Let Me Game in Peace (WN)-Chapter 1436: Frustration

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Inside the Holy Land, Holy God dragged Xiao's severely injured body with both hands and walked down the stone steps towards the abyss.

The abyss was bottomless and there was only endless darkness. The more Holy God walked down, the more intense the darkness around him became. It was as though the stone steps would suck everything dry. All light would vanish without a trace.

If not for the Holy Light emitted from Holy God's body, he probably wouldn't be able to see fingers even if he placed his hand in front of him.

Even someone as powerful as Holy God could only illuminate an area three feet around him.

As it was too dark, he couldn't see the surrounding mountain walls at all. He didn't know if there was anything else beside him. Only the steps beneath Holy God's feet could be seen. Due to the Holy Light, he could still make out some blurry shadows.

Finally, even the Holy Light over Holy God's body was devoured by the darkness. The surroundings were as dark as the world of the dead.

After an unknown period of time, Holy God arrived in front of a lake.

The surroundings remained dark, but the water in the lake emitted a crystalline glow, like diamonds glowing in the darkness.

"After walking into the lake, you might be reborn and have the power to defeat the enemy," Holy God said calmly as he placed Xiao's body by the lake.

Xiao was still skinned and covered in blood. His injuries hadn't healed.

Struggling to his feet, Xiao walked towards the lake without a word.

"Don't you want to know what that lake is?" Holy God suddenly said.

"I just need to know that this place has the strength I need to defeat An Tianzuo for revenge." The wounds around Xiao's throat had healed significantly. Although his voice was still hoarse and ear-piercing, he could already speak.

"Dimensional creatures are unable to gain a foothold on Earth. Any dimensional creature that comes to Earth will be suppressed by Earth's rules. Even invincible powerhouses at the Apocalypse grade are no exception. Therefore, any dimensional creature that wishes to descend must use the bodies of Earth's native creatures to retain a portion of their combat strength."

Holy God paused for a moment before continuing, "However, a dimensional powerhouse later discovered a place. There, he was actually able to use his strength freely without being suppressed by the rules of Earth."

"Isn't that the Holy Land?" Xiao said.

"In the beginning, there was no Holy Land, only a lake." Holy God continued, "Within a certain range of the lake, the powers of dimensional creatures will no longer be suppressed. However, once they are far from the lake, the suppression of Earth's nomological powers will appear again. Therefore, that dimensional powerhouse did some research, hoping to use the water in the lake to help dimensional creatures completely escape the suppression of Earth's rules.

"However, any dimensional creature that came into contact with the lake, no matter how powerful they were, melted into the lake like snowflakes. After that, the powerhouse experimented on many dimensional creatures and Earth's native creatures. The outcome was surprising. None of the powerful dimensional creatures could withstand the power of the lake, but Earth's native creatures weren't affected. To you humans, this terrifying lake is no different from ordinary lake water. It doesn't cause any harm to your bodies."

Xiao only listened quietly without interrupting Holy God.

Holy God looked at the lake and continued, "However, the native creatures of Earth that entered the lake died one after another. None of them returned alive."

"Why? Didn't you say that there's a power here that can allow me to exact revenge?" Xiao turned around and questioned Holy God with an ear-piercing voice.

"Later, that powerhouse checked many human historical resources and myths and finally learned that this lake is called Frustration," said Holy God.

"Frustration? I've never heard of such a lake in myths and legends in any district," Xiao said after some thought.

"You might not have heard of this lake, but you must have heard of the other side of the lake." Holy God looked into the distance.

Xiao couldn't see anything since his eyes were destroyed. All he could do was ask, "What's the other side?"

"Paramita." Holy God's answer left Xiao alarmed.

"This lake leads to the Paramita?" Xiao was pleasantly surprised. He knew what the word "Paramita" meant. "The Paramita that treats life and death as one bank and nirvana as the other, the place to attain boundless merit and wisdom by abandoning all frustrations?"

"This is just a guess. No one knows if the other side of the lake is Paramita because no one has ever reached it. Although this lake is small, even Apocalypse-grade powerhouses can't reach the other side. Only by swimming through the lake can one reach the other side. However, no creature that has entered the lake has returned alive."

"Then what's the point of me entering the lake?" Xiao asked.

"I once saw a person who had absolutely no chance of living swim across Lake Frustration and reach the other bank alive. Furthermore, as a human which makes it impossible for him to advance to the Mythical stage, he actually broke the restrictions and advanced to the Mythical stage with a pure human body," Holy God said calmly.

"Who is he? What happened in the end?" Xiao asked.

"You don't need to know this. All you need to know is that it's very difficult for you to completely recover from your injuries. Even if you don't die, you will only be a cripple in the future. There are only two paths placed in front of you now. Swim to Paramita across Lake Frustration and be reborn, or…"

Before Holy God could finish his sentence, Xiao had already jumped into the lake.

Strangely enough, the lake looked clear and transparent, like a flawless crystal. One could clearly see the bottom of the lake. It wasn't too deep.

However, after Xiao jumped in, no matter how hard he struggled, his body couldn't float above the water surface as he kept sinking.

It looked like the lake had no buoyancy at all. No, it should be said that not only was there no buoyancy, but it was also like an abyss with a terrifying suction force that constantly pulled Xiao down.

Furthermore, no matter how Xiao struggled, the lake remained calm. There was no sound of water splashing. It was dead silent.

"It's really not a good habit to not wait for someone to finish their sentence." Holy God looked at Xiao, who was constantly sinking in the lake, and muttered to himself, "Even Calamity-grade Earthlings will be entangled by countless invisible wraiths when they enter the lake. They will be pulled to the bottom of the lake and eventually perish to become a part of the lake. Over the years, only one person reached the opposite bank. There are no less than a hundred thousand creatures that drowned."

Zhou Wen had planned on traveling with Ya'er in the West District, but after Li Xuan learned of this, he offered to follow him.

"Old Zhou, I heard that an extremely popular female host lives in this city." Li Xuan drooled as he looked around.

"Which female host?" Zhou Wen asked.

"The one that hosts the program with Professor Gu. Her name's Su Yi. She's crazy popular now.." Li Xuan kept looking around as though he was looking for something.