Leveling Up Alone-Chapter 320 – Betrayal and Division (4)

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Chapter 320 – Betrayal and Division (4)

Whoosh! Clang! Clang! Clang!

Tayarana attacked even faster now, seizing full advantage of the fact that Master Hee-Yun was starting to get exhausted.

Forced onto the defensive this time, Master Hee-Yun grappled with Tayarana, who relentlessly closed the distance between them, exploiting the greatsword’s inherent disadvantage in extremely close combat.


‘Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!’


Master Hee-Yun couldn't help but grit her teeth in frustration. She wasn't naive; she understood the exact situation she was facing. It was this discernment that had enabled her to surpass the other Master Rank Hunters and continuously improve.

‘I made a mistake,’ she acknowledged, recognizing that the momentum had shifted to her opponent after she had become too worked up.

“Haa… Haa…”

Clang! Clang!


Her hand began to tire, and the looming outcome of her inaction was nothing but defeat.

‘I can't lose like this...!’

The rules of the duel were clear-cut: mana usage was prohibited, and their clash was to rely solely on swordsmanship. Master Hee-Yun held her prowess as a swordsman in high regard, and the thought of losing this duel threatened to shatter her pride. She found herself growing increasingly desperate to avoid such an outcome.

Biting her lip, she steadied her trembling arms, tightly regripping her greatsword once more.


Whoosh! Clang!


Tayarana was confident she had already won the duel, solely pondering how to conclude it with her next attack. However, her opponent, who had teetered on the brink of exhaustion, suddenly launched into a counter-offensive with renewed vigor.


Clang! Clang! Clang!


‘Oh?’ Han-Yeol was also taken aback by the sudden turn of events.

The duel had appeared on the brink of conclusion moments before, yet Master Hee-Yun had unexpectedly rebounded and remained in the fray. Initially irked by her steadfast refusal to concede defeat and considering it a waste of time, he found himself surprisingly entertained by her tenacious determination to keep fighting.

Ultimately, nothing seemed more captivating than observing people engaged in combat, an enthralling spectacle akin to gazing at a campfire.




‘That seemed like a clean hit,’ Han-Yeol thought.

Master Hee-Yun had been consistently wielding her sword horizontally since her stamina dwindled and she found herself cornered by her opponent. However, she abruptly altered her attack pattern, reverting to the top-to-bottom swing she had employed earlier in the duel.

While this attack would typically be easily evaded by Tayarana, she mistimed her evasion due to her intense focus on anticipating her opponent's next move to conclude the duel. Consequently, she committed a crucial error by attempting to block the weighty greatsword rather than dodging it.



Tayarana lacked the strength to withstand Master Hee-Yun’s attack, which was infused with renewed vigor, and now found herself in an exceedingly precarious position.

“This is the end!”


Master Hee-Yun was confident she had finally won the duel, but...

‘Huh?’ She noticed something peculiar about her opponent’s expression.

Tayarana struggled under the weight of the greatsword, yet she appeared unusually composed, instilling a sense of unease in Master Hee-Yun.

While Master Hee-Yun was distracted by the ominous feeling creeping up her legs, something unexpected occurred.


‘What?!’ She was shocked to see her opponent's sword slip free from her greatsword.

Tayarana swiftly maneuvered her wrist to parry the greatsword before spinning and positioning herself within her opponent’s blind spot.

‘I must stop her!’ Master Hee-Yun desperately thought, but her body didn't react as swiftly as she needed it to.


‘I made it in time!’ she exclaimed inwardly, poised to launch a counterattack, but...


Tayarana’s sword loomed just a centimeter away from her neck, poised to slice through her milky-smooth skin with the slightest movement.

“I… lost…” Master Hee-Yun admitted defeat, bowing her head.

Despite her best efforts, victory eluded her. However, she harbored no anger or disappointment in her loss. She recognized that she had given her all in the duel. If anything, the costly mistake of letting her emotions exhaust her only fueled her motivation to train harder, striving to become an even better swordsman.

In the end, she held no grudge over the defeat.


Tayarana extended her hand toward her opponent.

‘Huh?’ Master Hee-Yun was slightly flustered by the gesture.

“That was a close one. I enjoyed our duel,” Tayarana remarked.

Her intention had solely been to test her swordsmanship against South Korea’s second-ranked Hunter, devoid of any desire to humiliate her opponent. In fact, she felt grateful that Master Hee-Yun had agreed to the duel.

“Ah, me too! I had a lot of fun!” Master Hee-Yun responded enthusiastically.

Tayarana's sincerity and innocence disarmed any potential anger or resentment within her.

Despite her frustration at the loss, Master Hee-Yun gracefully accepted her defeat, smiling warmly at her opponent.

‘I suppose I should be content with forging an acquaintance with Egypt’s princess,’ she reminded herself, mindful of her duties as a guild master.

Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!

Han-Yeol applauded from the sidelines as the duel concluded. While neither combatant had utilized their mana, the displayed level of swordsmanship left him in awe. He couldn't help but admire both of them for their remarkable skill.

“Alright, I believe it’s fate to have such a fruitful duel, so why don’t you stay over for dinner?”

“Pardon me…?” Master Hee-Yun was taken aback by the sudden dinner invitation.

The mansion had been rather intimidating, keeping her on edge since she arrived. However, after the sword clash, she found herself more composed.

Was this the effect of building relations through the sword? It seemed so. It was only now that Master Hee-Yun could return to her usual self, her diplomatic self.

“I am grateful for your offer, Han-Yeol Hunter-nim.”


She offered a slight bow in response.

“Hahaha! It’s an honor to host our country’s second most powerful Hunter! Now, please come in as dinner should be served by now!”

“Yes, thank you once again.”



Master Hee-Yun dined at Han-Yeol’s mansion before departing. The government and Hunters’ Association sought to glean insights about the wolves Han-Yeol had taken in, but she remained tight-lipped. Having aligned herself with Han-Yeol, she chose not to disclose vital information about what she had witnessed at the mansion.

Meanwhile, the disappearance of the dimensional gate in Gwanghwamun Square reignited controversy over the government's employment of Hunters to quell protesters. The government managed to stall by censoring local media but failed to control overseas video streaming sites.

The imminent threat of public backlash forced the government to take an aggressive stance.

[We'll label Lee Han-Yeol a threat to humanity unless he explains his motives behind harboring the dimensional gate wolves.]

This headline adorned every major news outlet alongside a picture of Han-Yeol, Kandir, and Riru standing together.

[Hey, that seems fake.]

[Do you really think so? A quick search confirms the government’s claims!]

[Then what's Lee Han-Yeol's connection to the dimensional gate monsters?]

[Don’t tell me...]

[One can track ten streams but not a human's heart. Who knows? Maybe he aims to conquer the world with monsters?]

[Aren't you going too far?]

[Remember the incident in South America? A Hunter sought to conquer the continent, sparking a war among Hunters!]


A sobering comment recalling past events left everyone silent. Yet, these comments were crafted by government-employed part-timers spreading propaganda. Despite the public's previous support for Han-Yeol, humanity proved easily swayed, making such tactics effective despite the trust in Han-Yeol.

Regrettably, humans were prone to repeating mistakes.

Han-Yeol countered with a press conference in the heart of Seoul, aiming to deal a significant blow to the government once again.

Chwak! Chwak! Chwak! Chwak! Chwak! Chwak!

A cascade of camera flashes welcomed him, yet the reporters showed no inclination to cease. Why? Han-Yeol was flanked by Kandir and Riru on both sides.

This marked the general public's first safe encounter with monsters from the dimensional gate. The reporters were determined not to miss this unprecedented opportunity.

Ah, Mavros was an exception. The public recognized him as Han-Yeol's pet, while Kandir and Riru were identified as creatures emerging from the dimensional gate.


Han-Yeol couldn't help but smirk at the swarm of cameras capturing his image.

‘He laughed?!’

‘Is he that confident today?’

‘Could he be about to announce plans for world domination?!’

Various mixed reactions erupted among the reporters solely from his simple smirk. Despite their eagerness to pose questions, it wasn't the time. Han-Yeol’s press conferences typically commenced with a speech from him or his representative before opening the floor to queries. The reporters knew stepping out of line was strictly prohibited.

Initially, a few skeptical reporters challenged this rule, thinking Han-Yeol wouldn’t cancel an entire press conference over a minor breach. However, Han-Yeol staunchly enforced the rules, canceling sessions where protocol was ignored. Instead, he opted to deliver his announcements through his personal streaming channel.

This scenario repeated several times. Those who defied the rules soon gained the label of public enemies in the journalism sphere. Consequently, they found themselves banned from attending press conferences, particularly those organized by Han-Yeol.

“Hello, everyone. How are you all?” Han-Yeol initiated the press conference with a light-hearted greeting. “Alright, you can all relax and ask whatever questions you have right off the bat.”

The conference extended for nearly three hours and was live-streamed online. Despite this, numerous news articles comprehensively covered the event afterward.

[‘Lee Han-Yeol Hunter’ is fed up with the government’s dishonesty.]

[The werewolves ‘Kandir’ and ‘Riru’ are now under his command!]

[Could Lee Han-Yeol’s knack for hatching monster pets become problematic if he forms his own monster army?]

[‘Lee Han-Yeol Hunter’ claims the country no longer requires this incompetent government that deceives its people.]

The government employed several so-called ‘experts’ to criticize even minor statements made by Han-Yeol during the conference. However, their efforts proved too little, too late, as the general public had already turned away from the government. Consequently, a second wave of impeachment protests brewed in Gwanghwamun Square.

[Understanding humans is quite a challenge. Why invest so much in this?]

[Indeed, they're quite enigmatic.]

Observing the protest transition from peaceful to violent from atop a building, Han-Yeol, Kandir, and Riru shared their thoughts.

“Haha! Humans are quite complicated. Honestly, Bastrolings are much simpler,” remarked Han-Yeol.

[I feel simplicity is preferable over complexity. Life would be more peaceful if everyone could agree on a few rules.]

“Well, you have a point, but I’m neutral here. If I were to put it into words, I’d say I'm on whichever side benefits me the most.”

[Then it's obvious that the Bastro Dimension would benefit you the most, Harkan-nim. How about considering becoming the Dimension Lord again?]

“Hahaha! Let me think about it.”

[What a shame.]

[Look at it positively, Harkan.]

Han-Yeol no longer concerned himself with the country’s affairs, as Master Hee-Yun led her faction and the S Group to Gwanghwamun Square. The S Group's withdrawal of support from the government indicated a ninety-nine percent likelihood of the current administration facing impeachment. With Master Hee-Yun's involvement, Han-Yeol could now disregard the country's events.

“Let’s go, Kandir, Riru.”

[Okay okay, Harkan~]

[Yes, Harkan-nim.]

It was time for him to concentrate on preparing for Earth's entry into the second dimension and its connection with the Bastro Dimension. There were numerous tasks he had to complete before that event.

The trio returned to the mansion, and on the way, Kandir raised a question.



[There's something I wish to ask.]

“What is it?”

[What happened to the dimensional gate we created…?]

Han-Yeol had explained that he could freely utilize the dimensional gate as he pleased, but Kandir struggled to comprehend what that meant. He had seen Han-Yeol ‘collect’ the dimensional gate but didn’t grasp how he intended to use it again.

It might have seemed straightforward to others, but Kandir lacked familiarity with such matters, prompting him to ask the question.

Han-Yeol chuckled and responded, “It’s time to use it properly now that it’s in my possession.”

[T-That means…?]


Han-Yeol smirked.

[D-Does that mean…?!]

“Yes, I should make full use of it now that it’s in my hands, right?”

[Y-Yes, Harkan-nim!]𝘧𝘳ℯℯ𝑤ℯ𝑏𝑛𝑜𝑣ℯ𝑙.𝑐𝑜𝘮

“Follow me.”

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