Leveling Up Alone-Chapter 317 – Betrayal and Division (1)

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Chapter 317 – Betrayal and Division (1)

Han-Yeol was accustomed to being a leader, ruler, and boss, so the idea of running errands for an old man didn't sit well with him. While acknowledging the old man's influence, Han-Yeol had been building a substantial faction of his own.

‘A few hundred Bastro Warriors should suffice to dominate the entire world,’ he thought confidently.

Having rescued the Bastrolings and earned Kandir's loyalty, Han-Yeol believed he no longer required human assistance. However, he couldn't ignore the technological advantage humans possessed.

Yet, he had Yoo-Bi for that. Her exceptional abilities granted her access to the most advanced technology, exemplified by the shoulder cannons he wielded—technology previously unattainable.

‘I'll have to ask Yoo-Bi to focus on crafting weapons upon my return,’ he mused.

The Bastro Warriors were notably outmatched against the hyenas, and only Han-Yeol had the capacity to defeat them. Hence, it was crucial to equip the warriors with gear crafted by Yoo-Bi to enhance their capabilities.


Mariam's stern tone snapped him back to reality; although he'd posed the question, his thoughts had led him astray.

She didn't intend to sound so stern, but feeling the need to regain her composure, she inadvertently came off that way. Fortunately, Han-Yeol was accustomed to this aspect of her and didn't mind.

"Hahaha… I apologize, my mind wandered."

"Please, focus."

"Hahaha… I'm sorry. So, is it possible?"

"Yes, it is."

"Oh? Really?"

"Yes, it might have been impossible before I entered this dimension, but I've grown significantly stronger through numerous experiences. Frankly, I doubt most of Earth's Master Rank Hunters could defeat me."

"Haha! But don't let your guard down. They'll undergo their second awakening once Earth matures into the second dimension."

"I want to ask you something…"

Han-Yeol shrugged.

"Can anyone become stronger as I did with their second awakening?"

Her tone was serious, the power she gained in the Bastro Dimension providing a bliss she'd never known.

What if every Hunter, upon their second awakening, could achieve such power? She knew she'd return to being a B Rank Hunter when Earth entered the second dimension.

"Nah, I doubt it," he replied.


Her anticipation hung in the air. Then, Han-Yeol articulated what she had hoped to hear.

"Having a second awakening is beneficial, but not everyone will grow exponentially stronger like you. Besides, you not only reawakened but also gained another class. Comparing yourself to most other Hunters would be absurd."


"Yeah, so…"

Seuk… Seuk…

Han-Yeol, charmed by her dumbfounded expression, found it so endearing that he instinctively reached out and patted her head.


Badump! Badump! Badump! Badump!

Mariam struggled to contain her wildly beating heart.

'I shouldn't… I mustn't…!'

Han-Yeol was the other half of her master, Tayarana. Though they weren't dating, it was evident that both Tayarana and President Phaophator cherished him. Having these feelings felt like treason to Mariam's sense of reason.

"Alright, should we start moving?"

"Oh! Yes, Han-Yeol-nim!"

She led the party to the dimensional gate, using her illusion skill to guide them through before entering herself.

Upon arrival on Earth and taking a few steps, Han-Yeol abruptly stopped. "Tara. Mariam."

"Yes?" they both responded.

"I have something to attend to. Could you take these guys to the mansion?" Han-Yeol requested.

"Of course."


"Then, I'll catch up with you later."

"See you."

"Goodbye, Han-Yeol-nim."

Tayarana waved while Mariam bowed respectfully.

They proceeded to lead Taichin and the others to the mansion, a sizable group that left them no option but to walk.


[Is this Earth…?]

[It’s amazing…]

[Mommy! Mommy! What are those things?]

[I… I have no idea…]

The Bastrolings were awestruck by the world they encountered upon exiting the dimensional gate. They couldn't resist observing the civilization, a sight entirely new to them.

The humans guarding the gate remained oblivious to the large group of beast-like aliens passing by, thanks to Mariam's ability to manipulate their minds—a truly alarming power.

The potential for Mariam to be an evil villain using her mind manipulation was a chilling thought in itself.

Nevertheless, Tayarana and Mariam guided the Bastrolings to the outskirts of Seoul, where Han-Yeol's mansion stood.

Meanwhile, Han-Yeol stayed in Seoul, ascending to the rooftop of a nearby building.

[What are you planning to do, Harkan?]

Riru and Kandir were behind him.


[Yes, Harkan-nim?]

“Did you bring that?”

[Do you mean this?]


Kandir took out something from his pocket and showed it to Han-Yeol.

“Yeah, that’s it.”

[Why this…?]

“Give it to me.”

[Yes, Harkan-nim.]


Kandir couldn't comprehend why Han-Yeol had requested the spent artifact—a mana stone engraved with the dimensional gate's magic formula. Still, he obeyed his lord's request and handed it over.


[Yes, Harkan-nim?]

"Did you know?"

[About what?]

"You can freely use this once activated?"


"Haha! Did you truly believe an artifact that required the sacrifice of three sorcerers' lives would be a one-time use item?"

[…] Kandir was speechless, realizing he had forgotten that Harkan was capable of transcending imagination.

"Watch closely," Han-Yeol said, gripping the mana stone tightly in his right hand.

He then extended it toward the dimensional gate and recited the command imprinted within the mana stone in his mind.

‘Close Gate.’


Then, the dimensional gate began transforming into mana, gradually dissipating. The soldiers guarding the gate were thrown into an uproar at the sight of its disappearance.


"Captain! The gate is…!"

"I see it too! Is it vanishing?"

"I believe so."

"Report this to base immediately!"

"Yes, sir!"

On the contrary, the Hunters from the association responded much more calmly, being familiar with how dimensional gates and mana operated.

"So, it's finally disappearing. Seems like those wolves Lee Han-Yeol took with him were the only creatures that came through this gate."

"Yeah, that seems likely."

Both the government and the Hunters' Association were aware of the Bastrolings emerging from the dimensional gate, but they couldn't intervene as Han-Yeol had taken them away.

Being the strongest Hunter in South Korea, Han-Yeol's relationship with the government and the association was strained. In fact, he tended to look down on them.

This strained relationship worsened when even the intervention of the First Hunter, Chairman Woo, didn't sway Han-Yeol. Consequently, despite the potential threat posed by the wolves, neither the government nor the association could take action.

This escalating tension pushed the government and association to seek help from a particular individual. This person wasn't particularly aligned with the government or the association, but due to some of her business being connected to them, she reluctantly accepted their approach, which included compromises on other matters.

Despite being busy, Han-Yeol hadn't met with this individual until now. However, the time for their meeting had finally arrived.


"Please, this way, madam."

Albert courteously guided her, yet despite his polite demeanor, she seemed visibly upset.

'He's reached the realm above a Master Rank Hunter, but he dares to make me wait for so long?'

The individual sought by both the government and the association was none other than the second strongest Hunter in South Korea. Han-Yeol had defeated Kim Tae-San, the former strongest Hunter, elevating himself to the top spot and leaving her as the second strongest despite her prowess.

This Hunter happened to be the cherished daughter of the S Group's chairman, Master Hee-Yun. The S Group, a conglomerate employing nearly a fifth of the country, contributed to her influence and power. Her prestigious background didn't allow forgiveness for Han-Yeol's delay.

'If only the government and association hadn't approached me simultaneously!'

As a Master Rank Hunter backed by the largest conglomerate in the country, she wielded enough influence and power to rival the government. However, this authority made it challenging for her to act independently, under constant scrutiny.

Albert led Master Hee-Yun to the mansion's drawing room, where two Southeast Asian men stood guard outside the door.

'Hunters as guards?'

Her surprise heightened upon sensing that these guards were indeed Hunters. Known for their pride and arrogance, seeing Hunters stationed as guards was unexpected.

Han-Yeol might have surpassed the realm of a Master Rank Hunter, and his HY Group expanded daily, but this situation was definitely out of the ordinary.

'What?! These two are S Rank Hunters?!'

Sensitive to mana, Master Hee-Yun discerned the guards' S Rank Hunter status from their mana. The presence of Hunters as guards was surprising, but the fact that they were S Rank completely stunned her.

‘Lee Han-Yeol… Just who are you…?’

[Is this Han-Yeol-nim’s guest, Mr. Albert?]

[Yes,] Albert responded with a nod.

The S Rank Hunters standing guard outside the door were both from the recently awakened Gurkha raid party, now Hunters thanks to Han-Yeol. One was the vice leader of the Gurkha raid party, Sahas, while the other was the captain of the second party, Ayman.

Recently returned from a long absence, Han-Yeol had the Gurkhas willingly volunteer as his guards wherever he went due to their unwavering loyalty to him.

Both scrutinized Master Hee-Yun, glaring at her, as a precaution against any potential threat.

Master Hee-Yun felt anger bubbling inside upon being subjected to such suspicion. 'I'm a guest in this place!'

Being treated like a suspect infuriated her, especially since she was here merely to converse with Han-Yeol.

This treatment was a first for her as a guest, an experience she hadn't encountered even when seeking meetings with her father. Ji Geo-Guk, her father, held the position of A Rank Hunter and chaired the largest conglomerate in South Korea, the S Group.

"Han-Yeol-nim is currently in the back gardens. We will escort you there from here onward," Sahas informed her.

"I'll appreciate that," Master Hee-Yun replied.

"Please follow us."

'How much longer will they drag me around?!'

Master Hee-Yun was on the brink of exploding. In truth, her anger would have erupted from the start if it weren't for the fact that she was meeting Han-Yeol.

Publicly known as an angel due to her meticulous image maintenance, she concealed a fiery temper befitting her class. As a Berserker specializing in dealing massive damage, her sword was far from merciful or patient, contrary to public perception.

Grumbling under her breath, she followed behind Sahas and Ayman.


In response, Sahas and Ayman subtly shrugged upon hearing the grumbling from behind them. They ensured to do so discreetly, waiting until they were certain that Master Hee-Yun wasn't observing them.

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