand. Without strength, what was the use of fame?

"It's very useful. Do you know what we lack the most now?" An Sheng asked.

"High-level Companion Beasts?" Zhou Wen guessed casually.

"No, what we lack the most now is people," An Sheng explained. "It's not just us. All the major factions are lacking people. As the dimensional zones' restrictions are becoming more and more severe, the isolation in various places is becoming more and more serious. In addition, there are constantly people sacrificing themselves. For example, our Luoyang is already considered good, but the population growth has always been negative. If this continues, the number of people in Luoyang will only decrease. The city will undergo a depression, and the economy will decline. All industries will find it difficult to survive. When the time comes, we will probably have to fight dimensional creatures together because there's nothing else that can be done. Then, the number of people fighting will only decrease. After all, it's a life-and-death struggle. No one can guarantee that there won't be any accidents.

"Although we have already started to formulate policies to encourage childbirth, the effects take a while to show. We will only see the initial results after at least ten years. The fastest way is to attract people from other smaller places. For example, our Luoyang is quite famous, and there are many people who come because of its reputation. For other places, it is not so easy to attract people. However, if they are able to enter the rankings, no matter how you get there, at least the people nearby will know that there is a place that has the ability to hire someone formidable like you. Once they consider moving over, they will have naturally chosen that place."

An Sheng smiled and continued, "Of course, they have other considerations. For example, the six families have their own ideas. I can't guess what they are."

"Then do you think I should take on these jobs?" Zhou Wen asked An Sheng.