Logging 10,000 Years into the Future-Chapter 126

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Chapter 126

Chapter 126

At the moment when the electric current passed from Kong Qing to him, Lu Sheng’s body stiffened slightly. He felt a numb and prickling sensation, as if he was being pricked by needles

But when his blood and Qi were channelled, the numbness and prickling sensation weakened a lot.

Although he had to complete the first stage of the Immortal Golden Body, his physique after tempering still remained unrivalled. Surpassing ordinary Level 3 Martial Artists by a huge margin.

His resistance to elemental attacks and abilities had also reached quite a profound level.

Moreover, when Lu Sheng began to actively use the Natural Breathing Technique, the remaining numbness, stiffness and tingling sensations disappeared quickly.

Using it, Lu Sheng conceived his fourth special breathing technique: Breath of Thunder!

This was also the reason behind Lu Sheng asking Kong Qing to electrocute him!

“Hahaha …”

Having fully comprehended the Breath of Thunder, and the effect of the electric current transmitted no longer be obvious.

Lu Sheng let go of Kong Qing’s wrist casually, laughed, and said to Kong Qing: “Very good, you have passed the selection.”

“What?!” Kong Qing, whose face was flushed from the suffocation, and who was vigorously generating electricity, was stunned when she heard these words.

Jia Haoran who was not far away was also stunned.

Xing Zhi, who had just limped out of the passage, was also stunned.

Kong Qing … cleared the selection?!

Kong Qing was stunned for a full five seconds, and then great surprise and excitement began to appear on her face.

Her fair and pretty face was flushed, and she seemed to be chanting repeatedly in disbelief.

”I passed the selection? I’m the only one who passed the selection?! I’m the Enlightened Star General?! … Ahhhhhh …”

Kong Qing reacted abruptly, and stood up straight in front of Lu Sheng, thanking Lu Sheng earnestly and gratefully: “Thank you, instructor! Thank you for your approval!”

Lu Sheng put on a kind expression of a senior looking at a junior, and his eyes, full of approval, fell on Kong Qing, nodded and said: “You don’t need to thank me, it’s because you are good enough that you can get my approval. Keep up the good work, little Pikachu …”

Lu Sheng didn’t know Kong Qing’s name, so he could only call her Pikachu. 𝗳re𝗲𝚠e𝐛n𝗼v𝗲l.c𝐨𝐦

He thought it appropriate. After all, they both discharged electricity, and he didn’t think they had much of a difference between them.

Pikachu. This Pikachu again. Kong Qing was still puzzled when he heard this word for the second time. What the hell is a Pikachu?

But that didn’t matter to her any more. Because she had already passed the final hurdle, she officially stood out in this selection and had become the ultimate winner.

Enlightened Star General!

Representing the entire East, the title given to the martial arts genius with the strongest combat power and the highest talent under the age of 18.

A supreme glory!

Even though she has been working hard for this title, Kong Qing still couldn’t believe it when she actually won this title.

Such a powerful and mysterious gatekeeper was guarding the final stage, even Xing Zhi and Jia Haoran were defeated when facing him. Yet, she was able to pass the other party’s assessment and get his approval.

Happiness had come too suddenly.

Sudden and even a little unreal.

Jia Haoran and Xing Zhi had complex expressions, with deep sense of frustration and loss written all over them. They admitted that they underestimated the difficulty of the final stage of selection.

But who would have thought that this gatekeeper would be so abnormally strong. Strong to the point that it was outrageous, almost invulnerable.

Like an insurmountable mountain, that made people despair.

The key was that he had a youthful face to deceive them.

Who the hell set the final stage?


Even the passing criteria … was baffling.

Looking at Kong Qing who was trembling with joy and excitement, the two fell into deep confusion. What was the criteria for the final stage?

What is it about Kong Qing that gained her the gatekeeper’s recognition?

They simply couldn’t figure it out …

“Thank you!” Kong Qing once again expressed her gratitude towards Lu Sheng, with a smile of great happiness bloomed on her fair and charming face.

“I made a decision …” Kong Qing suddenly made a decision, and solemnly said to Lu Sheng: “Instructor, don’t you like to call me Pikachu, then I’ll be called Pikachu from now on … 100,000 volts …”

Kong Qing’s palms flashed with lightning, she smiled and blinked at Lu Sheng, “It’s a really nice name.”

Lu Sheng: “Hehe, as long as you like it. (I’m afraid, this one might actually be dumb.)”

Just when Kong Qing was immersed in great joy—leaving her two counterparts in deep state of confusion—two tall and sharp figures in military uniforms came out from the passage on one side.

“That’s enough, Lu Sheng from Dongning Province.” An officer looked at Lu Sheng with complicated and helpless eyes.

“Division Commander said that since you are done playing her, it’s time for you to head back and prepare for the acceptance ceremony of the Enlightened Star General. This selection can be considered to be over.”

“All right.” Lu Sheng nodded.

He caught a word from the officer’s mouth.

Division Commander.

In the Dragon Kingdom, only those with the rank of Major General and could command an entire division (region). And those who could obtain the rank of major general must at least be Level 7 Masters.

Since it was a Master who spoke, his little game would indeed end here.

Thinking of this, Lu Sheng turned his head and patted Kong Qing’s shoulder, encouraging her: “I’ll go first, Pikachu, keep working hard. I’m very optimistic about you.”

After speaking, Lu Sheng followed the officer and left towards the side door.

As for the remaining officer, he was looking at Kong Qing and the others with pity.

Meanwhile, Kong Qing was totally befuddled, and an extremely bad premonition rose in her heart.

“Instructor, what did the instructor say just now? What do you mean, let him prepare for the acceptance of the Enlightened Star General title? Isn’t it me? Isn’t that person the gatekeeper of the final stage of the selection?”

”What does that mean? It means exactly what he said.”

The officer looked at the three of them sympathetically and said, “The kid who just left is a student who participated in this selection just like you, except that he arrived here 20 minutes earlier than you. And in the final stage of this selection, there were no gatekeepers, it was still an exotic beast … Hey, there it is.” The officer pointed in one direction.

Kong Qing and the three looked in the pointed direction.

They saw the Golden-eyed Demonic Ape nailed to the wall.

“This thing alive previously, and was a quasi-Level 5 Exotic Beast. The goal was for you, those who reach this stage, to join hands and challenge it all together. But that kid was so perverse that he killed the Golden-eyed Demon Ape by himself. But he wasn’t satisfied after he was done, and he pretended to be the gatekeeper to play with you lot. Speaking of which, the three of you are quite unlucky to have met such a monster …”

The officer seemed to be a chatterbox, and he chattered endlessly when he spoke.

But Kong Qing and the others could no longer hear what he was saying, and only remembered what he told them earlier——

“The kid who just left is a student who participated in this selection just like you …”

“… student who participated in this selection just like you …”

“… student …”

Kong Qing’s expression of great joy lay frozen on her face. Her whole body seemed to have petrified in an instant. She stood still in her place.

”Thank you instructor! Thank you for your approval!”

“Then I’ll be called Pikachu from now on!”

“100,000 volts. It’s a really nice name …”